Analysis of the Informal Reasoning Modes of Preservice Primary Teachers When Arguing about a Socio-Scientific Issue on Nuclear Power during a Role Play
:1. Introduction
1.1. The Use of Nuclear Power as a Socio-Scientific Issue
1.2. Roleplay, Argumentation and SSI
1.3. Informal Reasoning about the SSI of Nuclear Power
- What aspects of SSI on the closure of nuclear power stations in Spain and informal reasoning modes do PPTs use in their arguments during a staging of a roleplay, and how often do they do so?
- Is there a relationship between the roles and the frequency in which the informal reasoning modes are used?
- Are there differences in the frequency of the informal reasoning modes used between the two parts of the staging of the roleplay?
2. Methodology
2.1. Participants
2.2. Teaching Context
2.3. Data Collection and Analysis
2.4. Category System
2.5. Analysis Procedure
3. Results
3.1. SSI Aspects on Nuclear Power and Informal Reasoning Modes
3.2. Roles and Informal Reasoning Modes
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions and Implications
- Regarding research question 1 (i.e., what aspects of SSI on the closure of nuclear power stations in Spain and informal reasoning modes do PPTs use in their arguments during a staging of a roleplaying activity, and how often do they do so?), the findings of this study show that PPTs arguments are focused on environmental aspects and, to a lesser extent, on financial aspects; the least addressed are social aspects.
- Regarding research question 2 (i.e., is there a relationship between the roles and the frequency in which the informal reasoning modes are used?), there are statistically significant differences that allow us to establish the hypothesis of the existence of differences between the roles in terms of the informal reasoning mode dealt with during the staging. Practically all the roles against the use of nuclear power follow a marked structure in the proportions of the informal reasoning mode used during the staging (environmental > financial > social), while practically all the roles in favour of these differences in the proportions are reduced or changed. It seems that the roles in favour of the use of nuclear power must strengthen their positions by increasing the number of financial-oriented and social-oriented arguments compared to those shown by the roles against. However, there are no statistically significant differences that would allow us to say that there are two distinct groups. Furthermore, the roles GP, SE and NS seem to deviate from the argumentation patterns followed by the other roles, considering the significant differences found.
- Regarding research question 3 (i.e., are there differences in the frequency of the informal reasoning modes used between the two parts of the staging of the roleplaying activity?), there are statistically significant differences between the informal reasoning mode used during the two parts of the staging. Social-oriented arguments are the ones that increase the most, in proportion, in the debate compared to the presentation round, followed by environmental-oriented and finally financial-oriented arguments.
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
Category | Example |
Environmental | […] so it is totally good for the environment […]. (A2, MNP) |
Climate change | But [nuclear power] generates radioactivity and a lot of things that really affect climate change. (A2, PO) |
Health | I am totally against nuclear power stations because [they] can cause accidents like the ones we have seen, which are lethal to human health […]. (A2, PO) |
Pollution | […] actually, cars driving around the city pollute more than [nuclear] power stations. (B1, MNP) |
Resources availability | You cannot have the same number of hours or days of sunshine everywhere […] (B2, MNC) |
Resources depletion | […] no matter how much you develop [the technology], until nuclear power stations work by fusion instead of fission, you are going to have [uranium depletion]. (A2, SE) |
Safety | Despite what it is said, [nuclear power] is quite safe because there are usually no failures in the reactors. When there are, unfortunately, they are spectacular failures, but there are hardly any failures. (B2, MNC) |
Waste and waste management | […] and the waste that is produced needs storage space, […], and it takes a long time for it to stop being radioactive. (A1, MP) |
Financial | […] regarding the economy, [nuclear power] would also be an important aspect for the country. (B2, SE) |
Continuous production | […] [nuclear power] works 24 h a day, 7 days a week, and not like solar power, for example […]. (B2, MNC) |
Dependence on other countries | […] on the other hand, we would not have to go to other countries to ask them for oil […]. (A1, E) |
Earn money | You do not build just one wind turbine; you build many wind turbines so that your company… has large economic amounts. (A2, MNP) |
Economic interests/corruption | At no time have I spoken of corruption, only that, if it is stipulated that the duration of nuclear power stations is 25 years, how can there be nuclear power stations that are more than 30 years old, 40 years old, still in operation […]? (A1, E) |
Employment | Renewable energy is also expected to create a lot of jobs. I have a piece of information that in Spain they are going to generate 45,000 jobs. (B2, RS) |
Price stability | It offers, above all, price stability […]. Unlike other traditional fossil energy sources such as oil, where the price varies constantly. (A1, MNP) |
Production costs | […] when you use solar power you really have to make an initial investment to install the solar panels, but once you pay for those solar panels, it does not cost anything else. (B2, SE) |
Saving money | […] this type of [renewable] energy can save up to 200 billion euros per year […]. (A2, RS) |
Viability | […] fossil energies can be changed […] before 2050 […]. (B1, RS Adv.) |
Social | ---------- |
Awareness/perception on nuclear power | […] and the social opposition that this generates, since there is increasing sensitivity on the subject, due to the disadvantages it [nuclear power] has in terms of health or possible accidents […]. (A2, PO) |
Energy supply | For example, a new-generation nuclear reactor fuelled by radioactive waste is capable of meeting the energy needs of the United States for the next 800 years. (A2, NS Adv.) |
Media | In addition, [renewables] have better press. (A2, PO) |
Nuclear weapons and terrorism | […] [nuclear power] has a kind of relationship with nuclear weapons that would be interesting to consider. (A2, PO) |
Other uses | […] I do not know if you know that without nuclear energy it would not be possible to carry out cures such as chemotherapy processes or the famous X-rays and radiopharmaceuticals that are necessary for many people to live. (B1, NS) |
Politics | Another aspect in our favour is that the European Union proposes subsidies to countries that use solar power. (B2, SE) |
Reduce consumption | I believe that what needs to change in our society is consumer demand. (B1, E) |
Resettle | Furthermore, [nuclear power] […] would be a good way of populating the areas of the interior of Spain that are depopulated. (B2, MNC) |
Technological development | Spain is currently one of the pioneers in Europe in specialised nuclear power technology. We are now an exporter of this technology, which moves many sectors […]. (A1, MNP) |
Unknown aspect | […] but it also has many disadvantages that you have to carry over time [it is not possible to know whether he is referring to environmental, financial or social disadvantages]. (A2, SE) |
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Demircioğlu and Uçar [2] | Ozturk and Yilmaz-Tuzun [1] | Evren and Aycan [3] | Crujeiras et al. [5] | Saglam and Eroglu [4] | |
Ecological | X | X | X | X | X |
Economic | X | X | X | X | X |
Social | X | X | X | X | X |
Scientific-technological | X | X | X | X | X |
Types of risks | X | ||||
Politics | X | ||||
Moral and ethics | X |
Informal Reasoning Mode | Category | Related to… | Total |
Environmental | Pollution | How a certain energy source pollutes the environment, both by chemical or physical means. | 150 |
Safety | How much safe a certain energy source is | 81 | |
Waste and waste management | The waste that a certain energy source emits and how it is managed | 44 | |
Health | Human health aspects about using a certain kind of energy source | 29 | |
Resources depletion | The reserves of natural resources or the consumption pace | 28 | |
Climate change | The effects of a given energy source on the climate change | 12 | |
Environmental | Environmental aspects in general | 12 | |
Resources availability | The availability of natural resources in certain places or conditions | 6 | |
Total | 362 | ||
Financial | Employment | What suppose a certain energy source in terms of employment | 62 |
Production costs | How much it costs to produce/distribute a certain type of energy (it includes the costs of decommissioning nuclear power stations or nuclear cemeteries, for example) | 46 | |
Continuous production | How feasible is to maintain a continuous energy production with certain energy source | 23 | |
Financial | Financial aspects in general | 9 | |
Dependence on other countries | The dependence on other countries to supply the energy demand | 8 | |
Saving money | How much money we could save using a certain energy source | 7 | |
Earn money | The incomes for towns, cities, countries, etc., of the use of a certain energy source | 6 | |
Economic interests/corruption | Economic interests and corruption associated with energy production | 6 | |
Price stability | The fluctuation of the prices | 5 | |
Viability | Practical/economic viability of a certain energy source | 2 | |
Total | 174 | ||
Social | Energy supply | How to supply the energy demand of the society and/or about why we need to use a certain energy source (or other things, for example nuclear cemetery) to supply the society | 61 |
Politics | The role of politics in the use of a certain energy source (e.g., taxes for the public) | 14 | |
Technological development | The development/benefits/detriments that technology in relation to energy production produces in society | 7 | |
Nuclear weapons and terrorism | The use of nuclear energy for war or terrorist purposes | 6 | |
Resettle | The benefits of nuclear power for depopulated areas | 5 | |
Awareness/perception on nuclear power | People’s awareness/perception on nuclear power and/or the need to change their awareness | 3 | |
Reduce consumption | The need for society to reduce its energy consumption | 2 | |
Media | The media treatment of different energy sources | 2 | |
Other uses | Other uses of nuclear energy (e.g., medicine, food conservation, archaeology or C-14 test) | 2 | |
Social | Social aspects in general | 0 | |
Total | 102 | ||
Unknown aspect | It is not possible to know what the aspect is exactly that they talk about | 18 |
P | E | PO | SE | RS | GP | WRM | NPM | W | NS | ||
P | χ2 | 9.416 | |||||||||
p-value | 0.009 | ||||||||||
V-ES | 0.278 | ||||||||||
E | χ2 | 9.658 | |||||||||
p-value | 0.008 | ||||||||||
V-ES | 0.257 | ||||||||||
PO | χ2 | 6.078 | 10.028 | ||||||||
p-value | 0.048 | 0.007 | |||||||||
V-ES | 0.229 | 0.298 | |||||||||
SE | χ2 | 8.028 | 6.546 | 8.667 | 6.428 | ||||||
p-value | 0.018 | 0.038 | 0.013 | 0.040 | |||||||
V-ES | 0.233 | 0.227 | 0.267 | 0.217 | |||||||
RS | χ2 | 9.609 | 7.174 | ||||||||
p-value | 0.008 | 0.028 | |||||||||
V-ES | 0.257 | 0.225 | |||||||||
GP | χ2 | 6.124 | 9.091 | 9.322 | 11.675 | ||||||
p-value | 0.047 | 0.011 | 0.010 | 0.003 | |||||||
V-ES | 0.222 | 0.261 | 0.280 | 0.296 | |||||||
WRM | χ2 | 10.122 | |||||||||
p-value | 0.006 | ||||||||||
V-ES | 0.289 | ||||||||||
NPM | χ2 | ||||||||||
p-value | |||||||||||
V-ES | |||||||||||
W | χ2 | 8.844 | |||||||||
p-value | 0.012 | ||||||||||
V-ES | 0.276 | ||||||||||
χ2 | |||||||||||
NS | p-value | ||||||||||
V-ES |
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Share and Cite
Cruz-Lorite, I.M.; Cebrián-Robles, D.; Acebal-Expósito, M.d.C.; Evagorou, M. Analysis of the Informal Reasoning Modes of Preservice Primary Teachers When Arguing about a Socio-Scientific Issue on Nuclear Power during a Role Play. Sustainability 2023, 15, 4291.
Cruz-Lorite IM, Cebrián-Robles D, Acebal-Expósito MdC, Evagorou M. Analysis of the Informal Reasoning Modes of Preservice Primary Teachers When Arguing about a Socio-Scientific Issue on Nuclear Power during a Role Play. Sustainability. 2023; 15(5):4291.
Chicago/Turabian StyleCruz-Lorite, Isabel María, Daniel Cebrián-Robles, María del Carmen Acebal-Expósito, and Maria Evagorou. 2023. "Analysis of the Informal Reasoning Modes of Preservice Primary Teachers When Arguing about a Socio-Scientific Issue on Nuclear Power during a Role Play" Sustainability 15, no. 5: 4291.
APA StyleCruz-Lorite, I. M., Cebrián-Robles, D., Acebal-Expósito, M. d. C., & Evagorou, M. (2023). Analysis of the Informal Reasoning Modes of Preservice Primary Teachers When Arguing about a Socio-Scientific Issue on Nuclear Power during a Role Play. Sustainability, 15(5), 4291.