Trends and Challenges in Intelligent Condition Monitoring of Electrical Machines Using Machine Learning
:1. Introduction
- Noise and vibration monitoring,
- Motor-current signature analysis (MCSA),
- Temperature measurement,
- Electromagnetic field monitoring,
- Chemical analysis,
- Radio-frequency emissions monitoring,
- Acoustic noise measurement,
- Model and artificial intelligence-based techniques.
2. Diagnostic Possibilities with Machine Learning
3. Supervised Machine Learning
3.1. Decision Trees
3.2. Support Vector Machines
4. Unsupervised Machine Learning
- (a)
- Points with specific coordinates are designated on the plane.
- (b)
- The direction of the maximum data change is selected, and a new axis PCA is drawn through the experimental points.
- (c)
- Experimental points are to be projected on the axis PCA.
- (d)
- It is assumed that all the points were initially projected on the axis PCA, and all deviations from this axis can be considered as noise.
5. Reinforcement Learning
- (a)
- There is a task, and many genotypes of the initial population are to be created.
- (b)
- This initial set of data is to be assessed using the “fitness function,” which determines how well each initial population’s genotype solves the task.
- (c)
- After this, the best coincidences are to be selected in the population for the next generations.
- (d)
- The best coincidences obtain new solutions. This process repeats until the task is fulfilled and a resultant population is created.
6. Neural Networks
- Classification,
- Prediction,
- Recognition.
7. Trends in Condition Monitoring and Discussion
8. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Fault Signatures | Winding Short Circuit [23,24] | Rotor Broken Bar(s) [25] | Eccentricity [26,27] | Bearing Faults [28] |
vibration | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ★ |
current | ★ | ★ | ✔ | ★ |
temperature | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✖ |
magnetic flux changes | ★ | ★ | ★ | ✔ |
chemical analysis | ✔ | ✖ | ✖ | ✖ |
torque changes | ★ | ★ | ✔ | ✖ |
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Kudelina, K.; Vaimann, T.; Asad, B.; Rassõlkin, A.; Kallaste, A.; Demidova, G. Trends and Challenges in Intelligent Condition Monitoring of Electrical Machines Using Machine Learning. Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 2761.
Kudelina K, Vaimann T, Asad B, Rassõlkin A, Kallaste A, Demidova G. Trends and Challenges in Intelligent Condition Monitoring of Electrical Machines Using Machine Learning. Applied Sciences. 2021; 11(6):2761.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKudelina, Karolina, Toomas Vaimann, Bilal Asad, Anton Rassõlkin, Ants Kallaste, and Galina Demidova. 2021. "Trends and Challenges in Intelligent Condition Monitoring of Electrical Machines Using Machine Learning" Applied Sciences 11, no. 6: 2761.
APA StyleKudelina, K., Vaimann, T., Asad, B., Rassõlkin, A., Kallaste, A., & Demidova, G. (2021). Trends and Challenges in Intelligent Condition Monitoring of Electrical Machines Using Machine Learning. Applied Sciences, 11(6), 2761.