An Effective Algorithm for MAED Problems with a New Reliability Model at the Microgrid
:1. Introduction
2. MAED Optimization Problems
2.1. Objective Functions
2.1.1. Minimizing Operational Cost Considering Reliability Issues
- 1:
- 2:
- n is the index of available generation units and N is the number of available generation units.
- 3:
- k is the index fuel type and K is the number of fuel types.
- 4:
- Pn is the output power of the nth unit and Pn,max and Pn,min are maximum and minimum output power limits of the nth unit, respectively.
- 5:
- is a quadratic generation cost function for fuel type k of the nth unit.
- 6:
- ank, bnk, and cnk are cost function coefficients of the nth unit for fuel type k.
- 7:
- is sinusoidal and the non-smooth fuel cost function due to the VPL effects for fuel type k of the nth unit.
- 8:
- enk and fnk are cost function coefficients of the VPL effects model of the nth unit for fuel type k.
2.1.2. Minimizing Emissions
- 1:
- 2:
- is emission generated by the nth unit for fuel type k.
- 3:
- ank, βnk, and γnk are the emission coefficients of the nth unit for fuel type k.
2.2. Constraints
2.2.1. Area Total Active Power Balance
2.2.2. Generator Output Power Limits
2.2.3. Ramp-Rate Limits
2.2.4. Prohibited Operating Zones (POZ) Due to Physical Operational Limitations
2.2.5. Maximum and Minimum Power Transfer Through Tie-Lines
2.2.6. Spinning Reserve (SR) Requirement in Each Area
2.2.7. Limitation on Power Transfers Considering SR Contribution
3. Phasor Particle Swarm Optimization (PPSO) Technique
3.1. Background of Different Variants of PSO
3.2. Parameter Setting in PPSO
3.3. Flowchart of PPSO
4. Results and Discussion
4.1. Optimization Results
4.1.1. The MAED Problems Optimization Process Using PPSO
4.1.2. Practical MAED Optimization Problems
4.1.3. RCMAEED and RCMAED Problems
4.1.4. Reliability-Oriented MAED
4.2. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Indices: | |
Load point index | |
Committed generation units | |
Input fuel types | |
Transmission lines | |
Area’s index | |
Decision variable’s index | |
The number of decision variables | |
The prohibited operating zones (POZ) | |
/ | The available/unavailable generation units |
Set of all areas which are connected to qth area | |
Parameters: | |
The number of committed generating units in the qth area | |
Standard deviation | |
The number of POZs in the nth thermal unit power curve | |
The fuel cost coefficients of nth thermal unit | |
The fuel cost coefficients of nth thermal unit for kth fuel type | |
The down ramp rate-limit of nth thermal unit | |
The up ramp rate-limits of nth thermal unit | |
The power output of nth thermal unit in the first stage | |
The minimum power output of nth thermal unit | |
The maximum power output of nth thermal unit | |
The minimum power output of nth thermal unit for kth fuel type | |
The maximum power output of nth thermal unit for kth fuel type | |
The lower bound for prohibited zone k of nth thermal unit | |
The upper bound for prohibited zone k of nth thermal unit | |
System total load demand | |
The power demand in qth area | |
The maximum capacity of the tie-line between qth and wth areas | |
The emission coefficients of nth thermal unit for kth fuel type | |
The spinning reserve requirement in the qth area | |
User defined weighting factor for emission cost (in this study: 120) | |
Penalty coefficient value | |
Number of initial population | |
The current position vector of ith particle | |
The current velocity vector of ith particle | |
Maximum number of iterations for PSO algorithm | |
The best personal position vector of ith particle | |
The global best position vector | |
The phase angle | |
The cost of energy not supplied () | |
Expected power not supplied at load point | |
The time duration of load point | |
The probability of availability and unavailability of generation | |
/ | The set of available (unavailable) generation units |
The failure rate of nth generator | |
The repair rate of nth generator | |
Mean time to repair nth generator | |
Mean time to failure of nth generator | |
Failure time of nth generator | |
Repair time of nth generator | |
Unavailability (force outage rate) of nth generator | |
Functions and Variables: | |
Objective function | |
The fuel cost function of nth thermal unit | |
The power output of nth thermal unit | |
Cost function associated with jth transmission line | |
Active power flow through jth transmission line | |
The power flow from qth area to wth area | |
The emission function of nth thermal unit | |
The amount of reserve contributed between qth and wth areas | |
The reserve provided by all thermal units in the nth area | |
Abbreviations: | |
APSO: | Adaptive PSO |
CEP: | Classical evolutionary programming |
CENS | Cost of energy not supplied |
CLPSO: | Comprehensive learning PSO |
DEC2: | Chaotic DE/2 algorithm |
DSM: | Direct search method |
EENS: | Expected energy not supplied |
ELD: | Economic load dispatch |
EP: | Evolutionary programming |
FIPS: | Fully informed particle swarm |
FPSO: | Frankenstein’s PSO |
HNN: | Hopfield neural network |
HS: | Harmony search |
HSLSO: | Hybridizing sum-local search optimizer |
LOLP: | Loss of Load Probability |
MAED: | Multi-area economic dispatch |
NFP: | Network flow programming |
POZ: | Prohibited operating zones |
PPSO: | Phasor particle swarm optimization |
PS: | Pattern search |
PSO: | Particle swarm optimization |
PSO-cf: | Modified PSO by constriction factor |
PSO-TVAC: | Self-organizing hierarchical particle swarm optimizer with time-varying acceleration coefficients |
PSO-ω: | Modified PSO by the inertia weight |
RCMAED: | Reserve constrained multi-area economic dispatch |
RCMAEED: | Reserve constrained multi-area environmental/economic dispatch |
SPSO2011: | The improved standard PSO 2011 |
SR: | Spinning reserve |
VPL: | Valve-point loading |
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Method | P1 (MW) | P2 (MW) | P3 (MW) | P4 (MW) | T12 (MW) | Cost ($/H) | |
HNN [46] | - | - | - | - | - | - | 10,605 |
DSM [47] | - | - | - | - | - | - | 10,605 |
PSO-TVAC [8] | 444.8047 | 139.1953 | 211.0609 | 324.9391 | −200 | 1120 | 10,604.68 |
PPSO | 445.1223 | 138.8778 | 212.0426 | 323.9573 | −199.9999 | 1120 | 10,604.67 |
APSO | 445.3207 | 138.6794 | 212.2054 | 323.7945 | −199.9999 | 1120 | 10,604.67 |
CLPSO | 445.1213 | 138.8788 | 212.0413 | 323.9586 | −199.9999 | 1120 | 10,604.67 |
SPSO2011 | 445.1223 | 138.8778 | 212.0426 | 323.9573 | −199.9999 | 1120 | 10,604.67 |
FPSO | 445.0654 | 138.9347 | 211.9258 | 324.0741 | −199.9999 | 1120 | 10,604.67 |
FIPS | 445.2274 | 138.7727 | 211.9977 | 324.0022 | −199.9999 | 1120 | 10,604.67 |
Area No. | PSO [10] | HHS [48] | NFP [52] | CEP [51] | PS [53] | HSLSO [10] | PPSO | |
1 (400 MW) | P1 (MW) | 150 | 150 | 150 | 150 | 150 | 150 | 150 |
P2 (MW) | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | |
P3 (MW) | 67.366 | 66.86 | 66.97 | 68.826 | 66.971 | 67.3848 | 67.31016 | |
P4 (MW) | 100 | 100 | 100 | 99.985 | 100 | 100 | 100 | |
2 (200 MW) | P5 (MW) | 56.613 | 57.04 | 56.97 | 56.373 | 56.9718 | 57.0625 | 57.07953 |
P6 (MW) | 95.474 | 96.22 | 96.25 | 93.519 | 96.2518 | 96.1749 | 96.34877 | |
P7 (MW) | 41.617 | 41.74 | 41.87 | 42.546 | 41.8718 | 41.8472 | 41.86785 | |
P8 (MW) | 72.356 | 72.5 | 72.52 | 72.647 | 72.5218 | 72.4505 | 72.53403 | |
3 (350 MW) | P9 (MW) | 50 | 50 | 50 | 50 | 50.002 | 50 | 50 |
P10 (MW) | 35.973 | 36.24 | 36.27 | 36.399 | 36.272 | 36.319 | 36.28298 | |
P11 (MW) | 38.21 | 38.39 | 38.49 | 38.323 | 38.492 | 38.5911 | 38.50812 | |
P12 (MW) | 37.162 | 37.2 | 37.32 | 36.903 | 37.322 | 37.3719 | 37.26609 | |
4 (300 MW) | P13 (MW) | 150 | 150 | 150 | 150 | 150 | 150 | 150 |
P14 (MW) | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | |
P15 (MW) | 57.83 | 56.9 | 57.05 | 56.648 | 57.051 | 56.9272 | 56.9218 | |
P16 (MW) | 97.349 | 96.2 | 96.27 | 95.826 | 96.271 | 95.8709 | 95.88068 | |
Tie-line power flow | T12 (MW) | 0 | 0 | 0 | −0.018 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
T13 (MW) | 22.588 | 16.86 | 18.18 | 19.587 | 18.181 | 17.4643 | 17.42629 | |
T14 (MW) | −5.176 | 0 | −1.21 | −0.758 | −1.21 | −0.0795 | −0.116132 | |
T23 (MW) | 66.064 | 70.61 | 69.73 | 68.861 | 69.73 | 70.2537 | 70.51652 | |
T24 (MW) | −0.004 | −3.11 | −2.11 | −1.789 | −2.111 | −2.7186 | −2.686341 | |
T34 (MW) | −100 | −100 | −100 | −99.927 | −100 | −100 | −100 | |
1249.95 | 1249.29 | 1249.98 | 1247.995 | 1249.998 | 1250 | 1250 | ||
Cost ($/H) | 7336.93 | 7329.85 | 7337 | 7337.75 | 7336.98 | 7337.03 | 7337.026 |
Area 1 (PD = 7500 MW) | Area 2 (PD = 3000 MW) | ||||||
Output (MW) | DEC2 [8] | HSLSO [10] | PPSO | Output (MW) | DEC2 [8] | HSLSO [10] | PPSO |
P1 | 112.8292 | 110.8012 | 110.8012 | P21 (MW) | 343.7598 | 523.2792 | 523.2794 |
P2 | 114 | 113.9997 | 113.9998 | P22 (MW) | 433.5196 | 523.2791 | 523.2794 |
P3 | 97.3999 | 120 | 120 | P23 (MW) | 523.2794 | 523.2794 | 523.2795 |
P4 | 179.7331 | 179.7331 | 179.7332 | P24 (MW) | 550 | 523.2794 | 523.2794 |
P5 | 97 | 95.551 | 95.5504 | P25 (MW) | 550 | 523.2795 | 523.2793 |
P6 | 68.0001 | 140 | 140 | P26 (MW) | 254 | 254 | 254 |
P7 | 300 | 300 | 300 | P27 (MW) | 10 | 10.0001 | 10 |
P8 | 284.5997 | 284.5997 | 284.5997 | P28 (MW) | 10.0001 | 10 | 10 |
P9 | 284.5997 | 284.5997 | 284.5997 | P29 (MW) | 10 | 10 | 10 |
P10 | 130 | 270 | 270 | P30 (MW) | 47 | 87.7997 | 87.7997 |
P11 | 360 | 94 | 94.0002 | P31 (MW) | 159.7331 | 188.5959 | 188.5954 |
P12 | 94.0001 | 300 | 300 | P32 (MW) | 190 | 159.7331 | 159.7331 |
P13 | 304.5196 | 304.5195 | 304.5195 | P33 (MW) | 163.7269 | 159.733 | 159.7331 |
P14 | 500 | 394.2797 | 394.2793 | P34 (MW) | 164.7998 | 164.8002 | 164.8 |
P15 | 484.0392 | 484.0395 | 484.0395 | P35 (MW) | 200 | 164.7998 | 164.7998 |
P16 | 500 | 484.0391 | 484.0391 | P36 (MW) | 164.7998 | 164.7998 | 164.7992 |
P17 | 489.2794 | 489.2794 | 489.2797 | P37 (MW) | 110 | 89.1143 | 89.1143 |
P18 | 500 | 489.2796 | 489.2794 | P38 (MW) | 57.0571 | 89.114 | 89.1142 |
P19 | 550 | 549.9998 | 549.9998 | P39 (MW) | 25 | 89.1134 | 89.1142 |
P20 | 550 | 511.2791 | 511.2794 | P40 (MW) | 511.2794 | 242.0001 | 242 |
T12 (MW) | −1500 | −1500 | −1500 | Cost ($/H) | 127,344.9 | 125,100.3 | 125,100.2 |
Test System | Index | FIPS | FPSO | SPSO2011 | CLPSO | APSO | PPSO |
small-scale system | Best | 10,604.6742 | 10,604.67 | 10,604.6741 | 10,604.67 | 10,604.67 | 10,604.67 |
Mean | 10,605.3272 | 10,604.92 | 10,604.8543 | 10,604.68 | 10,604.73 | 10,604.67 | |
Std | 1.5275 | 1.1547 | 0.5774 | 0.7022 | 0.4407 | 5.75 × 10−5 | |
Mean time (s) | 4.56 | 4.78 | 4 | 3.16 | 6.82 | 2.93 | |
medium-scale system | Best | 7341.7942 | 7340.455 | 7340.2795 | 7344.357 | 7341.714 | 7337.026 |
Mean | 7559.7788 | 7487.087 | 7637.4443 | 7486.892 | 7605.919 | 7338.115 | |
Std | 74.2674 | 61.8126 | 71.271 | 84.3494 | 53.07 | 0.629 | |
Mean time (s) | 20.95 | 20.67 | 19.19 | 18.31 | 25.57 | 17.84 | |
large-scale system | Best | 128,554.2844 | 128,128.2 | 127,085.5386 | 127,008.9 | 128,514 | 125,100.2 |
Mean | 130,615.4572 | 129,486 | 129,414.4588 | 128,315.4 | 129,495.4 | 125,263.2 | |
Std | 1.19 × 103 | 1.02 × 103 | 9.84 × 102 | 2.16 × 102 | 6.93 × 102 | 85.3092 | |
Mean time (s) | 54.74 | 55.85 | 48.51 | 48.35 | 75.3 | 47.88 |
Output (MW) | FIPS | FPSO | SPSO2011 | CLPSO | APSO | PPSO |
P1 | 8.5605 | 8.7146 | 8.1347 | 9.9192 | 8.468 | 11.1868 |
P2 | 9.9835 | 10 | 8.011 | 7.259 | 8.011 | 9.9596 |
P3 | 11.26 | 12.3534 | 13 | 8.7913 | 12.7035 | 6.6997 |
P4 | 0.2616 | 0.05 | 1.9639 | 4.8491 | 1.605 | 2.982 |
P5 | 18.807 | 22.1526 | 19.5629 | 23.6046 | 20.1371 | 22.8244 |
P6 | 11.261 | 9.4047 | 10.9592 | 9.2998 | 8.8157 | 8.8553 |
P7 | 6.1084 | 3.833 | 2.1895 | 3.9163 | 4.7532 | 3.9286 |
P8 | 15.2128 | 17.2551 | 17.925 | 16.3556 | 17.925 | 17.2481 |
P9 | 4.6622 | 6.0147 | 2.9329 | 6.1264 | 22.0733 | 5.8222 |
P10 | 10.5192 | 6.1858 | 8.5093 | 0.05 | 5.3173 | 0.1993 |
P11 | 20.4782 | 9.1548 | 23.2033 | 9.8982 | 7.4855 | 9.6888 |
P12 | 4.0058 | 17.2236 | 5.1026 | 22.3468 | 5.1026 | 22.8171 |
P13 | 11 | 8.1669 | 9.8282 | 9.1629 | 9.8282 | 8.0614 |
P14 | 20 | 19.7135 | 17.7366 | 19.9614 | 17.7366 | 19.8021 |
P15 | 26.8153 | 28.7234 | 30 | 28.1791 | 30 | 29.8714 |
P16 | 0.1384 | 1.2864 | 0.05 | 0.0869 | 0.05 | 0.0534 |
P17 | 0.1275 | 0.9452 | 0.5512 | 0.1 | 0.5512 | 0.486 |
P18 | 0.3016 | 0.2525 | 0.2146 | 0.2701 | 0.1433 | 0.204 |
P19 | 0.1 | 0.18 | 0.3539 | 0.3648 | 0.143 | 0.138 |
P20 | 0.1 | 1.4402 | 0.1105 | 1.4421 | 0.1105 | 1.4566 |
P21 | 1.1012 | 1.8441 | 1.1357 | 1.84 | 1.8756 | 1.8858 |
P22 | 0.1 | 0.1 | 0.2364 | 0.1034 | 0.2364 | 0.188 |
RC12 | 1.6842 | 2.2985 | 0.3671 | 0.6544 | 2.5336 | 1.5336 |
RC13 | 0.2249 | 0.1 | 0.1 | 0.8206 | 0.1 | 0.5945 |
RC14 | 1.8788 | 1.3163 | 2.1507 | 0.2931 | 1.05 | 0.1674 |
RC23 | 0.4049 | 0.2073 | 0.1 | 0.1 | 1.0058 | 0.1001 |
RC24 | 0.1645 | 2.4179 | 1.0183 | 1.6712 | 1.0183 | 2.1473 |
RC34 | 0.4582 | 0.1 | 0.602 | 0.2867 | 0.602 | 0.3759 |
Reserve area 1 | 18.9344 | 17.882 | 17.8904 | 18.1814 | 18.2125 | 18.1719 |
Reserve area 2 | 23.6108 | 22.3546 | 24.3634 | 21.8237 | 23.369 | 22.1436 |
Reserve area 3 | 80.3346 | 81.4211 | 80.2519 | 81.5786 | 80.0213 | 81.4726 |
Reserve area 4 | 33.0463 | 33.1098 | 33.3852 | 33.6097 | 33.3852 | 33.2117 |
Best Cost ($) | 2187.418 | 2178.6024 | 2188.247 | 2171.0535 | 2193.541 | 2166.377 |
Mean Cost ($) | 2700.367 | 2634.0676 | 2461.538 | 2494.3471 | 2510.7 | 2185.794 |
Std | 363.4401 | 325.6323 | 204.1498 | 182.2067 | 250.0191 | 13.7298 |
Time (s) | 69.34 | 66.06 | 54.48 | 52.27 | 77.31 | 51.93 |
Output (MW) | FIPS | FPSO | SPSO2011 | CLPSO | APSO | PPSO |
P1 | 8.2773 | 10 | 8.2773 | 0.05 | 10.0006 | 10.0005 |
P2 | 5.444 | 5.3234 | 5.444 | 5.2116 | 5.3258 | 5.3259 |
P3 | 6.9757 | 7.0561 | 6.9757 | 12.3788 | 7.049 | 7.0491 |
P4 | 7.4634 | 11.998 | 7.4634 | 11.2161 | 11.9979 | 11.9978 |
P5 | 21.3822 | 9.9619 | 21.3822 | 16.8448 | 9.9143 | 12.2994 |
P6 | 7.3638 | 11.3019 | 7.3638 | 2.117 | 11.2907 | 11.3626 |
P7 | 7.6367 | 14.5624 | 12.0773 | 12.9769 | 14.5612 | 14.6209 |
P8 | 18 | 12.6441 | 14.0655 | 13.6205 | 12.7082 | 10.191 |
P9 | 17.3563 | 13.2916 | 17.3563 | 16.4181 | 13.2926 | 13.2921 |
P10 | 0.05 | 0.0891 | 0.05 | 0.05 | 0.0917 | 0.0919 |
P11 | 13.6655 | 13.0317 | 13.6655 | 3.4361 | 12.6414 | 12.618 |
P12 | 8.1572 | 14.2427 | 8.1572 | 19.1587 | 14.6307 | 14.6544 |
P13 | 9.2933 | 4.7521 | 9.2933 | 8.7209 | 4.753 | 4.7537 |
P14 | 12.6671 | 15.4968 | 11.2406 | 12.7486 | 15.4936 | 15.4934 |
P15 | 17.339 | 11.813 | 17.339 | 11.364 | 11.8142 | 11.8143 |
P16 | 20.0235 | 24.4354 | 20.0235 | 30 | 24.4352 | 24.435 |
P17 | −1.8289 | 1.19 | −1.8289 | 4.3668 | 1.1836 | 1.1836 |
P18 | −2.035 | −0.3652 | −2.035 | −1.7739 | −0.3653 | −0.3653 |
P19 | 1.7937 | 3.5526 | 1.0664 | −1.7123 | 3.555 | 3.555 |
P20 | 3.2182 | 0.1308 | 3.0699 | 0.6117 | 0.1288 | 0.1288 |
P21 | −2.1972 | −0.47 | −0.0632 | −0.925 | −0.4709 | −0.4713 |
P22 | 0.842 | 0.4207 | 0.842 | 0.8286 | 0.4199 | 0.4199 |
RC12 | −2.6122 | 0.4371 | −2.6122 | −1.1046 | 0.4376 | 0.4355 |
RC13 | 1.8735 | −3.5706 | 1.3435 | 0.4457 | −3.4213 | −3.396 |
RC14 | 3.3365 | −5.3328 | −10.8828 | −7.5176 | −5.4329 | −4.638 |
RC23 | −2.5379 | 0.2241 | −0.901 | 2.0858 | 0.2103 | 0.2071 |
RC24 | 0.6483 | −2.7136 | 0.6483 | −1.8365 | −2.0113 | −3.0807 |
RC34 | −0.5127 | −0.6214 | −0.5127 | −0.2932 | −0.7097 | −0.6741 |
Reserve area 1 | 20.8396 | 14.6225 | 20.8396 | 20.1435 | 14.6267 | 14.6267 |
Reserve area 2 | 20.6173 | 26.5297 | 20.1112 | 29.4408 | 26.5256 | 26.5261 |
Reserve area 3 | 80.771 | 79.3449 | 80.771 | 80.9371 | 79.3436 | 79.3436 |
Reserve area 4 | 31.6771 | 34.5027 | 33.1036 | 28.1665 | 34.504 | 34.5036 |
Cost ($) | 2197.8688 | 2185.4666 | 2194.0611 | 2189.6647 | 2185.0785 | 2184.0477 |
Emission (ton) | 3.6756 | 3.4257 | 3.5176 | 4.2518 | 3.4288 | 3.4097 |
Unit | Output (MW) | Unit | Output (MW) |
P1 | 114 | P21 | 513.66 |
P2 | 114 | P22 | 513.66 |
P3 | 120 | P23 | 513.66 |
P4 | 180 | P24 | 513.66 |
P5 | 97 | P25 | 513.66 |
P6 | 140 | P26 | 302.097 |
P7 | 300 | P27 | 10 |
P8 | 266 | P28 | 10 |
P9 | 266 | P29 | 10 |
P10 | 270 | P30 | 90 |
P11 | 126.2842 | P31 | 190 |
P12 | 300 | P32 | 188 |
P13 | 300 | P33 | 140.55 |
P14 | 393.66 | P34 | 152.1113 |
P15 | 482.666 | P35 | 148.345 |
P16 | 490.1 | P36 | 148.345 |
P17 | 481.76 | P37 | 91.55 |
P18 | 484.55 | P38 | 91.55 |
P19 | 550 | P39 | 91.55 |
P20 | 523.9797 | P40 | 267.6017 |
T12 (MW) | −1500 | ||
Operation Cost ($) | 127,893.5 | ||
CENS ($) | 7469 | ||
Total Cost | 135,362.5 |
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Naderipour, A.; Kalam, A.; Abdul-Malek, Z.; Faraji Davoudkhani, I.; Mustafa, M.W.B.; Guerrero, J.M. An Effective Algorithm for MAED Problems with a New Reliability Model at the Microgrid. Electronics 2021, 10, 257.
Naderipour A, Kalam A, Abdul-Malek Z, Faraji Davoudkhani I, Mustafa MWB, Guerrero JM. An Effective Algorithm for MAED Problems with a New Reliability Model at the Microgrid. Electronics. 2021; 10(3):257.
Chicago/Turabian StyleNaderipour, Amirreza, Akhtar Kalam, Zulkurnain Abdul-Malek, Iraj Faraji Davoudkhani, Mohd Wazir Bin Mustafa, and Josep M. Guerrero. 2021. "An Effective Algorithm for MAED Problems with a New Reliability Model at the Microgrid" Electronics 10, no. 3: 257.
APA StyleNaderipour, A., Kalam, A., Abdul-Malek, Z., Faraji Davoudkhani, I., Mustafa, M. W. B., & Guerrero, J. M. (2021). An Effective Algorithm for MAED Problems with a New Reliability Model at the Microgrid. Electronics, 10(3), 257.