Rapid Fleet Condition Analysis through Correlating Basic Vehicle Tracking Data with Engine Oil FT-IR Spectra
:1. Introduction
- Accumulation of contaminants, such as soot, water, or fuel,
- Oxidation and nitration through thermo-oxidative degradation and
- Additive depletion, e.g., antioxidant (AO) and antiwear (AW) additive reduction.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Field Test and Selected Vehicles
- SUV-S: standard size suburban utility vehicle
- SUV-C: a compact suburban utility vehicle
- SW-E: executive size station wagon
2.2. Oil Condition Monitoring
2.3. Multivariate Data Analysis
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Summary of the Chemical Parameters
3.2. Principal Component Analysis (PCA)—All Vehicles
3.3. Principal Component Analysis (PCA)—Petrol Vehicles Only
4. Merits of the PCA Approach
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Vehicle | 1 | 2 | 3 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
Engine power (kW) | 130 | 140 | 140 | 155 | 155 | 155 |
Engine type | Diesel | Diesel | Diesel | Petrol | Petrol | Petrol |
Transmission | MT | AT | AT | AT | AT | AT |
Drivetrain | AWD | AWD | FWD | AWD | AWD | FWD |
Model year | 2014 | 2017 | 2016 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 |
Curb weight (kg) | 1755 | 1770 | 1660 | 1565 | 1565 | 1565 |
Chassis type | SUV-S | SUV-S | E | SUV-C | SUV-C | SUV-C |
Oil change ODO (km) | 120,122 | 123,567 | 71,025 | 62,745 | 48,354 | 106,838 |
Mileage (km) | 12,700 | 11,700 | 1300 | 1700 | 1100 | 1800 |
Range | Long | Long | Long | Short | Short | Short |
Vehicle | 5 | 6 | 7 | 4 | 8 | 9 |
Engine power (kW) | 185 | 185 | 185 | 221 | 221 | 221 |
Engine type | Petrol | Petrol | Petrol | Petrol | Petrol | Petrol |
Transmission | AT | AT | AT | AT | AT | AT |
Drivetrain | AWD | AWD | AWD | AWD | AWD | AWD |
Model year | 2018 | 2018 | 2018 | 2014 | 2014 | 2016 |
Curb weight (kg) | 1725 | 1725 | 1725 | 1620 | 1445 | 1450 |
Chassis type | SW-E | SW-E | SW-E | C | C | C |
Oil change ODO (km) | 65,842 | 63,384 | 68,171 | 69,102 | 73,341 | 73,726 |
Mileage (km) | 14,700 | 17,100 | 9200 | 8000 | 5100 | 7500 |
Range | Long | Long | Long | Long | Long | Long |
Parameter | Wavenumber (1/cm) | Measured Spectral Characteristics | Reporting |
Phenol AO. | 3650 | Peak height | Comparative to the fresh oil |
Soot | 2000 | Peak height | Absorption/cm |
Oxdation | 1720 | Peak height | Absorption/cm |
Nitration | 1630 | Peak height | Absorption/cm |
Amin AO. | 1515 | Peak height | Comparative to the fresh oil |
Sulfation | 1150 | Peak height | Absorption/cm |
ZDDP | 1020–920 | Maximum peak height in range | Comparative to the fresh oil |
Water | 3500–3150 | Area | Absorption/cm |
Petrol | 755–745 | Area | Absorption/cm |
Diesel | 817–804 | Area | Absorption/cm |
Parameter | Changes | Diesel Long-Range | Petrol Long-Range | Petrol Short-Range |
Oxidation | Increasing | | | |
Nitration | Increasing | | | |
Sulfation | Increasing | | | |
Phenolic antioxidant content | Decreasing | | | |
Aminic antioxidant content | Decreasing | | | |
ZDDP antiwear content | Decreasing | | | |
NN | Increasing | | | |
TBN | Decreasing | | | |
Soot loading | Increasing | | | |
Boron content | Decreasing | | | |
Calcium content | Insignificant | Insignificant changes | ||
Phosphorus content | Decreasing | | | |
Sulfur content | Decreasing | | | |
Zinc content | Insignificant | Insignificant changes | ||
Iron content (Engine wear) | Increasing | | | |
Fuel dilution | Increasing | | | |
Kinematic viscosity | Decreasing | Insignificant changes | |
Population 1. | Population 2 | Parameter | Test Type | T Value | Critical T Value (One-Tail) | Means Different? |
Diesel 130 kW | Diesel 140 kW | Average trip length (km) | Equal variances | 11.635 | 1.729 | No |
Average speed (km/h) | Unequal variances | 18.827 | 1.725 | No | ||
Petrol 155 kW (short range) | Petrol 185 kW and 221 kW (long range) | Average trip length (km) | Unequal variances | −0.582 | 1.833 | Yes |
Average speed (km/h) | Unequal variances | −1.653 | 1.860 | Yes |
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Share and Cite
Nagy, A.L.; Agocs, A.; Ronai, B.; Raffai, P.; Rohde-Brandenburger, J.; Besser, C.; Dörr, N. Rapid Fleet Condition Analysis through Correlating Basic Vehicle Tracking Data with Engine Oil FT-IR Spectra. Lubricants 2021, 9, 114. https://doi.org/10.3390/lubricants9120114
Nagy AL, Agocs A, Ronai B, Raffai P, Rohde-Brandenburger J, Besser C, Dörr N. Rapid Fleet Condition Analysis through Correlating Basic Vehicle Tracking Data with Engine Oil FT-IR Spectra. Lubricants. 2021; 9(12):114. https://doi.org/10.3390/lubricants9120114
Chicago/Turabian StyleNagy, András Lajos, Adam Agocs, Bettina Ronai, Péter Raffai, Jan Rohde-Brandenburger, Charlotte Besser, and Nicole Dörr. 2021. "Rapid Fleet Condition Analysis through Correlating Basic Vehicle Tracking Data with Engine Oil FT-IR Spectra" Lubricants 9, no. 12: 114. https://doi.org/10.3390/lubricants9120114
APA StyleNagy, A. L., Agocs, A., Ronai, B., Raffai, P., Rohde-Brandenburger, J., Besser, C., & Dörr, N. (2021). Rapid Fleet Condition Analysis through Correlating Basic Vehicle Tracking Data with Engine Oil FT-IR Spectra. Lubricants, 9(12), 114. https://doi.org/10.3390/lubricants9120114