1. Introduction
Fourier transform infrared spectrometry from space allows for decomposing the light exiting the atmosphere from its top: the reconstructed spectra exhibit absorption and emission lines representative of the Earth’s atmospheric composition and thermodynamic state. Instruments, such as the infrared atmospheric sounding interferometer (IASI) on Metop [
1] and the cross-track infrared sounder (CrIS) on Suomi-NPP [
2], have proven to be very effective for both weather forecasting and climate monitoring. EUMETSAT is now preparing for the next generation of instruments and, in particular, for the first European Fourier transform spectrometer in a geostationary orbit, the infrared sounder (IRS) on-board the Meteosat third-generation sounding satellites (MTG-S) [
3]. The ambition to generate spectra with a radiometric accuracy below the deci-Kelvin limit has brought attention to a subtle radiometric bias in Fourier transform spectrometry that we refer to hereafter as calibration ringing [
5]. Such an effect arises when an instrument’s radiometric transfer function (RTF), sometimes also referred to as the spectral instrument responsivity, varies significantly within the domain of the instrument’s spectral response function (SRF). These variations generate distortions in the SRF [
4], which, if unaccounted for, propagate as radiometric errors into the calibrated Earth-view spectra exploited by the users.
RTF spectral variations are actually expected for most instruments. As a first example, transmission cut-offs of optical elements could lead to strong transmission gradients at the band edges and would produce calibration ringing. Thus, Borg et al. [
6] recently reported on the presence of such ringing in spectra measured with the CrIS instrument that are induced by a steep instrument RTF at the beginning of the LWIR band. As a second example, RTF modulations can arise from unexpected light loops between optical surfaces. Optical elements in transmission, such as lenses, windows or protective layers with non-perfect coating, can create low-finesse etalons [
7]; as a result, the transmission appears to be modulated as function of the incident light wavenumber. The latter effect is expected in the MTG-S IRS instrument with a spectral modulation with a periodicity of approximately 250 m
−1 (modulation frequency of 4 mm) and up to a few percent relative amplitude. The optimization of the optical design of the instrument (e.g., redesigning the optical coating such that the RTF is flat) has proven to be technically out of reach. Therefore, assuming a frozen design of the IRS instrument, the authors initiated a study aiming at developing a methodology to mitigate the impact of calibration ringing and to introduce the correction into the operational on-ground processing.
The fundamentals of calibration ringing are recalled in
Section 2. The discussion and definition of the mitigation strategy, called RTF uniformisation, follows in
Section 3. Finally, the last section presents simulations testing the RTF uniformisation in the context of the MTG-S IRS long-wave infrared band (LWIR).
2. Calibration Ringing
Calibration ringing errors occur when radiometric calibration fails to perfectly compensate for RTF spectral variations. Usually, an instrument’s optical transmission is characterized in flight with specific calibration schemes using, for example, on-board black-body and deep-space measurements [
8]. The optical transmission is then removed from the raw Earth-view measurements by division by the radiometric calibration slope. However, we still expect the occurrence of calibration ringing as high-frequency residual spectral modulations. In the following, we propose a simplified description of the radiometric calibration step of FTS products to highlight the genesis of calibration ringing.
The instrument SRF, noted as
as function of the wavenumber,
, is given in the context of Fourier transform spectrometry by the Fourier transform of the numerical apodisation,
applied to the recorded interferograms as function of the optical path distance,
(OPD), multiplied by the potential wavenumber-dependent self-apodisations induced by instrumental defects. We assume hereafter, for simplicity, that the self-apodisation defects are negligible or perfectly compensated by dedicated software corrections such that the SRF is the same for all spectral channels [
The radiometric calibration slope coefficient is usually computed from the ratio between a spectrum measured from a black-body view and the associated theoretical Planck radiance at the blackbody temperature,
. As the blackbody radiation is flat at the scale of the SRF, the radiometric calibration slope coefficient
can be written as the RTF convoluted with the SRF only:
is the RTF of the instrument. If
is the radiance spectrum exiting the atmosphere as a function of the wavenumber then the raw spectra are given by
, and the radiometrically calibrated radiances
are written as:
Thus, if the optical transmission varies significantly at the scale of the SRF then the calibrated spectrum does not equal the input spectrum convoluted with a unique, pixel-independent SRF, as desired by the users of FTS-based multi-detector data products such as those of IASI, CrIS, and IRS. The difference between the two terms defines the so-called calibration ringing error [
4]. As illustrated in this paper, calibration ringing radiometric errors usually appear as both a modulation and spikes that are functions of the input scene. Therefore, it cannot be canceled completely by a simple bias correction of the calibrated spectra and may affect the retrieval of the atmospheric composition.
As discussed in [
6], the effect of calibration ringing in data applications does not necessarily constitute an error if the equivalent SRF distortions are explicitly accounted for in radiative transfer models (RTM), cf. Equation (2). This is even without an alternative for grating spectrometers (such as AIRS), for which the generation of data to a common spectral response across detectors is unfeasible. However, if the transmission were to vary between detectors, the SRF would become detector-dependent. In the case of the CrIS instrument, Borg et al. [
6] demonstrated that, fortunately, introducing a single transmission into the RTM would be sufficient to take into account the calibration ringing of the instrument to the nine instrument pixels. Nonetheless, in spectro-imagers such as MTG-S IRS in which a single acquisition consists of 25,600 pixels, the etalon properties could strongly depend on the field of view. Therefore, either the calibration ringing should be removed by a computationally heavy processing using distinct SRFs for every channel and for every pixel or a specific RTM should be used for every pixel, which proves to be impractical for data users.
Consequently, in preparation for the on-ground processing of the MTG-S IRS data and expecting a possible strong impact of calibration ringing specifically on the LWIR products, EUMETSAT developed a mitigation algorithm for the IRS LWIR band. Nonetheless, the methodology can be extended to its MWIR band and to other hyperspectral instruments.
3. RTF Uniformisation
As discussed in the introduction, the main contributor to calibration ringing for the CrIS instrument is the band cut-off close to the lower user band limit [
6]. For MTG-S IRS, the main contributor is expected to be the etalon, the band cut-off effect being present but not dominating [
4]. Therefore, this paper focuses primarily on RTF modulation induced by the etalon effect. We first show with a basic example that additional spectral information is required to be able to correct the calibration ringing in the presence of RTF modulation. Then, we discuss a statistical method to estimate the (non-measured) high frequencies of a spectrum. Finally, we devise a correction factor to be applied to the calibrated measurement to mitigate the calibration ringing.
The presented methodology is referred to as RTF uniformisation as it mitigates the impact of the RTF for all spectral channels as if the RTF was spectrally flat.
3.1. First Insight
To gain insight on the impact of calibration ringing and its possible mitigation, we first consider a simple case for which the instrument transmission is modulated at a frequency
and relative amplitude
The interferogram associated with the raw measurement in the presence of RTF modulation
and that associated with the measurement without RTF modulation
are given by the Fourier transform of the spectra
. They are representatives of the frequency decomposition of the spectra:
Inserting the modulated transmission (Equation (3)), we get:
Thus, the interferogram recorded in presence of an RTF modulation is given by the superimposition of the one without modulation with two additional low-amplitude interferograms shifted by the modulation frequency, which are called ghosts (
Figure 1).
Equation (5) can theoretically be reversed to retrieve
and thus the spectrum without ringing. At first order in
, the approximate correction would be written as:
Nonetheless, the samples above the maximum OPD () are, in practice, not recorded. As a result, information required to compute the shifted interferograms and to retrieve the corrected spectra from Equation (6) is missing. To achieve this, we would require accessing the interferograms at least until the maximal OPD plus the modulation frequency ().
This simple example shows that any correction should rely on retrieved signal frequencies above the instrument cut-off one, up to frequencies in this case. In other words, disentangling the RTF variations from the measured spectrum requires bringing higher-frequency information about the input scene. A methodology to achieve this is proposed in the next section. Hereafter, we consider the general problem of any kind of RTF, i.e., not restricted to RTF modulations.
3.2. High-Resolution Estimate
The first step of the calibration ringing correction consists thus in estimating, for any calibrated measurement, a high-resolution spectrum that is statistically representative of the input scene, . This is achieved using the principal components (PCs) decomposition of a dataset of high-resolution spectra spanning the range of the viewing angles and of the scene diversity representative of the instrument to correct. This dataset can be generated using an RTM or can consist of measurements from other instruments with higher spectral resolutions.
The principal components are defined as the eigenvectors associated with the greatest eigenvalues of the spectra covariance matrix [
11]. The first PC represents the main directions of the signals, called the observation subspace, while the last ones only carry the noise [
12]. Ten to a few hundreds of PCs, noted as
, are generally sufficient to form an orthonormal basis of the high-resolution observation subspace. Noting
as the nth PC, it is then possible to compute the associated principal components at the instrument resolution and sampling
by convoluting
with the instrument SRF and applying a spline interpolation onto the initial measurement sampling grid:
Since the
set is generally not an orthonormal basis, we re-normalize the
using the inverse of the
normalization matrix, noted
Every measurement is projected onto the basis
by computing the associated PC scores (PCS). The high-resolution statistical estimate
can then be constructed using the same PCS but associated to the high-resolution basis
As a result, it is possible to estimate high-resolution spectra from lower-resolution measurements bringing statistically relevant high-frequency information. Nonetheless, the method is intrinsically limited; it is of course impossible to perfectly guess information that is not recorded by the instrument.
3.3. Correction Factor
Assuming that the estimate
is an adequate estimation of the input scene
and introducing a high-resolution reference of the instrument RTF
representative of the actual RTF
, we form the correction factor noted as
derived from Equation (2). It aims at cancelling the calibration and at retrieving a corrected spectrum
close to the input spectrum convoluted with the SRF.
The reference RTF is not expected to vary rapidly and significantly in time. Moreover, it can be seen from Equation (10) that the correction factor is insensitive to low-frequency RTF spectral variations in time, such as those which the presence of ice on the detectors would produce, for example, since these variations would cancel out. Thus, the reference transmission can be considered as quasi-static and would require only occasional updates. It can either be computed by oversampling an average of many calibration slopes if the frequency of its spectral variations is lower than the maximum OPD of the instrument (which is the case for MTG-IRS, for example), or it can otherwise come from instrument modelling or dedicated additional on-ground measurements.
In order to lighten the operational processing, the convolutions of the
with the SRF can be pre-computed so that only the PCS for each measurement needs to be calculated. The correction can then be written as:
With this approach, high-resolution guesses of the measurements can be estimated and used to construct a correction factor to mitigate the impact of the calibration ringing. It is fast enough to be used operationally, as the computational burden imposed by the convolutions can be lightened using pre-computed coefficients.
6. Conclusions
In this paper, the fundamentals of calibration ringing error were recalled: a radiometric error propagated to the calibrated radiances acquired by FTS caused by significant spectral variations in the instrument’s RTF at the scale of the instrument SRF. A mitigation strategy, called RTF uniformisation, relying on a high-spectral-resolution estimate of the measurements using principal components decomposition, was introduced. Finally, the RTF uniformisation efficiency was assessed in the context of the MTG-S IRS LWIR band.
The RTF uniformisation appeared to be sufficiently efficient and computationally inexpensive to be implemented into operational processing. It will be activated on day one for MTG-S IRS as an additional processing applied to the LWIR-calibrated radiances. In doing so, a reduction by a factor 10 in the radiometric errors induced by calibration ringing is expected.