Monogenity and Power Integral Bases: Recent Developments
:1. Introduction
2. Tools
2.1. Dedekind’s Criterion
- 1.
- p does not divide the index .
- 2.
- For every , either or and does not divide in .
2.2. The Field Index
- The prime factors of the field index are smaller than the degree of the field.
2.3. Newton Polygon Method
- 1.
- We haveThe equality holds if is p-regular.
- 2.
- If is p-regular, thenis the factorization of into powers of prime ideals of lying above p, where , is the length of , is the ramification degree of , and is the residue degree of the prime ideal over p.
2.4. Algorithmic Methods
3. Results
3.1. Pure Fields, Trinomials, Quadrinomials, etc.
- Z. S. Aygin and K. D. Nguyen [24]: ;
- L. El Fadil [25]: ;
- L. El Fadil [26]: ;
- L. El Fadil [27]: ;
- L. El Fadil [28]: ;
- L. El Fadil [29]: ;
- Fadil, L.E. H. Ben Yakkou and J. Didi [30]: ;
- Fadil, L.E. H. Choulli and O. Kchit [31]: ;
- L. El Fadil and M. Faris [32]: ;
- H. Ben Yakkou and O. Kchit [33]: ;
- L. El Fadil [34]: ;
- L. El Fadil [35]: ;
- Yakkou, H.B. A. Chillali and L. El Fadil [36]: ;
- L. El Fadil [37]: ;
- L. El Fadil and A. Najim [38]: ;
- L. El Fadil and O. Kchit [39]: ;
- L. El Fadil [40]: ;
- H. Ben Yakkou and L. El Fadil [41]: ;
- L. El Fadil [42]: , m composite;
- L. El Fadil and I. Gaál [16]: , m composite.
- L. El Fadil [45]: ;
- L. El Fadil and I. Gaál [46]: ;
- H. Smith [47]: ;
- L. Jones [48] showed that there exist exactly three distinct monogenic trinomials of the form with Galois ;
- Jakhar, A. S. Kaur and S. Kumar [49]: ;
- L. El Fadil [50]: ;
- L. El Fadil [51]: ;
- L. El Fadil [52]: ;
- A. Jakhar and S. Kumar [53]: ;
- L. El Fadil [54]: ;
- L. El Fadil and O. Kchit [55]: ;
- A. Jakhar and S. Kaur [56]: ;
- R. Ibarra, H. Lembeck, M. Ozaslan, H. Smith and K. E. Stange [57]: for ;
- L. El Fadil and O. Kchit [58]: ;
- H. Ben Yakkou [59]: ;
- Jakhar, A. S. Kaur and S. Kumar [60]: ;
- H. Ben Yakkou [61]: ;
- H. Ben Yakkou and B. Boudine [62]: ;
- Jakhar, A. S. Kaur and S. Kumar [63]: ;
- L. Jones [64] considered monogenic trinomials of type with prescribed Galois group;
- O. Kchit [65]: ;
- H. Ben Yakkou and P. Tiebekabe [66]: ;
- L. El Fadil and O. Kchit [67]: ;
- L. El Fadil and O. Kchit [68]: ;
- H. Ben Yakkou [69]: ;
- H. Ben Yakkou and L. El Fadil [70]: ;
- A. Jakhar and S. Kumar [71] gave explicit conditions for the non-monogenity of ;
- A. Jakhar [72]: ;
- B. Jhorar and S. K. Khanduja [73]: , showed also that is monogenic, if and only if is squarefree;
- H. Ben Yakkou [74]: ;
- L. El Fadil [75]: ;
- A. Jakhar [76]: ;
- Jakhar, A. S. Khanduja and N. Sangwan [77]: ;
- Jakhar, A. S. Khanduja and N. Sangwan [78] gave necessary and sufficient conditions in terms of for a given prime, p, to divide , where is a root of ;
- L. Jones [79] considered monogenic reciprocal trinomials of type ;
- L. Jones [80] showed that there are infinitely many primes p, such that is monogenic with Galois group ;
- L. Jones [81] showed that is monogenic, if and only if its discriminant is squarefree;
- L. Jones and T. Phillips [82] showed that is monogenic infinitely often;
- L. Jones and D. White [83] found new infinite families of monogenic trinomials of type .
- T. A. Gassert, H. Smith and K. E. Stange [84]: ;
- H. Ben Yakkou [85]: ;
- J. Harrington and L. Jones [86] constructed new families of quartic polynomials with various Galois groups, which are monogenic infinitely often;
- A. Jakhar and R. Kalwaniya [87]: ;
- L. Jones [64]: ;
- L. Jones [89]: ;
- Jakhar, A. S. Kaur and S. Kumar [90]: ;
- Jakhar, A. S. Kaur and S. Kumar [91]: ;
- A. Jakhar [92]: ;
- L. Jones [93] constructed infinite families of reciprocal monogenic polynomials with prescribed Galois group;
- L. Jones [94] showed that if and then is monogenic for infinitely many primes p;
- L. Jones [95]: ;
- L. Jones [96]: with , when is monic and ;
- L. Jones [97] constructed reciprocal monogenic quintinomials of type ;
- L. Jones [98] considered infinite families of monogenic quadrinomials, quintinomials and sextinomials.
3.2. The Relative Case
- M. Sahmoudi and M. E. Charkani [101] considered relative pure cyclic extensions;
- A. Soullami, M. Sahmoudi and O. Boughaleb [102]: over number fields;
- O. Boughaleb, A. Soullami and M. Sahmoudi [103]: over number fields;
- H. Smith [104] studied relative radical extensions;
- S. K. Khanduja and B. Jhorar [105] gave equivalent versions of Dedekind’s criterion in general rings;
- R. Sekigawa [108] constructed an infinite number of cyclic relative extensions of prime degree that are relative monogenic.
3.3. Composite Polynomials
- J. Harrington and L. Jones [109] gave conditions for the monogenity of , and the composition of and ;
- Jakhar, A. R. Kalwaniya and P. Yadav [110] considered monogenity of , and the composition of and using a refined version of the Dedekind criterion;
- J. Harrington and L. Jones [111] considered monogenity of , where is the cyclotomic polynomial of index N;
- L. Jones [112] considered monotonically stable polynomials of type ;
- L. Jones [113] constructed infinite collections of monic Eisenstein polynomials , such that are monogenic for all integers and ;
- L. Jones [114] considered monogenity of , where the Shanks polynomial;
- L. Jones [115] considered monogenity of , where is the characteristic polynomial of an Nth order linear recurrence;
- J. Harrington and L. Jones [116] gave conditions for the monogenity of , where ;
- S. Kaur, S. Kumar and L. Remete [117] considered monogenity of , where .
3.4. Connection with primes
3.5. Number of Generators of Power Integral Bases
- M. Kang and D. Kim [122] considered the number of monogenic orders in pure cubic fields;
- J. H. Evertse [123] considered “rationally monogenic” orders of number fields;
- S. Akhtari [124] showed that a positive proportion of cubic number fields, when ordered by their discriminant, are not monogenic;
- L. Alpöge, M. Bhargava, A. Shnidman [125] showed that, if isomorphism classes of cubic fields are ordered by absolute discriminant, then a positive proportion are not monogenic and yet have no local obstruction to being monogenic (that is, the index form equations represent or mod p for all primes p);
- M. Bhargava [126] proved that an order O in a quartic number field can have at most 2760 inequivalent generators of power integral bases (and at most 182 if is sufficiently large). The problem is reduced to counting the number solutions of cubic and quartic Thue equations, somewhat analogously like described in Section 2.4, using a refined enumeration;
- S. Akhtari [127] gave another proof of Bhargava’s result [126]: she used the more direct approach of Section 2.4 and applied sharp bounds for the numbers of solutions of cubic and quartic Thue equations.
3.6. Miscellaneous
- H. H. Kim [128] showed that the number of monogenic dihedral quartic extensions with absolute discriminant is of size ;
- N. Khan, S. Katayama, T. Nakahara and T. Uehara [129] proved that the composite of a totally real field with a cyclotomic field of odd conductor or even ≥8 has no power integral basis;
- N. Khan, T. Nakahara and H. Sekiguchi [130] proved that there are exactly three monogenic cyclic sextic fields of prime-power conductor, namely and the maximal real subfield of ;
- D. Gil-Muňoz and M. Tinková [131] considered the indices of non-monogenic simplest cubic polynomials;
- L. Jones [132] considered infinite families of monogenic Pisot (anti-Pisot) polynomials;
- A. Jakhar and S. K. Khanduja [133] gave lower bounds for the p-index of a polynomial;
- M. Castillo, [134] showed, e.g., that is monogenic, where and for ;
- T. Kashio and R. Sekigawa [135] showed that a monogenic normal cubic field is a simplest cubic field for some parameter;
- F. E. Tanoé [136] considered monogenity of biquadratic fields using a special integer basis;
- Aruna C. and P. Vanchinathan [140] showed that an infinite number of so-called exceptional quartic fields are monogenic.
3.7. Explicit Calculations, Algorithms
- Z. Franŭsić and B. Jadrijević [141] calculated generators of relative power integral bases in a family of quartic extensions of imaginary quadratic fields;
- I. Gaál [142] showed that index form equations in composites of a totally real cubic field and a complex quadratic field can be reduced to absolute Thue equations;
- I. Gaál [143] showed that the index form equations in composites of a totally real field and a complex quadratic field can be reduced to the absolute index form equations of the totally real field;
- I. Gaál [144] considered generators of power integral bases in fields generated by monogenic trinomials of type ;
- I. Gaál [145] considered generators of power integral bases in fields generated by monogenic binomial compositions of type ;
- I. Gaál [146] gave an efficient method to determine all generators of power integral bases of pure sextic fields;
- I. Gaál and L. Remete [147] considered monogenity in octic fields of type ;
- I. Gaál [148] determined “small” solutions of the index form equation in , for , such that is monogenic (1521 fields). Experience: is the only generator of power integral bases;
- I. Gaál [149] determined “small” solutions of index form equations in , , such that is monogenic (2024 fields). Experience: is the only generator of power integral bases, except for ;
4. Further Research
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Gaál, I. Monogenity and Power Integral Bases: Recent Developments. Axioms 2024, 13, 429.
Gaál I. Monogenity and Power Integral Bases: Recent Developments. Axioms. 2024; 13(7):429.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGaál, István. 2024. "Monogenity and Power Integral Bases: Recent Developments" Axioms 13, no. 7: 429.