Weight Misperception, Self-Reported Physical Fitness, Dieting and Some Psychological Variables as Risk Factors for Eating Disorders
:1. Introduction
2. Experimental Section
2.1. Study Participants
2.2. Instruments and Measures
2.2.1. Perceived Overweight
2.2.2. Self-Reported Physical Fitness
2.2.3. Dieting
2.2.4. Body Mass Index (BMI)
2.2.5. International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ)
2.2.6. General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28)
2.2.7. Self-Esteem Scale (SES)
2.2.8. Body Appreciation Scale (BAS)
2.2.9. Eating Disorders Inventory-2 (EDI-2)
2.3. Procedure
2.4. Statistical Analyses
3. Results
3.1. Sample Description, Gender Differences and Risk of Eating Disorders
Weight Perception | Actual BMI | ||
<18.5 | 18.5–24.9 | >24.9 | |
Very underweight | 8.50 | 0.20 | 2.10 |
Slightly underweight | 20.40 | 5.70 | 8.60 |
About the right weight | 63.80 | 65.90 | 59 |
Slightly overweight | 6.60 | 25.60 | 24 |
Very overweight | 0.70 | 2.50 | 6.30 |
3.2. Weight Perception, Self-Reported Physical Fitness, Diet, Risk of Eating Disorders and Psychological Variables
Instrument/Variable | PNW/ALW | Others |
BAS | 53.23 | 48.18 ** |
EAT-40 | 8.50 | 13.80 ** |
SES | 31.56 | 33.12 ** |
GHQ | 2.65 | 4.07 ** |
GHQ-Chronicity | 12.85 | 14.11 * |
BMI | 17.04 | 22.16 ** |
BMI (self-reported) | 17.86 | 21.94 ** |
EDI-DT | 1.64 | 4.73 ** |
EDI-BD | 2.06 | 5.00 ** |
Instrument/Variable | PHW/ANW | Others |
BAS | 42.32 | 50.29 ** |
EAT-40 | 18.09 | 11.23 ** |
SES | 30.39 | 32.08 ** |
GHQ | 4.73 | 3.68 * |
GHQ-Chronicity | 15.38 | 13.64 ** |
BMI | 21.95 | 21.29 * |
BMI (self-reported) | 22.56 | 21.08 ** |
EDI-DT | 7.16 | 3.70 ** |
EDI-BD | 7.64 | 3.98 ** |
Instrument/Variable | Self-Reported Physical Fitness | ||||
Poor | Fair | Average | Good | Excellent | |
Age | 17.21 | 17.55 | 16.40 | 15.71 | 15.33 |
BAS | 36.55 | 44.02 | 50.46 | 52.85 | 56.18 |
EAT-40 | 20.27 | 13.39 | 11.13 | 9.49 | 10.49 |
SES | 28.30 | 30.23 | 32.34 | 33.66 | 34.97 |
GHQ | 6.94 | 4.91 | 3.82 | 2.61 | 2.77 |
GHQ-Chronicity | 17.42 | 15.54 | 14.15 | 11.82 | 11.21 |
BMI | 24.60 | 22.82 | 21.26 | 20.34 | 19.39 |
BMI (self-reported) | 24.20 | 22.76 | 21.08 | 20.26 | 19.99 |
EDI-DT | 8.41 | 6.89 | 3.40 | 3.35 | 1.64 |
EDI-BD | 11.86 | 7.56 | 3.69 | 3.03 | 1.55 |
Instrument/Variable | Go on a Diet | |
Yes | No | |
BAS | 45.79 | 49.96 ** |
EAT-40 | 18.36 | 10.54 ** |
GHQ | 4.84 | 3.66 * |
BMI | 23.39 | 21.08 ** |
BMI (self-reported) | 22.81 | 21.08 ** |
EDI-DT | 7.53 | 3.75 ** |
EDI-BD | 6.72 | 4.15 ** |
3.3. Cluster Analysis
Variable | “High Risk” Group | “Low Risk” Group |
Go on a diet for aesthetic reasons | Yes: 94.60% | No: 59.30% |
Weight perception | Overweight: 60.70% | Normal: 81.50% |
Self-reported physical fitness | Poor-fair: 50% | Average: 59.30% |
Reasons to go on a diet | Lose weight: 62.50% | Health: 40.70% |
Sex | Females: 64.30% | Males: 74.10% |
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Conflicts of Interest
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Jáuregui-Lobera, I.; Ezquerra-Cabrera, M.; Carbonero-Carreño, R.; Ruiz-Prieto, I. Weight Misperception, Self-Reported Physical Fitness, Dieting and Some Psychological Variables as Risk Factors for Eating Disorders. Nutrients 2013, 5, 4486-4502. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu5114486
Jáuregui-Lobera I, Ezquerra-Cabrera M, Carbonero-Carreño R, Ruiz-Prieto I. Weight Misperception, Self-Reported Physical Fitness, Dieting and Some Psychological Variables as Risk Factors for Eating Disorders. Nutrients. 2013; 5(11):4486-4502. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu5114486
Chicago/Turabian StyleJáuregui-Lobera, Ignacio, Mercedes Ezquerra-Cabrera, Rocío Carbonero-Carreño, and Inmaculada Ruiz-Prieto. 2013. "Weight Misperception, Self-Reported Physical Fitness, Dieting and Some Psychological Variables as Risk Factors for Eating Disorders" Nutrients 5, no. 11: 4486-4502. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu5114486
APA StyleJáuregui-Lobera, I., Ezquerra-Cabrera, M., Carbonero-Carreño, R., & Ruiz-Prieto, I. (2013). Weight Misperception, Self-Reported Physical Fitness, Dieting and Some Psychological Variables as Risk Factors for Eating Disorders. Nutrients, 5(11), 4486-4502. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu5114486