Distributed Systematic Grid-Connected Inverter Using IGBT Junction Temperature Predictive Control Method: An Optimization Approach
:1. Introduction
- To improve the search performance of the intelligent optimizer, so as to achieve the best convergence;
- To achieve the best SVM performance model using the SVM parameters optimized by an intelligent optimizer;
- To address the IGBT junction temperature prediction accuracy by optimizing the model parameters.
2. Literature Review
2.1. The Forecasting Methods of Junction Temperature
2.2. The Proposed Method
3. Method
3.1. Power Cycle Test
- The S1 is closed. The output current of Udc is set to 70 A. Further, the IGBT is driven. In this process, the junction temperature and case temperature of IGBT gradually rise from the ambient temperature.
- When the case temperature detected by the K-type thermocouple reaches 125 °C, the S1 is turned off. The junction temperature and the case temperature are rapidly decreased until the temperature drops to 25 °C. So far, a power cycle is completed.
- Step (2) and step (3) are repeated until the IGBT reaches the failure standard. The junction-to-case thermal resistance of IGBT increases by 20% compared with the initial value.
3.2. Single Pulse Test
- The IGBT is placed in the incubator and the temperature of the incubator is adjusted point by point according to the above description.
- When the IGBT reaches thermal equilibrium, the case temperature and junction temperature are equal to the incubator temperature. Then the selected current point is set in turn. The IGBT is triggered by single pulse. The saturation voltage drop value is measured by using voltage probe.
3.3. Test Results
4. The Establishment Process of Junction Temperature Prediction Model
4.1. Support Vector Machine
4.2. The CSO Algorithm and the ICSO Algorithm
4.2.1. The CSO Algorithm
- The whole chicken swarm is divided into several subgroups, and each subgroup consists of a rooster, multiple hens and chicks.
- The rooster is the leader in each population, and each population has only one rooster which has the strongest search ability. The search ability of hen is worse than of cock. The chicks follow the hens to search food, and the chicks have the worst search ability.
- The mother-child relationship between the hens and the chicks is updated at each iteration.
4.2.2. The ICSO Algorithm
- (1)
- The weight is adjusted by the dynamic inertia learning strategy. The reduction strategy is adopted for improving the convergence speed of algorithm.
- (2)
- To solve the problem that the populations gradually decrease in the iterative process, in the later stage of algorithm, the Gaussian mutation process is changed to the Cauchy mutation process, which improves the diversity of the population.
- (3)
- The part of learning from the global optimal individual is added.
- is added to the position update equation to enhance the self-learning ability of the chick.
- The part of learning from the global optimal individual is added.
- When the fitness value of the chick remains unchanged during multiple iterations, the position of the chick is reset to avoid premature convergence.
- The improved position update equation of the chick is as follows.
4.3. The Establishment Process of ICSO-SVM Model
- (1)
- The training samples and test samples are selected and normalized.
- (2)
- The number of roosters, hens and chicks in the chicken swarm and the number of iterations are set.
- (3)
- The population is initialized and the fitness value of the individual is calculated. The chicken swarm is divided into population. The hens randomly enter different populations.
- (4)
- The position of the rooster, hen and chick is updated according to Equations (17), (19) and (20). The fitness values of the swarm are calculated.
- (5)
- If the current individual fitness is better after the position update, the individual position is updated. Otherwise, the original individual position is maintained.
- (6)
- Determine whether the fitness of the chick remains unchanged after multiple iterations (five times). If the fitness value remains unchanged. The position of the chick is reset.
- (7)
- The fitness of each individual is calculated after each position update.
- (8)
- Determine whether the maximum number of iterations reaches. If it is satisfied, the optimal parameters are output. Otherwise, the parameters continue to be optimized.
- (9)
- The optimal parameters are input into the ICSO-SVM model. The junction temperature is forecasted by the ICSO-SVM model. The predictive results are inverse normalized.
5. Results
6. Implications
7. Concluding Remarks
- The Vce, Ic and Tj data of IGBT under different power cycles are measured by the power cycle test and the single pulse test. Based on the test data, a three-dimensional relationship between Ic, Tj, and Vce under different power cycles is constructed to directly reflect the IGBT aging effect.
- The ICSO algorithm is proposed. The self-learning ability of rooster, hen and chick is improved by dynamic inertia reduction strategy. Cauchy mutation is introduced in the position of rooster, which increases the diversity of roosters in the later stage of iterations. The convergence ability of ICSO algorithm is strengthened. In this paper, ICSO algorithm is applied to distributed grid-connected inverter.
- Through the comparison of the three models, the RMSE of the ICSO-SVM model is only 1.1836, which is lower than the 1.3121 of the CSO-SVM model. The results prove effectiveness of the ICSO-SVM model.
- The MAE value of the ICSO-SVM model is 0.7989, which is lower than that of the PSO-SVM model and CSO-SVM model. The prediction accuracy is higher compared with CSO-SVM model. The error curve of the ICSO-SVM model is stable, which proves the superiority of the proposed model. The model presented in this paper shows high prediction accuracy.
- Accurate life prediction of ICBT has a positive impact on promoting the development of the distributed systematic grid-connected inverter industry and the use of new energy.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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The Maximum Number of Iterations | 100 |
Number of population | 20 |
Global search level c1 | 1.5 |
Local search level c2 | 1.5 |
Particle velocity range | [−50, 50] |
Particle position range | [−500, 500] |
Range of parameter C | [0.1, 100] |
Range of parameter σ | [0.01, 1000] |
The Maximum Number of Iterations | 100 |
Number of population | 20 |
Dimension | 2 |
Ratio of rooster | 0.2 |
Ratio of hen | 0.6 |
Ratio of hen with chicks | 0.3 |
Range of parameter C | [0.1, 100] |
Range of parameter σ | [0.01, 1000] |
Models | MAE (℃) | MRE (%) | RMSE (℃) |
PSO-SVM | 2.8695 | 4.7003 | 3.5308 |
CSO-SVM | 0.9316 | 1.4068 | 1.3121 |
ICSO-SVM | 0.7989 | 1.0560 | 1.1836 |
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Share and Cite
Wang, Z.; Li, G.; Tseng, M.-L.; Wong, W.-P.; Liu, B. Distributed Systematic Grid-Connected Inverter Using IGBT Junction Temperature Predictive Control Method: An Optimization Approach. Symmetry 2020, 12, 825. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym12050825
Wang Z, Li G, Tseng M-L, Wong W-P, Liu B. Distributed Systematic Grid-Connected Inverter Using IGBT Junction Temperature Predictive Control Method: An Optimization Approach. Symmetry. 2020; 12(5):825. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym12050825
Chicago/Turabian StyleWang, Zhengping, Guoyi Li, Ming-Lang Tseng, Wai-Peng Wong, and Boying Liu. 2020. "Distributed Systematic Grid-Connected Inverter Using IGBT Junction Temperature Predictive Control Method: An Optimization Approach" Symmetry 12, no. 5: 825. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym12050825
APA StyleWang, Z., Li, G., Tseng, M.-L., Wong, W.-P., & Liu, B. (2020). Distributed Systematic Grid-Connected Inverter Using IGBT Junction Temperature Predictive Control Method: An Optimization Approach. Symmetry, 12(5), 825. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym12050825