Biological Applications of Severely Plastically Deformed Nano-Grained Medical Devices: A Review
:1. Introduction
- Greater strains are imposed on the material;
- More hydrostatic pressure is applied;
- Material free flow is prevented;
- The dimensions of the material are not changed significantly during or after the process;
- Materials with micro- and/or nanostructured and high-angle grain boundaries are produced;
- Micro-structured and/or nanostructured homogeneous materials with uniform properties are fabricated;
- There are no pores, mechanical defects, or cracks in the final material [24].
2. Main SPD Processes
2.1. Equal-Channel Angular Press (ECAP) Process
2.2. High-Pressure Torsion (HPT) Process
2.3. Hydrostatic Extrusion (HE)
2.4. Twist Extrusion (TE)
2.5. Friction Stir Processing (FSP)
2.6. Severe Shot Peening (SSP)
2.7. Ultrasonic Shot Peening (USSP)
2.8. Warm Continuous Multidirectional Rolling
- Continuous rolling (coil to coil).
- Rolling in a controlled temperature via on-line heating.
- Two-tandem rolling in the vertical and horizontal directions.
- Rolling in multiple directions with square and oval grooves.
2.9. Warm Multi-Pass Caliber Rolling
2.10. Cold-Rolling Process
2.11. Accumulative Roll-Bonding Process (ARB)
2.12. Cryo-Rolling (CR)
2.13. Constrained Groove Pressing (CGP)
3. Metallic Biomaterials for Medical Implants
3.1. Ultra-Fine-Grained Titanium
3.2. Ultra-Fine-Grained Stainless Steel
3.3. Ultra-Fine-Grained Magnesuim
4. Conclusions and Future Perspectives
Conflicts of Interest
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Metals/Alloys | Benefits | Limitations |
Commercially pure titanium (CP Ti) |
Ti–6Al–4V |
Stainless steel 316 L |
Co–Cr-based |
NiTi (Nitinol) |
Magnesium-based |
Materials/Alloys | SPD Process | Size of Grains/Instrument | Applications | In Vivo/In Vitro | Significant Findings | Ref. |
Titanium Grade 2 | Hydrostatic Extrusion (HE) | 92 (nm), TEM | Bone tissues | SaOS-2 cells |
| [83] |
β-type Ti-13Nb-13Zr (TNZ) | Hydrostatic Extrusion (HE) | 20 (nm) | - | - |
| [96] |
Ti13Nb13Zr and Ti35Nb7Zr5Ta | High-Pressure Torsion (HPT) | ~203 and ~112 (nm), TEM | - | Osteoblastic cells |
| [86] |
Nanostructured Ti (nTi) | Equal-Channel Angular Pressing | - | Orthodontics | - |
| [97] |
Ti–6Al–7Nb | Equal-Channel Angular Pressing | 200 (nm), TEM | Orthopedic implants |
| [98] | |
Commercially pure (CP) Ti Grade 2 | Cold Hydrostatic Extrusion | <90 (nm), TEM | Surgical osteosynthesis |
| [99] | |
CP Ti grade 2 and Ti-6A1-4 V | Equal-Channel Angular Pressing | ~23 (nm), TEM | Implants | Mouse fibroblast cell line 3T3 |
| [100] |
Ti–6Al–4V | Equal-Channel Angular Pressing | ~170 (nm), TEM | Dental implants | MG63 cells |
| [101] |
CP Ti | Equal-Channel Angular Pressing | 183 (nm), TEM | Implants | Fibroblast cells |
| [102] |
CP Ti grade 2 and Ti-6A1-4 V | Equal-Channel Angular Pressing | 238 (nm), TEM | Implants | Mouse fibroblast cell line 3T3 |
| [94] |
CP Ti | Equal-Channel Angular Pressing | 200–300 (nm), SEM | Bone–implant osseointegration | New Zealand rabbits/MC3T3-E1 cells |
| [10] |
CP Ti grade 2 and Ti-6A1-4 V | Equal-Channel Angular Pressing | 200–300 (nm), SEM | Dental endosseous implants | MC3T3-E1 pre-osteoblast cells |
| [85] |
Commercial coarse-grained pure titanium | Equal-Channel Angular Pressing | 200 (nm), ESEM | Bone implants | Osteoblast-like cell line MG63 |
| [103] |
Bulk nanocrystalline Ti bars (Grade 4) | Equal-Channel Angular Pressing | 250 (nm), TEM | Bone implants | Osteoblast cell lines (MG63)/tibia of Beagle dogs |
| [84] |
CP Ti | High-Pressure Torsion (HPT) | 10–50 (nm), TEM | Bone implants | Mouse pre-osteoblast MC3T3-E1 subclone 14 and fibroblast cell lines from rats |
| [90] |
CP Ti | Ultrasonic Shot Peening | 14–20 (nm), SEM | Dental and orthopedic implants | Human osteoblast cell line, MG 63 |
| [104] |
CP Ti | High-Pressure Torsion (HPT) | 10–50 (nm), TEM | Bone implants | Mouse pre-osteoblast MC3T3-E1 |
| [92] |
CP Ti | Ultrasonic Shot Peening | 57–88 (nm), XRD | Bone implants | MG63 cells/new Zealand White rabbits |
| [89] |
CP Ti grade 2 | Equal-Channel Angular Pressing | - | Implants | Murine fibroblast cells 3T3/Wistar rats |
| [95] |
Ti-Nb-Mo-Zr | Cold Rolling | - | Orthopedic implants | - |
| [105] |
Ti–15Zr | Cold Rolling | 2–5 (µm), SEM | Dental implants | - |
| [106] |
Ti-32.5Nb-6.8Zr-2.7Sn | Cold Rolling | 200–250 (nm), OM | Bone implants | - |
| [107] |
Materials/Alloys | SPD Process | Size of Grains/Instrument | Applications | In Vivo/In Vitro | Significant Findings | Ref. |
AISI 304 austenitic SS | Severe shot peening (SSP) | Under 300 (nm), FESEM | Implants | MC3T3-E1 pre-osteoblast |
| [3] |
316L SS | Severe shot peening | 25 (nm), XRD | Orthopedic implants | Osteoblasts |
| [114] |
316L SS | Ultrasonic Shot Peening | 10 (nm), FIB channeling contrast imaging technique | Orthopedic implants | Human osteoblast cells (SaoS-2) |
| [113] |
316L SS Sheet | Ultrasonic shot peening | Less than 50 (nm), SEM | Orthopedic implants | MC3T3-E1 subclone 4 |
| [115] |
316L SS | Ultrasonic shot peening | 326 (nm), SEM | Orthopedic implants | Human osteoblast cells |
| [116] |
316L SS | Equal channel angular pressing | 78 (nm), SEM | Implant | Fibroblast cells |
| [108] |
316L SS | Severe shot peening | 100–200 (nm), SEM | Bone implants | Human osteoblasts |
| [117] |
Materials/Alloys | SPD Process | Size of Grains/Instrument | Applications | In Vivo/In Vitro | Significant Findings | Ref. |
WE43 (Mg-Y-Nd-Zr) | ECAP | 0.73 (µm), TEM | Implants | Red blood cells and white blood cells |
| [123] |
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Share and Cite
Kalantari, K.; Saleh, B.; Webster, T.J. Biological Applications of Severely Plastically Deformed Nano-Grained Medical Devices: A Review. Nanomaterials 2021, 11, 748.
Kalantari K, Saleh B, Webster TJ. Biological Applications of Severely Plastically Deformed Nano-Grained Medical Devices: A Review. Nanomaterials. 2021; 11(3):748.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKalantari, Katayoon, Bahram Saleh, and Thomas J. Webster. 2021. "Biological Applications of Severely Plastically Deformed Nano-Grained Medical Devices: A Review" Nanomaterials 11, no. 3: 748.
APA StyleKalantari, K., Saleh, B., & Webster, T. J. (2021). Biological Applications of Severely Plastically Deformed Nano-Grained Medical Devices: A Review. Nanomaterials, 11(3), 748.