An Efficient Dummy-Based Location Privacy-Preserving Scheme for Internet of Things Services
:1. Introduction
- The dummy-based privacy protection scheme is a privacy protection scheme without a third trusted party, and is more suitable for the IoT environment. In this paper, we propose an enhanced greedy manner to improve the existing dummy-based location selection scheme (such as DLP) and improve the efficiency of dummy location generation. Compared with the DLP scheme, the dummy location generation time of our scheme is reduced by 68.14%.
- The Enhanced-DLP scheme enhances the user’s privacy protection, making it difficult for an attacker to distinguish the user’s real location from the anonymous set. Compared with the DLP scheme, the probability of our scheme revealing the user’s real position is reduced by 33.63% under the same attack conditions.
2. Preliminaries
2.1. Side Information
2.2. The Entropy-Based Privacy Measurement Method
2.3. Review the Dummy-Based Location Privacy-Preserving Scheme
- A user needs to give the degree of anonymity k.
- The DLP scheme needs to obtain the historical query probability of all locations and sort them in ascending order. Then, the DLP scheme calculates the number of locations (denoted as N) with the same historical query probability of the user’s location (denoted as p). The anonymous set of the user is denoted as C.
- If , the DLP scheme arbitrarily selects locations whose query probability is the same as p from N locations and user location p to form an anonymous set C.
- If , the DLP scheme selects locations with the same query probability as the user location p from the sorted list and puts them into C. The DLP scheme selects locations that are the most similar to the user’s location p as a candidate set (denoted as S). The DLP scheme uses the greedy scheme times to find dummy locations from S, and also puts them into C to form the anonymous set.
- If , the DLP scheme chooses locations less than, and locations greater than the real location to form a candidate set from the sorted list (denoted as ). Then, the DLP arbitrarily selects one location from and puts the location and the user’s real location into C. The DLP scheme uses the greedy scheme times to find dummy locations and puts them into C to form an anonymous set.
- Finally, the optimal anonymous set C is found.
2.4. System Model
- The LBS server: The LBS server receives the location service request from the user devices, and then searches the requested service in the LBS database and sends the search results back to the user. The LBS server contains various types of service databases and provides users with diverse services. Moreover, the server may also count the probability of each user’s query at all locations when providing service information for each user according to the location.
- The IoT user device: The IoT user device is a typical part of the location service system, which usually obtains user location information through a GPS module embedded in the device (e.g., a smartphone). The IoT device obtains the corresponding high-quality location service by sending its high-precision location information to the LBS server. In order to prevent the user’s location information from being used twice, the location information submitted to the LBS server should include the accurate location and dummy location, which ensures that the LBS server is not able to obtain the user’s real location.
2.5. Attack Model
3. Enhanced-DLP Scheme
3.1. The Basic Idea of the Enhanced-DLP Scheme
- In the beginning, a user sets the value of the privacy degree k according to the privacy requirement. Then, the Enhanced-DLP obtains all the historical query probability of all locations on the LBS server and sorts them in ascending order according to the historical query probability (denoted as S). Let p denote the query probability of the user’s real location, and let C denote the final anonymous set.
- The Enhanced-DLP scheme counts the number of locations that have the same historical query probability as p in set S, which is denoted by .
- If size () ≥ k, then the Enhanced-DLP randomly selects locations that have the same historical query probabilities as the user’s location p from and puts them into C. Then, the Enhanced-DLP randomly inserts the user’s real location p into C.
- If 1 < size() <k, the Enhanced-DLP scheme puts each location in and user’s location p into C. Then, the Enhanced-DLP selects -2 candidate locations (denoted as set D), in which locations are less than the p and the other locations are greater than the p in the set S.Otherwise, it goes to Step (7).
- The Enhanced-DLP finds the location maximum with query probability (denoted as ) and location with minimum query probability (denoted as ) from set C. The Enhanced-DLP finds two locations in set D, which is the location with the maximum query probability less than (denoted by ), and the other is the location minimum query probability being greater than (denoted by ). Then, the Enhanced-DLP needs to calculate and according to Equation (3) and add the location into set C, to attempt to achieve max entropy in set C.
- Repeat Step (5) while the size of anonymity set C is less than k.
- If size () ≤ 1, the Enhanced-DLP chooses locations less than P and other locations greater than the p as candidate locations from the sorted set S and denoted as . Both and are set by users based on their privacy requirements, and is greater than . Then, the Enhanced-DLP randomly gets one location from as a dummy location, and puts this location and the user’s location p into C.
- In order to meet the requirements of k-anonymity, the Enhanced-DLP selects other locations from . For the location that Enhanced-DLP selected, The Enhanced DLP must make sure that is the largest of the remaining positions in set .
- If the size of set C < k. Repeat Step (8).And then outputs the anonymous set C.
Algorithm 1 Enhanced-DLP algorithm. |
3.2. Security Analysis
- Resistance to the Colluding Attack
- Resistance to a Side Information Inference Attack
4. Experimental Results and Analysis
5. Related Work
5.1. Privacy Protection and Security in the Internet of Things
5.2. LBS Location Anonymous Scheme
5.3. Dummy-Based Location Selection in the Internet of Things Privacy Protection
6. Discussion
6.1. Limitations of Our Scheme
6.2. Threats-to-Validity
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
IoT | Internet of Things |
POI | point of interest |
LBS | Location-based services |
LSP | Location-based services providers |
DLS | Dummy location selection |
DLP | dummy-based location privacy-preserving |
ADLS | Attack algorithm for DLS |
Enhanced-DLP | Enhanced dummy-based location privacy-preserving |
CPAL | conditional privacy protection authentication with access link |
SRR | sector-based random routing |
MEC | multi-access edge computing |
MSS | mobility support system |
CR | cloaking region |
TTP | trusted third party |
DDP | dual privacy preserving |
RDG | robust dummy generation |
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Scheme | Anonymity Degree: k | |||
k = 15 | k = 20 | k = 25 | k = 29 | |
DLP | 0.019 s | 0.117 s | 0.217 | 0.298 s |
DLS | 0.431 s | 3.184 s | 6.870 s | 10.553 s |
CircleDummy | 1.236 s | 9.003 s | 19.316 s | 29.604 s |
GridDummy | 0.00003 s | 0.0002 s | 0.0004 s | 0.0006 s |
Enhanced-DLP | 0.018 s | 0.116 s | 0.215 s | 0.295 s |
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Du, Y.; Cai, G.; Zhang, X.; Liu, T.; Jiang, J. An Efficient Dummy-Based Location Privacy-Preserving Scheme for Internet of Things Services. Information 2019, 10, 278.
Du Y, Cai G, Zhang X, Liu T, Jiang J. An Efficient Dummy-Based Location Privacy-Preserving Scheme for Internet of Things Services. Information. 2019; 10(9):278.
Chicago/Turabian StyleDu, Yongwen, Gang Cai, Xuejun Zhang, Ting Liu, and Jinghua Jiang. 2019. "An Efficient Dummy-Based Location Privacy-Preserving Scheme for Internet of Things Services" Information 10, no. 9: 278.
APA StyleDu, Y., Cai, G., Zhang, X., Liu, T., & Jiang, J. (2019). An Efficient Dummy-Based Location Privacy-Preserving Scheme for Internet of Things Services. Information, 10(9), 278.