1. Introduction
The potential merit of numerical procedures for weather prediction is obvious, and attempts in this direction were made even before the invention of the computer. While these early attempts were unsuccessful, the first successful numerical weather prediction was carried out by Charney [
1] using a two-dimensional (2D) model with realistic data and one of the first programmable computers.
All such models use an approximation of the Navier–Stokes equation, and a recent development under the name of non-hydrostatic modelling uses the original form of these equations without approximations specific to the meteorological application. A review of the transition to non-hydrostatic models is given by given by [
2], in future called St_Li.
Even though numerical weather prediction (NWP) has been around for 70 years, there are still new developments in the field of numerics. Until about the year 2000, most numerical procedures used the classic second to fourth-order differencing procedures as described by [
3]. As an alternative to second to fourth-order methods, the highly accurate spectral method was used. This is a Galerkin procedure using harmonic or spherical harmonic basic functions and this method is also described by [
3]. These methods have the objective to approximate the time derivatives of amplitudes, when the fields for a time level are given. To obtain a forecast, time integration must be performed. This means that the time derivatives computed at certain time levels are used to compute the fields at the desired times. This is normally carried out in rather small steps until the desired forecast time is reached. Durran (2010) [
3] gives a rather complete description of possible time integration schemes. For the tests in this paper, we use the highly accurate four-step Runge Kutta method RK4 (see St_Li). Time integration is not the subject of this paper. It concentrates on spatial discretization beyond the classic methods as described by Durran (2010) [
3]. The new methods are based on piecewise polynomial representations of dynamic fields. Current developments concentrate on the locality of procedures. Such locality is not necessarily present, even when using Galerkin methods with local basis functions.
Polynomials used with such piecewise polynomial representations are determined by grid-point values describing fields. They are used to compute spatial derivatives. Such interpolations can be different for use in different computational steps. An example is the fourth-order computation of the derivative at a point , This is most easily explained for the one-dimensional (1D) case, where the grid is . dx is the grid length which is assumed to be constant. An irregular grid is obtained when dx depends on i.
For one, two and three dimensions, such basis function representations and simple high-order differentiation are explained in [
2]. hearafter cited as St_Li. Piecewise polynomial functions can be used to construct basis function methods. These are known under the names of Galerkin, spectral element, Local-Galerkin (L-Galerkin) methods or finite elements. These basis functions have local support. Basis functions with support over the whole modelling area are known as spectral methods and treated in [
3]. In this paper, we outline the steps to be taken to go from the theoretical constructions described in St_Li to realistic models. Apart from the new mathematical methods outlined by St_Li, a realistic model contains many other features: the provision of realistic data, organizing the code to allow parallel execution on computers and the physical processes. Physical processes, such as radiation, turbulence and surface processes are normally programmed in such a way that clear interfaces to the dynamic model part allow their development to be independent of the other parts of a model. Therefore, they can easily be imported from other sources into a model.
The author obtained a personal impression of the difficulty of introducing L-Galerkin methods into a model. He spent one week with a specialist of the spectral element model HOMME (see [
4]) and tried to modify the existing L-Galerkin procedures of HOMME. This was unsuccessful because we did not find a clear interface to the numeric part of this model. The shallow water version could be modified to use a sparse grid and this was possible because the author provided subroutines to the specifications of another HOMME model specialist (see St_Li, Figure of STLI page 2619). In order to make the application of L-Galerkin methods easier, an L-Galerkin compiler and IGEL-files were proposed in St_Li but this turned out to be still too complicated for transferring L-Galerkin methods from toy to realistic models.
Section 4 gives an example of further simplifications using geometric files.
It is suggested to create realistic L-Galerkin models by modifying one of the existing models, called the background model. An example for such possible background models is the MPAS (Model for Prediction Across Scales, [
5]) for global atmospheric prediction or Fluidity for pollution modelling [
6]. In
Section 2, a method will be outlined to allow a specialist of a background model to introduce high-order basis function methods without a detailed knowledge of such basis functions or high-order differentiation. The executive overview on spectral elements and other high-order methods given in this paper is sufficient to introduce such methods into a realistic background model. This will be done using geometric files, as introduced in St_Li.
For clarity, in particular for understanding the difference of polynomial interpolation and polynomial basis functions methods, the basics of polynomial algebra for models are outlined.
For each grid point, we assume the grid point values, or amplitudes of the dynamic field
h to be given:
In Equation (1),
are called grid-point values of the field
. We want to compute the spatial derivative
of the field
and [
7] gave a fourth-order approximation (KO formula) for
As five points are used, we speak of a five-point stencil, the points having indices
. As seen in Equation (2), the weight
is 0, reducing this five-point stencil to four points. The Kreiss–Oliger formula as given in Equation (2) is applicable to regular grids (
). Irregular grids, (
) dependent on
, occur necessarily on the sphere. They require a replacement of Equation (2) by
The difference between Equations (3) and (2) is that the weights are dependent on the grid point . If the grid is irregular, the weight will be different from 0 and depend both on i and j.
Note that Equation (2) uses interpolating polynomials for the computation of the derivative and that these polynomials are different when the derivatives are computed at different points
. There is not one polynomial to be used at every grid point. We speak of a piecewise polynomial representation with multiple polynomials. When following the arguments of Kreiss and Oliger (1994) [
8], it turns out that also for one and the same point
i more than one polynomial is used. This is illustrated in
Figure 1.
When for each point there is a unique polynomial used for interpolation, we speak of a basis function method.
For a basis function representation, we typically use discretization intervals involving more than one grid point. For second-order basis functions, we use amplitude points
to describe the function values
; for this we use basis functions
and the basis function representation is:
are amplitudes, and
basis functions. For local or finite element methods, we use basis functions
with local support. This means that
, when the distance of
x and
is large enough. The basis functions are piecewise polynomials with local support. For different intervals, these polynomials are different. Outside a few intervals near
are defined to be 0.
Equation (2) was derived using fourth-order polynomials. For demonstration purposes in
Figure 1, second-order polynomials are used. With the fourth-order polynomials, this is more complicated but similar. There is an important point for an efficient introduction of the Kreiss–Oliger method [
8] into atmospheric models. Many people apply Equation (2) without taking note of the polynomial algebra behind this. This is quite different for spectral or spectral element models. With such methods, the algebra of the basis functions is often implemented as part of the model and some modelers find this difficult to understand. In this paper, it is suggested that for spectral elements and other L-Galerkin models, the polynomial and basis function algebra is performed outside the model and the same concerns geometric relations of discretization cells. Geometric files are used to communicate such features. In this way, the transition to L-Galerkin methods in a meteorological model is not more difficult than programming centered differences.
The basis function representations are the same for the classic Galerkin method (finite elements), the spectral elements and the L-Galerkin methods (see St_Li). The required order and the demand of a minimum number of overlapping basis functions imply that the basis functions are polynomials (see St_Li). Details of the definition of the basis functions
and the variants of the Galerkin method mentioned are given in St_Li. Here, we encourage the reader to implement such methods using geometric files from the internet and in
Section 4 an example is given.
For classic fourth-order discretization in one dimension, Equation (2) is used for all points, and this results in a non-conserving high-order approximation of the homogeneous advection equation . For regular Cartesian grids, this readily extends to three dimensions.
Very few people will use and include the polynomial algebra leading in detail to the polynomial constructions leading to Equation (2) or (3) when creating a classic fourth-order model. In fact, it is not even necessary to understand this derivation, when creating a fourth-order model based on the classic fourth-order method. An example is the model of Kalnay [
7]. The geometric files in this case consist of the
. If the grid is irregular, we must use Equation (3) and the geometric file is larger, consisting of the
needed to be used with irregular grids.
i is the spatial index and
j points to the different points of the stencil.
For the L-Galerkin method o3o3, for example, Equation (3) is the discretization formula at cell corner points. For the points on the edges, the formula is given in St_Li. They are as simple as Equation (2).
The more complicated cases of spectral elements and L-Galerkin methods involve sparse grids with triangular, rhomboidal and hexagonal grid cells, as described in St Li. In this paper, we go a step further and describe the work steps for a numerical discretization up to the point of creating a realistic model. Not only are the necessary numerical developments described, but problems of informatics also are considered. For numerical efficiency, sparse grids are used; these are most efficient in three dimensions and an example of a sparse grid is shown in
Figure 2 for a cubic grid cell. The sparse grid has 7 points per cubic cell while the full grid has 27 points. A corresponding reduction in CPU time requirement is expected for a toy model exemplified in St_Li.
The discretization on the sphere in this paper is carried out using the method of polygons inscribed into it and then projected to the sphere. This method is described in St_Li.
Figure 2 gives an executive summary of this method. In this paper, we want to show the way to go from the grid definition towards a realistic application. This means a global or local model using realistic meteorological data.
All polygonal methods are applied using polygons inscribed into the sphere. Examples are the cubed sphere method, the icosahedral method and the T36 method. The first two are based on Platonic solids and the third, being used with the examples in this paper, is based on the T36 solid, which is semi-Platonic. When addressing a grid point, the first index is the large rhomboidal polygon
which for the example of T36 is shown in
Figure 2. It has a range of 1 to 18. This index is called the large rhomboid index. Each large rhomboid is divided into cells, which may be rhomboids, triangles or hexagons. Note that for a hexagonal cell structure on the sphere, there will be five pentagonal cells. While it is no problem to use unstructured cell grids, in this paper, we suggest a structured grid approach, as for a small team this is the easiest approach. In the rhomboidal approach indicated in
Figure 2, the cells have indices
, both of a range
, where
is the number of grid points used in one direction. The sparse representations considered in this paper have grid points on the cell corners and edges. A system for indexing must be used which addresses each point only once. Using just one surface of the cell shown in
Figure 3, it appears that in three dimensions there are seven points in a cell, one corner point and six edge points. It is seen from
Figure 3 that the other corner and edge amplitudes in a rhomboid are defined with other cells. Therefore, the point index for the o3o3 method (see St_Li) has a range of
= 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
Therefore, a field
h on a sparse grid on a rhomboidal grid, as shown in
Figure 2, has indices:
, are local coordinates on the sphere. Their definition for a cell-based discretization is described in St_Li.
For a hexagonal cell structure in two dimensions, the indexing of
h is similar, but the ranges of the parameters are different:
It can be seen that the different ranges of parameters in Equations (5) and (6) amount to a greater sparseness with hexagonal cells, potentially leading to more efficient methods.
The differentiation formula Equation (2) can be used when, at both sides of the target point, the grid points used in the stencil are on one straight line or great circle. For special points in the rhomboidal grid and for hexagonal corners, the differentiation stencil consists of lines meeting at a point, but not having a continuation beyond this point. In triangular grids, stencils with six legs may occur and at hexagonal corners we have three legs. Such problems will be highlighted in
Section 2.
The introduction of a new numerical method into a meteorological model in the past often turned out to be difficult and took years of guest science visits at the institute running the model. The author experienced this for the example of introducing the Semi-Lagrange method into the ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecast) model in the 1980s. Faster was the introduction of the icosahedral grid into DWD’s (Deutscher Wetterdienst, Germany Weather Service) model around 2000 (the method of [
9]). The latter project was fast because the icosahedral model was already prepared and the specialists of the target model (DWD) did the transfer themselves with the help of Baumgardner. In contrast to this, the adaptation of a new physics scheme into an existing model, such as a new radiation scheme, is often easier. The reason is that there is a clear interface and physics routines are often created as a subroutine, where all parameters used are calling parameters of the subroutine. To write a dynamics routine as such a subroutine is often difficult, as the dynamics is connected to the basic organization of a model, in particular, for calling all physics routines.
In this paper, it is suggested to make the import of L-Galerkin methods into a background model easier by using prepared geometric files and have all dynamics done by simple pieces of code, similar to Equation (2). For example, spectral models normally have large programs dealing with spectral transforms, etc. In polynomial approximations, the equivalent to spectral transforms is polynomial algebra, leading to the weights in Equation (2). So applying Equation (2) or (3) with pre-computed weights is a shortcut of introducing L-Galerkin methods. Corner point amplitudes are both grid point and spectral amplitudes. Equation (2) is the differentiation formula at corner points. It is suggested to make the introduction of a whole L-Galerkin model into a background model as easy as Equation (2). This is exemplified in
Section 3. The working of a model using geometric files to create interfaces to a background model is explained for a simple example of cut cells in
Section 4.
The L-Galerkin procedures are described in St_Li and a number of toy model tests are given there to validate them. For second-order approximations, all tools are given to go to realistic models. The scientific steps to be taken are outlined in
Section 5. For third- and higher order basis functions, more fundamental problems need to be solved. These come from the spectral gap problem of spectral elements, which needs to be solved to have a proper performance. Rather similarly, another third-order L-Galerkin model, o3o3, suffers from the problem of a large 0-space. The scientific steps to solve such problems are described in
Section 5. Another problem of current modelling is that new applications are envisaged. A model like Fluidity [
11] is designed for pollution transport, but will also compute the corresponding wind fields. This is to be carried out for all scales, from the global to the micro scale, and so this model may double as a weather and climate forecast model, but also be used as an LES model. Currently, such general-purpose models do not exist, as many standard approaches for NWP models do not provide enough accuracy to be used for LES. This will be exemplified in
Appendix B and
Appendix D. Many numerical checks, such as the von Neumann analysis, use regular grids. If tests with irregular grids are avoided, there is a potential for overlooking model faults (see
Appendix B).
Section 6 suggests a simple test to be used on irregular grids. Some hints for the use of a PC for L-Galerkin numerical research are given in
Appendix A. This paper explains some problems when going from highly idealized toy models on regular grids to realistic models.
Appendix B explains second-order stencils and recommends a modification of the second-order stencils to remain second-order for irregular grids. This term is often neglected and this neglect results in first-order accuracy when the grid becomes irregular.
Appendix D shows convergence experiments with the Fluidity model. This is one example for an almost universal neglect of this term. A notable exception is the model MPAS, which remains second- and even higher order by a special choice of the irregular grid.
Appendix C shows that the classic Galerkin method loses fourth-order convergence on irregular grids.
5. Ten Scientific Project Steps towards a Realistic Forecast Model Based on Sparse L-Galerkin Method of Basis Function Orders Two, Three, and Four
This paper considers the implementation of L-Galerkin methods for realistic models. Even though, as with the Fluidity model, we want to cover all scales and applications, the 10 projects suggested here aim at a fully realistic model suitable for global forecasting. Scientific achievements, such as obtaining third and fourth order of convergence with totally irregular grids, are a sideline of this goal. Scientific steps to be taken are planned in what follows and allow to support scientific goals of the Fluidity model: pollution forecasts at small and medium scales and LES calculations.
Appendix B gives an example of models not achieving more than second-order accuracy. So, as a first step, a second-order basis function approach is envisaged. The projects and improvements needed must only bring the scheme o2o2 towards the realistic case. We think of developing the L-Galerkin methods o2o2, o2o3, and o3o3. Note that until the solution of the 0-space problem, it is recommended to use o2o3 rather than o3o3, which reduces the benefits to be obtained from sparseness to a factor 4. At special points, such as the pentagonal points in
Figure 2, interpolations are needed. To use such methods for totally irregular grids with interpolations would be computationally very expensive and complicated to program. Methods to do this simply by just using irregular stencils, as visualized in
Figure 4, have been described in St_Li but have not yet been practically tested. The spectral element method is an L-Galerkin method which is already in practical use. Here, we concentrate on the methods mentioned above, which we want to bring to the same status of being practically applicable. The main advantage of the methods investigated here as compared to spectral elements is the use of sparse grids with the corresponding improvements of computer efficiency (see St_Li).
The following project steps serve the purpose of bringing L-Galerkin methods, such as spectral elements, o2o2, o2o3, o3o3, and o3o4, to practical use and provide the necessary tests. For descriptions of these methods, the reader is referred to St_Li. The successful completion of the following 10 projects would mean establishing the practical use of L-Galerkin methods of second and higher order, including spectral elements.
Besides global weather and climate prediction, this would open applications in pollution transport down to the micro scale and LES. Referring to St_Li, it is assumed that current global models have strong errors in the formulation of the lower boundary condition (the representation of mountains).
It was correctly pointed out by [
10] in a lecture at MOW19 (The workshop of Mathematics of the Weather 2019, Bad Orb, Germany) that a basis function scheme would automatically produce a correct implementation of the lower boundary condition. In particular, the cut cells would be established. However, certain properties of the basis functions must be present for this to be true. There are two possibilities indicated in
Figure 5. When the mountain is a piecewise linear spline (
Figure 5a), the basis functions for velocities must be discontinuous. This follows from the fact that, at the surface, the velocity vector must be tangential to the mountain. If the velocity component u is represented by a continuous basis functions, the basis functions for the velocity component v must be discontinuous. This is necessary because, with a piecewise linear representation of the mountain, the velocity vector must make a jump at the surface.
According to St_Li, when representing the Arakawa C grid with basis functions, these are piecewise constant or linear. So the basis function representation of the Arakawa C-grid is suitable for use with mountain representations as piecewise linear splines. This is explained in
Section 4. The purpose of this section is the program organization for dynamics using geometric files. The main aim of this paper is to go from second-order accuracy towards the higher (third- or fourth-) order basis functions. We will also support differentiable representations of mountains. These are shown in the right panel of
Figure 5. It follows that cell boundaries are no longer straight lines, but polynomial curves. The author does not know any meteorological discretization using curved boundaries.
The suggested project steps are as follows:
- (1)
Establish grid properties of polygonal models on the sphere in a systematic way: Polyhedral grids are based on the cube (cubed sphere), the icosahedron and the T36 solid (examples of this paper). The creation of such polyhedral models normally starts with the representation of a grid similar to that in
Figure 2. When the creator is optically satisfied with its homogeneity, the program is created and the modeler hopes for sufficient stability and a reasonable CFL number. To the author’s knowledge, there exists no systematic evaluation of grid properties for the different grids based on the different polyhedral solids. It is highly desirable to create such systematic evaluations dependent on the resolution. Grid properties of interest are grid length, angles of stencils and homogeneity. The latter means the difference of good lengths in two different directions. This information can be used to get a priori information on the CFL, and badly designed stencils may be enhanced by a diagnostic stencil leg in order to enhance the CFL.
- (2)
Solve the spectral gap/0-space problem for basis function representations of third order: The spectral element scheme has a small amplitude feature with negative group velocities at the 6 dx wave. The o3o3 has a large 0-space up to 4 dx. It seems likely that these two features are caused by the computation of the derivative at corner points. In fact, for o3o3, first experiments indicated that there is a large sensitivity of this phenomenon to different ways of computing the derivative at corner points. For o3o3, this means that the effective resolution is only that of the o2o3 scheme, still achieving a degree of sparseness and the corresponding saving of CPU time. For optimum efficiency of the two L-Galerkin schemes, it is desirable to solve these problems. There is no shortage of variants of these schemes which are worth trying. Without this achievement, it is still possible to go ahead with L-Galerkin schemes. The spectral element schemes are already in practical use (see St_Li for a review). For o3o3, it seems best to change to o2o3 currently and accept the smaller degree of sparseness. The totally irregular grid can be approached with o2o2. If the grid is formed by great circles, such as icosahedral grids, o2o3 or o3o3 can be applied. The spectral gap problem needs to be solved when a fourth- or third-order treatment is desired.
- (3)
Approach the totally irregular grid for second-order methods. For test purposes, totally irregular grids can be approached as structured grids (see St_Li). Otherwise, a memory management scheme is necessary, as used, for example, with MPAS [
5] or Fluidity [
13]. In second-order approximation, this can be done using the tools provided in St_Li. While there is no doubt about the possibility of such applications, currently there exist no tests and these are necessary before going to applications such as Fluidity. As shown in
Appendix B, the current schemes of Fluidity are somewhat below order two, and therefore second-order developments are still up to date. Due to the approximation order paradox (see St_Li), there is currently no benefit for forecast quality when going to third order with realistic models, even though toy models show such benefits very strongly. Even high-order models such as MPAS [
5] are no exception due to problems of vertical discretization. Therefore, it is still interesting to improve second-order methods in practical modelling.
- (4)
Test the 3:1 or 2:1 interface for physics interfaces. In St_Li, it was argued that with third-order methods, it would be appropriate to call the physical parameterizations only every third point. For second-order schemes, such as o2o2, and for o2o3, this would mean calling them every second grid point. Very simple 1D tests were given and it would be highly desirable to test this with realistic 3D models.
- (5)
Test rhomboidal methods on the sphere. The Williamsson shallow water tests [
13] should be conducted to gain confidence in the new L-Galerkin methods. With rhomboidal discretization, there is no problem to do this also for o3o3 or o2o3, keeping in mind the limitations of o3o3 due to the 0-space problem.
- (6)
Test hexagonal methods on the sphere. Hexagons on the plane were tested. The program used there was so complicated that it was decided that further progress is not possible without a better compact storage for the amplitudes on the hexagon. The storage associated with the centers of the hexagonal cells is assumed to be suitable. Note that the center point stores the amplitudes but does not have an amplitude itself. The rather limited hexagonal tests given before are to be extended to the Williamsson tests.
- (7)
Conduct 3D tests with the cut-cell scheme in second order. The quick and dirty scheme used earlier should be replaced by a conserving scheme such as that described in
Section 4.
- (8)
Extend Point (7) to third order and extend Point (5) to three dimensions on the sphere. This can be done using a resolution on the sphere of 200 km and it is expected that this would fit into a PC. For comparison, the non-conserving classic o4 method with terrain-following coordinates should be implemented and compared to the rhomboidal method for efficiency.
- (9)
With a resolution of 5 km on the sphere, carry out one realistic case and evaluate meteorologically.
- (10)
For the model of Point (9), carry out a series of 100 cases and evaluate statistically.
Points (1) to (8) can be performed on a PC. For some researchers, the demands on system/application programming would be a challenge. See
Appendix A for some information.
Points (1) to (10) are a project plan to go to L-Galerkin applications with realistic weather prediction. Some features, considered to be nice to have, were left out, such as a realistic third-order hexagon discretization. Before Point (2) has a solution, we can have third order on the great circle horizontal grid, but the cut cells are limited to grids being formed by great circles. The benefit of computer time-saving using o2o3 in the horizontal without solving Point (2) would be limited. The same is true for cut cells, which in a first step should be approached in second order. The method o3o3 can easily be used and expected on structured spherical grids to be successful even without Point (2) finding a solution. Due to the 0-space problem, the resolution is not more than that of o2o2. For comparisons of resolutions, only the o2o2 resolution should be counted.
Still, a substantial increase in numerical efficiency is expected, which is estimated to be a factor of 4 for o2o2 on rhomboids and more with hexagons. This is also expected to be the efficiency increase compared to spectral elements.
After successfully completing Points (1) to (10), there is another benefit of a high approximation order, which could be explored together with Point (5) and then with Point (9), using artificial initial data. The purpose of a high-order approach, such as that followed with the L-Galerkin methods spectral and o2o3, is to compute a given field more accurately. Another question is how small a scale a feature of the initial value is allowed to be in order to create a reasonable forecast at all. For second order, 10 points to support a structure are often considered a good choice to create a minimum of accuracy.
It turned out in [
14] that going from second order towards a third-order scheme does not only increase the prediction of a given feature, but also allows features of a smaller scale to be reasonably predicted. This essentially means that going towards a third order of accuracy should be similar as increasing the resolution. While toy models in [
5] show this effect, it is consistently absent in realistic models. With all the improvements included in Points (1) to (10), it should be tested if this effect can be seen in a realistic model. In particular, the improvements introduced by cut cells could have an effect.
6. Simple Linear Tests to Be Used with Irregular Resolutions
New numerical schemes are normally tested using the von Neumann analysis. This computes the amplitudes and phases for predicted waves. It gives information on the accuracy of wave propagation and the stability of the wave as a function of wave number. This method is useful to give the critical CFL number. For irregular grids, it is suggested to add another test, also for linear propagation. Many rather popular numerical schemes show super-convergence (see
Appendix C). For example, the centered differences using linear interpolation show quadratic accuracy. The classic Galerkin method with piecewise linear basis functions has fourth-order accuracy, which at the time led many researchers to believe that it is not necessary to go towards third-order basis functions. On the sphere, one particular great circle can be divided equally to obtain a regular grid. However, it is not possible to obtain a regular distribution of cells except for special cases. In particular, the rhomboidal cell structures (see
Figure 2 for an example) have necessarily irregular edges. For efficient model construction, it is of great help that the gird points on rhomboidal edges line up on great circles. Such divisions of great circles on grids are necessarily irregular. So, for realistic models, irregular grids on some great circles have to be used.
For the two cases mentioned above, the super-convergence from order one to order two or order four exists on regular grids. On grids for realistic models, this super-convergence breaks down and the accuracy is less than the von Neumann analysis suggests. With linear basis functions, the loss of super-convergence means that the schemes go down in accuracy to first order. Experience has shown that much less than second-order accuracy is a disaster for practical model performance. St_Li gives an account of the literature and there are grids with a spectacular error production. If nothing is done, a typical error is that the borders of the large rhomboids in
Figure 2 are seen in the results. Many researchers make the grid as near as possible to a regular grid. This procedure is called grid smoothing.
The classic o4 method of Kreiss and Oliger (see Equation (2)) can also be modified to be fourth-order for irregular grids. It was shown for the classic o4 method that no grid smoothing is necessary and when using the method in this version, Equation (3) did not result into any large errors near special points of the grid, such as the corners and edges of the large rhomboids.
Here, a test is suggested, which is still based on linear homogeneous advection, but suitable for irregular meshes. In this way, 1D, 2D and 3D tests are possible on realistic irregular grids. This test is explained in one dimension, as the extension to two and three dimensions is obvious. Tests for all scales are possible.
Let us assume that we have a discretization to compute at the grid points
the time derivatives
. We also need a time-marching procedure, for which, in the example given, we use the RK4 method. The grid is given as
and we have
. Define
and let dx be the average of the
. Then, we form the positive initial values:
A is an amplitude. As the test equation
is liner, the choice of
A has no impact on the test result. For the test performed here, we choose 600 points for h. The homogeneous advection equation should be implemented with periodic boundary condition to allow very long forecast times.
In addition to Equation (7), we use another initial value called the point initial condition. The point initial condition is defined by having
except for
. The point initial value is the smallest scale initial value with only positive values. It is advisable to use for
a large range of values. The author used values of
= 2
, 4
, 8
and 16
. The choice of accuracy requirement is, to a degree, a question of preference. The experiments to test a second-order cut-cell scheme [
12] used a value of
= 8
dx for tests in two dimensions. This test can also be used in situations with boundaries, as was done by [
12] where a second-order method was used with
= 8
dx, which was the smallest scale to obtain reasonable results. In [
14], the method was able to prove that, with the irregular resolution for cut cells near boundaries, the error dramatically increased to the effect that even a very smooth straight-line mountain generated noise and produced a “noise-generating surface”. Avoiding such noise-generating surfaces is a challenge for the construction of cut-cell schemes. Some more information on this is given in
Section 4.
For third-order basis function methods, for example, already the point initial value produces meaningful results, as shown in
Figure 6.
A review of the high-order basis function L-Galerkin methods was given. Arakawa methods can be seen as L-Galerkin methods using low-order and discontinuous basis functions. This scheme is included in our considerations. While the practical application of such schemes is well under way and shows advantages over classic schemes (see St_Li), a number of problems need to be solved to take full advantage of L-Galerkin schemes. For spectral elements, this is the spectral gap problem and for o3o3, it is the problem of a large 0-space. For o3o3, the 0-space problem can be solved by using o2o3 instead, which would reduce the numerical efficiency increase from sparse gridding. When a model aims to the full range of applications from the global to the micro scale, a totally irregular grid is desirable, as is done for Fluidity. L-Galerkin methods are easy to implement on grids of great circles. They can reach a third or fourth order of accuracy there, when there are only few points of irregularity, such as the edge lines of large rhomboids. For totally irregular grids, L-Galerkin methods of second-order basis functions are possible and efficient. Doing the same for third-order basis functions is possible when the large 0-space problem is solved. The small irregularities of grids arising from the curvature of the earth are no problem for either spectral elements or o3o3, for example. For triangular meshes, such as those used with Fluidity, sparseness, with potential CPU savings of up to a factor 20, can be realized by treating some of the edge amplitudes as diagnostic. Without diagnostic edges, triangular cells imply the full grid.
For the above considerations and methods on totally irregular grids, there is the possibility of using high-order interpolations to a regular stencil. This method is not elegant and seems very expensive. Such methods are not considered here.
Methods based on centered differences are still in use and often reduce to first approximation order when the grid becomes irregular. Grid smoothing is a way to make such deviations from the second order small. In this paper, it is suggested to go to genuinely third- or second-order methods, which do not need grid smoothing.
The representation of mountains is rather inaccurate with terrain-following methods, as the condition of the coordinate transformation is often not satisfied. It is true that methods using basis functions on cell structures naturally imply the cut-cell approximation. To represent the boundary condition on mountains correctly, either the basis functions for the velocity components need to be non-differentiable or the spline representing the orography must be differentiable. For the first method, an example was given in
Section 4. Differentiable splines imply that cells bordering the mountains have curved boundaries, as shown in
Figure 5. In meteorology, the author does not know about any use of such curved cell boundaries (not being straight lines), though such curved lines seem rather easy to handle. The earth without orography uses curved (great circle line) boundaries. However, such curvature disappears when using great circle distances as coordinates.