Dynamical Symmetries of the H Atom, One of the Most Important Tools of Modern Physics: SO(4) to SO(4,2), Background, Theory, and Use in Calculating Radiative Shifts
:1. Introduction
1.1. Objective of This Paper
1.2. Outline of This Paper
1.3. Brief History of Symmetry in Quantum Mechanics and Its Role in Understanding the Schrodinger Hydrogen Atom
The study of the hydrogen atom has been at the heart of the development of modern physics...theoretical calculations reach precision up to the 12th decimal place...high resolution laser spectroscopy experiments...reach to the 15th decimal place for the 1S–2S transition...The Rydberg constant is known to six parts in [2,3]. Today, the precision is so great that measurement of the energy levels in the H atom has been used to determine the radius of the proton.
The construction of unitary representations of non-compact groups that have the property that the irreducible representations of their maximal subgroup appear at most with multiplicity one is of certain interest for physical applications. The method of construction used here in the Coulomb potential case can be extended to various other cases. The geometrical emphasis may help to visualize things and provide a global form of the transformations.
1.4. The Dirac Hydrogen Atom
2. Background
2.1. The Relationship between Symmetry and Conserved Quantities
2.2. Non-Invariance Groups and Spectrum Generating Group
2.3. Basic Idea of Eigenstates of
2.4. Degeneracy Groups for Schrodinger, Dirac and Klein-Gordon Equations
3. Classical Theory of the H Atom
3.1. Orbit in Configuration Space
3.2. The Period
3.3. Group Structure SO(4)
3.4. The Classical Hydrogen Atom in Momentum Space
3.5. Four-Dimensional Stereographic Projection in Momentum Space
3.6. Orbit in U space
3.7. Classical Time Dependence of Orbital Motion
Remark on Harmonic Oscillator
4. The Hydrogenlike Atom in Quantum Mechanics; Eigenstates of the Inverse of the Coupling Constant
4.1. The Degeneracy Group SO(4)
4.2. Derivation of the Energy Levels
4.3. Relativistic and Semi-Relativistic Spinless Particles in the Coulomb Potential and Klein–Gordon Equation
4.4. Eigenstates of the Inverse Coupling Constant
4.5. Another Set of Eigenstates of
4.6. Transformation of and to the New Basis States
4.7. The Representation
Action of a and L on
5. Wave Functions for the Hydrogenlike Atom
5.1. Transformation Properties of the Wave Functions under the Symmetry Operations
5.2. Differential Equation for the Four Dimensional Spherical Harmonics
5.3. Energy Eigenfunctions in Momentum Space
5.4. Explicit Form for the Spherical Harmonics
5.5. Wave Functions in the Classical Limit
5.5.1. Rydberg Atoms
5.5.2. Wave Functions in the Semi-Classical Limit
5.6. Quantized Semiclassical Orbits
5.7. Four-Dimensional Vector Model of the Atom
6. The Spectrum Generating Group SO(4,1) for the Hydrogenlike Atom
6.1. Motivation for Introducing the Spectrum Generating Group Group SO(4,1)
6.2. Casimir Operators
6.3. Relationship of the Dynamical Group SO(4,1) to the Conformal Group in Momentum Space
7. The Group SO(4,2)
7.1. Motivation for Introducing SO(4,2)
7.2. Casimir Operators
7.3. Some Group Theoretical Results
7.4. Subgroups of SO(4,2)
7.5. Time Dependence of SO(4,2) Generators
7.6. Expressing the Schrodinger Equation in Terms of the Generators of SO(4,2)
8. SO(4,2) Calculation of the Radiative Shift for the Schrodinger Hydrogen Atom
8.1. Generating Function for the Shifts
8.2. The Shift between Degenerate Levels
9. Conclusions and Future Research
Conflicts of Interest
References and Notes
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