Condition-Based Maintenance of HVAC on a High-Speed Train for Fault Detection
:1. Introduction
2. Reliability-Centered Maintenance
- Initiation and planning—establishing a plan of analysis and the operating context;
- Functional failure analysis—identifying the failure modes, causes, effects and criticalities of each component;
- Task selection—selecting the appropriate maintenance task and interval;
- Implementation;
- Continuous improvement—monitor the effectiveness of the maintenance plan to ensure continuous improvement.
- Failure finding is applicable only to hidden failure. This task can be either an inspection or a function test to determine whether an item would still perform its required function if demanded [36];
- Scheduled maintenance is divided into scheduled restoration and scheduled replacement. This task consists of the scheduled refurbishment or replacement of an item or its components;
- Condition monitoring is a continuous task that allows users to detect the health state of the system by monitoring some contextual parameter that could indicate the degradation and wear-out of the monitored item. Condition monitoring is able to indicate that the failure mode can be expected to occur if no corrective action is taken [37,38];
- No preventive maintenance is performed if no maintenance action is required (i.e., Run to Failure);
- Alternative actions may be performed, as suggested by the designers and maintenance experts.
3. Proposed Approach: Fuzzy-Based RCM
- Whether the failure is hidden or evident;
- Whether the failure has safety consequences on the system;
- What the membership functions of occurrence, severity and detection are.
- The fuzzy risk priority number (FRPN) assessed combining occurrence, severity and detection. FRPN is described using six trapezoidal membership functions;
- The optimal maintenance task, a linguistic variable assessed using all five inputs according to the decision diagram illustrated in Figure 5.
4. Case Study: RCM Assessment of HVAC for High-Speed Trains
- Compressor
- ○
- FM_C1: motor does not start on demand.
- ○
- FM_C2: incorrect signal from thermostat.
- ○
- FM_C3: pump gas leakage.
- ○
- FM_C4: sticking internal valve.
- ○
- FM_C5: internal overload motor protection.
- Electronic Control Card (ECC)
- ○
- FM_E1: electronic control failure.
- Watchdog
- ○
- FM_W1: watchdog does not act when the control fails.
- IGBT module
- ○
- FM_I1: short/open circuit.
- ○
- FM_I2: parameter drift.
- ○
- FM_U1: no output power.
- FM_C1: “failure finding plus scheduled maintenance”. Failure finding is implemented every month; in this way it is possible to obtain a larger interval for the scheduled maintenance (6 months).
- FM_C2: “no preventive maintenance (run to failure)”. The failure of the thermostat does not represent critical damage for the system; therefore, corrective maintenance could be implemented.
- FM3_C3: “scheduled maintenance”. Operations on the pump are scheduled every 3 months.
- FM_C4: “condition monitoring”. The valve is monitored continuously using a position transducer and a pressure transmitter.
- FM_C5: “condition monitoring”. Several sensors are implemented to monitor the state of the compressor, including temperature, vibration, pressure and load sensors.
- FM_E1: “condition monitoring plus scheduled maintenance”. The electronic board is monitored continuously by a dedicated device equipped with temperature, humidity and vibration transducers. These parameters are extremely useful to identify the health state of electronics. Moreover, the diagnostic device also uses interrogation algorithms and residual life computational algorithms. Furthermore, scheduled maintenance (in the form of visual inspection) is required once a year.
- FM_W1: “failure finding plus scheduled maintenance”. Failure finding is implemented every month, while scheduled maintenance (in the form of visual inspection and manual HW/SW testing) is required every year.
- FM_I1: “condition monitoring”. The IGBT is monitored continuously using a temperature transducer and two power meters used to provide both input/output voltage and current.
- FM_I2: “failure finding”. Failure finding is implemented every month to check the health state of the IGBT.
- FM_U1: “condition monitoring”. The UPS is monitored continuously in order to check the health state of the battery using voltage, and current measurements are used to estimate the residual capacity of the battery.
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Occurrence (O) | Severity (S) | Detection (D) |
Remote (R)—the mode has a remote probability of occurring | Very low (VL)—the mode has low/no impact on the system | Almost certain (AC)—the mode will almost certainly be detected |
Probable (P)—the mode has a medium probability of occurring | Tolerable (T)—the mode causes deterioration in the system | Medium (M)—the mode will probably be detected |
High (H)—the mode will likely occur | Critical (C)—the mode leads to serious damage in the system | Absolutely uncertain (AU)—the mode will hardly be detected |
Failure Modes | Failure Causes | Local Effects | Global Effects |
Compressor: Increases the pressure of the refrigerant gas | |||
FM_C1 | Motor seizes up | Loss of pumping capacity | Loss of cooling capacity in the cabin |
Internal failure | |||
Blocked compressor | |||
Damaged winding | |||
FM_C2 | Overheating of compressor | Loss of protection | Possible damage of compressor |
Thermostat dirty | |||
FM_C3 | Mechanical failure | Loss of refrigerant pumping | Loss of cooling capacity in the cabin |
Fretting compressor | |||
FM_C4 | Internal failure | Loss of refrigerant gas pressure | Loss of cooling capacity in the cabin |
Valve dirty | |||
FM_C5 | Motor short circuits | Loss of pumping capacity and shortcircuit of compressor | Loss of cooling capacity in the cabin |
Electric overload | |||
Compressor motor protection failure | |||
Electronic Control Card (ECC): Regulate, monitor and diagnose the HVAC | |||
FM_E1 | Short circuit | Incorrect regulation of the temperature by the control card | Loss of cooling capacity in the cabin |
ECC dirty | |||
Defect in printed circuit | |||
Overload of the ECC | |||
Watchdog: Activates the emergency regulation mode | |||
FM_W1 | Hardware failure | Incorrect regulation of temperature | Loss of emergency regulation capacity |
Software failure | |||
IGBT module: Electronic switch used to control the compressor | |||
FM_I1 | Overcurrent | Loss of pumping capacity and short circuit of compressor | Loss of cooling capacity in the cabin |
Overtemperature | |||
Secondary breakdown | |||
FM_I2 | Hot carrier injection | Insufficient current to drive the compressor | Loss of cooling capacity in the cabin |
Electromigration | |||
Temperature instability | |||
UPS: Provides power for emergency ventilation if the overhead power line fails | |||
FM_U1 | Electric failure | Complete loss of functionality | Loss of emergency ventilation |
Ageing battery units |
Failure Modes | O | S | D | Is Failure Evident? | Impact on Safety? |
FM_C1 | High | Tolerable | Absolutely Uncertain | No | No |
FM_C2 | Remote | Very low | Almost certain | Yes | No |
FM_C3 | Probable | Tolerable | Medium | Yes | No |
FM_C4 | Probable | Tolerable | Almost certain | No | No |
FM_C5 | Remote | Tolerable | Almost certain | Yes | No |
FM_E1 | Probable | Tolerable | Medium | Yes | Yes |
FM_W1 | Probable | Tolerable | Absolutely uncertain | No | No |
FM_I1 | Remote | Critical | Almost certain | Yes | No |
FM_I2 | Remote | Tolerable | Medium | No | No |
FM_U1 | Probable | Critical | Almost certain | No | Yes |
Failure Mode | Selected Maintenance Task | |
Proposed Fuzzy-Based RCM | Classic RCM: IEC 60300-3-11 | |
FM_C3 | Scheduled Maintenance | Condition Monitoring OR Scheduled Maintenance OR Run to Failure OR Alternative actions |
FM_I2 | Failure Finding | Condition Monitoring OR Scheduled Maintenance OR Failure Finding OR Run to Failure OR Alternative actions |
FM_U1 | Condition Monitoring | Condition Monitoring OR Scheduled Maintenance OR Failure Finding OR Alternative actions |
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Share and Cite
Ciani, L.; Guidi, G.; Patrizi, G.; Galar, D. Condition-Based Maintenance of HVAC on a High-Speed Train for Fault Detection. Electronics 2021, 10, 1418.
Ciani L, Guidi G, Patrizi G, Galar D. Condition-Based Maintenance of HVAC on a High-Speed Train for Fault Detection. Electronics. 2021; 10(12):1418.
Chicago/Turabian StyleCiani, Lorenzo, Giulia Guidi, Gabriele Patrizi, and Diego Galar. 2021. "Condition-Based Maintenance of HVAC on a High-Speed Train for Fault Detection" Electronics 10, no. 12: 1418.
APA StyleCiani, L., Guidi, G., Patrizi, G., & Galar, D. (2021). Condition-Based Maintenance of HVAC on a High-Speed Train for Fault Detection. Electronics, 10(12), 1418.