A 4E Comparative Study between BIPV and BIPVT Systems in Order to Achieve Zero-Energy Building in Cold Climate
:1. Introduction
1.1. Literature Review
1.2. Research Gap and Novelty
1.3. Outline
2. Case Study
2.1. The Investigated Building
2.2. The Investigated City
2.3. Electrical and Heating Load
3. Modeling
3.1. Energy Analysis
3.2. Exergy Analysis
3.3. Economic Analysis
3.4. Environmental Analysis
3.5. Calculation Procedure
4. Results
4.1. Model Validation
4.2. Modeling Results
4.2.1. Energy Results
4.2.2. Exergy Results
4.2.3. Economic Results
4.2.4. Environmental Results
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Nomenclature and Abbreviation
Nomenclature | |
Rate of Heat (W) | |
Cost | |
Interest rate () | |
Exergy () | |
Diameter (m) | |
Radiation () | |
Inflation rate (%) | |
Thermal conductivity () | |
Power () | |
R | |
Temperature (K) | |
Time (s) | |
Greek symbols | |
Absorptivity | |
Transmissivity | |
Emissivity | |
Efficiency () | |
Thickness (m) | |
Scripts | |
Ambient | |
Air Channel | |
c | Concrete |
Conduction | |
Convection | |
db | Dry bulb |
ele | electricity |
EVA1 | Top EVA |
EVA2 | Bottom EVA |
Glass | |
h | Hydraulic |
Inlet | |
NG | Natural gas |
Outlet | |
Operating and maintenance | |
Radiation | |
Reference | |
Re | Reynolds Number |
si | Silicon |
sky | sky |
sun | Sun |
Tedlar | |
th | thermal |
w | wind |
wb | Wet bulb |
Abbreviation | |
Annual Generated Electricity | |
Annual Generated Heat | |
Building integrated Photovoltaic | |
Europe | |
Ethylene Vinyl Acetate | |
Generated Electricity | |
Heat Recovery | |
Building integrated Photovoltaic thermal | |
Initial Cost | |
Life Cycle Assessment | |
Low Heat Value | |
Payback Time | |
Produced carbon dioxide | |
Photovoltaic | |
Thermoelectric |
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Item | Description |
Internal Wall | 1.42 |
External wall | 1.01 |
Windows | 2.8 |
Roof | 0.6 |
Floor | 0.67 |
City | Summer Category | Summer | Winter Category | Winter | Lat (°N) | Lon (°E) | |
Tdb (°C) | Twb (°C) | Tdb (°C) | |||||
Tabriz | Temperate | 34.0 | 18.0 | Relative cold | −10.8 | 37.8 | 46.3 |
Parameters | Unit | Value | |
Efficiency at Reference | 14 | ||
Reference Temperature | 25 | ||
Temperature Coefficient of PV | 0.43 | ||
Thickness of | Glass | 3.2 | |
Top EVA | 0.5 | ||
Silicon | 0.4 | ||
Bottom EVA | 0.5 | ||
Tedlar | 0.33 | ||
Wall | 0.3 |
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Share and Cite
Javadijam, R.; Shahverdian, M.H.; Sohani, A.; Sayyaadi, H. A 4E Comparative Study between BIPV and BIPVT Systems in Order to Achieve Zero-Energy Building in Cold Climate. Buildings 2023, 13, 3028. https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings13123028
Javadijam R, Shahverdian MH, Sohani A, Sayyaadi H. A 4E Comparative Study between BIPV and BIPVT Systems in Order to Achieve Zero-Energy Building in Cold Climate. Buildings. 2023; 13(12):3028. https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings13123028
Chicago/Turabian StyleJavadijam, Ramtin, Mohammad Hassan Shahverdian, Ali Sohani, and Hoseyn Sayyaadi. 2023. "A 4E Comparative Study between BIPV and BIPVT Systems in Order to Achieve Zero-Energy Building in Cold Climate" Buildings 13, no. 12: 3028. https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings13123028
APA StyleJavadijam, R., Shahverdian, M. H., Sohani, A., & Sayyaadi, H. (2023). A 4E Comparative Study between BIPV and BIPVT Systems in Order to Achieve Zero-Energy Building in Cold Climate. Buildings, 13(12), 3028. https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings13123028