Design of a Local Nested Grid for the Optimal Combined Use of Landsat 8 and Sentinel 2 Data
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Case Studies: The Duero River Basin and the Groundwater Mancha Oriental
2.2. Satellite Data: L8 and S2
2.3. Design of the LNG
2.3.1. Global Web Mercator Tiling Schema
2.3.2. The Proposed Tiling Schema
- CRS EPSG Code: 25830, projected CRS: UTM zone 30 North. Geographic base CRS EPSG Code: 4258 (ETRS89).
- Recursive ratio factor in LODs: 3
- Ground Sampling Distance (GSD) for the maximum LOD: 10 m
- Tile dimensions: 256 × 256 (rows × columns)
- ROI definition: This initial ROI covers the entire Iberian Peninsula, the Balearic Islands and the autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla, so that the defined LNG can be used for any project in Spain, except for the Canary Islands. The parameters for the ROI definition are as follows: NW longitude −10 DEG, NW latitude 44 DEG. Projected width: 1500 km. Maximum raster size: 183 km (L8). Then, a ROI is defined specifically for this project, which is the Spanish part of the Duero river basin and the groundwater Mancha Oriental.
2.3.3. Definition of the Tiling Schema: The Tuplekeys
- Obtaining the NW point in the projected CRS.
- Translation of the NW point: the NW point is translated in the projected CRS. The maximum size of the raster is subtracted from the X coordinate and added to the Y coordinate. In this way, the bounding box of a maximum size is fully integrated. Subsequently, the NW point is moved in the projected CRS to get its coordinates as integers and multiples of the GSD for the maximum LOD (in this case 10 m as the MSR of S2).
- Determination of the ROI: it is obtained as the sum of the initial area and the maximum size of the raster, resulting in this case 1683 km.
- Determination of the Region of Grid (ROG): it must be equal to or greater than the ROI and correspond to a certain LOD. Computed LOD is 6, corresponding to the MSR of S2, 10 m GSD, and 256 × 256 pixels. The geometry of the ROG and ROI is stored in a report file of results.
- Assessment of the suitability of the chosen projected CRS: For the four corners of the ROG and ROI, the linear deformation of the projected CRS is obtained. The corresponding GSD on the ellipsoid is calculated for the GSD of the LOD of MSR. For any case study in Spain, the chosen projected CRS is suitable since the maximum difference is around 10 cm (1%) within the ROG, and less than 1% within the ROI.
2.3.4. Selection of the Storage LOD
- The files that reach LOD 6, corresponding to the MSR of S2, will have dimensions of 256 × 256.
- The files that reach LOD 5, corresponding to the MSR of L8, will have dimensions of 768 × 768, (768 = 256 × 3). The size of these files on disk without compression will be of the order of 2.25 Mb for floating type (32 bits), 1.12 Mb for unsigned integer (16 bits) and 0.6 Mb for byte type.
- The files that reach LOD 4 will have dimensions of 2304 × 2304, (2304 = 256 × 3 × 3). The size of these files on disk without compression will be of the order of 20 Mb for floating type (32 bits), 10 Mb for unsigned integer (16 bits) and 5 Mb for byte type.
2.4. Processing Methodology
- Automatic downloading of all the EO products and pre-processing of the raw bands, obtaining directly the NDVI values.
- Operating only in one zone, the one corresponding to most of the study area (zone 30), which corresponds to the EPSG 25830 projection.
- Initial conversion of the pixel corners’ coordinates into integer numbers at all LODs up to the MSR of the satellite missions used.
- Perfect alignment of the pixels at the same spatial resolution and at different LODs up to the MSR of the satellite missions used, so that a pixel of L8 (30 × 30 m) includes exactly 9 pixels of S2 (10 × 10 m), as a 3 × 3 matrix.
- Image resampling based on a bilinear interpolation method, used only for the computation of NDVI values in each satellite mission. During this resampling method, the radiometric resolution can be fixed to the original one or reduced to 8 bits for other types of products, such as combinations of images for photointerpretation.
- Finally, a conversion to Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF (COG) format is applied. COG is a regular GeoTIFF file, aimed at being hosted on a HTTP file server, with an internal organization that enables more efficient workflows on the cloud.
2.4.1. Automatic Data Acquisition and Pre-Processing
2.4.2. Insertion of the NDVI Scenes in the LNG
- The type of product and the date are retrieved from the file name, checking its validity.
- The CRS of the LNG is reprojected.
- The storage LOD and the MSR LOD are established based on the GSD.
- The relation of tiles is obtained based on the storage LOD and the bounding box of the file.
- For each tile, using GDAL tools, the resulting file is created by extracting the plot corresponding to its boundary and using the parameters defined in the project file: data type, resampling method, internal tiling, and compression algorithm. In particular, through the gdal_translate command the image values are rescaled, so that the maximum value of NDVI is 1.0. Furthermore, with the a_scale and a_offset parameters the LNG software converts the digital levels on the fly, so that even if a value is stored as an integer (8 bits), the value shown by the LNG software will be the original one. Finally, the files are converted to COG format and compressed.
- If the pixels within the resulting file have a null value, the file is deleted. This happens in the wedge areas, especially in L8-derived NDVI products.
- Finally, using gdaladdo, pyramid levels are added with the number of steps equal to that between the storage LOD and the MSR LOD. For this case, one for the L8 NDVI products and two for the S2 NDVI products.
2.4.3. Inserting the LNG Structure into a SpatiaLite Database
- Insertion of the information of the L8 and S2 NDVI products from the XML file generated in the previous step.
- Region of Ground-Truth Plot Files (ROGTPF) in shapefile format. The fields that include the information to be inserted for each plot must be indicated: unique identifier and crop code.
2.4.4. Time Series Extraction of NDVI Statistics on Ground-Truth Plots
- The relationship of all ROGTPFs s is obtained, together with all the necessary data.
- Two containers are defined: one for ROGTPFs and one for Tiles.
- In the ROGTPFs container, the list of tiles that contains is inserted for each ROGTPF.
- In the tile container, the list of ROGTPFs that contains, totally or partially, is stored for each tile. These steps involve simple spatial operations.
- For each tile, each NDVI file is sequentially opened.
- ROGTPFs affected by this tile are recovered.
- For each ROGTPF, the interior pixels are determined by a spatial operation.
- The date and mission of the NDVI file are extracted and stored in a container for each ROGTPF, which will be updated with the values of other tiles. These values constitute the sample on which the statistics will be performed.
- From the ROGTPF container that includes the list of tiles, the tile that has just been processed is removed.
- If there is no tile left to process, the extraction of samples of NDVI values by date and mission is completed, and the statistics are obtained and stored: mean and standard deviation.
3. Results
3.1. LNG Definition Tool
3.2. Insertion of the NDVI Scenes in the LNG
3.3. Extraction of Time Series of NDVI Statistics in Ground-Truth Plots for Calibration of the Crop Classification Model
3.4. Analysis of LNG Approach
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Satellite Platform | Landsat 8 | Sentinel 2 |
Sensor | Operational Land Imager (OLI) | Multispectral Instrument (MSI) |
Scenes Duero river basin | Path/Row: 200/31, 201/30, 201/31, 201/32, 202/30, 202/31, 202/32, 203/30, 203/31, 203/32 and 204/31 | Granules: 29TPE, 29TPF, 29TPG, 29TQH, 30TTK, 30TTL, 30TTM, 30TUK, 30TUL, 30TUM, 30TUN, 30TVL, 30TVM, 30TVN, 30TWL, 30TWM; in orbits R37, R94 and R137 |
Scenes groundwater Mancha Oriental | Path/Row: 199/33 | Granules: T30SWJ, T30SXJ; in orbits R51 and R94 |
Scenes size | 170 × 185 km | 100 × 100 km |
Band set used | Band 4 (Red: 630–680 nm) Band 5 (Near Infrared: 845–885 nm) | Band 4 (Red: 645–683 nm) Band 8 (Near Infrared: 762–907 nm) |
Spatial resolution of the band set used | 30 m | 10 m |
Temporal resolution | 16 days | 10 days (5 with 2 satellites) 1 |
Radiometric resolution | 12 bits | 12 bits |
NDVI Image | a | b |
Satellite platform | Landsat 8 | Sentinel 2A |
Date (yyyy/mm/dd) | 2017/08/20 | 2017/08/20 |
Scene | 202/31 | T30TUM in orbit R137 |
Dimensions | X: 768, Y: 768, Bands: 1 | X: 2304, Y: 2304, Bands: 1 |
Extension (m) | 308,690, 4,617,960 331,730, 4,641,000 | 308,690, 4,617,960 331,730, 4,641,000 |
Pixel size (m) | 30 | 10 |
Duero River Basin | ||
Satellite platform | With LNG | Without LNG |
Sentinel 2 | 511.4 GB; 19,221 files | 526.2 GB; 1063 files |
Landsat 8 | 43.9 GB; 28,415 files | 47.5 GB; 209 files |
Groundwater Mancha Oriental–Jucar river basin | ||
Satellite platform | With LNG | Without LNG |
Sentinel 2 | 9.4 GB; 567 files | 9.6 GB; 20 files |
Landsat 8 | 1.9 GB; 811 files | 2.3 GB; 10 files |
Groundwater Mancha Oriental–Jucar river basin | ||
Satellite platform | With LNG-COG | Without LNG |
Sentinel 2 | 1.7 GB; 567 files | 9.6 GB; 20 files |
Landsat 8 | 383 Mb; 811 files | 2.3 GB; 10 files |
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Share and Cite
Hernández-López, D.; Piedelobo, L.; Moreno, M.A.; Chakhar, A.; Ortega-Terol, D.; González-Aguilera, D. Design of a Local Nested Grid for the Optimal Combined Use of Landsat 8 and Sentinel 2 Data. Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 1546.
Hernández-López D, Piedelobo L, Moreno MA, Chakhar A, Ortega-Terol D, González-Aguilera D. Design of a Local Nested Grid for the Optimal Combined Use of Landsat 8 and Sentinel 2 Data. Remote Sensing. 2021; 13(8):1546.
Chicago/Turabian StyleHernández-López, David, Laura Piedelobo, Miguel A. Moreno, Amal Chakhar, Damián Ortega-Terol, and Diego González-Aguilera. 2021. "Design of a Local Nested Grid for the Optimal Combined Use of Landsat 8 and Sentinel 2 Data" Remote Sensing 13, no. 8: 1546.
APA StyleHernández-López, D., Piedelobo, L., Moreno, M. A., Chakhar, A., Ortega-Terol, D., & González-Aguilera, D. (2021). Design of a Local Nested Grid for the Optimal Combined Use of Landsat 8 and Sentinel 2 Data. Remote Sensing, 13(8), 1546.