Vitamin A Supplementation Programs and Country-Level Evidence of Vitamin A Deficiency
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. VAS Programs
2.2. Vitamin A Fortification, Bio-Fortification, and Micronutrient Powder Programs
2.3. Search Strategy for Vitamin A Deficiency Data and Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
2.4. Deficiency and Coverage Definitions
3. Results
3.1. VAS Coverage and Overlap with Other VA Programs
3.2. Recentness of Vitamin A Deficiency Data
3.3. VAS Program and Deficiency Data Comparison
3.4. All Programs and Deficiency Data Comparison
4. Discussion
4.1. Implications of Outdated/Missing VAD Data
4.2. Filling the Data Gap
4.3. Alignment of Vitamin A Deficiency Results and Supplementation Programs
4.4. Global Debate and Engagement
4.5. Limitations
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Countries and Territories | Coverage (%) of VAS Program | Year of Coverage Estimate | VA Fortification, Biofortification, and MNP Programs 2 | Year of Most Recent Nationally-Representative VAD Survey | Biomarker 3 | VAD Prevalence (%) 4 | Severity of VAD | Source |
Afghanistan | 95 | 2014 | fVO (v), fW (v) | 2013 | ROH | 50.4 | Severe | [35] |
Angola | 6 | 2014 | bSP (v) | 1999 | ROH | 64.3 | Severe | [36] * |
Azerbaijan | 58 | 2014 | 2013 | RBP | 8.0 | Mild | [37] | |
Bangladesh | 0 | 2014 | fVO (m), fW (v), MNP (v) | 2011 | ROH | 20.5 | Severe | [38] |
Benin | 99 | 2014 | fVO (m) | 1999 | ROH | 82.0 | Severe | [39] * |
Bhutan | 45 | 2013 | ||||||
Bolivia | 40 | 2013 | fVO (m), MNP (v) | |||||
Botswana | 70 | 2014 | 1994 | ROH | 35.4 | Severe | [40] * | |
Burkina Faso | 98 | 2014 | fVO (m), bSP (v) | |||||
Burundi | 68 | 2014 | fVO (v), bP (v) | 2005 | ROH | 27.9 | Severe | [41] |
Cambodia | 71 | 2014 | fVO (v), MNP (v) | 2014 | RBP | 9.2 | Mild | [42] |
Cameroon | 96 | 2014 | fVO (m), bP (v) | 2009 | RBP | 35.0 †† | Severe | [43] |
Central African Rep | 34 | 2014 | 1999 | ROH | 68.2 | Severe | [44] * | |
Chad | 96 | 2014 | ||||||
Comoros | 14 | 2014 | ||||||
Congo | 99 | 2014 | ||||||
Côte d’Ivoire | 99 | 2014 | fVO (m) | 2007 | RBP | 24.1 | Severe | [45] |
DRC | 99 | 2014 | bC (v), bP (v) | 1998/99 | -ROH | 61.1 | Severe | [46] |
Djibouti | 66 | 2013 | MNP (v) | |||||
Egypt | 68 | 2008 | fVO (v) | 1995 | ROH | 11.9 | Moderate | [47] * |
Equatorial Guinea | ||||||||
Eritrea | 49 | 2014 | ||||||
Ethiopia | 71 | 2014 | bSP (v) | 2006 ‡ | ROH | 37.7 | Severe | [48] |
Gabon | 2 | 2012 | ||||||
Gambia | 27 | 2014 | 1999 | ROH | 64.0 | Severe | [49] * | |
Ghana | 23 | 2014 | fVO (m), fW (m), bSP (v), bM (v) | |||||
Guatemala | 19 | 2014 | fMG (m), fS (m), MNP (v) | 2009/10 | ROH | 0.3 | None | [50] |
Guinea | 99 | 2012 | fVO (m) | |||||
Guinea-Bissau | 98 | 2014 | fVO (m) | |||||
Haiti | 30 | 2014 | MNP (v) | 2005 | ROH | 32.0 | Severe | [51] * |
Honduras | 40 | 2005 | fMG (m), fS (m) | 1996 | ROH | 13.8 | Moderate | [52] |
India | 61 | 2014 | fVO (v), bSP (v) | |||||
Indonesia | 84 | 2014 | fVO (m), fW (m) | 2011 | ROH | <1 | None | [53] |
Kazakhstan | ||||||||
Kenya | 28 | 2014 | fVO (m), fS (v), bSP (v) | 2012 | RBP | 9.2 | Mild | [54] |
Kiribati | 54 | 2006 | ||||||
Kyrgyzstan | 97 | 2010 | MNP (v) | 2013 | RBP | 7.8 | Mild | [55] |
Laos | 89 | 2014 | 2000 | ROH | 44.7 | Severe | [56] | |
Lesotho | 67 | 2014 | fW (v) | 1993 | ROH | 78.0 | Severe | [57] * |
Liberia | 0 | 2014 | fVO (m), fS (m) | 2011 | RBP | 13.2 | Moderate | [58] |
Madagascar | 99 | 2014 | bSP (v), MNP (v) | 2000 | ROH | 42.1 | Severe | [59] |
Malawi | 41 | 2014 | fVO (m), fS (m), bSP (v), bC (v), MNP (v) | 2009 | RBP | 22.0 †† | Severe | [60] |
Maldives | 76 | 2013 | 2007 | ROH | 5.1 | Mild | [61] | |
Mali | 98 | 2013 | fVO (v), bM (v) | |||||
Marshall Islands | 39 | 2007 | 1995 | ROH | 59.9 | Severe | [62] | |
Mauritania | 89 | 2014 | fVO (m) | |||||
Mexico | fMG (m), MNP (v) | 2011/12 | ROH | 15.7 | Moderate | [63] | ||
Micronesia | 68 | 2006 | ||||||
Mongolia | 79 | 2014 | MNP (v) | 2010 | RBP | 32.4 | Severe | [64] |
Morocco | fVO (m) | 1996 | ROH | 40.4 | Severe | [65] | ||
Mozambique | 99 | 2014 | fVO (m), bSP (v), MNP (v) | 2002 | ROH | 68.8 | Severe | [66] |
Myanmar | 94 | 2014 | MNP (v) | |||||
Namibia | 62 | 2013 | 1992 | ROH | 23.5 | Severe | [67] * | |
Nepal | 85 | 2014 | MNP (v) | 1998 ‡ | ROH | 32.3 | Severe | [68] |
Nicaragua | 4 | 2014 | fS (m), MNP (v) | 2004 | ROH | 2.1 | Mild | [69] |
Niger | 95 | 2014 | fVO (m), fS (m), bSP (v) | |||||
Nigeria | 80 | 2014 | fVO (m), fW (m), bSP (v), bM (v), bC (v), bP (v) | 2001 | ROH | 29.5 | Severe | [70] |
DPR Korea | 99 | 2014 | MNP (v) | |||||
Pakistan | 96 | 2014 | fVO (m) | 2011 | ROH | 54.0 | Severe | [71] |
Papua New Guinea | 15 | 2012 | 2005 | RBP | 15.7 | Moderate | [72] | |
Philippines | 83 | 2014 | fVO (m), fW (m), MNP (v) | 2013 | ROH | 20.4 | Severe | [73] |
Rwanda | 95 | 2014 | fVO (m), fS (m), bSP (v), MNP (v) | 1996 | ROH | 6.4 | Moderate | [74] |
Sao Tome and Principe | 56 | 2013 | ||||||
Senegal | 89 | 2014 | fVO (m), bSP (v), MNP (v) | 2010 | ROH | 17.7 | Severe | [75] |
Sierra Leone | 8 | 2014 | fVO (m), bC (v) | 2013 | RBP | 17.4 | Moderate | [76] |
Somalia | 30 | 2014 | MNP (v) | 2009 | RBP | 33.3 †† | Severe | [77] |
South Africa | 42 | 2013 | fMG (v), fW (m) | 2012 | ROH | 43.6 | Severe | [78] |
South Sudan | 18 | 2014 | ||||||
Sri Lanka | 72 | 2014 | MNP (v) | 2006 | ROH | 29.3 | Severe | [79] |
Sudan | 99 | 2014 | ||||||
Swaziland | 43 | 2014 | ||||||
Tajikistan | 99 | 2014 | ||||||
Tanzania | 88 | 2014 | fVO (m), fS (m), bSP (v), MNP (v) | 2010 | RBP | 33.0 †† | Severe | [80] |
Timor-Leste | 40 | 2013 | 2013 | RBP | 9.7 | Mild | [81] | |
Turkmenistan | ||||||||
Togo | 61 | 2013 | fVO (m) | |||||
Uganda | 66 | 2014 | fVO (m), fW (m), bSP (v) | 2011 | RBP | 32.6 †† | Severe | [82] |
Uzbekistan | 99 | 2014 | ||||||
Vietnam | 94 | 2014 | fVO (m) | 2010 | ROH | 10.1 | Moderate | [83] |
Yemen | 7 | 2014 | ||||||
Zambia | 93 | 2013 | fVO (v), fS (m), bSP (v), bM (v) | 2003 | ROH | 54.1 | Severe | [84] |
Zimbabwe | 32 | 2014 | fVO (v) | 1999 | ROH | 35.8 | Severe | [85] * |
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Wirth, J.P.; Petry, N.; Tanumihardjo, S.A.; Rogers, L.M.; McLean, E.; Greig, A.; Garrett, G.S.; Klemm, R.D.W.; Rohner, F. Vitamin A Supplementation Programs and Country-Level Evidence of Vitamin A Deficiency. Nutrients 2017, 9, 190.
Wirth JP, Petry N, Tanumihardjo SA, Rogers LM, McLean E, Greig A, Garrett GS, Klemm RDW, Rohner F. Vitamin A Supplementation Programs and Country-Level Evidence of Vitamin A Deficiency. Nutrients. 2017; 9(3):190.
Chicago/Turabian StyleWirth, James P., Nicolai Petry, Sherry A. Tanumihardjo, Lisa M. Rogers, Erin McLean, Alison Greig, Greg S. Garrett, Rolf D. W. Klemm, and Fabian Rohner. 2017. "Vitamin A Supplementation Programs and Country-Level Evidence of Vitamin A Deficiency" Nutrients 9, no. 3: 190.
APA StyleWirth, J. P., Petry, N., Tanumihardjo, S. A., Rogers, L. M., McLean, E., Greig, A., Garrett, G. S., Klemm, R. D. W., & Rohner, F. (2017). Vitamin A Supplementation Programs and Country-Level Evidence of Vitamin A Deficiency. Nutrients, 9(3), 190.