The Role and Meaning of Religious Architecture in the Umayyad State: Secondary Mosques
:1. Introduction: Mosques, Beyond Religion
2. Masāŷid in Al-Andalus: Friday Mosques and Other Examples
3. The Case Study of Córdoba: Secondary Mosques for Al-Andalus
4. Final Remarks
Conflicts of Interest
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1 | This Encyclopedia (Mcauliffe 2001–2006) classifies mosques concerning their architectural, morphological, and geographical features (see review at (González Gutiérrez 2016a, pp. 56–57)). This physical ordering has also been followed, corrected and modified by authors such as Vogt-Göknil (1975); Dickie (1985); Frishman and Khan (1994); Souto (2004); or Bloom (1993), among others. |
2 | Summarized at González Gutiérrez 2016a, pp. 57–58. |
3 | Further discussion about this, especially regarding al-Andalus’ circumstances, has already been published (see González Gutiérrez 2015). |
4 | This is the most widespread an accepted explanation for the term ‘mosque’. It has been assumed and expanded by many other authors (Golvin 1960; Kuban 1974; Grabar 1979, 2004; Souto 2004; Longhurst 2012a, p. 4; 2012b, p. 3, etcetera). However, it is not the only one available, as the Islamic doctrine also records, since the time of the Prophet, the term mosque as “House of God” (bayt Allāh) (García Sanjuán 2002, p. 216). |
5 | Mosques from Late Islamic and Nasrid times still showed monumentality and splendour. The need for an austere appearance as a sign of their pious purposes entered very often in contradiction with the strong ostentation manifested by the rulers (Juez 1999; Longhurst 2012a, 2012b). |
6 | This work is focused on urban areas. For further information on rural spaces, see (Calvo 2004, 2014). |
7 | However, not all urban main mosques were transformed into Christian temples, since not all the Islamic settlements have survived until present days. It is the case of, for example, Madīnat al-Zahrā’ (Vallejo 2006, 2010), where the damage caused by the continued plunder has severely undermined the vestiges of its Friday mosque (Pavón 1966). |
8 | Publications on the great mosque of Córdoba are countless, and offer different approaches in terms of focus, depth and quality. Without the will to be exhaustive, the works of H. Terrasse (1932); F. Hernández (1975); H. Stern (1976); K. A. C. Creswell (1979); A. Papadopoulo (1977); O. Grabar (1979) alone and with R. Ettinghausen and Grabar (1987); C. Ewert (1987, 1995); P. Cressier (1984, 1985) or R. Hillenbrand (2010), among many others, should be always regarded. |
9 | There are several counts for Córdoba (see González Gutiérrez 2012, pp. 51–ff.) which reflect an excessive number of mosques for the city. These exaggerations have been interpreted as the intent to show the great monumentality of the city made by chroniclers, as well as to reflect the importance that mosques had for its imperial image. |
10 | The remains of a former mosque were identified at the Alcazaba, but it was not corresponding to a secondary or neighborhood mosque, open to the majority of the population (Calvo 2014, pp. 546–51). |
11 | This study is also suggesting a possible use of this mosque as a signal tower. |
12 | However, a study which tries to analyze the role of these mosques in the urban landscape still remains to be conducted. |
13 | Among them, they included some minarets reused as belfries after the Christian conquest, which still are a popular part of Córdoba’s heritage and cultural landscape (González Gutiérrez 2017b). |
14 | This compilation article has been, for many years, the only publication available on this specific subject. However, even though discoveries continued to emerge from 2001 onwards, no author considered necessary to review or enlarge this contribution. Despite that, it continued to raise awareness not only about how these buildings were, but about their role in the city and their importance in people’s lives |
15 | First through our master’s thesis (González Gutiérrez 2012), and finally with our doctoral work (González Gutiérrez 2016a). |
16 | The detailed observation of the face of the minaret in which the window is still conserved has been put in relation with the study of other pieces. Ashlars used in Córdoba can be compared with others used to build several emiral minarets in al-Andalus, such as San Juan or Santiago, both in Córdoba, or even the minaret of Ibn ‘Adabbas in Seville or El Salvador in Toledo. Other elements taken into account are related with the typologies and dimensions of the windows. |
17 | On many occasions, they were erected as pious foundations. There are many written testimonies of relatives of the Emirs or the Caliphs, or by members belonging to the Court, defraying these constructions. This was made to encourage the social support to the Umayyads’ regime and to increase the policies of Islamization. |
18 | At this respect, it is fair to say that there are at least two compendiums about andalusí mosques. The first one was published by B. Pavón (2009), who collects data from many different mosques documented in al-Andalus. Nevertheless, it lacks a typological organization and it does not develop any global analysis. In other words, this is an important compiling of previous works, but does not bring new perspectives nor results to the topic. Very recently, the monograph Las mezquitas de al-Andalus has been published (Calvo 2014). Result of her Doctoral Thesis, the book of Calvo also includes a catalog or corpus of mosques in al-Andalus and updates the one offered by Pavón in light of new archaeological information. It also goes further by exploring the role of different types of mosques in the lives of urban and rural areas’ inhabitants, and in the creation of urban spaces themselves. Even though it does not address monographic urban studies like the one we are suggesting, it is an important starting point for analyses like ours. |
Location | Mosque | Initial Chronology | Orientation |
Western suburbs | Ronda Oeste | Emiral | 139°–140° |
Western suburbs | Fontanar | Caliphal | 131°–132° |
Western suburbs | Centro de Transfusión | Caliphal | 135° |
Western suburbs | Naves de Fontanar | Caliphal | 148° |
North | Estación de autobuses | Caliphal | 162°–163° |
North | Santa Rosa | Late-islamic | 153°–154° |
Madinat | Puerta de Gallegos | Emiral | 155°–156° |
Madinat | San Juan | Emiral | 143° |
Madinat | Santa Clara | Caliphal | 125°–126° |
Madinat | Friday Mosque Córdoba | Emiral | 152° |
Axerquía (eastern suburbs) | Santiago | Emiral | 187° |
Axerquía (eastern suburbs) | San Lorenzo | Caliphal | 129° |
Axerquía (eastern suburbs) | Ollerías | Late-islamic | 114° |
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González Gutiérrez, C. The Role and Meaning of Religious Architecture in the Umayyad State: Secondary Mosques. Arts 2018, 7, 63.
González Gutiérrez C. The Role and Meaning of Religious Architecture in the Umayyad State: Secondary Mosques. Arts. 2018; 7(4):63.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGonzález Gutiérrez, Carmen. 2018. "The Role and Meaning of Religious Architecture in the Umayyad State: Secondary Mosques" Arts 7, no. 4: 63.
APA StyleGonzález Gutiérrez, C. (2018). The Role and Meaning of Religious Architecture in the Umayyad State: Secondary Mosques. Arts, 7(4), 63.