Toward Scalable Video Analytics Using Compressed-Domain Features at the Edge
:1. Introduction
- Introduction of a compressed-domain moving object detection method that can be applied in numerous surveillance applications.
- Design of an edge-to-cloud computing system for surveillance video analytics that applies the proposed method at edge devices to minimize the transfer of video data from surveillance camera feeds to the cloud.
- Implementation and evaluation of the proposed method with an edge-cloud system. The implementation is lightweight and easy to deploy at any edge devices.
2. Background
2.1. Compressed-Domain-Based Moving Object Detection
2.2. Pixel-Domain-Based Moving Object Detection
2.2.1. Hybrid Model of Background Subtraction and Object Classification-Based Moving Object Detection
2.2.2. Deep Learning-Based Moving Object Detection
- R-CNN, Fast R-CNN, Faster R-CNN
- You only look once (YOLO)
- Single shot detectors (SSDs)
3. Methodology
3.1. The Edge-to-Cloud System Model for Surveillance Camera-Based Applications
- Camera source node: The camera node periodically generates video tasks, divides each video task into a number of video chunks, compresses the video chunks at certain compression ratios, and then, assigns the compressed video chunks among all edge nodes as per scheduling policies.
- Edge node: The edge has computational ability and storage capacity and helps preprocess video chunks. Moreover, edge nodes can form cooperative groups based on the specific group formation policy and receive compressed video chunks as per the video load assignment policy.
- Cloud server: The cloud server collects the preprocessing results from edge nodes, which has abundant computational abilities, and performs additional video analysis.
3.2. Light-Weight Runtime Moving Object Detection in the Video Compressed-Domain
3.2.1. Median Filter and Moving Object Detection
- For each , find all the neighboring points within spatial distance .
- Cluster all the MV points that are density reachable or density connecting [39] and label them.
- Terminate the process after all the MV points are checked. The output is a set of clusters of dynamic points.
3.2.2. IoU-Based Moving Objects Tracking
Algorithm 1 IoU for two bounding boxes. |
Data: Corners of the two bounding boxes. - First bounding box: - Second bounding box:
where . Calculation: IoU value - The area of the first bounding box: - The area of the second bounding box: - The area of overlap: - |
3.3. Performance Evaluation Model
4. Implementation and Performance Evaluation
- Edge node implementation: The streaming data from the camera sources are parsed, and the proposed method is applied to detect moving objects in the current frame. If the encoded frame includes the motion, it will be forwarded to a cloud node using its own real-time streaming protocol (RTSP) server. To avoid decoding inaccuracies at the cloud node, all frames from the start time to the end time of the motion are continuously delivered in a connection session. Each session will start with an intra-coded frame.
- Cloud node implementation: receiving the forwarded encoded frame with the motion from the edge node over the network and then decoding and placing the output images into the intrusion detection module, which uses YOLO to detect humans.
4.1. Scenario Setup
- Testbed: We built a testbed comprised of a single edge device node and a single video analytics server that runs as a cloud node, as shown in Figure 12. The edge device node involves the moving object detection and runs on a low computation device called the Raspberry Pi 4, and the video analytics server is executed on NVIDIA Jetson Xavier because it is a GPU that supports running YOLO. The hardware specifications of the edge node and video analytics server are listed in Table 1. Note that the two devices are directly connected to a router using a wired cable.
- Video test sequence: Experiments were conducted on the two video datasets. The VIRAT video dataset [42] was collected in natural scenes showing people performing normal actions for video surveillance domains. The second dataset was previously recorded from our surveillance camera and uploaded [43]. The details of our video test sequence and the ground-truth motion time are listed in Table 2 and Table 3.
4.2. Light-weight Runtime Moving Object Detection in the Video Compressed-Domain
4.3. Performance Evaluation Results
Computing Resource Consumption
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Specifications | Edge Device | Video Analytics Server |
Device Name | Raspberry Pi 4 | NVIDIA Jetson Xavier |
Operating System | Ubuntu 18.04, 64 bits | Ubuntu 18.04, 64 bits |
GPU | Not supported | NVIDIA Maxwell architecture with NVIDIA CUDA cores |
CPU | Quad-core ARM Cortext-A72 | Quad-core ARM Cortext-A57 MPCore processor |
RAM | 4 GB | 8 GB |
Tested Video Information | |
Resolution | 1920 × 1080 |
Length | 6 min |
Codec | H264 |
Group of picture (GOP) | 30 |
Frame rate | 25 |
Time | Duration (Seconds) |
00:00:50 00:01:10 | 20 |
00:01:25 00:01:45 | 20 |
00:02:12 00:01:10 | 5 |
00:02:39 00:02:45 | 6 |
00:03:50 00:04:48 | 58 |
00:05:00 00:05:35 | 35 |
00:05:40 00:06:00 | 20 |
Total | 164 |
Video Test Sequence | Scenario | IoU Average | |
Camera Position | Moving Speed | ||
Our recorded test video | Near | Normal | 0.75 |
Our recorded test video | Near | Fast | 0.26 |
Video test from VIRAT | Far | Normal | 0.6 |
Frame Size | ST-MRF[16] | Graph Cuts[15] | Proposed Method |
1280 × 720 | 64 ms (16 FPS) | 62 ms (17 FPS) | 39 ms (26 FPS) |
1920 × 1080 | N/A | N/A | 69 ms (14 FPS) |
Computing Resources | Conventional Method | Proposed Method | Performance Ratio |
GPU Utilization (%) | 65.61 | 33.73 | 0.51 |
CPU Utilization (%) | 50.24 | 25.9 | 0.51 |
Download Throughput (Kbps) | 4028 | 1808.2 | 0.45 |
© 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (
Share and Cite
Nguyen, D.V.; Choi, J. Toward Scalable Video Analytics Using Compressed-Domain Features at the Edge. Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 6391.
Nguyen DV, Choi J. Toward Scalable Video Analytics Using Compressed-Domain Features at the Edge. Applied Sciences. 2020; 10(18):6391.
Chicago/Turabian StyleNguyen, Dien Van, and Jaehyuk Choi. 2020. "Toward Scalable Video Analytics Using Compressed-Domain Features at the Edge" Applied Sciences 10, no. 18: 6391.
APA StyleNguyen, D. V., & Choi, J. (2020). Toward Scalable Video Analytics Using Compressed-Domain Features at the Edge. Applied Sciences, 10(18), 6391.