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Characterization of Pseudofusicoccum Species from Diseased Plantation-Grown Acacia mangium, Eucalyptus spp., and Pinus massoniana in Southern China

Research Institute of Fast-Growing Trees (RIFT), Chinese Academy of Forestry (CAF), Zhanjiang 524022, China
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Pathogens 2023, 12(4), 574;
Submission received: 7 March 2023 / Revised: 29 March 2023 / Accepted: 5 April 2023 / Published: 8 April 2023
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Plant Pathogenic Fungi)


Fungi from Pseudofusicoccum (Phyllostictaceae, Botryosphaeriales) have been reported as pathogens, endophytes, or saprophytes from various woody plants in different countries. Recently, Botryosphaeriales isolates were obtained from the dead twigs of Acacia mangium, Eucalyptus spp., Pinus massoniana, and Cunninghamia lanceolata in Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, and Fujian Provinces in southern China. This study aimed to understand the diversity, distribution, and virulence of these Pseudofusicoccum species on these trees. A total of 126 Pseudofusicoccum isolates were obtained, and the incidences of Pseudofusicoccum (percentage of trees that yielded Pseudofusicoccum) on A. mangium, P. massoniana, Eucalyptus spp., and C. lanceolata were 21%, 2.6%, 0.5%, and 0%, respectively. Based on the internal transcribed spacer (ITS), translation elongation factor 1-alpha (tef1), and β-tubulin (tub2) loci, 75% of the total isolates were identified as P. kimberleyense, and the remaining isolates were identified as P. violaceum. For P. kimberleyense, the majority of isolates (83%) were from A. mangium, and the rest were from P. massoniana (14%) and Eucalyptus spp. (3%). Similarly, the proportion of isolates of P. violaceum from A. mangium, P. massoniana, and Eucalyptus spp. were 84%, 13%, and 3%, respectively. Inoculation trials showed that the two species produced expected lesions on the tested seedlings of A. mangium, E. urophylla × E. grandis, and P. elliottii. This study provides fundamental information on Pseudofusicoccum associated with diseases in main plantations in southern China.

1. Introduction

The genus Pseudofusicoccum was proposed in 2006 based on DNA sequence data to accommodate ‘Fusicoccum stromaticum’ [1,2]. The status has been revised several times in recent years, and now, it is classified into Phyllostictaceae of Botryosphaeriales [3,4]. To date, nine species have been included in the genus [5]. As pathogens, endophytes, or saprophytes, species of Pseudofusicoccum have been reported from many woody plants, such as Mangifera indica, Acacia synchronica, and Eucalyptus spp., in countries including Australia, Brazil, India, South Africa, Thailand, Uruguay, and Venezuela [6]. The main diseases associated with these fungi include die-back, stem canker, and fruit rot [7,8,9].
Large plantations have been established in China, benefiting from a series of forestry programs [10]. In the subtropical and tropical areas of the country, more than 11 Mha of Cuninghamia lanceolata, 8 Mha of Pinus massoniana, and 5 Mha of Eucalyptus trees have been planted to date [11]. Acacia mangium is another popular species for plantations, but it has a relatively limited cultivation area [12].
In recent years, many diseases have been reported from these plantation trees in China, and numerous pathogens have been reported, including the fungi of Botryosphaeriaceae, Calonectria, Ceratocystis, Cryphonectriaceae, Mycosphaerellaceae, Quambalaria, and Teratosphaeriaceae, and the bacteria Ralstonia solanacearum [13,14,15,16]. Out of these, more than 20 species in Botryosphaeriales have been detected, and most of them reside in the genera Botryosphaeria, Diplodia, Lasiodiplodia, and Neofusicoccum of Botryosphaeriaceae [15,17,18], but Pseudofusicoccum has not been reported in the country to date.
In 2020, disease surveys were conducted in plantations of A. mangium, C. lanceolata, Eucalyptus spp., and P. massoniana trees in southern China. Symptomatic branches presenting die-back caused by Botryosphaeriales fungi were collected, and Pseudofusicoccum-like isolates were isolated from these hosts. This study aimed to: (1) identify the species of these Pseudofusicoccum isolates from A. mangium, C. lanceolata, Eucalyptus spp., and P. massoniana; (2) determine their geographic distribution on these four different hosts; and (3) evaluate their virulence on A. mangium, E. urophylla × E. grandis, and P. elliottii trees.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Sample Collection and Fungal Isolation

Disease surveys were conducted in adjacent plantations of A. mangium, Eucalyptus spp., P. massoniana, and C. lanceolata in Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, and Fujian Provinces in southern China. Die-back of trees occurred commonly in these plantations. A total of 16 sites, 3–5 sites for each province, were selected for sample collection. At each site, about 50 trees with diseased symptoms for each host were selected, and one branch with dead twigs was collected from each diseased tree. Acacia mangium and Eucalyptus spp. trees were approximately 3–4 years old, and P. massoniana and C. lanceolata trees were approximately 7–8 years old. Branches with dead tips were cut off with a high tree pruner.
Botryosphaeriales-like fungi were isolated, and pure cultures were obtained, as described by Li et al. [17]. For branches with pycnidium, the pycnidium was transferred to the medium using a sterile steel needle. For branches without pycnidium, small pieces from the inner part of the branch were transferred to the medium using a sterile scalpel. Four pycnidia or cuttings from different positions on the branch were transferred to one 2% malt extract agar (MEA) (20 g melt extract powder and 20 g agar dissolved in 1 L of water) plate, and one Botryosphaeriales-like isolate for each branch was selected for further study. All of the cultures were deposited in the Culture Collection (CSF) of the Research Institute of Fast-growing Trees (RIFT), Chinese Academy of Forestry (CAF), Zhanjiang, Guangdong Province, China.

2.2. DNA Extraction, PCR Amplification, and Sequencing

The total genomic DNA of the isolate was extracted from the mycelium of 7-day-old cultures, grown on MEA at 25 °C in the dark, using the CTAB method [19]. A total of 2 μL RNase A (10 mg/mL) was added to each DNA sample and samples were incubated at 37°C for 1 h to remove RNA. DNA samples were checked for quality and concentration using a NanoDrop 2000 Spectrometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., Waltham, MA, USA). For PCR amplification, the DNA samples were diluted to approximately 100 ng/µL with DNase/RNase-free ddH2O (Sangon Biotech Co., Ltd., Shanghai, China).
The internal transcribed spacer (ITS) was amplified using the ITS1 and ITS4 primers [20]. Translation elongation factor 1-alpha (tef1) was amplified using the EF1F and EF2R primers [21]. β-tubulin (tub2) was amplified using the BT-2a and BT-2b primers [22]. The PCR reaction mixture contained 35 μL of total volume, which consisted of 18 μL 2× High Fidelity PCR Master Mix (mixture of Super-Fidelity DNA Polymerase, MgCl2, dNTP Mix) (Sangon Biotech Co., Ltd., Shanghai, China), 1 μL of each forward and reverse primers, 13 μL ddH2O, and 2 μL DNA. The amplification conditions were as follows: an initial denaturation step at 94 °C for 3 min, 35 cycles of 94 °C for 1 min, 55 °C for ITS and tub2, 59 °C for tef1 for 1 min, and 72 °C for 1 min, and a final elongation step at 72 °C for 10 min.
The PCR reactions were conducted in a thermocycler (BIO-RAD T100TM, Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc., Hercules, CA, USA). The PCR products were examined by electrophoresis in 1.5% agarose gel with 4SGelred (Sangon Biotech Co., Ltd., Shanghai, China) 1× Tris-acetate-EDTA (TAE) buffer at a constant voltage (80 V) for 40 min and visualized under UV light using a Molecular Imager Gel DocTM XR System (Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc., California, USA). The PCR products were sequenced in both directions by the Beijing Genomics Institution, Guangzhou, China. Sequences were inspected and manually corrected in Geneious v. 9.1.4 [23]. All of the sequences generated in this study were submitted to GenBank (, accessed on 22 March 2023).

2.3. Phylogenetic Analyses

Sequences of ITS, tef1, and tub2 were generated for all of the isolates obtained in this study. Based on the sequences of the three loci, the genotype of each isolate was determined, and 1–2 isolates were selected for phylogenetic analyses. Preliminary identification was conducted by sequence similarity searching using BLAST (, accessed on 8 July 2022), and the available sequences of all of the species in Pseudofusicoccum containing ex-type isolates were downloaded from NCBI for phylogenetic analyses. The sequences were aligned using the online version of MAFFT v.7 (, accessed on 10 February 2023) [24], with the iterative refinement method (FFT-NS-i setting). The alignments were checked manually and edited in MEGA v.6.0.5 [25].
Phylogenetic analyses were conducted using maximum likelihood (ML), maximum parsimony (MP), and Bayesian inference (BI) methods for datasets of ITS, tef1, and tub2, and the combination of the three loci. ML analyses with 1000 bootstrap replicates were conducted with PhyML v.3.0 [26]. MP analyses were conducted with PAUP v.1.0b10 [27], and gaps were treated as a fifth character. BI analyses were performed with MrBayes v. 3.2.7a [28] on the CIPRES Science Gateway v. 3.3. For ML and BI analyses, the best-fit model of nucleotide substitution for each dataset was determined with jModelTest v.2.1.5 [29]. Bootstrap support values were evaluated using 1000 bootstrap replicates [30]. The phylogenetic analyses were rooted in Botryosphaeria dothidea (CBS 115476). The trees were visualized in FigTree v. 1.4.4.

2.4. Inoculation Trials

To determine the virulence of the species identified in this study, inoculation trials were conducted in a greenhouse using potted healthy seedlings of 1-year-old A. mangium, 1-year-old E. urophylla × E. grandis, and 2-year-old P. elliottii at the South China Experiment Nursery (SCEN), located in Zhanjiang, Guangdong Province, China. These seedlings were approximately 170 cm high and 2 cm in diameter at the root collar.
For each seedling, a wound (5 mm in diameter) was made on the stem (approximately 30 cm above the root collar) using a cork borer to remove the bark and expose the cambium, and the mycelial plug (5 mm diameter) from a 7-day-old culture of the selected isolate was placed into the wound with the mycelium facing the xylem. The wound with the mycelial plug was sealed with masking tape immediately to avoid contamination and desiccation. Negative control was conducted with a clean 2% MEA plug. Ten trees were inoculated for each isolate, including the negative controls. After one month, lesion lengths were measured and recorded. Re-isolations were made from the inoculated plants to fulfill Koch’s postulates. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to determine the differences in virulence among isolates utilizing SPSS v. 20 [31].

3. Results

3.1. Fungal Isolation

A total of 500 samples were collected from A. mangium, 804 from Eucalyptus spp., 650 from P. massoniana, and 400 from C. lanceolata trees in southern China (Table 1). A total of 126 Pseudofusicoccum isolates identified based on ITS sequences were obtained from these trees (Table 1 and Table 2). Out of these, 105 isolates (83.3%) were obtained from A. mangium, 17 isolates (13.5%) were from P. massoniana, four isolates (3.2%) were from Eucalyptus spp., and no isolates were from C. lanceolata.

3.2. Phylogenetic Analyses and Species Identification

The ITS, tef1, and tub2 loci were amplified for all 126 isolates (Table 2). The sequence fragments were approximately 520 bp for ITS, 280 bp for tef1, and 430 bp for tub2. Sequence alignments were deposited in TreeBASE (30240). Isolates from other studies used for phylogenetic analyses were shown in Table 3. According to the phylogenetic analyses of the ITS, tef1, tub2, and the combined datasets, the isolates in this study (Group A and Group B) were most closely related to P. kimberleyense and P. violaceum (Table 2). The sequence similarity of P. kimberleyense isolates in this study with the type of isolate (CMW 26156) were 99.42% to 99.81% for the ITS region, 98.35% to 99.01% for the tef1 gene region, and 99.08% to 100% for the tub2 gene region. The sequence similarity of P. violaceum isolates in this study with the type of isolate (CMW 22679) were 99.42% to 100% for the ITS region, 99.01% to 100% for the tef1 gene region, and 99.54% to 100% for the tub2 gene region. Although they also clustered or were closely related to P. ardesiacum and P. africanum based on the ITS dataset, they separated distinctly with the two species based on tef1, tub2, and combined datasets (Figure 1 and Figures S1–S3). The ITS and tub2 trees showed close relationships among the isolates in this study with species of P. kimberleyense and P. violaceum, and the tef1 and combined trees provided clear results that separated isolates in Group A and Group B from the two known species (Figure 1 and Figures S1–S3). Additionally, some isolates in this study formed an independent clade in the phylogenetic trees, but these clades had poor bootstrap values. Based on the phylogenetic analyses of the four datasets, isolates in Group A and Group B were considered the known species of P. kimberleyense and P. violaceum, respectively.

3.3. Distribution of Pseudofusicoccum

For the four plantation hosts, the incidence of Pseudofusicoccum (percentage of trees that yielded Pseudofusicoccum) was 21% on A. mangium, 2.6% on P. massoniana, 0.5% on Eucalyptus spp., and zero on C. lanceolata based on results in Table 1. Two Pseudofusicoccum species were identified from these trees, and P. kimberleyense was the dominant, comprising 75% of all of the obtained isolates, followed by P. violaceum. For isolates of P. kimberleyense, 83% were from A. mangium, 14% were from P. massoniana, and 3% were from Eucalyptus spp. For isolates of P. violaceum, 84% were from A. mangium, 13% were from P. massoniana, and 3% were from Eucalyptus spp. (Figure 2).

3.4. Inoculation Trials

For the two species identified, 1–3 isolates were selected for inoculations on each of the original hosts. Six isolates of the two species were used to inoculate A. mangium and E. urophylla × E. grandis, and four isolates were used to inoculate P. elliottii (Table 2). Typical lesions with a depression at the inoculation site were observed on inoculated plants, in comparison with wounds on the negative controls. Lesion and wound lengths were recorded one month after inoculation. The results showed that all of the isolates produced lesions on the tested plants, while the controls produced only small wound reactions (Figure 3 and Figure 4). The inoculated species were re-isolated from the lesions, but never from the negative controls.
Overall, the lengths of lesions caused by the inoculated isolates were similar to the wounds produced by the negative controls for each of the three tree species. On A. mangium, three isolates of the two species (P. kimberleyense: CSF18503 and CSF19318, P. violaceum: CSF19320) produced lesions significantly longer than the wounds caused by the controls, while the other three isolates produced lesions not significantly different from the wounds caused by the controls (p = 0.05) (Figure 4A). On P. elliottii, the inoculated isolates produced lesions not significantly different from the wounds caused by the controls, except for isolates CSF18491 (P. kimberleyense) and CSF18430 (P. violaceum) (Figure 4B). On E. urophylla × E. grandis, the inoculated isolates produced lesions significantly longer than the wounds in the negative controls, except for isolate CSF19067 (P. kimberleyense) (Figure 4C).

4. Discussion

In this study, 126 isolates of Pseudofusicoccum were obtained from the plantations of A. mangium, Eucalyptus spp., and P. massoniana from four provinces in southern China. Two species, P. kimberleyense and P. violaceum, were identified based on multi-phylogenetic analyses of ITS, tef1, and tub2 loci. To our knowledge, this is the first report of Pseudofusicoccum species in China.
Genealogical concordance phylogenetic species recognition (GCPSR) provides criteria and has been applied for species delimitation for many years [39,40]. Multi-gene phylogenetic analyses without the morphological characteristics were used commonly for the identification of described species of Botryosphaeriales, including species of Pseudofusicoccum [41,42,43]. For Pseudofusicoccum species, the common loci used for phylogenetic analyses are ITS, tef1, and tub2, which can provide sufficient information to distinguish most species [2,5,32,44]. The phylogenetic analyses in this study revealed that trees based on each of the loci and a combination of the three loci were necessary for species identification, and tef1 and combined datasets were more efficient in species delimitation in this genus.
Previous studies have detected Pseudofusicoccum species in various hosts in different countries [45,46]. Out of these, P. kimberleyense was first described on Adansonia gibbosam, Acacia synchronica, Eucalyptus sp., and Ficus opposita in Australia [32,47] and also reported from Carya illinoinensis in Brazil [48]. Pseudofusicoccum violaceum, first reported from Pterocarpus angolensis in South Africa [36], has been reported on Tinospora cordifolia in India [49] and Mangifera indica in Malaysia [50]. This study also showed that both were detected in A. mangium, Eucalyptus spp., and P. massoniana. A high proportion of isolates on A. mangium, compared with very rare ones on Eucalyptus spp. and P. massoniana, and no isolates on C. lanceolata in this study, revealed that species of Pseudofusicoccum associated with diseases may have a host preference in the environment.
Inoculation trials revealed that the two Pseudofusicoccum species identified in this study were virulent to the three tested hosts. This is consistent with previous studies showing that these species are also important pathogens to many hosts, including Mangifera indica [50,51,52], Syzygium malaccense [53], and Artemisia annua [9]. Although some isolates presented relatively weak virulence to hosts, such as P. adansoniae, P. ardesicum, and P. kimberleyense on baobab taproots [47], P. africanum on Mimusops caffra [33], and some P. kimberleyense and P. violaceum isolates presenting minor lesions on inoculated seedlings in this study, the co-occurrence with other botryosphaeriaceous fungi revealed that Pseudofusicoccum plays a role in disease occurrence and development [54].
The current study provides foundational data on the diversity, distribution, and virulence of Pseudofusicoccum from plantations of A. mangium, Eucalyptus spp., and P. massoniana in southern China. This study also provides evidence of the host preference of these agents. These Pseudofusicoccum species associated with stem canker and die-back indicate a new potential threat to these plantations and should not be ignored in disease management in the future.

Supplementary Materials

The following supporting information can be downloaded at:, Figure S1: Phylogenetic tree based on maximum likelihood (ML) analyses of the ITS locus for Pseudofusicoccum species. Figure S2: Phylogenetic tree based on maximum likelihood (ML) analyses the tef1 locus for Pseudofusicoccum species. Figure S3: Phylogenetic tree based on maximum likelihood (ML) analyses the tub2 locus for Pseudofusicoccum species.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, G.L. and S.C.; Methodology, G.L. and S.C.; Software, G.L.; Validation, G.L., W.W., L.L., B.C. and S.C.; Formal Analysis, G.L.; Investigation, G.L.; Resources, G.L. and S.C.; Data Curation, G.L. and S.C.; Writing—Original Draft Preparation, G.L.; Writing—Review & Editing, G.L., W.W., L.L., B.C. and S.C.; Visualization, G.L.; Supervision, S.C.; Project Administration, S.C.; Funding Acquisition, S.C. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This study was supported by the National Ten-thousand Talents Program (Project No. W03070115), the National Key R&D Program of China (China-South Africa Forestry Joint Research Centre Project; project No. 2018YFE0120900), and the GuangDong Top Young Talents Program (Project No. 20171172).

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

The DNA sequences generated in this paper were submitted to the NCBI database (, accession numbers listed in the Table 2, last accessed on 22 March 2023).


We thank Jialong Han and Lansen Sun for their assistance in collecting samples.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Figure 1. Phylogenetic tree based on maximum likelihood (ML) analyses of the combined DNA dataset of ITS, tef1, and tub2 loci for Pseudofusicoccum species. Isolates in blue (Group A) and red (Group B) colors in bold were sequenced in this study. Bootstrap support values ≥ 70% for ML and MP (maximum parsimony) and probabilities values of BI (Bayesian inference) ≥ 0.9 are presented above the branches as follows: ML/MP/BI, bootstrap support values < 70% and probabilities values < 0.9 are marked with ‘*’, and absent are marked with ‘-’. Ex-type isolates are marked with ‘T’. The trees were rooted in Botryosphaeria dothidea (CBS 115476).
Figure 1. Phylogenetic tree based on maximum likelihood (ML) analyses of the combined DNA dataset of ITS, tef1, and tub2 loci for Pseudofusicoccum species. Isolates in blue (Group A) and red (Group B) colors in bold were sequenced in this study. Bootstrap support values ≥ 70% for ML and MP (maximum parsimony) and probabilities values of BI (Bayesian inference) ≥ 0.9 are presented above the branches as follows: ML/MP/BI, bootstrap support values < 70% and probabilities values < 0.9 are marked with ‘*’, and absent are marked with ‘-’. Ex-type isolates are marked with ‘T’. The trees were rooted in Botryosphaeria dothidea (CBS 115476).
Pathogens 12 00574 g001
Figure 2. Percentage of isolates on Acacia mangium, Pinus massoniana, and Eucalyptus spp. for each species of Pseudofusicoccum kimberleyense (A) and P. violaceum (B).
Figure 2. Percentage of isolates on Acacia mangium, Pinus massoniana, and Eucalyptus spp. for each species of Pseudofusicoccum kimberleyense (A) and P. violaceum (B).
Pathogens 12 00574 g002
Figure 3. Symptoms observed on Acacia mangium (AC), Pinus elliottii (DF), and Eucalyptus urophylla × E. grandis (GI) one month after inoculation. (A) Lesion produced by isolate CSF18503 (P. kimberleyense); (B) lesion produced by isolate CSF19320 (P. violaceum); (C) negative control; (D) lesion produced by isolate CSF18491 (P. kimberleyense); (E) lesion produced by isolate CSF19418 (P. violaceum); (F) negative control; (G) lesion produced by isolate CSF19064 (P. kimberleyense); (H) lesion produced by isolate CSF18895 (P. violaceum); (I) negative control.
Figure 3. Symptoms observed on Acacia mangium (AC), Pinus elliottii (DF), and Eucalyptus urophylla × E. grandis (GI) one month after inoculation. (A) Lesion produced by isolate CSF18503 (P. kimberleyense); (B) lesion produced by isolate CSF19320 (P. violaceum); (C) negative control; (D) lesion produced by isolate CSF18491 (P. kimberleyense); (E) lesion produced by isolate CSF19418 (P. violaceum); (F) negative control; (G) lesion produced by isolate CSF19064 (P. kimberleyense); (H) lesion produced by isolate CSF18895 (P. violaceum); (I) negative control.
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Figure 4. Column chart indicating the average lesion length (mm) produced by isolates of Pseudofusicoccum on the tested seedlings of Acacia mangium (A), Pinus elliottii (B), and Eucalyptus urophylla × E. grandis (C). Bars represent the standard error of the mean, and different letters on the bars indicate treatment means that are significantly different (p = 0.05). The isolates without boxes are P. kimberleyense, and the isolates with boxes are P. violaceum.
Figure 4. Column chart indicating the average lesion length (mm) produced by isolates of Pseudofusicoccum on the tested seedlings of Acacia mangium (A), Pinus elliottii (B), and Eucalyptus urophylla × E. grandis (C). Bars represent the standard error of the mean, and different letters on the bars indicate treatment means that are significantly different (p = 0.05). The isolates without boxes are P. kimberleyense, and the isolates with boxes are P. violaceum.
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Table 1. Samples collected and Pseudofusicoccum isolates obtained in this study.
Table 1. Samples collected and Pseudofusicoccum isolates obtained in this study.
Plantation Tree SpeciesNumber of SamplesNumber of P. kimberleyense/P. violaceum Isolates
Acacia mangium150100200509/020/1035/615/10
Pinus massoniana250200501507/12/04/00/3
Eucalyptus spp.2542002001500/00/03/10/0
Cunninghamia lanceolata15010001500/00/00/00/0
Table 2. Isolates sequenced and used for phylogenetic analyses and inoculation trials in this study.
Table 2. Isolates sequenced and used for phylogenetic analyses and inoculation trials in this study.
SpeciesGenotype aIsolation No. bHostLocationGPS InformationCollectorGenBank Accession No. c
Pseudofusicoccum kimberleyenseAAACSF14609 dAcacia mangiumYangdong County, Yangjiang Region, Guangdong Province, China22°01′27″ N, 112°11′17″ EG.Q. LiOQ659775OQ659901OQ660027
P. kimberleyenseAAACSF14635 dPinus massonianaYangchun County, Yangjiang Region, Guangdong Province, China21°55′31″ N, 111°38′37″ EG.Q. LiOQ659776OQ659902OQ660028
P. kimberleyenseAAACSF18370P. massonianaHuazhou County, Maoming Region, Guangdong Province, China21°47′05″ N, 110°28′35″ EG.Q. LiOQ659777OQ659903OQ660029
P. kimberleyenseAAACSF18519A. mangiumBeiliu County, Yulin Region, Guangxi Province, China22°47′12″ N, 110°17′53″ EG.Q. LiOQ659778OQ659904OQ660030
P. kimberleyenseAAACSF18531A. mangiumBeiliu County, Yulin Region, Guangxi Province, China22°47′12″ N, 110°17′53″ EG.Q. LiOQ659779OQ659905OQ660031
P. kimberleyenseAAACSF18848A. mangiumShangsi County, Fangchenggang Region, Guangxi Province, China22°06′50″ N, 107°52′60″ EG.Q. LiOQ659780OQ659906OQ660032
P. kimberleyenseAAACSF18860A. mangiumShangsi County, Fangchenggang Region, Guangxi Province, China22°06′50″ N, 107°52′60″ EG.Q. LiOQ659781OQ659907OQ660033
P. kimberleyenseAAACSF18957 eP. massonianaQiongshan District, Haikou Region, Hainan Province, China19°40′39″ N, 110°26′51″ EG.Q. LiOQ659782OQ659908OQ660034
P. kimberleyenseAAACSF19124 eA. mangiumLedong County, Hainan Province, China18°44′44″ N, 109°13′43″ EG.Q. LiOQ659783OQ659909OQ660035
P. kimberleyenseAAACSF19126A. mangiumLedong County, Hainan Province, China18°44′44″ N, 109°13′43″ EG.Q. LiOQ659784OQ659910OQ660036
P. kimberleyenseAAACSF19131A. mangiumLedong County, Hainan Province, China18°44′44″ N, 109°13′43″ EG.Q. LiOQ659785OQ659911OQ660037
P. kimberleyenseAAACSF19134A. mangiumLedong County, Hainan Province, China18°44′44″ N, 109°13′43″ EG.Q. LiOQ659786OQ659912OQ660038
P. kimberleyenseAAACSF19345A. mangiumHuaan County, Zhangzhou Region, Fujian Province, China24°57′47″ N, 117°31′40″ EG.Q. LiOQ659787OQ659913OQ660039
P. kimberleyenseAAACSF19348A. mangiumHuaan County, Zhangzhou Region, Fujian Province, China24°57′47″ N, 117°31′40″ EG.Q. LiOQ659788OQ659914OQ660040
P. kimberleyenseAAACSF19359A. mangiumHuaan County, Zhangzhou Region, Fujian Province, China24°57′47″ N, 117°31′40″ EG.Q. LiOQ659789OQ659915OQ660041
P. kimberleyenseAAACSF19659A. mangiumJiexi County, Jieyang Region, Guangdong Province, China23°28′49″ N, 115°45′46″ EG.Q. LiOQ659790OQ659916OQ660042
P. kimberleyenseAAACSF19661A. mangiumJiexi County, Jieyang Region, Guangdong Province, China23°28′49″ N, 115°45′46″ EG.Q. LiOQ659791OQ659917OQ660043
P. kimberleyenseAABCSF19094 dA. mangiumLedong County, Hainan Province, China18°44′44″ N, 109°13′43″ EG.Q. LiOQ659792OQ659918OQ660044
P. kimberleyenseAABCSF19099 dA. mangiumLedong County, Hainan Province, China18°44′44″N, 109°13′43″EG.Q. LiOQ659793OQ659919OQ660045
P. kimberleyenseAABCSF19106A. mangiumLedong County, Hainan Province, China18°44′44″ N, 109°13′43″ EG.Q. LiOQ659794OQ659920OQ660046
P. kimberleyenseAABCSF19109A. mangiumLedong County, Hainan Province, China18°44′44″ N, 109°13′43″ EG.Q. LiOQ659795OQ659921OQ660047
P. kimberleyenseAABCSF19111A. mangiumLedong County, Hainan Province, China18°44′44″ N, 109°13′43″ EG.Q. LiOQ659796OQ659922OQ660048
P. kimberleyenseAABCSF19117A. mangiumLedong County, Hainan Province, China18°44′44″ N, 109°13′43″ EG.Q. LiOQ659797OQ659923OQ660049
P. kimberleyenseAABCSF19120A. mangiumLedong County, Hainan Province, China18°44′44″ N, 109°13′43″ EG.Q. LiOQ659798OQ659924OQ660050
P. kimberleyenseAABCSF19122A. mangiumLedong County, Hainan Province, China18°44′44″ N, 109°13′43″ EG.Q. LiOQ659799OQ659925OQ660051
P. kimberleyenseAABCSF19129A. mangiumLedong County, Hainan Province, China18°44′44″ N, 109°13′43″ EG.Q. LiOQ659800OQ659926OQ660052
P. kimberleyenseAABCSF19136A. mangiumLedong County, Hainan Province, China18°44′44″ N, 109°13′43″EG.Q. LiOQ659801OQ659927OQ660053
P. kimberleyenseAABCSF19138A. mangiumLedong County, Hainan Province, China18°44′44″N, 109°13′43″EG.Q. LiOQ659802OQ659928OQ660054
P. kimberleyenseAACCSF18423 dP. massonianaFengkai County, Zhaoqing Region, Guangdong Province, China23°26′59″ N, 111°34′37″ EG.Q. LiOQ659803OQ659929OQ660055
P. kimberleyenseAACCSF18503 deA. mangiumBeiliu County, Yulin Region, Guangxi Province, China22°47′12″ N, 110°17′53″ EG.Q. LiOQ659804OQ659930OQ660056
P. kimberleyenseAACCSF18517A. mangiumBeiliu County, Yulin Region, Guangxi Province, China22°47′12″ N, 110°17′53″ EG.Q. LiOQ659805OQ659931OQ660057
P. kimberleyenseAADCSF19107 dA. mangiumLedong County, Hainan Province, China18°44′44″ N, 109°13′43″ EG.Q. LiOQ659806OQ659932OQ660058
P. kimberleyenseABACSF18642 dP. massonianaRongan County, Liuzhou Region, Guangxi Province, China25°15′11″ N, 109°25′45″ EG.Q. LiOQ659807OQ659933OQ660059
P. kimberleyenseABACSF18829 dA. mangiumShangsi County, Fangchenggang Region, Guangxi Province, China22°06′50″ N, 107°52′60″ EG.Q. LiOQ659808OQ659934OQ660060
P. kimberleyenseABACSF18830A. mangiumShangsi County, Fangchenggang Region, Guangxi Province, China22°06′50″ N, 107°52′60″ EG.Q. LiOQ659809OQ659935OQ660061
P. kimberleyenseABACSF18842A. mangiumShangsi County, Fangchenggang Region, Guangxi Province, China22°06′50″ N, 107°52′60″ EG.Q. LiOQ659810OQ659936OQ660062
P. kimberleyenseABACSF18990A. mangiumQiongshan District, Haikou Region, Hainan Province, China19°40′39″ N, 110°26′51″ EG.Q. LiOQ659811OQ659937OQ660063
P. kimberleyenseABACSF18991A. mangiumQiongshan District, Haikou Region, Hainan Province, China19°40′39″ N, 110°26′51″ EG.Q. LiOQ659812OQ659938OQ660064
P. kimberleyenseABACSF19064 eEucalyptus sp.Ledong County, Hainan Province, China18°44′44″ N, 109°13′43″ EG.Q. LiOQ659813OQ659939OQ660065
P. kimberleyenseABACSF19067 eEucalyptus sp.Ledong County, Hainan Province, China18°44′44″ N, 109°13′43″ EG.Q. LiOQ659814OQ659940OQ660066
P. kimberleyenseABACSF19092A. mangiumLedong County, Hainan Province, China18°44′44″ N, 109°13′43″ EG.Q. LiOQ659815OQ659941OQ660067
P. kimberleyenseABACSF19116A. mangiumLedong County, Hainan Province, China18°44′44″ N, 109°13′43″ EG.Q. LiOQ659816OQ659942OQ660068
P. kimberleyenseABACSF19118A. mangiumLedong County, Hainan Province, China18°44′44″ N, 109°13′43″ EG.Q. LiOQ659817OQ659943OQ660069
P. kimberleyenseABACSF19123A. mangiumLedong County, Hainan Province, China18°44′44″ N, 109°13′43″ EG.Q. LiOQ659818OQ659944OQ660070
P. kimberleyenseABACSF19128A. mangiumLedong County, Hainan Province, China18°44′44″ N, 109°13′43″ EG.Q. LiOQ659819OQ659945OQ660071
P. kimberleyenseABCCSF18375 dP. massonianaHuazhou County, Maoming Region, Guangdong Province, China21°47′05″ N, 110°28′35″ EG.Q. LiOQ659820OQ659946OQ660072
P. kimberleyenseABDCSF19112 dA. mangiumLedong County, Hainan Province, China18°44′44″ N, 109°13′43″ EG.Q. LiOQ659821OQ659947OQ660073
P. kimberleyenseACACSF19125 dA. mangiumLedong County, Hainan Province, China18°44′44″ N, 109°13′43″ EG.Q. LiOQ659822OQ659948OQ660074
P. kimberleyenseADBCSF19093 dA. mangiumLedong County, Hainan Province, China18°44′44″ N, 109°13′43″ EG.Q. LiOQ659823OQ659949OQ660075
P. kimberleyenseAEECSF18839 dA. mangiumShangsi County, Fangchenggang Region, Guangxi Province, China22°06′50″ N, 107°52′60″ EG.Q. LiOQ659824OQ659950OQ660076
P. kimberleyenseAFACSF18961 dA. mangiumQiongshan District, Haikou Region, Hainan Province, China19°40′39″ N, 110°26′51″ EG.Q. LiOQ659825OQ659951OQ660077
P. kimberleyenseBAACSF14162 dP. massonianaGaozhou County, Maoming Region, Guangdong Province, China 22°11′31″ N, 110°44′45″ EG.Q. LiOQ659826OQ659952OQ660078
P. kimberleyenseBAACSF18376 deP. massonianaHuazhou County, Maoming Region, Guangdong Province, China21°47′05″ N, 110°28′35″ EG.Q. LiOQ659827OQ659953OQ660079
P. kimberleyenseBAACSF18407A. mangiumYangchun County, Yangjiang Region, Guangdong Province, China21°55′32″ N, 111°38′39″ EG.Q. LiOQ659828OQ659954OQ660080
P. kimberleyenseBAACSF18425P. massonianaFengkai County, Zhaoqing Region, Guangdong Province, China23°26′59″ N, 111°34′37″ EG.Q. LiOQ659829OQ659955OQ660081
P. kimberleyenseBAACSF18491 eP. massonianaBeiliu County, Yulin Region, Guangxi Province, China22°47′12″ N, 110°17′53″ EG.Q. LiOQ659830OQ659956OQ660082
P. kimberleyenseBAACSF18522A. mangiumBeiliu County, Yulin Region, Guangxi Province, China22°47′12″ N, 110°17′53″EG.Q. LiOQ659831OQ659957OQ660083
P. kimberleyenseBAACSF18538A. mangiumBeiliu County, Yulin Region, Guangxi Province, China22°47′12″ N, 110°17′53″ EG.Q. LiOQ659832OQ659958OQ660084
P. kimberleyenseBAACSF18539A. mangiumBeiliu County, Yulin Region, Guangxi Province, China22°47′12″ N, 110°17′53″ EG.Q. LiOQ659833OQ659959OQ660085
P. kimberleyenseBAACSF18822A. mangiumShangsi County, Fangchenggang Region, Guangxi Province, China22°06′50″ N, 107°52′60″ EG.Q. LiOQ659834OQ659960OQ660086
P. kimberleyenseBAACSF18823A. mangiumShangsi County, Fangchenggang Region, Guangxi Province, China22°06′50″ N, 107°52′60″ EG.Q. LiOQ659835OQ659961OQ660087
P. kimberleyenseBAACSF18825A. mangiumShangsi County, Fangchenggang Region, Guangxi Province, China22°06′50″N, 107°52′60″EG.Q. LiOQ659836OQ659962OQ660088
P. kimberleyenseBAACSF18919P. massonianaQiongshan District, Haikou Region, Hainan Province, China19°40′39″ N, 110°26′51″ EG.Q. LiOQ659837OQ659963OQ660089
P. kimberleyenseBAACSF18923P. massonianaQiongshan District, Haikou Region, Hainan Province, China19°40′39″ N, 110°26′51″ EG.Q. LiOQ659838OQ659964OQ660090
P. kimberleyenseBAACSF18924P. massonianaQiongshan District, Haikou Region, Hainan Province, China19°40′39″ N, 110°26′51″ EG.Q. LiOQ659839OQ659965OQ660091
P. kimberleyenseBAACSF18973A. mangiumQiongshan District, Haikou Region, Hainan Province, China19°40′39″ N, 110°26′51″ EG.Q. LiOQ659840OQ659966OQ660092
P. kimberleyenseBAACSF18993A. mangiumQiongshan District, Haikou Region, Hainan Province, China19°40′39″ N, 110°26′51″ EG.Q. LiOQ659841OQ659967OQ660093
P. kimberleyenseBAACSF19135A. mangiumLedong County, Hainan Province, China18°44′44″ N, 109°13′43″ EG.Q. LiOQ659842OQ659968OQ660094
P. kimberleyenseBAACSF19182A. mangiumDanzhou Region, Hainan Province, China19°41′42″ N, 109°19′50″ EG.Q. LiOQ659843OQ659969OQ660095
P. kimberleyenseBAACSF19318 eA. mangiumHuaan County, Zhangzhou Region, Fujian Province, China24°46′43″ N, 117°36′11′ ’EG.Q. LiOQ659844OQ659970OQ660096
P. kimberleyenseBAACSF19324A. mangiumHuaan County, Zhangzhou Region, Fujian Province, China24°46′43″ N, 117°36′11″ EG.Q. LiOQ659845OQ659971OQ660097
P. kimberleyenseBAACSF19325A. mangiumHuaan County, Zhangzhou Region, Fujian Province, China24°46′43″ N, 117°36′11″ EG.Q. LiOQ659846OQ659972OQ660098
P. kimberleyenseBAACSF19327A. mangiumHuaan County, Zhangzhou Region, Fujian Province, China24°57′47″ N, 117°31′40″ EG.Q. LiOQ659847OQ659973OQ660099
P. kimberleyenseBAACSF19328A. mangiumHuaan County, Zhangzhou Region, Fujian Province, China24°57′47″ N, 117°31′40″ EG.Q. LiOQ659848OQ659974OQ660100
P. kimberleyenseBAACSF19336A. mangiumHuaan County, Zhangzhou Region, Fujian Province, China24°57′47″ N, 117°31′40″ EG.Q. LiOQ659849OQ659975OQ660101
P. kimberleyenseBAACSF19337A. mangiumHuaan County, Zhangzhou Region, Fujian Province, China24°57′47″ N, 117°31′40″ EG.Q. LiOQ659850OQ659976OQ660102
P. kimberleyenseBAACSF19341A. mangiumHuaan County, Zhangzhou Region, Fujian Province, China24°57′47″ N, 117°31′40″ EG.Q. LiOQ659851OQ659977OQ660103
P. kimberleyenseBAACSF19353A. mangiumHuaan County, Zhangzhou Region, Fujian Province, China24°57′47″ N, 117°31′40″ EG.Q. LiOQ659852OQ659978OQ660104
P. kimberleyenseBAACSF19354A. mangiumHuaan County, Zhangzhou Region, Fujian Province, China24°57′47″N, 117°31′40″EG.Q. LiOQ659853OQ659979OQ660105
P. kimberleyenseBAACSF19358A. mangiumHuaan County, Zhangzhou Region, Fujian Province, China24°57′47″ N, 117°31′40″ EG.Q. LiOQ659854OQ659980OQ660106
P. kimberleyenseBAACSF19650A. mangiumJiexi County, Jieyang Region, Guangdong Province, China23°28′49″ N, 115°45′46″ EG.Q. LiOQ659855OQ659981OQ660107
P. kimberleyenseBAACSF19658A. mangiumJiexi County, Jieyang Region, Guangdong Province, China23°28′49″ N, 115°45′46″ EG.Q. LiOQ659856OQ659982OQ660108
P. kimberleyenseBACCSF19110 dA. mangiumLedong County, Hainan Province, China18°44′44″ N, 109°13′43″ EG.Q. LiOQ659857OQ659983OQ660109
P. kimberleyenseBACCSF19649 dA. mangiumJiexi County, Jieyang Region, Guangdong Province, China23°28′49″ N, 115°45′46″ EG.Q. LiOQ659858OQ659984OQ660110
P. kimberleyenseBBACSF14610 dA. mangiumYangdong County, Yangjiang Region, Guangdong Province, China22°01′27″N, 112°11′17″ EG.Q. LiOQ659859OQ659985OQ660111
P. kimberleyenseBBACSF18513A. mangiumBeiliu County, Yulin Region, Guangxi Province, China22°47′12″ N, 110°17′53″ EG.Q. LiOQ659860OQ659986OQ660112
P. kimberleyenseBBACSF18835A. mangiumShangsi County, Fangchenggang Region, Guangxi Province, China22°06′50″ N, 107°52′60″ EG.Q. LiOQ659861OQ659987OQ660113
P. kimberleyenseBBACSF18854A. mangiumShangsi County, Fangchenggang Region, Guangxi Province, China22°06′50″ N, 107°52′60″ EG.Q. LiOQ659862OQ659988OQ660114
P. kimberleyenseBBACSF18858A. mangiumShangsi County, Fangchenggang Region, Guangxi Province, China22°06′50″ N, 107°52′60″ EG.Q. LiOQ659863OQ659989OQ660115
P. kimberleyenseBBACSF19653 dA. mangiumJiexi County, Jieyang Region, Guangdong Province, China23°28′49″N, 115°45′46″EG.Q. LiOQ659864OQ659990OQ660116
P. kimberleyenseBCACSF19121 dA. mangiumLedong County, Hainan Province, China18°44′44″ N, 109°13′43″ EG.Q. LiOQ659865OQ659991OQ660117
P. kimberleyenseBCACSF19137 dA. mangiumLedong County, Hainan Province, China18°44′44″ N, 109°13′43″ EG.Q. LiOQ659866OQ659992OQ660118
P. kimberleyenseCAACSF19096 dA. mangiumLedong County, Hainan Province, China18°44′44″ N, 109°13′43″ EG.Q. LiOQ659867OQ659993OQ660119
P. kimberleyenseCBACSF19066 deEucalyptus sp.Ledong County, Hainan Province, China18°44′44″ N, 109°13′43″ EG.Q. LiOQ659868OQ659994OQ660120
P. kimberleyenseDBACSF19343 dA. mangiumHuaan County, Zhangzhou Region, Fujian Province, China24°57′47″ N, 117°31′40″ EG.Q. LiOQ659869OQ659995OQ660121
P. violaceumAAACSF18527 dA. mangiumBeiliu County, Yulin Region, Guangxi Province, China22°47′12″ N, 110°17′53″ EG.Q. LiOQ659870OQ659996OQ660122
P. violaceumAAACSF18841 dA. mangiumShangsi County, Fangchenggang Region, Guangxi Province, China22°06′50″ N, 107°52′60″ EG.Q. LiOQ659871OQ659997OQ660123
P. violaceumAAACSF19180A. mangiumDanzhou Region, Hainan Province, China19°41′42″ N, 109°19′50″ EG.Q. LiOQ659872OQ659998OQ660124
P. violaceumAAACSF19339A. mangiumHuaan County, Zhangzhou Region, Fujian Province, China24°57′47″ N, 117°31′40″ EG.Q. LiOQ659873OQ659999OQ660125
P. violaceumAABCSF19320 deA. mangiumHuaan County, Zhangzhou Region, Fujian Province, China24°46′43″ N, 117°36′11″ EG.Q. LiOQ659874OQ660000OQ660126
P. violaceumAABCSF19321 dA. mangiumHuaan County, Zhangzhou Region, Fujian Province, China24°46′43″ N, 117°36′11″ EG.Q. LiOQ659875OQ660001OQ660127
P. violaceumAABCSF19323A. mangiumHuaan County, Zhangzhou Region, Fujian Province, China24°46′43″ N, 117°36′11″ EG.Q. LiOQ659876OQ660002OQ660128
P. violaceumABACSF19259 deP. massonianaHuaan County, Zhangzhou Region, Fujian Province, China24°46′43″ N, 117°36′11″ EG.Q. LiOQ659877OQ660003OQ660129
P. violaceumABACSF19335 dA. mangiumHuaan County, Zhangzhou Region, Fujian Province, China24°57′47″ N, 117°31′40″ EG.Q. LiOQ659878OQ660004OQ660130
P. violaceumABACSF19338A. mangiumHuaan County, Zhangzhou Region, Fujian Province, China24°57′47″ N, 117°31′40″ EG.Q. LiOQ659879OQ660005OQ660131
P. violaceumABACSF19418 eP. massonianaYongtai County, Fuzhou Region, Fujian Province, China25°54′02″ N, 118°54′50″ EG.Q. LiOQ659880OQ660006OQ660132
P. violaceumABACSF19419P. massonianaYongtai County, Fuzhou Region, Fujian Province, China25°54′02″ N, 118°54′50″ EG.Q. LiOQ659881OQ660007OQ660133
P. violaceumACACSF18515 dA. mangiumBeiliu County, Yulin Region, Guangxi Province, China22°47′12″ N, 110°17′53″ EG.Q. LiOQ659882OQ660008OQ660134
P. violaceumACACSF19357 dA. mangiumHuaan County, Zhangzhou Region, Fujian Province, China24°57′47″ N, 117°31′40″ EG.Q. LiOQ659883OQ660009OQ660135
P. violaceumADACSF18979 dA. mangiumQiongshan District, Haikou Region, Hainan Province, China19°40′39″ N, 110°26′51″ EG.Q. LiOQ659884OQ660010OQ660136
P. violaceumADBCSF18972 dA. mangiumQiongshan District, Haikou Region, Hainan Province, China19°40′39″ N, 110°26′51″ EG.Q. LiOQ659885OQ660011OQ660137
P. violaceumAEACSF18430 deP. massonianaRuyuan County, Shaoguan Region, Guangdong Province, China24°50′13″ N, 113°21′03″ EG.Q. LiOQ659886OQ660012OQ660138
P. violaceumBAACSF18827 deA. mangiumShangsi County, Fangchenggang Region, Guangxi Province, China22°06′50″ N, 107°52′60″ EG.Q. LiOQ659887OQ660013OQ660139
P. violaceumBAACSF18828 dA. mangiumShangsi County, Fangchenggang Region, Guangxi Province, China22°06′50″ N, 107°52′60″ EG.Q. LiOQ659888OQ660014OQ660140
P. violaceumBAACSF18844A. mangiumShangsi County, Fangchenggang Region, Guangxi Province, China22°06′50″ N, 107°52′60″ EG.Q. LiOQ659889OQ660015OQ660141
P. violaceumBAACSF18895 eEucalyptus sp.Qiongshan District, Haikou Region, Hainan Province, China19°40′39″ N, 110°26′51″ EG.Q. LiOQ659890OQ660016OQ660142
P. violaceumBAACSF19222A. mangiumDanzhou Region, Hainan Province, China19°41′42″ N, 109°19′50″ EG.Q. LiOQ659891OQ660017OQ660143
P. violaceumBAACSF19351A. mangiumHuaan County, Zhangzhou Region, Fujian Province, China24°57′47″ N, 117°31′40″ EG.Q. LiOQ659892OQ660018OQ660144
P. violaceumBABCSF18533 dA. mangiumBeiliu County, Yulin Region, Guangxi Province, China22°47′12″ N, 110°17′53″ EG.Q. LiOQ659893OQ660019OQ660145
P. violaceumBACCSF18840 dA. mangiumShangsi County, Fangchenggang Region, Guangxi Province, China22°06′50″ N, 107°52′60″ EG.Q. LiOQ659894OQ660020OQ660146
P. violaceumBBACSF18859 dA. mangiumShangsi County, Fangchenggang Region, Guangxi Province, China22°06′50″ N, 107°52′60″ EG.Q. LiOQ659895OQ660021OQ660147
P. violaceumBCACSF19344 dA. mangiumHuaan County, Zhangzhou Region, Fujian Province, China24°57′47″ N, 117°31′40″ EG.Q. LiOQ659896OQ660022OQ660148
P. violaceumBCBCSF18843 dA. mangiumShangsi County, Fangchenggang Region, Guangxi Province, China22°06′50″ N, 107°52′60″ EG.Q. LiOQ659897OQ660023OQ660149
P. violaceumBDACSF19202 dA. mangiumDanzhou Region, Hainan Province, China19°41′42″ N, 109°19′50″ EG.Q. LiOQ659898OQ660024OQ660150
P. violaceumBDBCSF19217 deA. mangiumDanzhou Region, Hainan Province, China19°41′42″ N, 109°19′50′′ EG.Q. LiOQ659899OQ660025OQ660151
P. violaceumCAACSF19347 dA. mangiumHuaan County, Zhangzhou Region, Fujian Province, China24°57′47′′ N, 117°31′40′′ EG.Q. LiOQ659900OQ660026OQ660152
a Genotype within each species determined by ITS, tef1, and tub2 loci. The three capital letters of genotype represent the ITS, tef1, and tub2 sequences, respectively. The same letter among isolates from each species means they shared the same genotype. b CSF: Culture Collection of the Research Institute of Fast-growing trees, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Zhanjiang, Guangdong Province, China. c ITS: internal transcribed spacer; tef1: translation elongation factor 1-alpha; tub2: β-tubulin. d Isolates used for phylogenetic analyses. e Isolates used for inoculation trials.
Table 3. Isolates from other studies and used for phylogenetic analyses for this study.
Table 3. Isolates from other studies and used for phylogenetic analyses for this study.
SpeciesIsolate No.aHostLocationCollectorGenBank Accession No.bReference
Pseudofusicoccum adansoniaeCMW 26147 = CBS 122055Adansonia gibbosaAustraliaT.I. BurgessEF585523EF585571MT592771[5,32]
P. adansoniaeCMW26146 = CBS 122054Eucalyptus sp. AustraliaT.I. BurgessEF585532EF585570MT592770[5,32]
P. africanumCMW 48028 = PPRI 25471Mimusops caffraSouth AfricaM.J. WingfieldMH558614MH576590NA[33]
P. africanumCMW 48027Mimusops caffraSouth AfricaM.J. WingfieldMH558616MH576591NA[33]
P. ardesiacumCMW 26159 = CBS 122062Adansonia gibbosaAustraliaT.I. BurgessEU144060EU144075 KX465069[3,32]
P. ardesiacumCMW 26155 = CBS 122063 Adansonia gibbosaAustraliaT.I. BurgessEU144061EU144076KX465070[3,32]
P. artocarpiCPC 22796 = CBS 138655Artocarpus heterophyllusThailandT. TrakunyingcharoenKM006452KM006483MT882262[5,34]
P. calophylliMFLUCC 17-2533 = KUMCC 18-0282Calophyllum inophyllumThailandS.C. JayasiriMK347764 MK340877MK412885[35]
P. kimberleyensisCMW 26156 = CBS 122058Acacia synchronicaAustraliaT.I. BurgessEU144057EU144072MT592773[5,32]
P. kimberleyensisCMW 26157 = CBS 122059Eucalyptus sp.AustraliaT.I. BurgessEU144056EU144071MT592774[5,32]
P. olivaceumCMW 20881 = CBS 124939Pterocarpus angolensisSouth AfricaJ. RouxFJ888459FJ888437MT592776[5,36]
P. olivaceumCMW 22637 = CBS 124940Pterocarpus angolensisSouth AfricaJ. Mehl & J. RouxFJ888462FJ888438MT592777[5,36]
P. stromaticumCMW 13434 = CBS 117448Eucalyptus hybridVenezuelaS. MohaliAY693974AY693975EU673094[2,37]
P. stromaticumCMW 13435 = CBS 117449Eucalyptus hybridVenezuelaS. MohaliDQ436935DQ436936EU673093[2,37]
P. violaceumCMW 22679 = CBS 124936Pterocarpus angolensisSouth AfricaJ. Mehl & J. RouxFJ888474FJ888442MT592782[5,36]
P. violaceumCMW 20436 = CBS 124937Pterocarpus angolensisSouth AfricaJ. RouxFJ888458FJ888440MT592783[5,36]
B. dothideaCBS 115476 = CMW 8000Prunus sp.SwitzerlandB. SlippersAY236949AY236898AY236927[38]
a Isolates in bold represent ex-type. CBS: Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute, Utrecht, The Netherlands; CMW: Culture collection of the Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa; CPC = Culture Collection of P.W. Crous, housed at CBS; KUMCC: Kunming Institute of Botany Culture Collection, Yunnan, China; MFLUCC: Mae Fah Luang University Culture Collection, Chiang Rai, Thailand; PPRI: the South African National Collection of Fungi, Roodeplaat, South Africa. b ITS: internal transcribed spacer; tef1: translation elongation factor 1-alpha; tub2: β-tubulin.
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MDPI and ACS Style

Li, G.; Wu, W.; Lu, L.; Chen, B.; Chen, S. Characterization of Pseudofusicoccum Species from Diseased Plantation-Grown Acacia mangium, Eucalyptus spp., and Pinus massoniana in Southern China. Pathogens 2023, 12, 574.

AMA Style

Li G, Wu W, Lu L, Chen B, Chen S. Characterization of Pseudofusicoccum Species from Diseased Plantation-Grown Acacia mangium, Eucalyptus spp., and Pinus massoniana in Southern China. Pathogens. 2023; 12(4):574.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Li, Guoqing, Wenxia Wu, Linqin Lu, Bingyin Chen, and Shuaifei Chen. 2023. "Characterization of Pseudofusicoccum Species from Diseased Plantation-Grown Acacia mangium, Eucalyptus spp., and Pinus massoniana in Southern China" Pathogens 12, no. 4: 574.

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