The Potential Utilization of High-Fiber Agricultural By-Products as Monogastric Animal Feed and Feed Additives: A Review
:Simple Summary
1. Introduction
2. Potential Utilization of Feed Crop By-Products
3. Composition of Fiber
4. Partial Plant Phytochemicals and Anti-Nutrition Factors in High-Fiber By-Products
4.1. Phenol
4.2. Flavonoids
4.3. Gossypol
4.4. Tannic Acid
4.5. Phytic Acids
4.6. Trypsin Inhibitor
4.7. Lectin
5. Effect of Fiber Addition on Animal Production Performance and Microbiota
5.1. Effects of Fiber on Broilers
5.2. Effects of Fiber on Swine
6. Effect of Functional Components of Fibers on Animal Physiology
6.1. Fibers Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Responses in Animals
6.2. Fibers Satiety in Animals
7. Fibers Can Increase Animal Performances
7.1. Intestinal Health and Immune Regulation
7.2. Digestibility Adjustment in Animals
7.3. Fat Metabolism and Muscle Generation
8. Fermented Fiber
8.1. Solid-State and Liquid Fermentations
8.2. Stage Fermentation and Co-Fermentation
9. Evaluation of the Use of Agricultural By-Products
10. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Animal Type | Ingredient | Age | Effect 1 | References | ||
ADG | FCR | Ileum Microbes (log CFU) | ||||
Ross 308 broilers | 10% wheat bran replace | 1–35 days | −4% | +1% | Coliform: −1.53 Clostridium perfringens: +0.08 | [61] |
10% Trichoderma fermented wheat bran replace | −1% | −6% | Coliform: −0.6 C. perfringens: −0.26 | |||
Ross 308 broilers | 3% pectin | 1–14 days | −14% | +21% | E. coli: +0.97 * Lactobacillus spp.: −1.57 * | [14] |
3% carboxymethyl cellulose | −14% | +21% | E. coli: +1.54 * Lactobacillus spp.: −1.72 * | |||
3% cellulose | −3% | +5% | E. coli: +0.15 Lactobacillus spp.: +0.1 | |||
Ross 308 broilers | 0.5% cassava pulp addition | 1–42 days | +0% | −1% | - | [62] |
1% cassava pulp addition | +0% | −2% | - | |||
1.5% cassava pulp addition | +1% | −1% | - | |||
Ross 308 broilers | 5% wheat bran replace | 1–35 days | +2% | −1% | Coliform: −0.12 Lactic acid bacteria: +0.16 | [63] |
10% wheat bran replace | −3% | +1% | Coliform: +0.16 Lactic acid bacteria: +0.2 | |||
5% Laetiporus sulphureus fermented wheat bran replace | +2% | −3% * | Coliform: −0.68 Lactic acid bacteria: +0.37 | |||
10% Laetiporus sulphureus fermented wheat bran replace | +1% | −3% * | Coliform: −0.29 Lactic acid bacteria: +0.47 | |||
Weaning piglets | 1% insoluble fiber | 24–52 days | +3% | −3% | E. coli: +0.38 Lactobacillus spp.: +0.9 * | [64] |
1% soluble fiber | −3% | −1% | E. coli: +0.22 Lactobacillus spp.: +0.57 | |||
CRMDF 2 | +11% | −8% * | E. coli: −0.36 Lactobacillus spp.: +0.53 | |||
0.5% insoluble fiber and 0.5% soluble fiber | +6% | −7% * | E. coli: +0.61 Lactobacillus spp.: +0.95 | |||
Weaning piglets | 5% cellulose | 21–46 days | −19% | +9% | - | [65] |
5% xylan | −15% | +0% | - | |||
5% glucan | −22% * | +3% | - |
Animal Type | Ingredient | Periods | Effects | References |
Goat | 10, 40, 60, and 85% palm meal replace corn | 90–188 day | Reduce the feed intake, apparent digestibility, and palatability on higher replacement | [84] |
Weaning pig | 1% inulin or lignocellulose addition | 24–52 day | Increase apparent digestibility of ileum and tight junction expression | [64] |
Growing pig | 5% inulin | 21.3 ± 1.0 kg | Decrease the dry matter digestibility of ileum, neutral and carbohydrates; increase the ether extract digestibility and total short-chain fatty acids in feces | [81] |
5% carboxymethyl cellulose sodium | Increase the digestibility of ileum, detergent fiber, and ether extract | |||
Sow | 40 ppm chitooligosaccharide | Production and lactation | Increase litter number, litter weight, and survival rate | [67] |
Barrows | High-fiber treatment 1 | 81.5 kg | Increase total tract digestibility of gross energy, dry matter, organic matter, and crude protein | [82] |
Weaning piglets | 5% cellulose | 21–46 day | Decrease fecal digestibility of dry matter, calcium, phosphorus, energy, and crude fiber | [65] |
5% xylan | Decrease fecal digestibility of calcium | |||
5% glucan | Decrease fecal digestibility of calcium, phosphorus, and crude fiber; enhance the gut barrier function | |||
Cobb-500 broilers | 2.5 or 5% oat hulls supplement | 1–21 day | Enhance the gizzard weight and decrease the pH value in the intestine, increase nutrient digestibility | [83] |
Ross 308 broilers | 0.5, 1, and 1.5% cassava pulp addition | 1–42 day | Decrease the cholestenone concentration in liver, serum, and muscle, increase nutrition digestibility and gizzard weight | [62] |
Ross 308 broilers | 0.5, 1, and 2% PWMC 2 | 1–35 day | Increase antioxidant capacities, tight junction expression, and enhance fat metabolism | [3] |
Ross 308 broilers | 5% wheat bran supplement | 1–35 day | Increase IL-6 and IL-1β mRNA expression | [63] |
5% Laetiporus sulphureus fermented wheat bran supplement | Increase IgA secretion in serum and ileum; decrease IL-1β and TNF-α concentration in serum |
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Chuang, W.-Y.; Lin, L.-J.; Shih, H.-D.; Shy, Y.-M.; Chang, S.-C.; Lee, T.-T. The Potential Utilization of High-Fiber Agricultural By-Products as Monogastric Animal Feed and Feed Additives: A Review. Animals 2021, 11, 2098.
Chuang W-Y, Lin L-J, Shih H-D, Shy Y-M, Chang S-C, Lee T-T. The Potential Utilization of High-Fiber Agricultural By-Products as Monogastric Animal Feed and Feed Additives: A Review. Animals. 2021; 11(7):2098.
Chicago/Turabian StyleChuang, Wen-Yang, Li-Jen Lin, Hsin-Der Shih, Yih-Min Shy, Shang-Chang Chang, and Tzu-Tai Lee. 2021. "The Potential Utilization of High-Fiber Agricultural By-Products as Monogastric Animal Feed and Feed Additives: A Review" Animals 11, no. 7: 2098.
APA StyleChuang, W.-Y., Lin, L.-J., Shih, H.-D., Shy, Y.-M., Chang, S.-C., & Lee, T.-T. (2021). The Potential Utilization of High-Fiber Agricultural By-Products as Monogastric Animal Feed and Feed Additives: A Review. Animals, 11(7), 2098.