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Special Low Protein Foods Prescribed in England for PKU Patients: An Analysis of Prescribing Patterns and Cost

Georgina Wood
Alex Pinto
Sharon Evans
Anne Daly
Sandra Adams
Susie Costelloe
Joanna Gribben
Charlotte Ellerton
Anita Emm
Sarah Firman
Suzanne Ford
Moira French
Lisa Gaff
Emily Giuliano
Melanie Hill
Inderdip Hunjan
Camille Newby
Allison Mackenzie
Rachel Pereira
Celine Prescott
Louise Robertson
Heidi Seabert
Rachel Skeath
Simon Tapley
Allyson Terry
Alison Tooke
Karen van Wyk
Fiona J. White
Lucy White
Alison Woodall
Júlio César Rocha
26,27,28 and
Anita MacDonald
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Faculty of Health, Education & Life Sciences, Birmingham City University, City South Campus, Westbourne Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 3TN, UK
Dietetic Department, Birmingham Women’s and Children’s Hospital, Steelhouse Lane, Birmingham B4 6NH, UK
Royal Victoria Infirmary, Queen Victoria Road, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 4LP, UK
Royal Devon & Exeter NHS Foundation Trust, Barrack Rd, Exeter EX2 5DW, UK
Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London SE1 7EU, UK
University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, National Hospital for Neurology & Neurosurgery, Queen Square, London WC1N 3BG, UK
University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust, Tremona Road, Southampton SO16 6YD, UK
North Bristol NHS Trust, Southmead Road, Bristol BS10 5NB, UK
University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust, Infirmary Square, Leicester LE1 5WW, UK
Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 0QQ, UK
Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, St Mary’s Hospital, London Road, Kettering NN15 7PW, UK
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Herries Road, Sheffield S5 7AU, UK
Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Duckworth Lane, Bradford BD9 6RJ, UK
Bristol Royal Hospital for Children, Bristol BS2 8BJ, UK
Royal Derby Hospital, Uttoxter Road, Derby DE22 3NE, UK
Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital, Colney Lane, Norwich NR4 7UY, UK
University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham B15 2TH, UK
Somerset NHS Foundation Trust, Parkfield Drive, Taunton TA1 5DA, UK
Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust, Great Ormond Street, London WC1N 3JH, UK
University Hospitals Bristol & Weston NHS Foundation Trust, Marlborough St, Bristol BS1 3NU, UK
Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust, E Prescot Road, Liverpool L12 2AP, UK
Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, Queen’s Medical Centre Campus, Derby Road, Nottingham NG7 2UH, UK
Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9WL, UK
Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust, Clarkson St, Broomhall, Sheffield S10 2TH, UK
Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust, Stott Lane, Salford M6 8HD, UK
Nutrition & Metabolism, NOVA Medical School, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Campo Mártires da Pátria 130, 1169-056 Lisbon, Portugal
CINTESIS—Center for Health Technology and Services Research, NOVA Medical School, Campo Mártires da Pátria 130, 1169-056 Lisbon, Portugal
Reference Centre of Inherited Metabolic Diseases, Centro Hospitalar Universitário de Lisboa Central, 1169-045 Lisbon, Portugal
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Nutrients 2021, 13(11), 3977;
Submission received: 11 October 2021 / Revised: 29 October 2021 / Accepted: 3 November 2021 / Published: 8 November 2021
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Diet Therapy and Nutritional Management of Phenylketonuria)


Patients with phenylketonuria (PKU) are reliant on special low protein foods (SLPFs) as part of their dietary treatment. In England, several issues regarding the accessibility of SLPFs through the national prescribing system have been highlighted. Therefore, prescribing patterns and expenditure on all SLPFs available on prescription in England (n = 142) were examined. Their costs in comparison to regular protein-containing (n = 182) and ‘free-from’ products (n = 135) were also analysed. Similar foods were grouped into subgroups (n = 40). The number of units and costs of SLPFs prescribed in total and per subgroup from January to December 2020 were calculated using National Health Service (NHS) Business Service Authority (NHSBSA) ePACT2 (electronic Prescribing Analysis and Cost Tool) for England. Monthly patient SLPF units prescribed were calculated using patient numbers with PKU and non-PKU inherited metabolic disorders (IMD) consuming SLPFs. This was compared to the National Society for PKU (NSPKU) prescribing guidance. Ninety-eight percent of SLPF subgroups (n = 39/40) were more expensive than regular and ‘free-from’ food subgroups. However, costs to prescribe SLPFs are significantly less than theoretical calculations. From January to December 2020, 208,932 units of SLPFs were prescribed (excluding milk replacers), costing the NHS £2,151,973 (including milk replacers). This equates to £962 per patient annually, and prescribed amounts are well below the upper limits suggested by the NSPKU, indicating under prescribing of SLPFs. It is recommended that a simpler and improved system should be implemented. Ideally, specialist metabolic dietitians should have responsibility for prescribing SLPFs. This would ensure that patients with PKU have the necessary access to their essential dietary treatment, which, in turn, should help promote dietary adherence and improve metabolic control.

1. Introduction

Phenylketonuria (PKU), an inborn error of amino acid metabolism, is caused by phenylalanine hydroxylase deficiency, an enzyme that converts phenylalanine to tyrosine [1]. This leads to neurotoxicity, causing severe intellectual disability if untreated [2]. It is managed by a life-long phenylalanine-restricted diet supplemented with a phenylalanine free/low phenylalanine protein substitute, although adjunct pharmacological therapies may also be prescribed to some patients [2,3]. In particular, patients with classical PKU require severe restrictions of natural protein, commonly tolerating ≤25% of a normal protein intake [1,2]. Regular protein containing foods e.g., bread, flour and pasta, are replaced with special low protein foods (SLPFs) that contain minimal protein [2,3]. These deliver a substantial source of energy, providing up to 50% of daily energy intake [4,5,6], fibre [7], they offer essential bulk, add variety and so help to sustain dietary adherence and ultimately aid metabolic control [8,9,10].
The cost of SLPFs to patients in England is reimbursed by the National Health Service (NHS), as these foods are considered borderline substances and are available on NHS prescription [11,12,13]. Borderline substances are nutritional or dermatological products specifically formulated to manage a medical condition [12]. There are around 150 SLPFs available on borderline substance prescription in England [13]. Each SLPF is approved by the United Kingdom (UK) Advisory Committee on Borderline Substances (ACBS) [12,13,14], which considers the clinical need of a product, its efficacy and the total price to the NHS [15]. Manufacturers/suppliers of SLPFs provide the ACBS with a statement outlining the proposed NHS list price and any distribution costs charged to dispensers [15]. For SLPFs that are broadly similar to existing products, the ACBS recommends a maximum benchmark cost to the NHS for that category [15]. When a company chooses to increase their NHS list price and maintain ‘ACBS status’, price increases are benchmarked against a standard inflation comparator [15].
General Practitioners (GPs) issue prescriptions for SLPFs monthly on request, which are then dispensed through local pharmacists or specialist home delivery companies linked to the suppliers of SLPFs [16]. The NHS then pays pharmacists or dispensing doctors a fee for each item they dispense [17,18]. The National Society for PKU (NSPKU) has produced a guide outlining the maximum monthly number of units of SLPFs (e.g., 1 unit = 1 pack of pasta up to 500 g—see Appendix A for full list of definitions for each product) which can be prescribed [19,20]. This guide considers patient age and circumstances to support GPs in prescribing these products and to ensure that expenditure on SLPFs is controlled. This guide has been widely adopted by GPs. In England, NHS prescriptions are free of charge for patients in the following categories: under 16 years of age; aged 16–18 years if in full time education; over 60 years of age; pregnant; receive income support or in other specific circumstances [21]. All other patients must pay a set fee per item, or they can purchase a three-monthly or annual prescription prepayment certificate which covers all of their NHS prescriptions [21].
However, there are many challenges in accessing SLPFs with the current prescribing system [16,22]. Some patients with PKU report that they have had their prescription requests refused; some describe how their GPs advise that they should purchase these foods rather than obtain them on prescription [16]. Others report that their GPs refuse to prescribe the appropriate range of products, as they consider some foods luxury items (e.g., cake mix or cereal bars) or the quantity of SLPFs is reduced due to their costs [16]. In a study by MacDonald et al., 2019, 43% (n = 25/58) of caregivers and parents said they needed more SLPFs for their children than they had been prescribed [22]. These challenges will impact on nutritional intake, directly affecting nutritional status and ultimately metabolic control.
Although studies have considered the cost of SLPFs, the majority were conducted outside the UK, where different reimbursement systems exist [23,24,25,26]. One study compared the theoretical costs in 10 international centres, where costs of SLPFs in the UK appeared to be higher than in many other countries [11]. Two nonpeer reviewed articles also discussed the theoretical cost of SLPFs in the UK and suggested that some SLPFs are expensive, but emphasised they are essential in the management of PKU [27,28]. Several papers have discussed costs when looking at the challenges of living with PKU in the UK, but this has not been the single focus of their work [3,16,22,29,30]. No study has compared the costs of SLPFs with regular foods or foods used in other therapeutic diets. Furthermore, no study has considered the prescribing pattern of SLPFs for low protein diets in England, or the UK as a whole.
This study therefore aimed to:
examine the cost of all SLPFs on NHS prescription in England and compare these with similar regular equivalent protein containing and ‘free-from’ dietary foods available in the supermarkets; and
determine NHS expenditure on SLPFs and examine the number of SLPF units prescribed annually in England

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Cost of SLPFs in England in Comparison to Regular Foods and ‘Free-From’ Foods

Data was collected from August to October 2020 on the price of all individual SLPFs available on ACBS prescription in England using British National Formulary (BNF) resources (Website, mobile phone app and book) and from the following suppliers or manufacturers websites if prices were stated:
When individual prices of items were unavailable or unclear, companies were contacted directly via email. The cost per kg of each SLPF was calculated. SLPFs were divided into 40 subgroups of equivalent food product types, e.g., low protein burgers, sausages, cookies/biscuits, cake mixes. The mean and range costs across subgroups of similar products were calculated.
The mean and range cost per kg were collected and calculated for at least two regular protein-containing comparable foods and at least two ‘free-from’ comparable foods, from major supermarkets in England with data available online (ASDA, Morrisons, Sainsburys, Tesco, Waitrose, Ocado and Marks & Spencer). A ‘free-from’ food was defined as a food made without one or more specific ingredients, designed for people with food allergies or other intolerances/diseases e.g., coeliac disease. If data was unavailable from a supermarket’s website, it was obtained from alternative online shops or directly from the manufacturer. Where prices differed between supermarkets for the same regular protein-containing food or ‘free-from’ food, the mean value was recorded. Percentage differences between SLPFs and regular/’free-from’ food subgroups for all mean costs were determined. Variations within ± 10% were considered comparable.

2.2. NHS Prescribing Patterns for SLPFs and Expenditure in England

One of the authors (A.P.) was given approval to access and extract prescribing data about SLPFs from the NHS Business Service Authority (NHSBSA) ePACT2 (electronic Prescribing Analysis and Cost Tool 2) for the costs and quantity of SLPFs prescribed in total and for each subgroup in England. This tool provided access to prescription data from the NHSBSA from January to December 2020. An ePACT2 bespoke training session was arranged with NHSBSA to ensure that all data was obtained and interpreted correctly. NSPKU prescribing guidance describing the definition of one unit for each SLPF was used to calculate the number of units of SLPFs prescribed in total and for each subgroup (Appendix A) [19,20].
In order to estimate the number of patients with PKU cared for by NHS centres in England, all NHS centres known to treat and monitor PKU patients were contacted in order to determine the number of patients with PKU (paediatric and adult), the number on dietary treatment (defined as those receiving prescribed protein substitutes and therefore potentially SLPFs), the number of shared care patients and the number of non-PKU inherited metabolic disorders (IMD) patients accessing SLPFs. Information was supplied by dietitians working in n = 26 NHS England hospitals/centres who care for patients with PKU. These data were used to calculate how many units of SLPFs were being prescribed per patient per month and the cost to the NHS per patient per month in England. This was then compared to NSPKU prescribing guidance.

3. Results

3.1. SLPFs, Regular Foods and Free-From Foods Costing Comparison

One hundred and forty-six SLPFs were identified as being available on ACBS prescription in England, with these products grouped and further subcategorised for comparison with at least two regular food products per subgroup. Regular and ‘free-from’ comparators for four SLPFs (Calogen neutral, Calogen banana, Calogen strawberry and Duocal—Nutricia) were unavailable. Thus, 142 SLPFs were available for comparison with 182 regular products and 135 ‘free-from’ products. Table 1 displays all SLPF, regular product and ‘free-from’ food subgroups (n = 40), the mean cost per kg of products within each subgroup and % differences between costs.
Sixty-eight of 142 SLPFs (48%) were unavailable on BNF resources at the time of data collection (August to October 2020), and therefore, their costs had to be obtained directly from the manufacturer or supplier’s website or through email contact with the manufacturer/supplier.
When analysed by subgroup, all SLPFs were more expensive than regular foods and ‘free-from’ foods, except for regular eggs and ‘free-from’ flavour puddings, where their cost per kg was comparable to low protein equivalents.
Low protein crispbread crackers, Xpots (low protein equivalent of a pot noodle) and milk replacements (liquid) had the highest percentage cost difference, being 1117% to 1143% more expensive than the regular food comparator. When compared to ‘free-from’ foods, low protein flour, bread mix and egg whites had the highest percentage differences (575% to 825%) in costs. In contrast, low protein milk powder, fish substitute and jelly were only 27% to 61% more expensive than their ‘free-from’ food comparators. Basic SLPFs, including bread, pasta, rice, noodles and milk replacers (liquid), were 76% to 451% more expensive than ‘free-from’ equivalent foods.

3.2. NHS Prescribing and Costing Data in England for SLPFs

Table 2 displays the prescribing and costing data for SLPFs from January–December 2020.
In total, 208,932 units of SLPFs (monthly mean of 17,451 units) were prescribed from January to December 2020. This equated to a total actual cost of £2,151,973 (monthly mean cost of £179,566). The most frequently prescribed subgroups were bread, pasta/rice and flour, in total equating to 54.6% of all SLPFs prescribed. Milk replacers accounted for the highest percentage (30.5%) of the total actual cost of these products. There is not a definition for a unit of milk replacer, as the amount prescribed should be determined on an individual patient basis (Appendix A) [19,20]. Flour, pasta/rice and bread each accounted for just over 10% of total actual cost of SLPFs from January to December 2020 (11.1%, 13.7% and 10.8%, respectively).
Other expenses included payment for containers, consumables and out of pocket expenses, contributing 4.4% (£94,669) of the annual SLPFs costs to the NHS in England. Out of pocket expenses reimbursed to the pharmacy may include: postage and packaging costs; handling costs; and the cost of phone calls to manufacturers or suppliers to order products [32]. Payment at a rate of 10p for every prescription item is paid for containers where the quantity of a prescription item is ordered outside of the pack size or a multiple of the pack size (except for those granted ‘special container status’ where it is not practical to split a pack) [33]. An additional payment of 1.24p is made for all prescriptions including SLPFs in case additional consumables may need to be dispensed by the pharmacist (e.g., oral syringes, measuring spoons), although SLPFs usually do not need additional consumables. [33]. Also, a dispensing fee of £1.29 is allocated for each item prescribed [18].

3.3. NHS Patient Prescribing and Costing Data for SLPFs in England Compared to NSPKU Guidelines

Patients with PKU are the major consumers of SLPFs. It is estimated that there were 2359 patients with PKU in hospital follow-up in England (1436 adult patients, 923 paediatric patients), with n = 1814 (77%) on dietary treatment (Table 3). There were a further 422 patients using SLPFs with other inherited metabolic disorders of protein metabolism in England, suggesting that approximately 2236 patients in total were accessing SLPFs. On average, 93 units were prescribed per patient per year, which equates to approximately 8 units per month per patient. This is significantly less than the recommended maximum number of units per patient that could be prescribed each month as outlined by the NSPKU (Table 4). Actual cost data suggest that it costs a monthly mean of £80 per patient.
For the 877 paediatric patients with PKU on full or partial diet, it was estimated that 20% were aged 4 months–3 years (n = 175), 20% 4–6 years (n = 175), 20% 7–10 years (n = 175) and 40% 11–18 years (n = 352). Therefore, if all of these children, combined with adults with PKU on a full or partial diet (n = 937) were receiving the maximum number of low protein items on prescription each month, as per NSPKU guidance (Table 4), this would equate to 77,575 units each month. This is much higher than the average monthly prescribed units of 17,451 (excluding milk replacers) for the calendar year of 2020.

4. Discussion

This is the first study to examine the cost of all SLPFs available on prescription in England compared to regular and ‘free-from’ foods available in supermarkets. It is also the first study to examine the number and type of low protein items prescribed and expenditure on individual SLPFs and total SLPFs prescribed by the NHS in England over 1 year. There is a lower than expected volume of SLPFs prescribed in England, meaning that the costs to prescribe these products are significantly less than theoretically calculated [11,28], with a total of 17,451 units per month, costing £179,566. This equates to an estimated annual cost to the NHS per person with PKU in England of £962 with just 8 units (excluding low protein milk) prescribed per person per month, indicating that patients are receiving significantly less than the upper NSPKU prescribing guidance [16,19,20].
Over half (54.6%) of the units of SLPFs prescribed from January to December 2020 were basic foods such as bread, flour/mixes and pasta/rice. This accounted for just over one-third (35.6%) of the total annual costs. Just under a third (30.5%) of the costs were attributed to prescribing special low protein milks (liquid). It is likely that it is primarily children accessing SLPFs, as recent research suggested that it is mainly children aged <10 years with PKU who use prescribed special low protein milks [6]. There was previous concern that there may be over prescription of sweet SLPFs [8]. In Scotland, a 2014 survey found that special low protein pasta/rice/couscous, biscuits and flour were most commonly ordered by children, whereas adults with PKU mainly ordered pasta/rice/couscous, flour and bread [8]. In contrast, the amount of special low protein snacks and desserts (n = 14/40 subgroups including low protein chocolate, cookies, biscuits, cakes, and crisps) prescribed in England was minimal, with each subgroup only accounting for 0.1–5.9% of all SLPFs prescribed and contributing just 0.1–3.0% of the total NHS expenditure on SLPFs from January to December 2020. This is consistent with research reporting that special low protein cakes, biscuits and chocolate provide minimal contributions to daily energy intake in children with PKU [6]. It is clear that the expenditure on prescribing SLPFs is limited, particularly for sweet foods.
Overall, very little is known about SLPFs usage by adults with PKU in England. Our study suggests that 35% of adults with PKU were not following a phenylalanine restricted diet (Table 3). Although some adult patients may use SLPFs, others may not attempt to access them due to the complexity of the access system or the costs of the prescription fee for every food item ordered, unless the individual is entitled to free prescriptions. In one UK survey, 15% of patients with PKU stated that recurrent access problems with SLPFs was frustrating, and even led them to abandon their dietary treatment [16]. GP administration staff have been described as unhelpful, judgemental or obstructive when ordering SLPFs [8,16]; home delivery services are complex and sometimes unreliable, and SLPFs may arrive out of date or damaged, or of poor quality [16]. Some children with PKU were not on dietary treatment or not accessing SLPFs; this was associated with mild PKU, a higher natural protein tolerance, using sapropterin as an adjunct therapy, young infants not yet on solids or a dislike of SLPFs.
It is understandable that SLPFs cost more than regular and ‘free-from’ foods. The demand for SLPFs is small in a limited global market. Few companies manufacture or distribute SLPFs in the UK [13]. Production runs are small scale with high staffing ratios, leading to increased costs. Some of the raw ingredients and packaging materials are purchased in low volumes, increasing productions costs. Packaging may be subject to frequent label changes due to alterations in legislation. Manufacturing wastage may be high if final products do not meet the necessary standards. Manufacturers also need to make some profit to allow them to invest in research and development to improve and expand their SLPF range.
The availability, accessibility and cost of SLPFs vary between countries [5,7,8,11,13,23,24,25,34]. Comparisons are challenging due to differences in currency, age of patients, degree of dietary adherence and study methodology. China reported a mean cost of $573 (American dollars or approximately £415) a year per patient for SLPFs [25], whereas the United States of America found a mean cost of $1615 (approximately £1171) for children aged 0–17 years for SLPFs and just $967 (approximately £701) for adults [23]. The Netherlands reported a mean annual cost of €680 (approximately £576) on SLPFs, whereas the Czech Republic found this value to be significantly higher at €1560 (approximately £1321) [24,26].
The overall use of SLPFs is affected by the national access system and any consequential economic burden [11,23,24,25,26]. Some countries do not reimburse SLPFs costs; but may be funded by insurance coverage [11,24]. When national reimbursement schemes do not exist, families have to self-finance the purchase of SLPFs [11,23,25,26]. This is a huge financial burden for patients, which influences their ability to adhere to dietary treatment [11,23,25,26].
For patients with PKU to have better access to SLPFs through the NHS, several recommendations should be implemented. Consistent with previous suggestions by MacDonald et al. and Ford et al. [16,22], specialist metabolic dietitians should play a key role in prescribing SLPFs, as they control dietary management and oversee any dietary changes according to the individual patient’s metabolic control, nutritional needs, growth and overall nutritional status. This would be more efficient, minimise administration time and professional and patient confusion and enable patients with PKU to have minimal contact with healthcare professionals/prescribers who know very little about their condition and how it is managed. Instead, their SLPF prescriptions would be managed by those who are most equipped to support them in meeting their dietary needs and maintaining good metabolic control.
This study has some limitations. When obtaining the cost of each SLPF in August–October 2020, 68 products were not visible on any BNF resource, and therefore, prices were obtained directly from the manufacturer or supplier of SLPFs. The selection of protein-containing foods and ‘free-from’ foods as comparators, and how the products were grouped, was subjective. Certain powdered/dried SLPF products e.g., burger mix, had to be compared to a prepared regular protein-containing or ‘free-from’ product e.g., cooked burger; therefore, the cost of the SLPF in its prepared form per kg was estimated. This study only examined products accessible on prescription in England compared with protein-containing products and ‘free-from’ foods available from supermarket websites in England. Also, NHS prescribing and costing data were only available for England and not the whole of the UK, and were only collected from January to December 2020. From March 2020 onwards, England experienced multiple ‘lockdowns’ due to the coronavirus pandemic, and it is possible that this may have affected food behaviours and, consequently, the number and/or types of SLPFs that patients were requesting on prescription. However, there was no evidence from clinical practice that use or supplies of SLPFs were affected in England.
When calculating the number of units of SLPF and the costs per person with PKU in England, the numbers of patients on dietary treatment were estimated. However, dietetic colleagues throughout England provided representative and recent data from their clinics. It is difficult to state exactly how many patients were requesting SLPFs, as we did not examine individual prescribing data for each patient. On ePACT2, there were nine occasions in 2020 where a SLPF appeared on a prescription, but the quantity prescribed was unclear. Consequently, these data were removed from our spreadsheet. It is possible that there may be under-reporting of SLPFs by the NHSBSA ePACT2. The NHSBSA ePACT2 trainers/help team stated that there was a small possibility that data can be incorrectly processed, but that data is scanned from each prescription form directly, so the NHSBSA ePACT2 should accurately reflect all the prescriptions issued in England.

5. Conclusions

The annual cost to the NHS in England to prescribe SLPFs is £962 per patient with PKU and non-PKU IMD conditions. Surveys have repeatedly shown that patients or caregivers have access difficulties with current systems. If patients with PKU are expected to adhere to their dietary treatment for life, they must be able to easily access all SLPFs on prescription in a timely manner via the NHS. Given how little is currently being spent on prescribing SLPFs in England in comparison to the upper NSPKU guidance, cost should not be given as a reason to restrict a patient’s access to their essential dietary treatment. A review of how SLPFs are prescribed, supplied and controlled is warranted to improve the system, which, in turn, could lead to increased dietary adherence and improved patient outcomes.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, A.M. (Anita MacDonald) and A.P.; methodology, G.W., A.M. (Anita MacDonald) and A.P.; formal analysis, G.W. and S.E.; investigation, all authors except J.C.R. and A.D.; data curation, G.W., A.P. and S.E.; writing—original draft preparation, G.W.; writing—review and editing, all authors; visualization, G.W., A.P., S.E. and A.M. (Anita MacDonald); supervision, A.M (Anita MacDonald). All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

NHSBSA prescribing data on special low protein foods in England was obtained from ePACT2.


Thank you to the manufacturers and suppliers of special low protein foods for providing data on their products. Thank you to the NHSBSA for giving A.P. permission to access prescribing data on special low protein foods and providing support and guidance with running our reports on ePACT2.

Conflicts of Interest

A.M. (Anita MacDonald) is a member of, the advisory board ELEMENT Danone-Nutricia, the advisory board for Arla and Applied Pharma Research, and received research funding and honoraria from Nutricia, Vitaflo International, Biomarin, MetaHealth, Metax and Merck Serono. S.E. receives research funding from Nutricia, and has received financial support and honoraria from Nutricia and Vitaflo to attend/speak at study days and conferences. A.P. received an educational grant from Cambrooke Therapeutics and grants from Vitaflo International, Nutricia, Merck Serono, Biomarin and Mevalia to attend scientific meetings. A.D. received research funding from Vitaflo International, financial support from Nutricia, Mevalia and Vitaflo International to attend study days and conferences. J.C.R. is a member of the European Nutritionist Expert Panel (Biomarin), the Advisory Board for Applied Pharma Research and Nutricia, and has received honoraria as a speaker from APR, Merck Serono, Biomarin, Nutricia, Vitaflo, Cambrooke, PIAM, and Lifediet. S.F. (Suzanne Ford) is a member of the advisory board for Nutricia, and MetaHealth and has received financial support and honoraria from Cambrooke and Vitaflo. R.S. has received sponsorship to attend conferences and study days, payment to present at conferences from Nutricia Metabolics, Vitaflo Internation and Mevalia. C.E. has received honoraria and educational grants to attend events from Vitaflo, Nutricia, Meta Healthcare and SOBI and is a member of the Advisory Commitee on Borderline Substances. S.F. (Sarah Firman) has received funding to attend conferences and study days from Nutricia, Vitaflo International and Dr. Schär UK Ltd., and consulting fees from Vitaflo International and Meta Healthcare Ltd. C.N. has received financial support and honoraria from Nutricia and Vitaflo to attend/speak at study days and conferences. L.R. is a member of the Nutricia adult advisory board and received honorarium from Nutricia and Vitaflo in the past. F.J.W. receives honoraria, educational and travel grants from Nutricia and Vitaflo. M.H. is a member of advisory board Nutricia Danone and Applied Pharma and has received financial support and honoraria from Nutricia, Vitaflo, Cambrooke, Mevalia, Promin for attendance at conferences/meetings and speakers fee. A.T. (Allyson Terry) has received payment from Vitaflo International for speaking at a patient event. K.vW. receives honoraria and educational grants from Nutricia, Vitaflo and Meta Healthcare. S.T. is expected to receive honoraria from Vitaflo International for providing feedback and reviewing guidelines for PKU Sphere. G.W., M.F., L.G., C.P., S.A., A.M. (Allison Mackenzie), A.T. (Alison Tooke), A.W., E.G., L.W., I.H., H.S., J.G., A.E., S.C., R.P. have no conflicts of interest to declare.

Appendix A

Table A1. Definition of 1 unit for each SLPF (table adapted slightly from NSPKU special low protein foods on prescription document) [20].
Table A1. Definition of 1 unit for each SLPF (table adapted slightly from NSPKU special low protein foods on prescription document) [20].
Burger Mixes, Sausage MixesPack SizeNumber of Units
Firstplay Dietary Foods:
Promin Low Protein Burger Mix: -
Lamb & Mint Flavour4 × 62 g1
Original Flavour4 × 62 g1
Promin Low Protein Sausage Mix: -
Apple and Sage4 × 30 g1
Original4 × 30 g1
Tomato and Basil4 × 30 g1
Low Protein Burger Mix350 g1
Low Protein Fish Substitute4 × 62 g sachets1
Bread, Flour and MixesPack SizeNumber of Units
Fate Special Foods
Fate Low Protein All-Purpose Mix500 g1
Fate Low Protein Cake Mix2x 250 g1
Fate Low Protein Chocolate Flavour Cake Mix2 × 250 g1
Firstplay Dietary Foods
Promin Low Protein All Purpose Baking Mix1000 g2
Promin Low Protein Fresh Baked Bread Buns6 × 75 g1
Promin Low Protein Fresh Baked Sliced Brown Bread4 × 400 g loaves4
Promin Low Protein Fresh Baked Sliced White Bread4 × 800 g loaves4
Promin Low Protein Potato Cake Mix300 g1
Taranis Low Protein Natural Cake Mix300 g1
Taranis Low Protein Pancakes & Waffles Mix300 g1
Gluten Free Foods (PK Foods):
PK Foods All Purpose Low Protein Flour Mix750 g1.5
PK Foods Low Protein White Sliced Bread300 g1
Juvela Low protein Bread Rolls5 rolls1
Juvela Low Protein Loaf—sliced400 g1
Juvela Low Protein Mix500 g1
Mevalia Low Protein Bread Mix500 g1
Mevalia Low Protein Ciabattine4 × 65 g0.5
Mevalia Low Protein Grissini (Breadsticks)150 g (3 × 50 g)1
Mevalia Low Protein Mini Baguette2 × 100 g0.5
Mevalia Low Protein Pan Carre2 × 200 g0.5
Mevalia Low Protein Pan Rustico2 × 200 g0.5
Mevalia Low Protein Pane Casereccio220 g0.5
Mevalia Low Protein Pizza Base2 × 150 g0.5
Loprofin Low Protein Part-Baked Sliced Bread400 g1
Loprofin Low Protein Mix500 g1
Loprofin Low Protein Chocolate Cake Mix500 g1
Pasta and RicePack SizeNumber of Units
Firstplay Dietary Foods
Promin Low Protein Pasta:
Low Protein Alphabets500 g1
Low Protein Elbows500 g1
Low Protein Flat Noodles500 g1
Low Protein Macaroni500 g1
Low Protein Shells500 g1
Low Protein Short Cut Spaghetti500 g1
Low Protein Spirals500 g1
Promin Low Protein Tricolour:
Low Protein Alphabets500 g1
Low Protein Elbows500 g1
Low Protein Shells500 g1
Low Protein Spirals500 g1
Promin Low Protein Specialty Pasta:
Low Protein Couscous500 g1
Low Protein Lasagne Sheets200 g0.5
Low Protein Pastameal500 g1
Low Protein Rice500 g1
Promin Pasta in Sauce:
Low Protein Cheese and Broccoli4 × 66 g1
Low Protein Moroccan Flavour Tomato,4 × 72 g1
Low Protein Tomato Pepper & Herb4 × 72 g1
Promin Mac Pots:
Low Protein Macaroni Cheese4 × 61 g1
Low Protein Tomato Macaroni4 × 61 g1
Promin Low Protein Pasta Plus (with fibre): 1
Promin Plus Low Protein Flat Noodles500 g1
Promin Plus Low Protein Macaroni500 g1
Promin Plus Low Protein Spaghetti500 g1
Promin Plus Low Protein Spirals500 g
Promin Potato Pots:
Low Protein Cabbage & Bacon Flavour and croutons4 × 50 g1
Low Protein Onion Flavour and croutons4 × 50 g1
Low Protein Sausage Flavour and croutons4 × 50 g1
Promin X-Pots:
Low Protein All Day Scramble4 × 60 g1
Low Protein Beef & Tomato4 × 60 g1
Low Protein Chip Shop Curry4 × 60 g1
Low Protein Rogan Style Curry4 × 60 g1
Low Protein Risotto Substitute4 × 300 g2.5
Mevalia Low Protein Ditali500 g1
Mevalia Low Protein Fusilli500 g1
Mevalia Low Protein Penne500 g1
Mevalia Low Protein Rice400 g1
Mevalia Low Protein Spaghetti500 g1
Loprofin Low Protein Animal pasta500 g1
Loprofin Low Protein Fusilli500 g1
Loprofin Low Protein Lasagne250 g0.5
Loprofin Low Protein Long Spaghetti500 g1
Loprofin Low Protein Macaroni Elbows250 g0.5
Loprofin Low Protein Penne500 g1
Loprofin Low Protein Rice500 g1
Loprofin Low Protein Tagliatelle250 g0.5
Gluten Free Foods (PK Foods):
PK Foods Pasta spirals250 g0.5
Breakfast CerealsPack SizeNumber of Units
Firstplay Dietary Foods
Low Protein Hot Breakfast:
Low Protein Apple and Cinnamon Flavour6 × 57 g1
Low Protein Banana Flavour6 × 57 g1
Low Protein Chocolate Flavour6 × 57 g1
Low Protein Original Flavour6 × 56 g1
Low Protein Breakfast Bars:
Low Protein Apple & Cinnamon6 × 40 g1
Low Protein Banana6 × 40 g1
Low Protein Chocolate & Cranberry6 × 40 g1
Low Protein Cranberry6 × 40 g1
Low Protein Loprofin Cereal Loops375 g1
Low Protein Loprofin Flakes—Chocolate375 g1
Low Protein Loprofin Flakes—Strawberry375 g1
Biscuits/CrackersPack SizeNumber of Units
Gluten Free Foods (PK Foods):
PK Foods Low Protein Crispbread75 g0.5
Low Protein Cookies200 g1
Low Protein Frollini200 g1
Low Protein Fruit Bar5 × 25 g1
Loprofin Low Protein Crackers (Savoury)150 g1
Loprofin Low Protein Herb Crackers150 g1
Taranis Chocolate Chip Cookies135 g1
Taranis Shortbread Biscuits120 g1
Taranis Raspberry Shortbread Biscuits120 g1
Taranis Chocolate Chip Biscuits120 g1
Biscuits with caramel shards130 g1
Taranis French Toasts250 g1
Vitaflo Choices Low Protein Mini Crackers40 g (15 × 40 g)3
Puddings, Desserts & CakesPack SizeNumber of Units
Firstplay Dietary Foods:
Metax Low Protein YoguMaxx400 g1
(yoghurt substitute)(23 servings)
Promin Low Protein Desserts:
Caramel Dessert6 × 36.5 g1
Chocolate and Banana Dessert6 × 36.5 g1
Custard Dessert6 × 36.5 g1
Strawberry and Vanilla Dessert6 × 36.5 g1
Promin Low Protein Rice Pudding Mix:
Low Protein Apple4 × 69 g1
Low Protein Banana4 × 69 g1
Low Protein Original4 × 69 g1
Low Protein Strawberry4 × 69 g1
Taranis Low Protein Cakes:
Taranis Low Protein Apricot Cake6 × 40 g1
Taranis Low Protein Lemon Cake6 × 40 g1
Taranis Low Protein Pear Cake6 × 40 g1
Taranis Low Protein Desserts:
Taranis Low Protein Pause Caramel Dessertpack of four pots (×125 g)1
Taranis Low Protein Pause Strawberry Dessertpack of four pots (× 125 g)1
Gluten Free Foods:
PK Foods Low Protein Cherry Jelly Mix4 × 80 g1
PK Foods Low Protein Orange Jelly Mix4 × 80 g1
Egg ReplacersPack SizeNumber of Units
Gluten Free Foods:
PK Foods Low Protein Egg Replacer200 g1
Low Protein Egg Replacer400 g1
Loprofin Low Protein Egg Replacer2 × 250 g1
Loprofin Low Protein Egg White Replacer100 g1
Low Protein Energy BarsPack SizeNumber of Units
Low Protein Chocotino100 g1
Low Protein Vitabite7 × 25 g1
Miscellaneous FoodsPack SizeNumber of Units
Promin Low Protein Salted Croutons4 × 40 g1
Promin Low Protein Cheese Sauce Mix225 g1
Promin Low Protein Snax:
4 flavours: Ready Salted, Jalapeno,12 × 25 g1.5
Cheese & Onion and Salt & Vinegar in a mixed box
Promin Low Protein Soups:
Low Protein Chicken Flavour with Croutons4 × 28 g1
Low Protein Creamy Tomato with Croutons4 × 23 g1
Low Protein Minestrone with Croutons4 × 28 g1
Low Protein Pea & Mint with Croutons4 × 23 g1
Taranis Low Protein Hazelnut Spread230 g tub1
Low Protein DrinksPack SizeNumber of Units
Taranis Dalia Liquid milk24 × 200 mLn/a
Taranis Dalia powder milk400 gn/a
Low Protein Lattis500 mLn/a
Loprofin PKU Milk27 × 200 mln/a
Sno-Pro27 × 200 mln/a
ProZero Protein Free Drink18 × 250 mL or 6 × 1 Ln/a
Abbreviations: SLPFs = special low protein foods; NSPKU = The National Society for Phenylketonuria.


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Table 1. Cost of low protein, regular and ‘free-from’ food products for each subgroup and the % differences between costs.
Table 1. Cost of low protein, regular and ‘free-from’ food products for each subgroup and the % differences between costs.
SubgroupSLPFsRegular Protein-Containing FoodsFree-From’ Foods% Difference between SLPFs and Regular Foods% Difference between SLPFs and ‘Free-From’ Foods
nCost (£/kg)nCost (£/kg)nCost (£/kg)
Bread/pizza bases
Pizza base119.8025.1729.93283%99%
Pasta and sauces (prepared)516.16102.6169.36519%73%
Xpots/pot noodles492.5087.44424.321143%280%
Bread mix111.9621.6421.72629%595%
Cake mix415.6444.2746.95266%125%
Flour/All Purpose Mix514.8021.3721.60980%825%
waffle mix(5.00–5.28)(7.00–9.68)
Egg (prepared)33.0123.2421.46-7%106%
Egg whites (powder)1108.10249.92216.02117%575%
Milk (liquid)55.8420.4821.061117%451%
Milk (powder)122.3827.64217.56193%27%
Burgers (prepared)316.8846.0447.44179%127%
Fish (prepared)118.07210.03211.7880%53%
Breakfast and cereal bars
Breakfast bar442.08811.30413.83272%204%
Breakfast cereal (dry)323.3564.8466.18382%278%
Fruit bar137.6026.63213.23467%184%
Hot breakfast cereal (dry)425.11410.61411.45137%119%
Crispbread crackers132.8022.6628.931133%267%
French toast crackers120.0026.35211.24215%78%
Hazelnut spread135.4325.16210.55587%236%
Dessert pot220.3045.9927.71239%163%
Flavoured pudding (powder)430.6879.79229.00
Jelly (unprepared)225.5924.18215.88512%61%
Rice pudding424.3563.2628.25647%195%
Other snacks/meals
Cheese sauce124.1827.47213.02224%86%
Potato cakes18.6823.0724.37183%99%
Potato pots/dehydrated potato387.2549.21223.46847%272%
Abbreviations: n = number of products; SLPFs = special low protein foods. Values displayed as mean (range).
Table 2. Number of units, actual cost of prescribing SLPFs, and percentage of total units and total actual costs of all SLPFs by subgroup from January to December 2020 by the NHS for England.
Table 2. Number of units, actual cost of prescribing SLPFs, and percentage of total units and total actual costs of all SLPFs by subgroup from January to December 2020 by the NHS for England.
SubgroupNumber of Units Prescribed from January to December 2020Actual Costs * from January to December 2020 (£)For the Year of January to December 2020
TotalMonthly AverageTotalMonthly Average% of Total Units of SLPFs Prescribed% of Total Actual Cost of SLPFs Prescribed
Bread/pizza bases
Bread (n = 12)42,1713514232,87319,40620.2%10.8%
Pizza base (n = 1)338228238,56632141.6%1.8%
Pasta/rice/noodles (n = 33)39,0433254295,61924,63518.7%13.7%
Pasta and sauces (prepared) (n = 5)357429837,59231331.7%1.7%
Risotto (n = 1)2582227582300.1%0.1%
Xpots (n = 4)168214036,02330020.8%1.7%
Bread mix (n = 1)211117611,7809821.0%0.5%
Cake mix (n = 4)679056653,69744753.2%2.5%
Flour/All Purpose Mix (n = 5)32,7202727239,55919,96315.7%11.1%
Pancake/waffle mix (n = 1)7005835652970.3%0.2%
Egg replacers
Egg replacer (n = 3)131210916,41213680.6%0.8%
Egg white replacer (n = 1)3342833982830.2%0.2%
Milk replacers
Milk replacer (liquid) (n = 5)n/an/a655,43754,620n/a30.5%
Milk replacer (powder) (n = 1)n/an/a1623135n/a0.1%
Meat/fish replacers
Burger replacements (n = 3)460138353,03844202.2%2.5%
Fish replacement (n = 1)3583040693390.2%0.2%
Sausage replacements (n = 3)759163359,54549623.6%2.8%
Breakfast and cereal bars
Breakfast bar (n = 4)159513316,87614060.8%0.8%
Breakfast cereal (dried) (n = 3)607350650,53342112.9%2.3%
Fruit bar (n = 1)642453528,86324053.1%1.3%
Hot breakfast cereal (n = 4)326427227,51122931.6%1.3%
Biscuits/cookies (n = 7)984182065,12654274.7%3.0%
Breadsticks (n = 1)65393 **3928561 **0.3%0.2%
Cake (n = 3)382731926,61922181.8%1.2%
Chocolate (n = 2)729960846,71438933.5%2.2%
Crackers (n = 3)12,331102850,95242465.9%2.4%
Crisps (n = 4)10158575286270.5%0.3%
Crispbread crackers (n = 1)18015920770.1%0.0%
French toast crackers (n = 1)2702314021170.1%0.1%
Hazelnut spread (n = 1)8126872196020.4%0.3%
Dessert pot (n = 2)154812914,78212320.7%0.7%
Flavoured pudding (dried) (n = 4)318826621,43917871.5%1.0%
Jelly (dried) (n = 2)1961617281440.1%0.1%
Rice pudding (n = 4)11569679616630.6%0.4%
Yogurt substitute (n = 1)2031738553210.1%0.2%
Other snacks/meals
Cheese sauce (n = 1)2882417161430.1%0.1%
Croutons (n = 1)3282722921910.2%0.1%
Potato cakes (n = 1)3112620021670.1%0.1%
Potato pots (n = 3)6765611,6779730.3%0.5%
Soup (n = 4)8276947763980.4%0.2%
Abbreviations: n = number of products; SLPFs = special low protein foods * Actual Costs on ePACT2 is calculated as the Net Ingredient Cost of the item(s) supplied, less the National Average Discount Percentage (NADP) plus Payment for Consumables, Out of Pocket Expenses and Payment for Containers. ** Data from June 2020–December 2020 only.
Table 3. Number of patients in England with PKU and/or using SLPFs under the care of an NHS hospital/centre.
Table 3. Number of patients in England with PKU and/or using SLPFs under the care of an NHS hospital/centre.
CentreNumber of PKU Paediatric
Patients ***
Number of PKU Adult
Patients ***
Number of Patients on Full/Partial Phe-Restricted DietNumber of Non-PKU Inherited Metabolic Disorder Patients Using SLPFs
Birmingham Women’s and Children’s Hospital110011015
Evelina London Children’s Healthcare—part of Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust168014455
Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust—Adult IMD service019514510
Great Ormond Street Hospital163015953
University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust—Queen Elizabeth Hospital015313430
University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust037823530
Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust5805821
Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital9609627
Bristol Royal Hospital for Children7106718
North Bristol NHS Trust058411
Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust5405417
Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust033418658
Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust143647—of which 14 are paediatric patients3
Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust5204221
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust01609020
University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust1301012
Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust240249
Great North Children’s Hospital—within the Royal Victoria Infirmary640639
Royal Victoria Infirmary—Adult IMD services074435
Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital15015-
Royal Derby Hospital666—all of which are paediatric patients-
Somerset NHS Foundation Trust(1)8 (+1)5 (+1)3
Royal Devon & Exeter NHS Foundation Trust1 (+1)95 (+1)—1 of which is a paediatric patient and not shared care2
University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust4 (+7)23 (+1)23 (+8)—4 of which are paediatric patients and not shared care3
Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust10212—10 of which are paediatric patients0
University Hospitals Bristol & Weston NHS Foundation Trust0(21)(20)0
TOTAL92314361814—877 of which are paediatric patients422
Abbreviations: SLPFs = special low protein foods; PKU = phenylketonuria; Phe = phenylalanine. ( ) shared care with another unit so numbers not included in totals. *** This includes patients with mild PKU/hyperphenylalaninaemia who maintain phenylalanine levels within target therapeutic range without dietary treatment.
Table 4. NSPKU guideline for recommended amounts of special low protein products per month [19] compared with monthly average per patient estimated in the current study which does not include milk replacers.
Table 4. NSPKU guideline for recommended amounts of special low protein products per month [19] compared with monthly average per patient estimated in the current study which does not include milk replacers.
Age of Patient with PKURecommended Maximum Number of SLPFs to Prescribe Each Month (Not Including Milk Replacers)Estimated Number of SLPFs Prescribed Per Person Each month (Not Including Milk Replacers)
4 months–3 years20 units8 units
4–6 years25 units
7–10 years30 units
11–18 years50 units
Adults50 units
Pre-conception/Pregnancy50 units
Abbreviations: SLPFs = special low protein foods; PKU = phenylketonuria; NSPKU = The National Society for Phenylketonuria.
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MDPI and ACS Style

Wood, G.; Pinto, A.; Evans, S.; Daly, A.; Adams, S.; Costelloe, S.; Gribben, J.; Ellerton, C.; Emm, A.; Firman, S.; et al. Special Low Protein Foods Prescribed in England for PKU Patients: An Analysis of Prescribing Patterns and Cost. Nutrients 2021, 13, 3977.

AMA Style

Wood G, Pinto A, Evans S, Daly A, Adams S, Costelloe S, Gribben J, Ellerton C, Emm A, Firman S, et al. Special Low Protein Foods Prescribed in England for PKU Patients: An Analysis of Prescribing Patterns and Cost. Nutrients. 2021; 13(11):3977.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Wood, Georgina, Alex Pinto, Sharon Evans, Anne Daly, Sandra Adams, Susie Costelloe, Joanna Gribben, Charlotte Ellerton, Anita Emm, Sarah Firman, and et al. 2021. "Special Low Protein Foods Prescribed in England for PKU Patients: An Analysis of Prescribing Patterns and Cost" Nutrients 13, no. 11: 3977.

APA Style

Wood, G., Pinto, A., Evans, S., Daly, A., Adams, S., Costelloe, S., Gribben, J., Ellerton, C., Emm, A., Firman, S., Ford, S., French, M., Gaff, L., Giuliano, E., Hill, M., Hunjan, I., Newby, C., Mackenzie, A., Pereira, R., ... MacDonald, A. (2021). Special Low Protein Foods Prescribed in England for PKU Patients: An Analysis of Prescribing Patterns and Cost. Nutrients, 13(11), 3977.

Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article numbers instead of page numbers. See further details here.

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