A High-Efficiency High-Power-Density SiC-Based Portable Charger for Electric Vehicles
:1. Introduction
- The portable charger does not need to be stored in the vehicle if the level-3 dc charging function is mainly used, e.g., at a parking place of retail shops or at the workplace [26]. This releases construction space, which can be used for additional battery capacity and thus extends the range of the EV. Furthermore, the portable charger does not have to comply with automotive standards (lifetime, vibration stress).
- By using the established dc charging interfaces, a specific charger per vehicle type and manufacturer is not necessary. Portable chargers from different manufacturers would be compatible with each other, resulting in lower costs due to economies of scale, less electronic waste, and simple replacement in case of a defect.
- The universal approach opens up further possibilities: sharing or temporarily lending a portable charger, mobile charging services, and using the portable charger as a charging station at home.
2. Portable Off-Board Charger Specification
3. AC–DC Converter Stage
3.1. Evaluation of PFC Topology
3.2. Inductor Design
4. DC-DC Converter Stage
4.1. Configuration of the LLC Resonant Converter
4.2. Design of the LLC Resonant Converter
4.3. HF Transformer and Resonance Inductor Design
5. Control Strategy
5.1. Two-Stage System Control
- The red control loop realizes the peak current mode control, the current limitation, and the PFC function. The current through the MOSFETs is sensed by a shunt, which is inserted between the MOSFETs and the “M” potential. A detailed description of the peak current mode control can be found in [69].
- The blue control loop is the outer voltage control loop for the dc-link, which also balances the voltage across the series-connected dc-link capacitors to ensure that they are uniformly loaded with Vdc/2 during operation. Only one voltage control loop is implemented, and the control value is passed to all three PFC current controllers.
- A charge controller realizes the different charging modes “constant current” (CC), “constant power” (CP), and “constant voltage” (CV), which is shown in orange. A PI controller compares the measured output current multiplied by the battery voltage with the target output power. In addition, the current system temperatures are taken into account for the implementation of a derating function, which reduces the nominal value of the charging power depending on the thermal conditions. The control value of the charge controller is passed to the input of the blue voltage control loop and thus for the dc-link voltage, which is varied according to the current battery voltage and state of charge, respectively.
5.2. Current Sharing in LLC Resonant Converter
6. Experimental Verification
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Parameter | Value |
Input voltage Vac | 3~, 400 VAC, 50 Hz |
Output voltage VBatt | 620–850 VDC |
Input power Pac | 11 kW |
Target weight | 5 kg |
Target volume | 5 L |
Charging connector | CCS Combo2 |
Galv. isolation | mandatory |
Thermal management | forced air-cooling |
Topology | Voltage Rating (V) | Current Rating (A) | On-State Resistance RDSon (mΩ) |
VIENNA | 900 | 11.5 … 35 | 65 … 280 |
6S-Boost | 1200 | 30 … 115 | 16 … 75 |
Parameter | Value |
Mains voltage Vac | 3~, 400 VAC, 50 Hz |
DC-link voltage Vlink | 800 VDC |
Input power Pac | 11 kW |
Switching frequency fsw,PFC | 50 kHz … 500 kHz |
PFC inductance LPFC | 10 μH … 300 μH |
Parameter | Value |
Core material | High Flux 14 High Flux 26 High Flux 40 High Flux 60 |
Component volume VTc | 15 cm³ … 75 cm³ |
Geometry ratio ΘB | 0.1 … 0.9 |
Geometry ratio ΘC | 0.1 … 1 |
Switching frequency fsw,PFC | 50 kHz … 200 kHz |
PFC coil inductance LPFC | 30 μH … 180 μH |
Parameter | Optimization Result | Prototype |
Core material | High Flux 60 | High Flux 60 |
ATc | 45.2 mm | 46.7 mm |
BTc | 24.9 mm | 24.1 mm |
CTc | 19.2 mm | 18 mm |
LPFC | 100 μH | 100 μH |
NPFC | 27 | 27 |
Winding diameter | 1.6 mm | 1.5 mm |
Sum core loss | 4.98 W | 4.76 W |
Sum winding loss | 4.17 W | 4.45 W |
Total loss PL | 9.15 W | 9.21 W |
Parameter | Value |
Input voltage Vdc | 750–900 VDC |
Output voltage VBatt | 620–850 VDC |
Number of phases | 3 |
Nominal output power per phase PLLC,nom | 3.6 kW |
Switching frequency fsw,LLC | 1 MHz |
Resonant frequency fsr | 1.02 MHz |
Primary MOSFET | C3M0065100J |
Equivalent output capacitance MOSFET Coss | 70 pF |
Secondary diode | IDM10G120G5 |
Equivalent output capacitance diode Cj | 60 pF |
Dead time tdead | 100 ns |
Transformer turns ratio n | 1.06:1 |
Resonant capacitance Cres | 1.62 nF |
Resonant inductance Lres | 15 μH |
Magnetizing inductance Lm | 39 μH |
Target volume of transformer and inductance | 0.1 L |
Parameter | Range |
Transformer: number of turns (primary) Np | 5, 10, 16, 20 |
Transformer: number of turns (secondary) Ns | 5, 10, 16, 20 |
Resonance inductor: number of turns Nres | 1 … 10 |
Core geometry ratio χBA | 0.2 … 2 |
Core geometry ratio χCA | 0.2 … 2 |
Winding window ratio χw | 0.1 … 0.9 |
Filling factor of Litz wire in the winding window ρw | 0.05 … 0.7 |
Volumes VEc,tr, VEc,res | 0.01 L … 1 L |
Loss (W) | 3D Simulation | Measurement |
Transformer winding loss | 9.3 | - |
Inductor winding loss | 2.4 | - |
Sum winding loss | 11.7 | 10.5 |
Transformer core loss | 6.4 | - |
Inductance core loss | 4.5 | - |
Sum core loss | 10.9 | - |
Total loss | 22.6 | 23.8 |
References | Efficiency (%) | Cooling | Characteristics |
[5] | 96 | air-cooled |
[6] | 96.2 | water-cooled |
[7] | 94.7 | water-cooled |
[8] | 94.7 | air-cooled |
[9] | 96 | air-cooled |
[10] | 94 | water-cooled |
[12] | 97 | air-cooled |
Our proposal | 95.8 | air-cooled |
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Share and Cite
Ditze, S.; Ehrlich, S.; Weitz, N.; Sauer, M.; Aßmus, F.; Sacher, A.; Joffe, C.; Seßler, C.; Meißner, P. A High-Efficiency High-Power-Density SiC-Based Portable Charger for Electric Vehicles. Electronics 2022, 11, 1818. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics11121818
Ditze S, Ehrlich S, Weitz N, Sauer M, Aßmus F, Sacher A, Joffe C, Seßler C, Meißner P. A High-Efficiency High-Power-Density SiC-Based Portable Charger for Electric Vehicles. Electronics. 2022; 11(12):1818. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics11121818
Chicago/Turabian StyleDitze, Stefan, Stefan Ehrlich, Nikolai Weitz, Marco Sauer, Frank Aßmus, Anne Sacher, Christopher Joffe, Christoph Seßler, and Patrick Meißner. 2022. "A High-Efficiency High-Power-Density SiC-Based Portable Charger for Electric Vehicles" Electronics 11, no. 12: 1818. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics11121818
APA StyleDitze, S., Ehrlich, S., Weitz, N., Sauer, M., Aßmus, F., Sacher, A., Joffe, C., Seßler, C., & Meißner, P. (2022). A High-Efficiency High-Power-Density SiC-Based Portable Charger for Electric Vehicles. Electronics, 11(12), 1818. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics11121818