The aim of numerical building performance simulation is to recreate reality as closely as possible, but due to the complexity of the built environment and the presence of a large number of independent variables, it is often difficult to obtain an accurate representation of the actual performance of a building. Therefore, the simulation results should be validated. Validation is an activity that aims to confirm the results in a documented manner, and in accordance with the assumptions that procedures, processes, activities, and systems lead to planned results. In practise, validation is a comparison of the measured values for real conditions in the building with calculated values obtained in software. If the discrepancies between the calculations and measured results are considerable, determined on the basis of indicators, the model should be calibrated, i.e., the input data to the model should be changed in such a way as to minimize the differences in the results. Calibration is usually a time-consuming process taking into account a lot of factors influencing the correctness of the obtained results such as: material properties, internal gains profile, solar gains, and airflow network. Due to the partial lack of information needed to create a numerical model, scientists often have to estimate some of the input data on the basis of other studies or their own experience, as the building owner does not have documentation on the thermal properties of the material used to build the house. It is relatively difficult to correctly estimate unknown inputs as many different factors affect the final results. The incorrect modification of several input data may result in obtaining simulation results similar to measured values, e.g., indoor temperature, but will not reflect the real performance of the building. Therefore, the calibration should be carried out in stages, with more than one measurement result, and fully controlled for whether the simulation assumptions are possible.
The validation and calibration of numerical models are the subjects of scientific discussions [
11]. For example, Lam et al. [
1] described the whole calibration procedure for the model of a medium-sized office building prepared in the EnergyPlus software. The occupancy schedule of the building was identified on the basis of data on energy consumption by the office equipment. In the calibration of the actual meteorological data, monthly meter data and hourly data from the building automation system were used. As a result, a very good accuracy of the simulation results was obtained (mean bias error for the total annual energy use intensity was below 2%). In turn, Royapoor and Roskilly [
2] calibrated the model of a 5-story office building, obtaining an error of ±5%. They indicated the main recommendations that should be followed while preparing the calibration. They also discussed the main limitations of simulation programs, for example, the assumption of the constant properties of building materials and the impossibility of the perfect mapping of airflows. In the work of Sarna et al. [
3] an exemplary validation of a small single-family house model located in southern Poland was demonstrated. The calibration was carried out in four steps, which included the adaptation of the infiltration model and a proper estimation of internal and solar gains. To compare the results of the simulation with measured values, the authors chose the indoor temperature in rooms. As a result, the indicators values of the normalized mean bias error (NMBE) and the coefficient of variation of the root mean squared error (CV (RMSE)) achieved the recommended range according to ASHRAE [
12]. Moreover, higher values of the Pearson correlation coefficient were obtained (greater than 0.7). Firlag and Zawada [
4] built the passive building model with HVAC (heating, ventilation, air conditioning) systems using TRNSYS, which was validated on the measurement results covering two weeks in winter for nine rooms. The measurement campaign included the indoor temperature, energy used for heating, and measurement of the absolute humidity of the exhausted air. Similar results of air temperature were obtained, with the average difference equal to 0.02 K. The authors indicated a strong dependence of obtaining reliable results of temperature on the exact determination of heat gains. The greatest difference was obtained in the toilet zone, where a precise determination of small heat gains was relatively difficult. The difference between the measured and simulated results was 0.03 g/kg. The third verification relied on a comparison of the change in capacity of the heating coil; the error was equal to 3.5%. The authors found high reliability of the numerical model, including the indoor environment, and the models of the ventilation and air heating system. The work by Coakley et al. [
5] is a very good compendium of knowledge in the field of the currently used methods of calibrating simulation models. In their conclusions, the authors emphasized that, currently, there is no consensus on standard calibration procedures and methods that can generally be used in a wide variety of buildings. In addition, many of the current model calibration approaches are heavily based on user knowledge, past experience, engineering judgment, and many trials and errors. Unfortunately, when a model is considered to be calibrated, researchers often do not disclose the techniques used, other than giving the final result. One of the evaluation methods of building energy modelling (BEM) engines is empirical validation called the ‘Standard Method of Test for the Evaluation of Building Energy Analysis Computer Programs’, which is described in ASHRAE standard 140-2014 [
13]. Im et al. [
6] conducted empirical validation of the commercial buildings during the cooling season, aimed at the improvement and development of BEM tools such as EnergyPlus. The main simulation modules, such as the main heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system and the infiltration model, were only validated (without calibration) based on actual experimental in situ data. The measured data included airflow infiltration and ventilation rates, electricity consumption for cooling, delivered cooling energy consumption, fans’ electricity consumption, and zone air temperature. The as-built drawings were used to create the numerical model in EnergyPlus. A comparison of the hourly values showed large discrepancies in the results of the existing default infiltration models (initially CV (RMSE) was equal to 180.5%), high correlation (0.9) for the electricity consumption for cooler units, and good identification of the indoor temperature (maximum deviation of air temperature was 0.79–1.14 °C) and total electricity (deviation was 1.3%–1.4%). In turn, in work by Ogando et al. [
8], a deterministic calibration approach was applied to the thermal building model in TRNSYS to adjust the predictions to the real indoor temperature in a school building from 15 October to 24 December. The normalized mean bias error was at the level of 3%. Reddy [
14] also presented a detailed literature review on the subject of the calibration of models created in simulation programs. The author discusses extensively the techniques of computer simulation with their advantages and limitations.
The aim of this work was to present a several-level validation and calibration of a thermal model of a single-family house with a natural ventilation system. To accurately reflect the instantaneous mass and energy flows in the building, co-simulation between EnergyPlus 9.4 [
15] and Contam [
16] was performed. Couplings EnergyPlus and Contam programs were presented in previous studies [
20], but only some of them conducted validation [
20] and none of the whole procedure was discussed in detail. Dols et al. [
17] described in detail the procedure for performing initial co-simulations with an example of such calculations. In the next studies, Alonso et al. [
18] investigated an office corridor ventilated with constant airflow in Norway. In contrast to the first study [
17], calibration models were used based on measurement of the temperature, relative humidity, carbon dioxide, and occupancy levels. However, the measurement time was relatively short and the calibration procedure was not described in detail. In another study by Alonso et al. [
20], verification of an office building model to co-simulation was conducted on the basis of the measurement of one year’s energy use and the pollutant concentrations for two weeks. In this study, the measurement validation of simulation results was described and discussed. Four calibration levels for the model were presented and validation was performed for one-year results of the indoor temperature and ventilation airflow. In previous studies, validation was usually performed for shorter periods. Calibration of the residential building models is also more problematic compared to office buildings due to the difficulty defining the variability in the internal heat gains over a long period of time.