Analyzing Migration Management: On the Recruitment of Nurses to Germany
:1. Introduction
2. The Principles and Politics of Migration Management
3. Analyzing Migration Management: Recruitment of Nurses in Germany
3.1. The Demographization of the Care Crisis: Migration as a Solution Strategy
“The partners agree that, because of the substantial increase in the demand for skilled personnel in elderly care, not only must the domestic [sic] potential be more strongly promoted and tapped to secure a foundation of skilled staff, but the potential available in the EU labor market, as well as, at least in the mid to long term, qualified immigration from third countries, must also be fully utilized”.3
3.2. Categorization: Figures of Migration in the Care Sector
“We begin with simple personal care and making beds; the very easy stuff. When that’s covered, they have to document it. Because this is also an important part of the tools of the trade. Then we wait and see what their German is like, as it were”(Practical instructor/mentor (Ward A), Hospital 1)
“Because the young ones (nurses from Romania) often already have children and a family. (laughing) (…) Yes, they typically stay at home. (…) It’s clear; the two months here are without children. And that has to be clear from the outset because they cannot learn as much if a child is here.”(Placement officer 3, Hesse)
“There is this example—the question at the core of emotional intelligence – you are probably familiar with it: ‘A lollipop now or two lollipops an hour later.’ (…) And ultimately we want two lollipops; we offer two lollipops, but you have to wait six months before you get the lollipops; and this question is of a selective nature. Because there are people who cannot imagine this in the first place; they can’t think about such cycles; they don’t want to. Those are therefore not the right ones. And those who don’t want to do this won’t learn the language either. (…) We still explain it, but we also let it stand as a selective criterion. Because the person who is willing to muster emotional intelligence to this degree and say ‘I know it’s worth the investment’ is also a reliable worker in the long run.”(Placement officer 1, Hesse)
3.3. Change in Statehood: Privatization and Diversification of Migration Control in the Case of Nurses
“First, for our own needs. Then we became aware of how much work it actually involves and how much energy it consumes. And then we said, ‘Okay, plenty of others have the same problem that we have.’ And then we turned it into a business model.”(Director of an elderly-care facility, Hesse)
- Matching demand for skilled labor in Germany with the supply of skilled labor in EU countries in accordance with the principle of the free movement of labor within the EU (e.g., the Federal Employment Agency’s Foreign Placement Agency (Zentrale Auslands und Fachvermittlung), together with European Employment Services, organizes job fairs in other EU countries);
- Providing a systematic overview of the formal and organizational aspects involved in recruitment from third countries, which employers frequently perceive as representing substantial barriers, and making it available to a variety of actors (e.g., checklists for recruitment, language and skill-oriented preparation in the country of origin, application of residential and working permits in Germany; (Peters et al. 2016);
- Creating platforms for projects where common agreements can be made that extend to all participating organizations (e.g., in the context of the Hessian recruitment initiative, an agreement was reached defining the conditions under which recruits could continue attending language classes during their induction phase).
“We only make the offer; as an association, we’re only attempting to organize it as a service, so that the companies can do it. But how they do it in the end is simply up to them.”(Representative of an association of service providers, Hesse)
3.4. Technologies: Steering the Migration of Foreign-Trained Nurses
4. Discussion and Outlook
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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1 | While Germany is also a destination country for (informal) carers providing long-term care in private homes, this article focuses on qualified nursing professionals working in hospitals, elderly care homes and for mobile health care providers. |
2 | The empirical research referenced in this paper took place between 2015 and 2017 during the project Betriebliche Integration von Pflegefachkräften aus dem Ausland (Organizational integration of foreign nurses) conducted by the Department of Human Geography, the Institut für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Kultur (Institute for Economy, Labor, and Culture) and the Institut für Sozialforschung (Institute of Social Research) [all at Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main] and funded by the Hans Böckler Foundation. During this endeavor, which is only partially referenced here, 14 interviews with representatives of employers, recruitment agencies, vocational training institutes and qualification recognition authorities (among others), as well as 40 narrative interviews with migrant and autochthon nurses, were conducted. While we consider the perspectives of migrant nurses themselves to be essential, their voices and experiences are not part of this paper due to the focus on a specific political project of migration management. Their perspectives were reflected at length in other publications resulting from the project, which were published by Pütz et al. (2019). |
3 | All quotes were translated from German by the authors. |
4 | Statistically, it is not possible to differentiate between autonomous and recruited migration. Although autonomous migration originates primarily in countries that enjoy privileges arising from freedom of movement, these countries are also subject to private and public recruitment initiatives. Conversely, it is possible to immigrate from third countries in the absence of recruitment activities. However, this involves considerable effort. All statistical data regarding recognition proceedings refer to the country of issuance of the respective diploma, not the citizenship of the applicant—although the two are almost exclusively identical. |
5 | As a result of this lack of statistical data, the actual number of migrants seeking employment as nurses is larger than indicated here but cannot be determined precisely. Conversely, it is conceivable ― although presumably only in individual cases―that people whose credentials have been recognized upon applying from their home countries may ultimately abstain from migrating to Germany (Schmitz and Winnige 2019, p. 8). |
6 | Ratfisch deliberately employs the language used by the European Council. We prefer speaking of ‘illegalized migration’ (Düvell 2002, pp. 52–53) to indicate that humans as such cannot be illegal; only by means of legal intervention is the mode of ‘illegality’ constructed. |
7 | Liechtenstein, Norway, Iceland, and Switzerland are essentially treated on the same terms as EU member states. |
8 | The WHO list has been adopted into German law so that, according to § 38 of the Employment Regulation, the German Federal Employment Agency is the only eligible placement service provider for individuals from the 57 countries on that list. |
9 | In recent legislative procedures, the German parliament (Bundestag) resolved that, for the time being, the positive list would no longer be applied as an instrument of selection. The new law intends for immigration to be possible for all occupations in which professional or vocational credentials are recognized. |
10 | On the problems inherent in the contemporary practice to require candidates to apply from abroad, see Best et al. (2019). |
© 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (
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Kordes, J.; Pütz, R.; Rand, S. Analyzing Migration Management: On the Recruitment of Nurses to Germany. Soc. Sci. 2020, 9, 19.
Kordes J, Pütz R, Rand S. Analyzing Migration Management: On the Recruitment of Nurses to Germany. Social Sciences. 2020; 9(2):19.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKordes, Jan, Robert Pütz, and Sigrid Rand. 2020. "Analyzing Migration Management: On the Recruitment of Nurses to Germany" Social Sciences 9, no. 2: 19.