Digital Ecologies of Youth Mental Health: Apps, Therapeutic Publics and Pedagogy as Affective Arrangements
:1. Introduction
2. Youth and the (im)Possibilities of Techno-Optimism
3. Digital Mental Health Practices
3.1. Self-Tracking Mood and Wellbeing
3.2. Pacifica App: Daily Self-Tracking as Recommended by the NHS
3.3. Social Media and the Growth of “Therapeutic Publics”
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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1 | iCope offers a range of treatments for anxiety and depression. The treatments offered have been shown to be effective and are recommended by the National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE). iCope are easy to access and accept referrals from GPs or other health professionals as well as self-referrals. Please see: for more information. |
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Fullagar, S.; Rich, E.; Francombe-Webb, J.; Maturo, A. Digital Ecologies of Youth Mental Health: Apps, Therapeutic Publics and Pedagogy as Affective Arrangements. Soc. Sci. 2017, 6, 135.
Fullagar S, Rich E, Francombe-Webb J, Maturo A. Digital Ecologies of Youth Mental Health: Apps, Therapeutic Publics and Pedagogy as Affective Arrangements. Social Sciences. 2017; 6(4):135.
Chicago/Turabian StyleFullagar, Simone, Emma Rich, Jessica Francombe-Webb, and Antonio Maturo. 2017. "Digital Ecologies of Youth Mental Health: Apps, Therapeutic Publics and Pedagogy as Affective Arrangements" Social Sciences 6, no. 4: 135.
APA StyleFullagar, S., Rich, E., Francombe-Webb, J., & Maturo, A. (2017). Digital Ecologies of Youth Mental Health: Apps, Therapeutic Publics and Pedagogy as Affective Arrangements. Social Sciences, 6(4), 135.