Impact of Land Use Diversity on Daytime Social Segregation Patterns in Santiago de Chile
:1. Introduction
2. Residential Segregation, Daytime Segregation and Land Use Diversity
2.1. Nightime and Daytime Segregation in Latin American Cities
2.2. The Role of Land Use Diversity
3. Materials and Methods
3.1. Definitions
- Mobility: transportation across the city from an origin point to a destination point, with a purpose and a commuting mode.
- Daily mobility: commuting across the city daily.
- Nighttime segregation: a measurement of different social groups’ geographical separation or lack of mixture in a determined geographical unit. This is measured using residential socio-economic characteristics and is also known as residential segregation.
- Daytime segregation: a measurement of different social groups’ geographical separation or lack of mixture in a determined geographical unit, measured during daytime hours, with socioeconomic data linked to mobility information.
- Social diversity: the exact opposite to social segregation, meaning a measure of the degree of social mixture between different groups in a determined geographical unit. The entropy indicator is the measurement used in this paper.
- Land use diversity: a measurement of the mixture of land uses present in a determined geographical unit.
3.2. Measuring Daytime Segregation
3.3. Measuring Land Use Diversity
3.4. Statistical Analysis
3.5. Spatial Statistical Analysis
4. Results
4.1. Spatial Distribution of Daytime Segregation
4.2. What Is the Relevance of the Diversity of Activities?
4.3. Spatial Statistics
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Dependent Variable: | |||||
Segregacion de Dia | |||||
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | |
Diversidad usos de suelo | −0.082 *** | −0.050 * | −0.089 *** | −0.061 ** | −0.056 ** |
(0.022) | (0.029) | (0.028) | (0.028) | (0.025) | |
m2_comercio | −0.0004 ** | −0.001 *** | −0.0005 ** | −0.0003 ** | |
(0.0002) | (0.0002) | (0.0002) | (0.0001) | ||
m2_equipamiento | 0.0004 *** | 0.0001 | 0.0001 | 0.00001 | |
(0.0001) | (0.0001) | (0.0001) | (0.0001) | ||
m2_educ_cultura | −0.001 ** | −0.001 * | −0.001 * | −0.0003 | |
(0.0003) | (0.0003) | (0.0003) | (0.0002) | ||
m2_residencial | −0.0001 ** | −0.0001 *** | −0.0001 *** | −0.00002 | |
(0.00004) | (0.00004) | (0.00004) | (0.00003) | ||
m2_industrial | −0.0001 ** | −0.0001 ** | −0.0001 *** | −0.00005 | |
(0.0001) | (0.0001) | (0.0001) | (0.00004) | ||
m2_oficinas | −0.0001 | 0.00002 | 0.0001 | 0.0001 | |
(0.0001) | (0.0001) | (0.0001) | (0.0001) | ||
m2_salud | −0.0003 | −0.001 | −0.001 | −0.0002 | |
(0.001) | (0.001) | (0.001) | (0.0004) | ||
Ave_Ufm2 | 0.001 *** | 0.001 *** | 0.001 *** | ||
(0.0002) | (0.0002) | (0.0001) | |||
m2c_ha | −0.003 * | −0.002 * | |||
(0.002) | (0.001) | ||||
Constant | 0.162 *** | 0.177 *** | 0.156 *** | 0.141 *** | 0.090 *** |
(0.011) | (0.015) | (0.015) | (0.015) | (0.013) | |
Observations | 717 | 717 | 717 | 706 | 552 |
R2 | 0.020 | 0.067 | 0.147 | 0.151 | 0.199 |
Adjusted R2 | 0.018 | 0.056 | 0.136 | 0.139 | 0.184 |
Residual Std. Error | 0.134 (df = 715) | 0.132 (df = 708) | 0.126 (df = 707) | 0.122 (df = 695) | 0.090 (df = 541) |
F Statistic | 14.406 *** (df = 1; 715) | 6.353 *** (df = 8; 708) | 13.522 *** (df = 9; 707) | 12.347 *** (df = 10; 695) | 13.409 *** (df = 10; 541) |
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Fuentes, L.; Truffello, R.; Flores, M. Impact of Land Use Diversity on Daytime Social Segregation Patterns in Santiago de Chile. Buildings 2022, 12, 149.
Fuentes L, Truffello R, Flores M. Impact of Land Use Diversity on Daytime Social Segregation Patterns in Santiago de Chile. Buildings. 2022; 12(2):149.
Chicago/Turabian StyleFuentes, Luis, Ricardo Truffello, and Mónica Flores. 2022. "Impact of Land Use Diversity on Daytime Social Segregation Patterns in Santiago de Chile" Buildings 12, no. 2: 149.