Personalized Nutrition in the Pediatric ICU: Steering the Shift from Acute Stress to Metabolic Recovery and Rehabilitation
- Accurate assessment of nutritional status and daily energy and protein needs is crucial for critically ill pediatric patients.
- Early, full nutritional support, including early parenteral nutrition, high protein doses, or individual micronutrient supplementation, has not demonstrated benefits in these patients due to anabolic resistance and may lead to poor outcomes.
- Early, personalized incremental enteral feeding can help counteract the negative balance during the acute phase, restore organ function during stabilization, and support growth during recovery and beyond.
- Due to the evolving metabolic, neuroendocrine, and immune changes associated with severe illness or trauma, energy and protein needs vary dynamically, necessitating tailored macronutrient intake.
- There is substantial evidence supporting the establishment of a dedicated nutritional team in the ICU to enhance nutritional interventions.
- Implementing tailored nutritional protocols in the ICU is recommended to reduce morbidity and mortality in critically ill children.
:1. Introduction
2. Methods
3. Metabolism in Critical Illness
3.1. Catabolism
3.2. Anabolism
4. Assessment of Nutritional Status
4.1. Malnutrition
4.2. Nutritional Deterioration
4.3. Muscle Mass Loss
5. Energy Requirements
5.1. The Acute Phase
5.2. The Recovery Phase
5.3. Post-PICU Discharge
6. Energy Expenditure Measurement
6.1. Indirect Calorimetry
6.2. Predictive Equations
7. Macronutrient Requirements
7.1. Protein
7.1.1. Muscle Protein Synthesis
7.1.2. Protein Calculation
7.2. Glucose
7.3. Lipids
8. Micronutrients
9. Nutritional Support
9.1. Underfeeding and Overfeeding
9.2. Refeeding Syndrome
10. Enteral Nutrition
10.1. Early Initiation and Advancement
10.2. Specific Situations
10.3. Contraindications
10.4. Common Barriers to Enteral Nutrition
10.5. Enteral Feeding Formulas
10.6. Pharmaco-Nutrition
10.7. Route and Patterns of Enteral Feeding
11. Parenteral Nutrition
11.1. Autophagy
11.2. Ketones
12. Clinical Guidelines
12.1. Nutrition Protocols
12.2. Implementation Models
12.3. Personalized Monitoring
13. Focused Research
13.1. Uncertainties
13.2. Perspectives for Future Research
13.3. Personalizing Nutrition
14. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Briassoulis, G.; Ilia, S.; Briassouli, E. Personalized Nutrition in the Pediatric ICU: Steering the Shift from Acute Stress to Metabolic Recovery and Rehabilitation. Nutrients 2024, 16, 3523.
Briassoulis G, Ilia S, Briassouli E. Personalized Nutrition in the Pediatric ICU: Steering the Shift from Acute Stress to Metabolic Recovery and Rehabilitation. Nutrients. 2024; 16(20):3523.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBriassoulis, George, Stavroula Ilia, and Efrossini Briassouli. 2024. "Personalized Nutrition in the Pediatric ICU: Steering the Shift from Acute Stress to Metabolic Recovery and Rehabilitation" Nutrients 16, no. 20: 3523.
APA StyleBriassoulis, G., Ilia, S., & Briassouli, E. (2024). Personalized Nutrition in the Pediatric ICU: Steering the Shift from Acute Stress to Metabolic Recovery and Rehabilitation. Nutrients, 16(20), 3523.