A Comprehensive Review on a PV Based System to Harvest Maximum Power
:1. Introduction
2. PV Cell
2.1. PV Cell Models
2.1.1. Single Diode Model
2.1.2. Double Diode Model
- Io1 = represents diffusion current element,
- Io2 = represents the space charge region,
- ns = Number of Photovoltaic cells connected in series,
- k = Boltzmann′s Constant,
- q = Charge,
- Rs = Series Resistance,
- Rp = shunt resistance,
- A = Diode identity time,
- T = Temperature (oK),
- Ipv = Photovoltaic cell current.
2.2. Electrical Characteristics of the PV Panel
2.2.1. Uniform Irradiance Condition
- Impp = Current at MPP,
- Vmpp = Voltage at MPP,
- Ki = Current proportional factor,
- Kv = Voltage proportional Factor,
- Isc = Short-circuit Current,
- Voc = Open circuit Voltage.
2.2.2. Partial Shading Condition (PSC)
3. A PV System
3.1. Converter Topologies
3.1.1. Buck Converter
3.1.2. Boost Converter
3.1.3. Buck/Boost Converter
3.1.4. Cuk Converter
3.1.5. Single Ended Primary Inductor Converter (SEPIC)
3.1.6. Flyback Converter
3.2. Inverter Topologies
4. Conventional MPPT Techniques
4.1. MPPT by Using Conventionally Used Techniques
4.1.1. Fractional Short Circuit Current (FSCC)
- The load interruption when measuring Isc,
- The MPP obtained is not exactly accurate as the equation itself demonstrates.
4.1.2. Fractional Open Circuit Voltage (FOCV)
4.1.3. Perturb and Observe (PnO)
4.1.4. Incremental Conductance (InC)
5. Soft Computing Techniques for MPPT
5.1. Artificial Neural Network
5.2. Genetic Algorithm
5.3. Particle Swarm Optimization
5.4. Crow Search Algorithm Tuned MPPT Controller
5.5. An MPPT Method with Improved Gravitational Search Algorithm
5.6. Cauchy and Gaussian Sine Cosine Based MPPT Method
5.7. Human Psychology Optimization Algorithm Based MPPT Method
5.8. Hybrid JayaDe Algorithm Based MPPT
5.8.1. JayaDe Optimization
5.8.2. Differential Evolution
5.9. Flower Pollination Algorithm (FPA) Based MPPT
- 1
- Biotic and cross-pollination is categorized as the global pollination process where pollens take a levy flight to transfer to other followers. Global pollination is defined by Equation (48):
- 2
- The abiotic and self-pollination process is categorized as local pollination and is defined by Equation (50):
- 3
- Pollinators are attributed to creating flower constancy and the reproduction probability of new species will improve the similarity of flowers involved in pollination.
- 4
- Probability switch controls the switching between local and global pollination and is found to be 0.8 in most of the cases.
5.10. Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) Based MPPT
5.11. Shuffled Frog Leap Algorithm (SFLA) Based MPPT
5.12. Glowworm Swarm Optimization (GSO) Based MPPT
5.13. MPPT Using Model Predictive Control
5.14. Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA) Based MPPT
5.15. Grey Wolf Optimization (GWO) Based MPPT
5.16. BAT Algorithm Based MPPT
5.17. Symbiotic Organism Search Algorithm Based MPPT
5.18. Random Forest (RF) Based MPPT
5.19. Artificial Bee Colony Based MPPT
5.20. Simulated Annealing
5.21. Fireworks Algorithm Based MPPT
5.22. Dragon Fly Algorithm Based MPPT
5.23. Cuckoo Search Algorithm Based MPPT
5.24. Adoptive Cuckoo Search Algorithm for MPPT
5.25. Particle Swarm Optimization Gravitational Search (PSOGS) Based MPPT
5.26. Generalized Pattern Search (GPS) Based MPPT
Algorithm 1. Pseudo code of Generalized Pattern Search (GPS) for MPPT [131]. |
Intialization 4: 11: 12: 13: elseif () 14: 15: |
5.27. Comparison between Different Techniques
- All the performance indicators are evaluated on the scale of 1–3.
- Number of sensors required = 1 the score is 3, if number of sensors required > 1 the score is 1.
- Score for Complexity Level, Tracking Accuracy and Tracking Speed is given as per following criteria: Low = 3, Medium = 2 and High = 1.
- Efficient for partial shading = 3, not efficient for partial shading = 1.
- Final Score = Score for “Sensed Variables” + score for “Complexity Level” + score for “Tracking Accuracy” + score for “Tracking Speed” + score for “Efficient for Partial Shading”.
6. Comparison Results and Discussion
6.1. Case 1 Uniform Irradiance
6.2. Case 2 Partial Shading
6.3. Case 3 Partial Shading
6.4. Case 4 Complex Partial Shading (CPS)
6.5. General Conclusions of Results
- Traditional analytical gradient-based techniques are quick to track MPP in static irradiance and temperature. However, oscillations around GM and LM trap are major drawbacks.
- Swarm-based techniques implying random variables, distribution functions or stochastic behavior for updating the candidate solutions can find GM successfully. However, due to randomness rooted in solution optimization, they have lower settling time and random oscillations are observed. Examples of such techniques are PSO and CS.
- The techniques that involve multiple relations within swarm particles such as DFO and ABC show better performance and are able to perform effectively under all weather conditions.
- A larger number of swarm particles yield better final results; however, it takes a toll on computational resources and time. The practical implementation may become more expensive due to the utilization of costly hardware.
- It is seen that medium-sized swarm population with multiple effective correlations within swarm particles proves to be more effective for MPPT of PV system under all circumstances.
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Impp | 7.6 A |
Vmpp | 26.3 V |
Pmpp | 200 W |
Isc | 8.21 A |
Voc | 32.9 V |
Number of Cells (Ns) | 54 |
Kv | −0.123 V/K |
Ki | 0.0032 A/K |
Shading Pattern | Maximum Power from P–V Curve (W) | Tracking Technique | Maximum Power (W) | Maximum Voltage (v) | Maximum Current (I) | % Tracking Efficiency |
1 | 320 | P&O | 100.2 | 24.2 | 4.14 | 31.30 |
IPSO | 319.2 | 110.52 | 2.888 | 99.75 | ||
GWO | 319.4 | 110.55 | 2.889 | 99.81 | ||
2 | 330 | P&O | 180 | 23.07 | 7.80 | 54.54 |
IPSO | 329.5 | 112.3 | 2.934 | 99.84 | ||
GWO | 329.6 | 112.3 | 2.934 | 99.87 |
Symbol | Acronym |
Separation weight | |
Separation of Dragon Fly | |
Alignment weight | |
Alignment of Dragon Fly | |
Cohesion weight | |
Cohesion of Dragon Fly | |
Food factor | |
Food attraction | |
Enemy factor | |
Enemy position | |
Inertial weight | |
Step size of Dragon Fly movement |
Sequence | Calculation | Description/Purpose |
Step 1 | initialization | In first step population is initialized in search space( − ) |
Step 2 | Step size calculation | the values of step size is initialized. |
Step 3 | Power calculation | Power of each DF calculated by respective duty cycle to determine best output power and enemy factor |
Step 4 | Weights assigned | Values of s, a, c, f, and e are assigned. |
Step 5 | Individual DF characters calculated | Values of are calculated using Equations (75)–(80) |
Step 6 | Neighbor Radius | Neighbor radius is updated for exploitation/exploration |
Step 7 | Position of DF updated (change in duty-cycle) | Position of DF are updated by eq. 23 and if it lies outside the search limits, DF are initiated at opposite boundary. |
Step 8 | Check termination | If the termination conditions are met, exit algorithm. (Termination condition 5% change is Steady State power for certain amount of time) |
Step 9 | restart | An abrupt change in input power. |
Ref No. | Year | MPPT Technique | Sensed Variables | Complexity Level | Tracking Accuracy | Tracking Speed | Converter | Efficient for Partial Shading | Score (Total = 15) |
[74] | 2013 | P & O | V/I—1 | Low/3 | Medium/2 | Fast/3 | Boost | No/1 | 10 |
[51] | 2013 | IC | V/I—1 | Medium/2 | High/3 | Fast/3 | Boost | Yes/3 | 12 |
[67] | 2014 | FOCV | V—3 | Low/3 | Medium/2 | Medium/2 | Boost | No/1 | 11 |
[71] | 2015 | FSCC | I—3 | Low/3 | Medium/2 | Medium/2 | Boost | No/1 | 11 |
[87] | 2013 | ANN | V/I—1 | High/1 | High/3 | Fast/3 | Buck | Yes/3 | 11 |
[132] | 2014 | GA | V/I—1 | Low/3 | Medium/2 | Fast/3 | Buck | Yes/3 | 12 |
[102] | 2012 | PSO | V/I—1 | Medium/2 | Medium/2 | Fast/3 | Buck-Boost | Yes/3 | 11 |
[103] | 2017 | CSA | V/I—1 | Low/3 | High/3 | Fast/3 | Boost | No/1 | 11 |
[104] | 2018 | IGSA | V/I—1 | High/1 | High/3 | Fast/3 | Boost | Yes/3 | 11 |
[106] | 2017 | CGSCO | I—3 | Low/3 | High/3 | - | Boost | Yes/3 | 12 |
[107] | 2017 | HPO | I—3 | Low/3 | High/3 | Fast/3 | Boost | Yes/3 | 15 |
[108] | 2017 | JayaDe | V/I—1 | Low/3 | High/3 | Fast/3 | Boost | Yes/3 | 13 |
[133] | 2017 | FPO | V/I—1 | Low/3 | High/3 | Fast/3 | Boost | Yes/3 | 13 |
[111] | 2016 | ACO-P&O | Low/3 | High/3 | Fast/3 | Boost | Yes/3 | 12 | |
[113] | 2017 | SFLA | G/T/V/I—1 | High/3 | Fast/3 | Boost | Yes/3 | 10 | |
[114] | 2017 | GSO | G/T—1 | High/3 | Fast/3 | Boost | Yes/3 | 10 | |
[116] | 2016 | WOA | I/V—1 | High/3 | Fast/3 | Boost | Yes/3 | 10 | |
[118] | 2015 | GWO | V/I—1 | Medium/2 | High/3 | Fast/3 | Boost | Yes/3 | 12 |
[119] | 2017 | BA | V/I—1 | High/1 | High/3 | Fast/3 | Buck-Boost | Yes/3 | 11 |
[121] | 2015 | SOS | V/I—1 | High/1 | High/3 | Fast/3 | Boost | Yes/3 | 11 |
[122] | 2017 | RF | G/T—1 | High/1 | High/3 | No/1 | 6 | ||
[123] | 2015 | ABC | V/I—1 | High/1 | High/3 | Fast/3 | Boost | Yes/3 | 11 |
[134] | 2015 | SA | V/I—1 | Low/3 | High/3 | Medium/2 | Boost | Yes/3 | 12 |
[135] | 2016 | FWA | V/I—1 | Medium/2 | High/3 | Fast/3 | Boost | Yes/3 | 12 |
[125] | 2019 | NN-FFOA | V/I—1 | Medium/2 | High/3 | Fast/3 | Boost | Yes/3 | 12 |
[136] | 2019 | P&O-ABC | V/I—1 | Medium/2 | High/3 | Fast/3 | Boost | Yes/3 | 12 |
[137] | 2018 | PSO | V/I—1 | High/1 | Medium/2 | Fast/3 | Boost | Yes/3 | 10 |
[129] | 2019 | PSOGS | V/I—1 | High/1 | High/3 | Fast/3 | Boost | Yes/3 | 11 |
[125] | 2019 | DFO | V/I—1 | Medium/2 | High/3 | Fast/3 | Boost | Yes/3 | 12 |
[127] | 2012 | CS | V/I—1 | High/1 | High/3 | Fast/3 | Boost | Yes/3 | 11 |
[131] | 2016 | GPS | V/I—1 | Medium/2 | High/3 | Fast/3 | Boost | Yes/3 | 12 |
Case | |||||
PV1 | PV2 | PV3 | PV4 | (W) | |
Case 1: Rapid changing | 1, 0.7, 0.3 | 1, 0.7, 0.3 | 1, 0.7, 0.3 | 1, 0.7, 0.3 | 1260, 882, 378 |
Case 2: Partial Shading | 0.5 | 0.8 | 1 | 0.9 | 796 |
Case 3: Partial Shading | 0.8 | 025 | 0.7 | 0.4 | 449.5 |
Case | ||||
Case 4 | PV11: 0.4 | PV12: 0.5 | PV13: 1.0 | |
PV21: 0.2 | PV22: 0.4 | PV23: 0.8 | ||
PV31: 0.6 | PV32: 0.2 | PV33: 0.7 | ||
PV41: 0.3 | PV42: 0.3 | PV43: 1.0 |
Tech. | Irradiance Pattern | Converge Time (s) | Settling Time GMMP (s) | MPP Located | Power (W) at MPP | Power (W) Tracked | Energy | Eff. (%) |
DFO | Case 1 | 0.24 | 0.28 | Yes | 1260 | 1259.5 | 99.96 | |
Case 2 PS | 0.19 | 0.21 | Yes | 795 | 793.5 | 99.68 | ||
Case 3 PS | 0.26 | 0.43 | Yes | 450 | 438.7 | 97.41 | ||
Case 4 CPS | 0.17 | 0.20 | Yes | 1080 | 1074 | 99.98 | ||
P&O | Case 1 | 0.12 | 0.12 | Yes | 1260 | 1237 | 98.17 | |
Case 2 PS | LM | LM | No | 795 | 396.4 | 49.79 | ||
Case 3 PS | LM | LM | No | 450 | 304 | 67.70 | ||
Case 4 CPS | LM | LM | No | 1080 | 264 | 24.40 | ||
ABC | Case 1 | 0.33 | 0.38 | Yes | 1260 | 1259 | 99.92 | |
Case 2 PS | 0.35 | 0.45 | Yes | 795 | 789.4 | 99.17 | ||
Case 3 PS | 0.33 | 0.56 | Yes | 450 | 448.8 | 99.73 | ||
Case 4 CPS | 0.25 | 0.31 | Yes | 1080 | 1066 | 99.07 | ||
PSOGS | Case 1 | 0.45 | 0.62 | Yes | 1260 | 1259 | 99.92 | |
Case 2 PS | 0.32 | 0.49 | Yes | 795 | 783.8 | 98.46 | ||
Case 3 PS | 0.33 | 0.45 | Yes | 450 | 447.1 | 99.35 | ||
Case 4 CPS | 0.31 | 0.40 | Yes | 1080 | 1070 | 99.44 | ||
PSO | Case 1 | 0.47 | 0.70 | Yes | 1260 | 1257 | 99.76 | |
Case 2 PS | 0.68 | 0.70 | Yes | 795 | 791.5 | 99.43 | ||
Case 3 PS | 0.41 | 0.81 | Yes | 450 | 439.2 | 97.60 | ||
Case 4 CPS | 0.42 | 0.50 | Yes | 1080 | 1068 | 99.25 | ||
CS | Case 1 | 0.46 | 0.69 | Yes | 1260 | 1258 | 99.84 | |
Case 2 PS | 0.35 | 0.45 | Yes | 795 | 778.6 | 97.81 | ||
Case 3 PS | 0.30 | 0.84 | Yes | 450 | 430 | 95.56 | ||
Case 4 CPS | 0.40 | 0.51 | Yes | 1080 | 1067 | 99.25 |
© 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
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Javed, M.Y.; Mirza, A.F.; Hasan, A.; Rizvi, S.T.H.; Ling, Q.; Gulzar, M.M.; Safder, M.U.; Mansoor, M. A Comprehensive Review on a PV Based System to Harvest Maximum Power. Electronics 2019, 8, 1480. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics8121480
Javed MY, Mirza AF, Hasan A, Rizvi STH, Ling Q, Gulzar MM, Safder MU, Mansoor M. A Comprehensive Review on a PV Based System to Harvest Maximum Power. Electronics. 2019; 8(12):1480. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics8121480
Chicago/Turabian StyleJaved, Muhammad Yaqoob, Adeel Feroz Mirza, Ali Hasan, Syed Tahir Hussain Rizvi, Qiang Ling, Muhammad Majid Gulzar, Muhammad Umair Safder, and Majad Mansoor. 2019. "A Comprehensive Review on a PV Based System to Harvest Maximum Power" Electronics 8, no. 12: 1480. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics8121480
APA StyleJaved, M. Y., Mirza, A. F., Hasan, A., Rizvi, S. T. H., Ling, Q., Gulzar, M. M., Safder, M. U., & Mansoor, M. (2019). A Comprehensive Review on a PV Based System to Harvest Maximum Power. Electronics, 8(12), 1480. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics8121480