Water Temperature Evolution Driven by Solar Radiation in an Ice-Covered Lake: A Numerical Study and Observational Data
:1. Introduction
2. Observational Study
Field Measurements of Water Temperature and Solar Radiation
3. Computational Problem Definition
4. Computational Aspects
5. Results and Discussion
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Cases | I0, K·m/s |
Variant 1 (initial) | 1.9 × 10−5 |
Variant 2 | 0.95 × 10−5 |
Variant 3 | 0.475 × 10−5 |
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Smirnov, S.; Smirnovsky, A.; Zdorovennova, G.; Zdorovennov, R.; Palshin, N.; Novikova, I.; Terzhevik, A.; Bogdanov, S. Water Temperature Evolution Driven by Solar Radiation in an Ice-Covered Lake: A Numerical Study and Observational Data. Water 2022, 14, 4078. https://doi.org/10.3390/w14244078
Smirnov S, Smirnovsky A, Zdorovennova G, Zdorovennov R, Palshin N, Novikova I, Terzhevik A, Bogdanov S. Water Temperature Evolution Driven by Solar Radiation in an Ice-Covered Lake: A Numerical Study and Observational Data. Water. 2022; 14(24):4078. https://doi.org/10.3390/w14244078
Chicago/Turabian StyleSmirnov, Sergei, Alexander Smirnovsky, Galina Zdorovennova, Roman Zdorovennov, Nikolay Palshin, Iuliia Novikova, Arkady Terzhevik, and Sergey Bogdanov. 2022. "Water Temperature Evolution Driven by Solar Radiation in an Ice-Covered Lake: A Numerical Study and Observational Data" Water 14, no. 24: 4078. https://doi.org/10.3390/w14244078
APA StyleSmirnov, S., Smirnovsky, A., Zdorovennova, G., Zdorovennov, R., Palshin, N., Novikova, I., Terzhevik, A., & Bogdanov, S. (2022). Water Temperature Evolution Driven by Solar Radiation in an Ice-Covered Lake: A Numerical Study and Observational Data. Water, 14(24), 4078. https://doi.org/10.3390/w14244078