The Interaction Model within Phygital Environment as an Implementation of the Open Innovation Concept
:1. Introduction
- − online stores try to open offline stores, attracting customers with various advantages, including free shipping, fitting, returns, etc.;
- − offline stores, on the contrary, are trying to actively develop the Internet market and increase revenues at the expense of regions in which offline stores were not previously represented.
2. Methods
2.1. Theoretical Fundamentals for the Descriptions of the Phygital Environment
2.2. The Theoretical Approach to Model of Interaction of the Main Components in a Phygital Environment
3. Results
3.1. The Suggested Tools for Improving the Phygital Environment Model
- Mobile application. A constant companion of any modern person is a mobile device, a smartphone, which allows to have access to the Internet at any time and place. Manufacturers and retailers gain access to information that is accumulated in a mobile device, immediately after the owner’s permission, and process it to further improve the efficiency of interaction with the buyer, committing to keep the personal data of the buyer safe [32,33,34].
- Wi-Fi modules. Specialized devices that are capable of recording and collecting information from personal devices that fall within their coverage area (radius), performing these actions using wireless Wi-Fi data transmission, can be used for various purposes, both by large companies and small businesses. Using these devices, you can track the exact number of buyers who were attracted by a specific advertising channel, movement of buyers through the trade enterprise, personal preferences in the selection process, etc. [35,36,37].
- The number of new, repeat, and regular customers—Wi-Fi points installed at the entrance to the store can record all devices entering the store, and when analyzing for a certain period, customers can be divided into different groups depending on their loyalty and other behavioral features. An important note is the necessarily working Wi-Fi mode on the user’s device.
- Average time spent in the store—this indicator allows you to assess how comfortable the customer is in the store, to determine the most and least active hours.
- Route of the customer’s movement through the store—different types of customers can move around the store in different ways, and depending on the data received, you can change the tab of goods, focusing on specific groups of consumers. By summarizing data on movement with data on the time spent by customers, it is possible to identify the most problematic places in the store, where a large group of people is periodically formed, which does not allow other customers to make purchases comfortably and require rearrangement of equipment.
- Map of hot and cold spots in the store—using this tool, you can most effectively generate a map of the display of goods in the store, which will focus the attention of consumers on specific commodity items.
3.2. The Suggested Model for Constructing a System of End-To-End Analytics of the Pop-Up Stores
4. Discussion: The Connection between the Phygital Environment and the Open Innovation Concept
4.1. Discussion: A Phygital Environment Concept
- It is necessary to develop a system for analyzing data collected from various devices to build accurate sequential chains of consumer interaction with the company’s points of sale;
- The system allows to divide sales channels into offline and online, to determine the effectiveness of a separate offline sales point, but requires consolidation with a web analytics system to determine the effectiveness of individual online sales channels;
- Solution of the issue of hiding the Mac ID for Wi-Fi modules;
- It is important to determine the ultimate goal of such a system: the authors see it in building a system for forming a personalized offer to the consumer.
4.2. Discussion: Open Innovation Engineering from the Phygital Environment Concept
- − Open innovation engineering;
- − Open innovation and serial entrepreneurs;
- − The fit between firms’ open innovation and business model for new product development;
- − Bringing open innovation to services;
- − Open innovation in value networks.
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Physical | Phygital | Digital | |
Point of sale of goods | Offline Stores | Offline + Online Stores | Online Stores |
Product selection process | Directly in the store, contact with the product is required | Using online stores to check out a product, but buying from a real store (or vice versa) | Comparison of product parameters using online catalogs |
Payment method | Mostly cash | Bank card | Bank card, e-currency, etc. |
Typical representative | Generation X | Generation Y | Generation Z |
Interaction model | Creation of a wide choice for any category of buyer | Creation of a personal offer in a wide choice (online + offline analysis) | Create a personalized proposal based on digital footprint analysis |
Traditional Store | Pop-Up Store | |
Location | They can be located in a specialized area for trade, in malls, in residential buildings, in detached buildings. | They can be located in various public places: beaches, central streets, public transport, malls, exhibitions, museums, etc. |
Rent type | Long-term rental | Short-term rent, from one day to 12 months |
Rent price | Depends on the area of the trade enterprise and revenue for the period. It is an insignificant part of selling expenses. | Depends on the size of the enterprise, utility costs. It makes up the largest part of expenses. |
Range of products | The entire product range | Individual products |
Area (sq.m.) | Upto 3000 sq.m. | 5–200 sq.m. |
Expenses (E) | 10,844,000.00 ₽ |
Rent (E1) | 5,400,000.00 ₽ |
Equipment and installation (E2) | 1,734,000.00 ₽ |
-equipment(E21) | 876,000.00 ₽ |
-installation work (E22) | 858,000.00 ₽ |
Products (E3) | 450,000.00 ₽ |
Payroll (E4) | 1,800,000.00 ₽ |
Payroll burden (E5) | 540,000.00 ₽ |
Promotion (E6) | 920,000.00 ₽ |
Revenue within the End-To-End Analytics System (for the Period of Operation of the Pop-Up Store) (R) | 16,349,900.00 ₽ |
Pop-up store revenue: (R1) | 7,522,200.00 ₽ |
-initial visit (R11) | 6,534,800.00 ₽ |
-repeat visit (R12) | 987,400.00 ₽ |
Revenue of the main store after visiting the pop-up store (R2) | 4,803,600.00 ₽ |
-products presented in the pop-up store (R21) | 634,200.00 ₽ |
-other products (R22) | 4,169,400.00 ₽ |
Follow-up sales through the mobile app (R3) | 4,024,100.00 ₽ |
-products presented in the pop-up store (R31) | 805,200.00 ₽ |
-other products (R32) | 3,218,900.00 ₽ |
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Mikheev, A.A.; Krasnov, A.; Griffith, R.; Draganov, M. The Interaction Model within Phygital Environment as an Implementation of the Open Innovation Concept. J. Open Innov. Technol. Mark. Complex. 2021, 7, 114.
Mikheev AA, Krasnov A, Griffith R, Draganov M. The Interaction Model within Phygital Environment as an Implementation of the Open Innovation Concept. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity. 2021; 7(2):114.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMikheev, Alexey Aleksandrovich, Aleks Krasnov, Richard Griffith, and Mihail Draganov. 2021. "The Interaction Model within Phygital Environment as an Implementation of the Open Innovation Concept" Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity 7, no. 2: 114.
APA StyleMikheev, A. A., Krasnov, A., Griffith, R., & Draganov, M. (2021). The Interaction Model within Phygital Environment as an Implementation of the Open Innovation Concept. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 7(2), 114.