1. Introduction
The intensification of agriculture has increased food production, primarily based on the use of high-productivity crop varieties and the application of fertilisers, pesticides and irrigation [
1]. However, this practice of the continuous cultivation of the same soil and the application of different inputs has serious consequences for the physical, chemical and biological properties of soil [
Intensive conventional agriculture has also been used, to a greater or lesser extent, on the fertile soil in Vojvodina Province, Serbia, and over the years has decreased organic matter content and changed soil structure [
4]. The studies of Belić et al. [
5] and Seremesic et al. [
6] confirm a decline in the soil organic matter in this region. This decline became a serious concern considering that further agricultural demands and food production under the more obvious climate changes in the 21st century will require maintaining or improving soil fertility and productivity [
7]. The projections for climate change indicate increased precipitation variability rather than increased amount of annual precipitation [
8], which is more likely to be mitigated on fertile and well-structured soils. The level of soil organic matter, and therefore soil carbon content, positively influence the stability of soil aggregates and soil moisture retention under extreme precipitation or drought [
11]. Several management practices can be the bond between the requirements to adapt to the weather changes and to stop the reduction or to increase soil fertility, such as by reducing or eliminating tillage, growing cover crops, and applying organic fertilisers.
Because livestock production in Serbia and, therefore, the availability of organic fertilisers are low, research focuses on cover cropping. Additionally, reduced or no tillage is uncommon because of requirements for adequate machines, which significantly limit its application on small and medium farms. Cover crops have several uses, including preventing erosion, increasing organic matter content, improving nitrogen balance and soil properties, and suppressing weeds, among others [
13]. Cover crops in crop rotations are not a common practice primarily because growing cover crops usually includes crops that do not result in economic return and often do not allow sufficient time for soil preparation for cash crops. Additionally, cover crops may reduce soil moisture for the subsequent crop in specific growing conditions. In the most prevalent annual crop rotation system of maize (
Zea mays L.) and soybean (
Glycine max (L.) Merr.), growing winter cover crops should be considered, because cover crops positively affect physical and chemical soil properties and therefore improve soil productivity and soil water storage capacity [
15]. According to Kaspar and Singer [
16], cover crops increase soil organic matter from 9 to 85% depending on biomass production and soil and climate conditions of the region. In temperate regions of Europe, winter cover crops are the most common [
17], which cover the land between two cash crops that otherwise would be left bare over winter and exposed to diverse weather impacts such as wind erosion and nitrogen leaching, among other effects.
All benefits that result from cover crops in a cropping system depend on the cover crop species or mixture, type of soil and climate [
18]. Legume cover crops are usually included because of their short growing season, and they provide biologically fixed nitrogen (N) for the subsequent cash crop [
20]. When legume cover crops are used as green manure and ploughed-in, the organic matter is also incorporated, significantly increasing the input of N [
21]. The non-legume winter cover crops of winter cereals and brassicas are also used in temperate regions. Winter cereals, such as oats (
Avena sativa L.), barley (
Hordeum vulgare L.), triticale (x
Triticosecale Wittmack) and rye (
Secale cereale L.), are grown for forage or as a green manure. Moreover, the cereals prevent erosion and suppress weeds. When increasing the content of soil organic matter is a necessity, use of cereals should be a priority because of the relatively high carbon and N ratio and slow decomposition of the residues [
22]. Additionally, the extensive and dense root system of cereals stabilises soil aggregates and increases aeration and efficiently scavenges nutrients and prevents their leaching into deep soil layers [
23]. Qi et al. [
24] concluded that a winter rye cover crop increases soil water storage in the maize-soybean rotation. For the environmental conditions of Vojvodina, Cupina et al. [
25] suggested using a mixture of legumes and cereals to reduce the problems of nitrogen deficit and low soil organic matter. Such a mixture is drought resistant [
26] because of the high water use efficiency [
27], which also results in less eutrophication of water courses [
Considering that the effects of cover crops depend on the weather conditions of a region, the aim of the research was to analyse the effect of winter cover crops on the soil water balance in the agro-ecological conditions of Vojvodina Province. Additionally, the effect of cover crops on water availability for the main crop was compared with that of bare soil as a usual practice of the maize-based cropping system.
3. Results
Based on SPI values, the hydrological year 2011/2012 was characterised as a year with severe drought (
Table 5). In October, SPI3 was −1.67, and SPI9 was −1.92. The year 2012 was extremely dry, with positive SPI values for SPI1 and SPI3 in February (1.17 and 0.80, respectively) and in April (1.27 and 0.76, respectively). The lowest SPI1 values from January to September 2012 were recorded in March (−2.18), June (−1.95), and August (−1.92), showing extremely dry weather conditions in these months.
The SPI values characterised the hydrological year 2012/2013 with normal to moderate moisture. In October, SPI1 was 0.36 and SPI3-1.49. In the growing season, that is, from the beginning of April to the end of September, negative SPI1 values were recorded in April (−0.29), July (−0.73), and August (−0.49). In this period, the SPI3 was negative in August (−0.20) in which drought intensity was characterised as near normal.
At the locality Novi Sad-Rimski Šančevi, the soil water storage was lower in 2012 than that in 2013 in all soil layers and all terms (
Table 6a,b). In the first layer, the highest soil water storage was in March of both years and ranged from 79.2 mm in the treatment with common vetch in 2012 to 90.1 mm in the mixture of common vetch and triticale in 2013. In this period, in the layers 60–90 and 90–120 cm, no significant differences were detected among the treatments. In this layer in September 2012, the lowest value was recorded in the mixture of common vetch and triticale (28.5 mm), followed by the treatment with triticale (29.5 mm). In regard to fallow treatments, in May and September 2013, the highest soil water storage was registered in the first two layers in the N
1 variant.
Compared with other locations, the lowest soil water storage in March was registered in Sombor in the 0–30 cm soil layer (
Table 7a). In May in this layer, no significant differences were observed in soil water storage between fallow treatments in 2012 and cover crop treatments in 2013. In regard to treatments with cover crops, in both years and layers at the time of silage corn sowing (May), the highest soil water storage was in the treatment with common vetch (
Table 7a,b). The lowest value of 26.8 mm was registered in September 2012 in the treatment with the mixture of common vetch and triticale.
In March 2012 and 2013 at Senta in the 0–30 cm soil layer, the soil water storage did not significantly differ among treatments (
Table 8a). In the second and third term in all treatments, the soil water storage was higher in 2013 than that in 2012. In May 2012 and 2013, no significant difference occurred among cover crop treatments, and they significantly differed from fallow treatments (
Table 8b). Among the soil layers examined, the highest soil water storage was in the 30–60 cm layer in March 2012, and among treatments, the highest value was in the mixture of common vetch and triticale (96.4 mm).
The highest soil water storage in the profile was in the first term (
Figure 2). In regard to locality, the lowest soil water storage was in Sombor in 2012 (273.2 mm in the treatment with common vetch), and the highest soil water storage was in Novi Sad in 2013 (341.5 mm in the treatment with common vetch). In May, the soil water storage decreased in the profile with the lowest values in the treatments with cover crops. In the third term in 2012, the soil water storage was higher in all treatments at Senta than that at the other two research areas. At Senta, the lowest values were observed in N
2 (206.0 mm) and control (209.0 mm) treatments, whereas the highest was registered in the treatment with common vetch (233.0 mm). In September/October in 2013, at Sombor and Senta, values were the highest in the treatments with cover crops, whereas at Novi Sad, values were generally similar in all treatments.
In both periods and at all localities, the changes in soil water storage were higher in 2013 than that in 2012 (
Table 9). In the first period in 2012 in Novi Sad-Rimski Šančevi and Senta, the lowest values were in the control treatment (114.5 and 145.1 mm, respectively). In 2012, the highest value of the changes in soil water storage was in Novi Sad in the treatment with common vetch (252.2 mm). At the first locality, the lowest value was in the treatment with common vetch as the cover crop (172.7 mm in 2012 and 314.4 mm in 2013), whereas the highest was in the control (280.7 mm in 2012 and 416.9 mm in 2013). In Sombor, the lowest value of the changes in the soil water storage was in the triticale variant in 2012 (110.8 mm) and in the variant with common vetch in 2013 (334.3 mm). In the period May-September/October, the changes in soil water storage were the lowest in the cover crop treatments. At this locality, the highest values were in N
2 in 2012 (209.6 mm) and in the control in 2013 (499.8 mm). The changes in soil water storage in Senta in 2012 ranged from 101.2 mm in the triticale cover crop treatment to 201.6 mm in the control. In the second year, the lowest value was in the treatment with common vetch (336.2 mm), and the highest was in the N
2 treatment (460.0 mm).
In the period March–May in 2012, the lowest average changes in soil water storage in treatments with cover crops were in Sombor (193.2 mm), and the highest were in Novi Sad-Rimski Šančevi (244.1 mm) (
Table 10). For the average changes in soil water storage, the smallest difference between cover crops and fallow treatments was recorded in Sombor (52.0 mm) and the highest in Novi Sad-Rimski Šančevi (88.2 mm). In 2013, the average changes in soil water storage in cover crop treatments ranged from 328.7 mm in Sombor to 367.8 mm in Senta and to 432.8 mm in Novi Sad-Rimski Šančevi. The smallest difference between cover crop and fallow treatments was recorded in Senta (81.3 mm) and the highest in Novi Sad-Rimski Šančevi (99.6 mm).
In the second period in both years, the average changes in soil water storage were highest in the fallow treatments. In 2012, the lowest average changes in soil water storage were in Senta (114.8 mm in cover crop treatments, 194.4 mm in fallow treatments), whereas the highest were in Novi Sad-Rimski Šančevi (190.2 mm in cover crop treatments, 261.2 mm in fallow treatments). In 2013, the average changes in soil water storage in cover crop treatments ranged from 335.9 mm in Novi Sad-Rimski Šančevi to 387.5 mm in Senta, whereas in fallow treatments, the range was from 404.6 mm in Novi Sad-Rimski Šančevi to 482.3 mm in Sombor. In both years, the differences between cover crop and fallow treatments were negative, and the highest difference was calculated in Sombor in 2013 (−108.6 mm).
The correlation analyses for 2012 showed that the relationship between the changes in soil water storage in the first period and silage maize yield was very strong and negative (
Figure 3). The opposite was observed with a very strong and positive relationship between the changes in soil water storage in the second period and silage maize yield. Similar to 2012, in 2013, the correlation between the changes in soil water storage in the first period and silage maize yield was negative but with a different strength of the correlation among the locations. The correlation was very weak (
r = −0.17) in Senta, moderate in Novi Sad-Rimski Šančevi (
r = −0.59), and very strong in Sombor (
r = −0.83). The relationship between the changes in soil water storage in the second period and silage maize yield was positive, with the highest value obtained in Sombor (
r = 0.74).
4. Discussion
In semiarid regions, the yield of cash crops such as maize or soybean is often unpredictable as a result of amount and timing of precipitation in the growing season [
35]. Generally, reductions in yield of maize or any other warm-season cash crop are highly connected with the reduced precipitation and increased air temperatures during summer months [
36]. According to SPI values, 2011 and 2012 were extremely dry years, and 2013 had moderately increased moisture, reaching normal values. The second warmest year in Serbia between 1951 and 2013 was 2012 [
37]. This outcome confirms the statement of Stricevic et al. [
38] that SPIs for Vojvodina reveal significant variations in drought intensity. Drought results from continued lack of precipitation and manifests when the amount of precipitation at a site is below usual levels during several months [
39]. In the present study, the strongest drought effect was observed in November 2011 and in March and August 2012, because the amount of precipitation was less than 10 mm at all locations. These conditions significantly affected the water supply, and therefore the growth of both cover and cash crops.
As emphasised previously, cover crop contribution to the crop rotation depends on species, soil and weather conditions. All three effects can be analysed individually, but also through mutual interactions. For example, the soil water storage was lowest in all treatments with cover crops, but the deficiency was more intensive in extremely dry 2012. Similar results were obtained by Basche et al. [
15] who concluded that ten days before cover crop termination and main crop sowing, soil water storage was significantly lower in the cover crop treatments than that in the treatment without cover crops. Furthermore, they concluded that in years with adequate precipitation distribution, the soil water deficit is replenished after cover crop growth. Regardless of the weather conditions, the changes in soil water storage in the two observed periods showed increased water use in the cover crop as a result of evapotranspiration, leaching, and plant water uptake, whereas the water loses in fallow treatments were only by evaporation and leaching. Thus, the use of cover crops is often confronted with the problem of soil water conservation [
40]. Before sowing of silage maize, the highest water loss was registered in cover crop treatments, indicating that less water was available for maize requirements, which results in much more difficult starting conditions for the silage maize plants. Generally, more water was used by triticale because of the well-developed cereal root system. Namely, small grain cover crops are known as so-called catch crops with an increased ability for soil water uptake. Thus, these cover crops are used for water conservation and to prevent nitrogen leaching [
41]. As a result of different root morphology and development, the highest water consumption was also recorded in the mixture. Additionally, in the mixture, more nitrogen was available for the cereal, which demonstrated complementarities of the cereal-legume mixture and intensive use of water and nutrients. These conditions of reduced soil water availability for a subsequent crop are aggravated further in areas with dry weather terms, irregular precipitation or on soils with a low water capacity [
42]. The timely spring termination of a cover crop avoids the negative effects of opposite water conditions: excess residue holding in too much moisture for planting in wet years, or living plants drawing too much moisture from the soil in dry years [
43]. In 2013, in the spring and early summer, the experimental sites received more water than average, which compensated for the moisture deficit after cover crops and mitigated their negative effect on the growth and yield of silage corn. Thus, in a region and years with no water limitation, cover crops are highly beneficial and applicable, which is in accordance with Cupina et al. [
13] who stated that in the average year when the amount and timing of precipitation are consistent with the long-term average, cover crops have a positive effect on the changes in soil water storage. By contrast, in the first year of the study with water supplies used by cover crops and extremely dry and warm conditions, the silage maize yield was very low, or the crop completely failed in some localities. However, in the temperate region, such specific years with a negative effect of cover crops on the subsequent crop occur once in 5 to 10 years [
45]. In the second year, silage maize use of water was intensive, and the yield obtained was similar between cover crop treatments and treatments with fertilisation. Among the cover crops, the lowest silage maize yield in both years was obtained in the treatment with triticale, as a result of high water consumption, whereas the highest yield in both years was after the common vetch because of less water consumption and better moisture conditions for the main crop. The correlations between the changes in soil water storage and silage maize yield confirmed that the silage maize yield is highly connected with the water storage after cover crop incorporation, considering that cover crops reduce available water for a subsequent crop. However, if the water limitation is continuous, as it was in 2012, then the negative effect is prolonged to the entire growing period.
Climate change and the extreme variation in precipitation distribution during the growing period in temperate regions have brought and will bring many challenges in crop production. One of the ways to respond to these differences is to maintain or to obtain fertile and well-structured soils, by manure application, growing cover crops or with some other measure. In the region of Vojvodina Province, livestock production is low, and therefore, the reduced availability of organic fertilisers justifies the importance of cover cropping [
41]. The variations in weather conditions raise the question of whether to include cover crops in crop rotations. Moreover, the question is whether the benefits of cover crops can occur in areas with different precipitation and temperature values during a growing period, such as occur in temperate and semiarid regions, or only in a region that is generally not water limited. The use of cover crops has numerous positive effects but with short-term and long-term benefits. Soil water availability, additional nitrogen by legumes, and erosion reduction are some of the short-term effects, which vary significantly and are strongly dependent on the water supply. However, the improvement in soil properties such as infiltration, structure, and organic matter content by root residues or biomass incorporation of cover crops requires several years, which in that case, leads to better soil conditions for overcoming temperature and precipitation variations [
13]. In the present research, the winter covers were ploughed-in in the late spring, which directly affected the silage maize development, because the period for water recharge was short. As a precaution, Joyce et al. [
40] suggest cutting and incorporation of winter cover crops at the beginning of spring to avoid any negative effects on the following main crop by excessive evapotranspiration and other water losses. Cover cropping is an intensive system in which some operations (cutting, incorporation, soil preparation, sowing) must be performed within one or a few days [
17]. Alternatively, Lyon et al. [
46] propose harvesting cover crops in the fall to leave sufficient time for water accumulation. In semiarid regions such as Vojvodina Province, these approaches could be options that include cover cropped systems but reduce the possibility of cover crop disadvantages. Based on our results from Sombor and Senta, when the precipitation amount and water supply were adequate during the summer months, the soil water storage was the highest after main crop termination in the fall in the treatments with cover crops. Providing support for this outcome, the results of Basche et al. [
15] indicate that because of cover crop effects on soil properties, the capacity for soil water storage increases, and therefore, the soil water content can remain high during summer months. The continuous decrease in water storage in the control variant in both years was notable. Simultaneously, in the nitrogen treatments, because of intensive water uptake by maize, soil water storage also decreased. Therefore, farmers suspicious of whether they should use cover crops should consider the importance of maintaining soil properties and investment in long-term production.