The Microscale Urban Surface Energy (MUSE) Model for Real Urban Application
:1. Introduction
2. Description of the Microscale Urban Surface Energy (MUSE) Model
2.1. Grid Representation and Urban Physical Processes
2.1.1. Grid Representation of Urban Surfaces
2.1.2. Urban Physical Processes
2.2. Radiation Processes
2.2.1. Shadow Model
2.2.2. Patch View Factors
2.2.3. Shortwave Radiation
2.2.4. Longwave Radiation
2.3. Turbulent Sensible Heat Exchange
2.3.1. Horizontal Roof and Road Patches
2.3.2. Vertical Wall Patches
2.4. Subsurface Heat Conduction
3. Field Measurements and the MUSE Model Configuration for Validation
3.1. Field Measurements
3.2. Configuration of the Model
4. Validation Results
4.1. Shadow Model, View Factors, and Effective Albedos
4.2. The Real Urban Simulation
5. Summary and Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A. Comparison of the MUSE and TUF-3D Models
MUSE (This Study) | TUF-3D (Krayenhoff et al. [40]) | |
Shadow model | Geometric ray casting approach (this study) | Ray tracing algorithm (modified from Soux et al. [81]) |
View factor | Numerical method based on analytical formulation (Lee et al. [63]) | Exact plane parallel analytical equations (Siegel and Howell [57]) |
Turbulent sensible heat exchange for roof and road surfaces | Monin–Obukhov similarity (Lee and Park [64]) | Empirical formulation (Rowley et al. [66]; Cole and Sturrock [82]) |
Turbulent sensible heat exchange for wall surfaces | Empirical formulation (Rowley et al. [66]) | Empirical formulation (Rowley et al. [66]; Cole and Sturrock [82]) |
Subsurface heat conduction | 1-D heat conduction equation/explicit finite difference method on a staggered grid (Lee and Park [64]) | 1-D heat conduction equation/finite difference method on a regular grid (Masson [67]) |
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Variable | Symbol | Unit | |
Meteorological forcing variables | Wind velocity components | m s−1 | |
Air temperature | K | ||
Downward direct shortwave radiation | W m−2 | ||
Downward diffuse shortwave radiation | W m−2 | ||
Downward longwave radiation | W m−2 | ||
Predicted variables | Friction velocity | m s−1 | |
Incident direct shortwave radiation | W m−2 | ||
Incident diffuse shortwave radiation | W m−2 | ||
Reflected shortwave radiation | W m−2 | ||
Net shortwave radiation | W m−2 | ||
Emitted longwave radiation | W m−2 | ||
Incident diffuse longwave radiation | W m−2 | ||
Reflected longwave radiation | W m−2 | ||
Net longwave radiatio | W m−2 | ||
Sensible heat flux | W m−2 | ||
Heat flux at subsurface layer | W m−2 | ||
Temperature at layer | K |
Parameter | Symbol | Unit |
Roughness length for momentum | m | |
Roughness length for heat | m | |
Surface albedo | - | |
Surface emissivity | - | |
Thermal conductivity | W m−1 K−1 | |
Volumetric heat capacity | J m−3 K−1 | |
Thickness of each subsurface layer | m |
Parameter | Unit | Roof | Wall | Road |
Roughness length for momentum () | m | 0.05 | - | 0.05 |
Roughness length for heat () | m | 0.00005 | - | 0.00005 |
Surface albedo () | - | 0.28 | 0.20 | 0.18 |
Surface emissivity () | - | 0.90 | 0.90 | 0.94 |
Thermal conductivity () | W m−1 K−1 | 0.90 | 0.70 | 0.79 |
Volumetric heat capacity () | J m−3 K−1 | 1.40 × 106 | 1.60 × 106 | 1.83 × 106 |
Thickness () | m | 0.5 | 0.4 | 1.0 |
East-West Direction | North-South Direction | Whole Area | ||
Symmetric canyon | JW84 | 0.646 | 0.777 | 0.681 |
Lee18 | 0.647 (0.15) | 0.778 (0.12) | 0.682 (0.14) | |
MUSE | 0.645 (−0.07) | 0.777 (−0.01) | 0.681 (−0.06) | |
Asymmetric canyon | JW84 | 0.545 | 0.663 | 0.589 |
Lee18 | 0.546 (0.14) | 0.664 (0.09) | 0.590 (0.14) | |
MUSE | 0.545 (−0.08) | 0.663 (−0.01) | 0.589 (−0.07) |
15 June 1978 | 3 December 1977 | |||||
Model 1 | Model 2 | Model 3 | Model 1 | Model 2 | Model 3 | |
SZ85 | 0.015 | - | 0.020 | - | ||
TUF-3D | 0.009 | 0.007 | 0.022 | 0.014 | ||
MUSE | 0.002 (0.1%) | 0.006 (0.2%) | 0.016 (1.0%) | 0.009 (0.5%) | 0.014 (0.9%) | 0.013 (0.6%) |
West | East | South | North | Roof | Road | |
MBE | −0.97 | −1.95 | −2.72 | −1.17 | −0.64 | 1.34 |
RMSE | 2.09 | 2.80 | 3.49 | 1.90 | 2.97 | 4.11 |
(RMSEs/RMSEu) | (1.66/1.27) | (2.13/1.82) | (3.01/1.78) | (1.72/0.81) | (1.40/2.62) | (2.81/3.01) |
R | 0.97 | 0.94 | 0.96 | 0.98 | 0.97 | 0.97 |
Net Radiation | Sensible Heat Flux | Storage Heat Flux | |
MBE | −50.52 | −1.69 | −49.33 |
RMSE | 64.21 | 37.43 | 69.01 |
(RMSEs/RMSEu) | (59.34/24.51) | (20.55/31.29) | (53.67/43.39) |
R | 0.99 | 0.78 | 0.96 |
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Lee, D.-I.; Lee, S.-H. The Microscale Urban Surface Energy (MUSE) Model for Real Urban Application. Atmosphere 2020, 11, 1347.
Lee D-I, Lee S-H. The Microscale Urban Surface Energy (MUSE) Model for Real Urban Application. Atmosphere. 2020; 11(12):1347.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLee, Doo-Il, and Sang-Hyun Lee. 2020. "The Microscale Urban Surface Energy (MUSE) Model for Real Urban Application" Atmosphere 11, no. 12: 1347.
APA StyleLee, D.-I., & Lee, S.-H. (2020). The Microscale Urban Surface Energy (MUSE) Model for Real Urban Application. Atmosphere, 11(12), 1347.