Infant Complementary Feeding of Prebiotics for the Microbiome and Immunity
:1. Introduction
2. The Need to Complementary Feed
3. Gut Barrier Development
Mucus Membrane
4. Establishment of the Microbiome and Immune System in the First Year of Life
4.1. Immune Ontogeny
4.2. Microbiome Assembly
4.3. Functional Transitions during Complementary Feeding
4.4. SCFAs
4.5. Vitamins
5. Discussion and Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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McKeen, S.; Young, W.; Mullaney, J.; Fraser, K.; McNabb, W.C.; Roy, N.C. Infant Complementary Feeding of Prebiotics for the Microbiome and Immunity. Nutrients 2019, 11, 364.
McKeen S, Young W, Mullaney J, Fraser K, McNabb WC, Roy NC. Infant Complementary Feeding of Prebiotics for the Microbiome and Immunity. Nutrients. 2019; 11(2):364.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMcKeen, Starin, Wayne Young, Jane Mullaney, Karl Fraser, Warren C. McNabb, and Nicole C. Roy. 2019. "Infant Complementary Feeding of Prebiotics for the Microbiome and Immunity" Nutrients 11, no. 2: 364.
APA StyleMcKeen, S., Young, W., Mullaney, J., Fraser, K., McNabb, W. C., & Roy, N. C. (2019). Infant Complementary Feeding of Prebiotics for the Microbiome and Immunity. Nutrients, 11(2), 364.