Sustainable Ecosystem Services Framework for Tropical Catchment Management: A Review
:1. Introduction
2. The Tropical Monsoon in the Southeast Asian Region
3. Water Input in Tropical Watersheds
4. Flood Event
5. Ecosystem Services of Tropical Forest
5.1. Flood Regulation
5.2. Erosion Regulation
6. Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Process
7. Mechanism of Soil Erosion and Sedimentation
8. Impact of Land Clearing Activities on the Watersheds
8.1. Deforestation Activities
8.2. Agriculture Activities
8.3. Mining Activities
8.4. Urban and Rural Residential
9. Erosion Mitigation
9.1. Natural Erosion Mitigation
9.2. Infrastructures
10. Conclusions
Conflicts of Interest
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Year | Country Affected | Impact |
2003 | Nepal | 239 killed |
284 injured | ||
15,575 homeless | ||
43,395 affected | ||
Indonesia | 241 killed | |
30 injured | ||
1468 affected | ||
Sri Lanka | 235 killed | |
695,000 affected | ||
US$29,000 damage | ||
2004 | Bangladesh | 730 killed |
36,000,000 affected | ||
US$2,200,000,000 damage | ||
Nepal | 185 killed | |
15 injured | ||
800,000 affected | ||
2005 | India | 1200 killed |
55 injured | ||
20,000,000 affected | ||
US$3,330,000,000 damage | ||
2006 | Thailand | 280 killed |
2,555,308 affected | ||
US$34,940,000 damage | ||
Indonesia | 236 killed | |
56 injured | ||
670 homeless | ||
28,505 affected | ||
US$55,200,000 damage | ||
Sri Lanka | 25 killed | |
2 injured | ||
333,000 affected | ||
US$3,000,000 damage | ||
India | 350 killed | |
65 injured | ||
4,000,000 homeless | ||
US$3,390,000,000 damage | ||
2007 | Indonesia | 40 killed |
1 injured | ||
400,000 affected | ||
US$695,000,000 damage |
Start Date | End Date | Locations | Disaster Type | Total Deaths | Total Damage Affected |
21 November 2000 | 1 December 2000 | Kuala Krai, Pasir Putih, Kota Bharu, Pasir Mas, Tumpat Districts (Kelantan Province), Kubang Pasu, Kota Setar, Padang Terap Districts (Kedah Province), Besut District (Terengganu Provice) | Flash flood | 12 | 8000 |
19 August 2001 | 19 August 2001 | Teluk Ipil Area (Seberang Perai Selatan District, Pulau Pinang Province) | Flash flood | - | 10,000 |
29 October 2001 | 30 October 2001 | Inanam Borough (Kota Kinabalu District, Sabah Province) Beaufort, Papar, Penampang, Tuaran Districts (Sabah Province) | Flood | - | 5000 |
30 October 2001 | 30 October 2001 | Kuala Lumpur Province | Flood | - | 200 |
22 December 2001 | 3 January 2002 | Pahang, Kelantan, Terengganu Provinces | Riverine flood | 11 | 18,000 |
31 January 2002 | 31 January 2002 | Simunjan District (Sarawak Province) | Landslide | 10 | |
29 November 2003 | 2 December 2003 | Kuala Terengganu, Kemaman, Marang, Dungun Districts (Terengganu Province), Kota Bharu District (Kelantan Province), Kuantan District (Pahang Province) | Flash flood | 5 | 3000 |
17 December 2003 | 5 January 2004 | Kampong Pengkalan, Buang Saying, Muhibbah Hujung, Muhubbah Baru, Sinar Baru, Lokan, Sritanjung Areas (Kinabatangan Districts, Sabah Province), Beluran Area (Labuk & Sugut District, Sabah Province), Kota Marud District (Sabah Province) | Riverine flood | - | 2000 |
3 October 2004 | 25 October 2003 | Kedah, Pahang, Perak Provinces | Riverine flood | 3 | 13,800 |
24 January 2004 | 3 February 2004 | Kuchung, Bau, Mkah, Sibu, Samarahan Districts (Sarawak Province), Johor Baru, Pontian, Kota Tinggi Districts (Johor Province) | Riverine flood | 3 | 6900 |
8 March 2004 | 11 March 2004 | Johor Province | Riverine flood | - | 9138 |
10 December 2004 | 18 December 2004 | Bera Area (Temerluh District, Pahang Province), Kuantan, Pecan District (Pahang Province), Kota Bharu, Gua Musang, Kuala Krai, Tanah Merah, Pasir Mas, Machang, Tumpat Districts (Kelantan Province), Dungun, Kemaman, Julu Terenggau, Besut, Setiu Districts (Terengganu Province) | Riverine flood | 13 | 15,000 |
17 July 2005 | 19 July 2005 | Telipok Village (Tuaran District, Sabah Province), Menggatal Area (Kota Kinabalu District, Sabah Province) | Flash flood | 4 | 600 |
23 November 2005 | 12 Janauary 2006 | Kelantan, Terengganu, Kedah, Perlis, Perak Provinces | Flash flood | 9 | 30,000 |
9 January 2006 | 9 January 2006 | Johor Province | Riverine flood | - | 1112 |
10 February 2006 | 18 February 2006 | Terengganu, Pahang, Kelantan Provinces | Riverine flood | - | 4906 |
20 April 2006 | 21 April 2006 | Kampong Manjoi Borough (Ipoh City, Kinta District, Perak Province) | Riverine flood | - | 500 |
19 December 1006 | 20 December 2006 | Melaka, Negeri Sembilan, Pahang, Johor Provinces | Flash flood | 6 | 100,000 |
11 January 2007 | 1 February 2007 | Johor, Pahang Provinces | Riverine flood | 17 | 137,533 |
7 December 2007 | 21 December 2007 | Johor, Kelantan, Pahang, Terengganu Provinces | Riverine flood | 29 | 29,000 |
1 December 2008 | 4 December 2008 | Cherating Area (Kuantan District, Pahang Province), Kelantan, Terengganu Provinces | Riverine flood | - | 2000 |
28 December 2008 | 19 January 2009 | Pahang, Kelantan, Terengganu, Sarawak Provinces | Flash flood | - | 6000 |
23 November 2009 | 26 November 2009 | Kedah, Terengganu, Kelantan, Perak Provinces | Riverine flood | - | 1793 |
20 November 2009 | 27 December 2009 | Hulu Terengganu, Besut, Setiu, Dungun, Marang, Kemaman Districts (Terengganu Province) | Riverine flood | - | 9082 |
28 January 2011 | 31 January 2011 | Johor Province | Riverine flood | 2 | 20,000 |
21 May 2011 | 21 May 2011 | Ulu Langat District (Selangor Province) | Landslide | 16 | 6 |
1 December 2013 | 8 December 2013 | Kuala Lumpur, Pahang, Terengganu, Johor, Kelantan Provinces | Riverine flood | 4 | 75,000 |
16 December 2014 | 30 December 2014 | Sabah, Kelantan, Pahang, Terengganu, Perak, Johor, Selangor, Perlis Provinces | Riverine flood | 17 | 230,000 |
14 January 2015 | 20 January 2015 | Sarawak Province | Riverine flood | 1 | 3000 |
19 February 2016 | 24 February 2016 | Johor, Melaka, Negeri Sembilan, Sarawak Provinces | Flood | - | 6000 |
18 July 2016 | 19 July 2016 | Yan, Baling Districts (Kedah Province), Penang City (Timur Laut District, Pulau Pinang Province) | Flood | - | 441 |
28 November 2016 | 7 December 2016 | Terengganu Province | Flood | - | 400 |
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Share and Cite
Zafirah, N.; Nurin, N.A.; Samsurijan, M.S.; Zuknik, M.H.; Rafatullah, M.; Syakir, M.I. Sustainable Ecosystem Services Framework for Tropical Catchment Management: A Review. Sustainability 2017, 9, 546.
Zafirah N, Nurin NA, Samsurijan MS, Zuknik MH, Rafatullah M, Syakir MI. Sustainable Ecosystem Services Framework for Tropical Catchment Management: A Review. Sustainability. 2017; 9(4):546.
Chicago/Turabian StyleZafirah, N., N. A. Nurin, M. S. Samsurijan, M. H. Zuknik, M. Rafatullah, and M. I. Syakir. 2017. "Sustainable Ecosystem Services Framework for Tropical Catchment Management: A Review" Sustainability 9, no. 4: 546.
APA StyleZafirah, N., Nurin, N. A., Samsurijan, M. S., Zuknik, M. H., Rafatullah, M., & Syakir, M. I. (2017). Sustainable Ecosystem Services Framework for Tropical Catchment Management: A Review. Sustainability, 9(4), 546.