Thermal-Hydrological-Chemical Modeling of a Covered Waste Rock Pile in a Permafrost Region
:1. Introduction
2. Conceptual Model
3. Site Description
4. Methods
4.1. Modeling Approach
4.1.1. Reactive Transport Code MIN3P-HPC
4.1.2. Spatial Discretization
4.1.3. Base Case Specific Input Parameters
4.2. Infiltration Uncertainty Analysis
4.3. Cover Thickness Scenario Analysis
4.4. Assumption and Simplifications
5. Results and Discussion
5.1. Base Case Results
5.2. Uncertainty Analysis to Infiltration
5.3. Sensitivity Analysis to Cover Thickness
5.4. Implications for Cover Design and Construction
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A. Material Properties
Mineral 1 | Volume Fraction | |
NPAG | PAG | |
Actinolite | 0.054 [35] | - |
Calcite | 0.052 [35] | 0.028 [35] |
Chlorite | 0.178 [35] | 0.105 [35] |
Dolomite | 0.117 [35] | 0.025 [35] |
Magnetite | - | 0.034 [35] |
Muscovite | - | 0.052 [35] |
Quartz | 0.047 [35] | 0.334 [35] |
Pyrite | - | 0.002 [35] |
Talc | 0.198 [35] | 0.050 [35] |
Stilpnomelane | - | 0.081 [35] |
Other Parameters | ||
Ssulfide (%) | 0.03 [37] | 0.36 [37] |
Ctotal (%) | 1.92 [37] | 0.27 [37] |
AP (kg CaCO3/t) | 1.0 [37] | 11 [37] |
NP (kg CaCO3/t) | 120 [37] | 20 [37] |
NP/AP | 120 [37] | 1.8 [37] |
Appendix B. Initial Conditions and Boundary Conditions
Appendix C. Results of Sensitivity Analysis to Cover Thickness
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Properties | Symbols & Units | NPAG | PAG | Natural Terrain | |
Thickness/Height | L/m | 4 m [37] | 118 m [37] | 500 m [50] | |
Porous medium | |||||
Residual saturation | /unitless | 0.08 1 [37] | 0.1 1 [37] | 0.1 [50] | |
Van Genuchten α factor | /m−1 | 0.22 1 [37] | 0.64 1 [37] | 4.6 [50] | |
Van Genuchten n factor | /unitless | 1.65 1 [37] | 1.70 1 [37] | 1.35 [50] | |
Saturated hydraulic conductivity at reference temperature (25 °C) | /m s−1 | 7.9 × 10−4 [37] | 1.6 × 10−3 [37] | 7.4 [50] | |
Porosity | /unitless | 0.39 [37] | 0.31 [37] | 0.30 [50] | |
Free-phase aqueous diffusion coefficient | / | 2.1 × 10−9 [15] | |||
Heat transport | |||||
Thermal conductivity of water 2 | /W·m−1·°C−1 | 0.6 | |||
Thermal conductivity of solid | /W·m−1·°C−1 | 4.8 [35] | 5.3 [35] | 2.0 [50] | |
Heat capacity of water 2 | /J·kg−1·°C−1 | 4180 | |||
Heat capacity of air | J·kg−1·°C−1 | 1010 | |||
Heat capacity of solid | /J·kg−1·°C−1 | 1400 [37] | 1600 [37] | 1093 [50] | |
Bulk density of solid phase | /kg·m–3 | 1763 [37] | 2015 [37] | 1750 [50] | |
Threshold temperature for pyrite oxidation | /°C | 0 [50] | |||
Pyrite oxidation | |||||
Volume fraction of pyrite | /unitless | - | 0.002 [35] | - | |
Standard exothermic heat | /kJ·mol−1 pyrite | - | 1409 [15] | - | |
Arrhenius activation energy | /kJ·mol−1 pyrite | - | 64 | - | |
Volume fraction of calcite | /unitless | 0.19 [35] | 0.06 [35] | - |
Mineral | Reaction | Rate Expression | logKi | |
Primary mineral reactions | ||||
Pyrite | - | −9.6 [50] | ||
Calcite | −8.48 [52] | −7.3 [53] | ||
Secondary mineral reactions | ||||
gypsum | 4.89 [52] | −7.0 [53] | ||
ferrihydrite | −4.58 [52] | −7.0 [53] |
Year | Rainfall | Snowfall 1 | ||
Event Duration (Days) | Cumulative Precipitation (mm) | Event Duration (Days) | Cumulative Precipitation (mm) | |
2014 | 138 | 116 | 227 | 118 |
2015 | 115 | 127 | 250 | 178 |
2016 | 122 | 166 | 243 | 135 |
2017 | 141 | 137 | 224 | 113 |
Average rate (mm day−1) | 1.06 | 0.58 |
Case # | Rainfall | Snowfall | Precipitation | ||||
Infiltration Fraction (% of Rainfall) | Rain Infiltration (mm day−1) | Snowpack Fraction (% of Snowfall) | Infiltration Fraction (% of Snowpack) | Snowmelt Infiltration (mm day−1) | Infiltration 1 (mm day−1) | Infiltration 2 (mm day−1) | |
Reduced | 10 | 0.11 | 5 | 10 | 0.02 | 0.13 | 0.11 |
Base | 30 | 0.32 | 25 | 50 | 0.55 | 0.87 | 0.32 |
Increased | 50 | 0.53 | 45 | 90 | 1.78 | 2.31 | 0.53 |
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Yi, X.; Su, D.; Bussière, B.; Mayer, K.U. Thermal-Hydrological-Chemical Modeling of a Covered Waste Rock Pile in a Permafrost Region. Minerals 2021, 11, 565.
Yi X, Su D, Bussière B, Mayer KU. Thermal-Hydrological-Chemical Modeling of a Covered Waste Rock Pile in a Permafrost Region. Minerals. 2021; 11(6):565.
Chicago/Turabian StyleYi, Xueying, Danyang Su, Bruno Bussière, and K. Ulrich Mayer. 2021. "Thermal-Hydrological-Chemical Modeling of a Covered Waste Rock Pile in a Permafrost Region" Minerals 11, no. 6: 565.
APA StyleYi, X., Su, D., Bussière, B., & Mayer, K. U. (2021). Thermal-Hydrological-Chemical Modeling of a Covered Waste Rock Pile in a Permafrost Region. Minerals, 11(6), 565.