Towards an Efficient Privacy-Preserving Decision Tree Evaluation Service in the Internet of Things
:1. Introduction
1.1. Motivation
1.2. Our Contributions
- We newly design a secure comparison protocol that can return additive shares of the comparison result on additively secret shared inputs. Compared with the Huang et al.’s work [21] and Zheng et al.’s work [20], the number of additive multiplications required can be reduced from and to l respectively, where l is the bit-length of a feature vector’s element. Compared with Liu et al.’s work [22], which is based on additive secret sharing and additively homomorphic cryptosystem, the proposed work is more secure and efficient.
- With the additive secret sharing technology and an asymmetrically homomorphic cryptosystem, i.e., Paillier cryptosystem [23], the privacy-preserving decision tree scheme based on the two-cloud model is proposed in this work. The scheme is tested on several widely used real-world datasets. The experimental results show that compared with the most recent work, i.e., Zheng et al.’s work [20], our scheme is more efficient when dealing with deeper trees. Particularly, the communication cost of our scheme is just 1/709 of Zheng et al.’s work [20].
- We show that our scheme can fully protect the privacy of the client. At the same time, during the evaluation process, the client also learns nothing of the decision tree. Additionally, since there are two clouds involved, we can also prove the model is not leaked to the other cloud except the number of the decision node.
1.3. Organization
2. Preliminaries
2.1. Decision Tree
2.2. Additive Secret Sharing
2.2.1. Addition of Additive Shares
2.2.2. Multiplication of Additive Shares
2.3. Paillier Cryptosystem
- Homomorphic Addition: If we have two ciphertext, e.g., , , encrypted by the same public key, we can easily compute .
- Scalar Multiplication: If given the ciphertext and a constant integer c, we could easily compute . Particularly, if c is , we can easily obtain that , where .
3. System Model and Design Goals
3.1. System Model
- Service Users: The Service User (SU) in our system wants to use a decision tree evaluation service in a privacy-preserving way. The SU splits the query vector into two additive shares before sending them to two clouds respectively.
- Cloud Service Provider: Assume that a trained decision tree model belongs to Cloud Service Provider. The CSP provides a decision tree classification service to SU. Since only one of the shares is sent to it, CSP needs to cooperate with the Evaluation Service Provider to fulfill the evaluation.
- Evaluation Service Provider: In our system, the ESP’s mission is to cooperate with the CSP to give the SU the evaluation result of the decision tree model in a privacy-preserving way. Besides, ESP generates the public/private key pair of the Paillier cryptosystem and reveals the public key to CSP.
3.2. Threat Model
- may eavesdrop the communication channel between CSP and ESP.
- may compromise ESP.
3.3. Design Goals
- Data Protection. For this decision tree evaluation scheme, data security and privacy issues are the most important ones to be solved. As we know, the outsourced data and the calculated classification result contain sensitive information that should be kept secret to the cloud, including CSP and ESP. Besides, for the CSP, the decision tree model is its assert, which also should not be leaked to ESP and the SUs. Moreover, all such information should be confidential to the active adversary .
- Classification Result’s Accuracy. The classification result should be the same as the non-privacy- preserving one.
- Efficiency. In this scheme, we insist that the two clouds should finish the evaluation process as fast as they can and return the classification labels to SUs quickly. Thus, the computation and communication costs of the clouds should be small enough.
- Offline SUs. As we know, SUs in the IoT usually do not have strong computation power and large storage space. Therefore, we should minimize the computation and communication burdens for the SUs. Thus, once sending the query to CSP and ESP, SUs should stay offline until obtaining results. We also should note that many clients are using this decision tree evaluation service. Thus, for the scalability of the system, this scheme is supposed to support offline SUs.
4. Privacy-Preserving Decision Tree Evaluation
4.1. Secure Comparison Algorithm
Algorithm 1 Secure Comparison (SC) |
4.2. Privacy-Preserving Decision Tree Evaluation
4.2.1. Query Request Issuing
4.2.2. Secure Decision Tree Evaluation
5. Security Analysis
5.1. Security of Cryptographic Blocks
5.2. Security of Privacy-Preserving Decision Tree Evaluation Scheme
6. Performance Analysis and Comparison
6.1. Experiment Analysis
6.2. Performance Comparison and Analysis
6.3. Comparative Analysis
7. Related Work
8. Conclusions and Future Work
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Notations | Definition |
Additive secret share of x belongs to A/B | |
The bit length of x | |
The ciphertext of x encrypted by Paillier | |
Add(·) | Addition on additive shares |
Mul(·) | Multiplication on additive shares |
Rec() | x’s value’s reconstruction |
SC | Secure Comparison |
SDTE | Secure Decision Tree Evaluation |
Dataset | n | d | m | Time | Comm. Cost | Time [16] | Comm. Cost [16] | Time [20] | Comm. Cost [20] |
breast-cancer | 9 | 8 | 12 | 0.256 s | 40.59 KB | 0.545 s | 132.0 KB | 0.0081 s | 73.22 KB |
heat-disease | 13 | 3 | 5 | 0.103 s | 17.35 KB | 0.370 s | 43.9 KB | 0.0003 s | 2.66 KB |
housing | 13 | 13 | 92 | 1.867 s | 306.19 KB | 4.081 s | 1795.2 KB | 0.3052 s | 2855 KB |
credit-screening | 15 | 4 | 5 | 0.109 s | 17.45 KB | 0.551 s | 45.0 KB | 0.0007 s | 5.93 KB |
spambase | 57 | 17 | 58 | 1.283 s | 191.31 KB | 16.595 s | 17363.3 KB | 14.639 s | 135807 KB |
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Share and Cite
Liu, L.; Su, J.; Zhao, B.; Wang, Q.; Chen, J.; Luo, Y. Towards an Efficient Privacy-Preserving Decision Tree Evaluation Service in the Internet of Things. Symmetry 2020, 12, 103.
Liu L, Su J, Zhao B, Wang Q, Chen J, Luo Y. Towards an Efficient Privacy-Preserving Decision Tree Evaluation Service in the Internet of Things. Symmetry. 2020; 12(1):103.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLiu, Lin, Jinshu Su, Baokang Zhao, Qiong Wang, Jinrong Chen, and Yuchuan Luo. 2020. "Towards an Efficient Privacy-Preserving Decision Tree Evaluation Service in the Internet of Things" Symmetry 12, no. 1: 103.