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Modelling the Distribution of Three Invasive Freshwater Turtles in Mainland Guadeloupe: Analysis of Their Presence, Abundance and Co-Occurrence

Jeffey Mackenzy Paul
Frank Cézilly
Etienne Bezault
1,2 and
Christopher Cambrone
UMR BOREA, CNRS 8067, MNHN, IRD, Sorbonne Université, Université Caen Normandie, Université des Antilles, Campus de Fouillole, F-97110 Pointe-à-Pitre, France
Caribaea Initiative, c/o Université des Antilles, Campus de Fouillole, F-97110 Pointe-à-Pitre, France
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Sustainability 2023, 15(18), 13450;
Submission received: 9 June 2023 / Revised: 3 September 2023 / Accepted: 4 September 2023 / Published: 8 September 2023
(This article belongs to the Section Sustainability, Biodiversity and Conservation)


The presence of invasive alien species in Caribbean islands is symptomatic of deleterious human impacts on ecosystems. In Guadeloupe, three invasive freshwater turtles (Pelusios castaneus, Trachemys stejnegeri and T. scripta) have been introduced, from colonial times up to the 20th century. However, little information exists on their current distribution and relative abundance. We surveyed 62 undrained sites in Guadeloupe to identify the presence and relative abundance of exotic freshwater turtles from visual observations. We then relied on statistical models to identify factors affecting spatial variation in turtle occupancy (presence/absence) rate and abundance. We found significant positive spatial co-occurrence between the two Trachemys species, suggesting that they tend to select similar habitats and to be active at the same time. In contrast, the spatial distribution of the two Trachemys species appeared to be independent of that of P. castaneus. Model selection indicated that the degree of anthropization around survey sites had contrasting effects on both the presence and abundance of turtles, being positive for Trachemys species and negative for P. castaneus. A comparison with previous reports indicated that Trachemys species have extended their spatial distribution in Guadeloupe and may have become more abundant than P. castaneus. We discuss the relevance of our results to the understanding of the invasion dynamics of exotic turtles and make recommendations for future research.

1. Introduction

The presence of invasive species in the insular Caribbean, one of the main hotspots of biodiversity in the world [1], is a major threat to its endemic flora and fauna [2]. Indeed, island ecosystems are more sensitive to invasive species than mainland ones [3]. The presence of invasive alien species in various Caribbean islands [4,5] is symptomatic of human impact [6] that can have deleterious effects on various types of ecosystems [7].
A few biological invasions in the Caribbean islands might be the consequence of the natural expansion of the distribution range of some species, such as, for instance, the Shiny Cowbird, Molothrus bonariensis [8] or the Cattle Egret, Bubulcus ibis [9]. However, most invasive species were accidentally or intentionally introduced in the insular Caribbean by humans [2], especially reptiles [4,10], and facilitated by both the economic and trade dependence of Caribbean islands on continental countries and the multiplicity of introduction pathways [11]. Invasive freshwater turtles, in particular, are emblematic cases of human introduction of reptiles in the insular Caribbean [12] and are a threat to endemic freshwater turtles in the Greater Antilles [12], either through competition, transfer of pathogens or hybridization [13,14]. Three invasive freshwater turtles have been introduced in Guadeloupe, French West Indies. The African slider, Pelusios castaneus [15], was first introduced during the slave trade [5,16]. Two other invasive turtles were introduced in Guadeloupe in the 19th and 20th centuries. Trachemys stejnegeri, originating from Puerto Rico [17], was intentionally introduced in an attempt to acclimatize the species to the local environment [18]. In contrast, the Florida slider, T. scripta, was introduced through the pet trade, and then released by owners into the natural environment [5,17,19,20,21,22]. Although T. scripta is subdivided into three subspecies [23], only T. scripta elegans is known to occur in the French West Indies [5,17]. This species is noticeably on the list of the 100 most invasive species in the world [21]. According to the decree of 7 July 2020, the three species are currently classified as invasive in the French Antilles and are prohibited from trade, transport and circulation by French legislation [24]. Although there exists no endemic species of freshwater turtle in Guadeloupe, and elsewhere in the Lesser Antilles, invasive turtles could be a threat to the biodiversity, dynamics and functional ecology of local aquatic ecosystems [13,14,20,22,25]. However, although they were introduced several decades ago, their spatial distribution and relative abundance in the French Antilles have been seldom documented (see however [26]) and available information for Guadeloupe is limited to casual observations, with no recent update [10].
Here, we report new and original results on the distribution, abundance and co-occurrence of the three species of invasive freshwater turtles in Guadeloupe. We first relied on count data [27,28] to document their spatial distribution, habitat occupancy and relative abundance [28]. We then developed statistical models [29,30,31,32], to identify factors affecting their distribution in Guadeloupe and map priority areas for potential regulation/eradication. We discuss the relevance of our results to the study and control of invasive freshwater turtles in the insular Caribbean.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Study Area

Guadeloupe consists of an archipelago composed of several islands in the central Lesser Antilles arc. We restricted our survey to the two main islands of the Guadeloupe archipelago, Grande-Terre and Basse-Terre, which are connected by bridges over a narrow strait. The eastern island of Grande-Terre consists of limestone formations, with a maximum height of 177 m, whereas the western island of Basse-Terre is a volcanic chain, with a maximum height of 1467 m. As a consequence, the vast majority of ponds are found on Grande-Terre, where natural ones are fed by groundwater or surface-flowing rainwater [33]. Two important artificial lakes, Barrage de Letaye (Le Moule, 97160) and Barrage de Gaschet (Port-Louis, 97117), have been landscaped as water supplies for agriculture or private use, and several artificial ponds have been created for animal watering and micro-irrigation. In addition to exotic turtles, various plant and animal species can be found in both permanent and temporary natural ponds, as well as, to a certain extent, in artificial ones, including waterbirds [34], exotic amphibian species such as the Cane Toad, Rhinella marina [18], and several insect species, including some of patrimonial interest such as Orthemis macrostigma (Odonata) [35].

2.2. Count Data and Selection of Variables

To obtain representative data on the distribution, abundance and co-occurrence of invasive turtles in Guadeloupe, we carried out a survey of potentially suitable sites over 29 days, from 4 July to 2 August 2022. We first selected 162 sites on the basis of 1 km2 quadrats covering the entire mainland of Guadeloupe (Grande-Terre and Basse-Terre regions). Within each quadrat, the water point with the largest surface area was preselected [36]. Given that the Caribbean islands are subject to climatic droughts [37], which likely affect wetlands [38], preliminary visits were carried out to identify undrained sites for counting.
At each undrained site, a count using binoculars and telescopes [39] was conducted in the morning between 8 a.m. and 1 p.m. by two independent trained observers (JMP and CC) at the same site, thus allowing us to reduce detection error and bias associated with counting individuals [40,41,42]. At each site, counting points were established 200 m apart, with the number of counting points varying from 1 to 10, depending on the size of the pond. This distance between points was set to avoid double counting between two nearby points. At each point, turtles were searched for and counted for five minutes by each observer simultaneously. Species were identified based on head morphology criteria [13,15,23]. Trachemys individuals that could not be assigned to one of the two species were simply considered as Trachemys spp.
In addition, two environmental variables, i.e., degree of sunlight (potentially affecting the basking behavior and, hence, the observability of turtles [12,43]) and the presence of ardeid species (egrets and herons), which are potential predators of juvenile turtles [44,45], were collected at each site.
For all counted sites, the exact surface area of ponds was calculated using Google Earth online software (v. To do so, polygons were drawn following the shores of ponds from orthophotos taken in 2021. In addition, polygons delimiting anthropized areas (corresponding to urban areas, industrial plants, agriculture and intensive grazing) were drawn to estimate the surface of anthropized areas around the count sites within a circle with a 500 m radius, with the approximate barycenter of the ponds at its center. Then, the percentage of the anthropized surface was calculated for each pond by dividing the sum of the surfaces of polygons representing anthropized areas within the circle by the total surface of the latter. All drawn polygons can be visualized at: (accessed on 10 May 2023).

2.3. Statistical Analysis and Model Selection

All count points from each site were pooled together and according to the counter before analysis. First analyses were performed on each species separately and for Trachemys species after pooling data for T. scripta and T. stejnegeri. For each species (or genus) and for sites where at least one individual was observed, we used Spearman rank-correlation tests and Wilcoxon matched-sample tests to assess agreement between the two observers [46].
To determine the level of spatial co-occurrence between species, we used the Veech probabilistic model [47] provided by the cooccur package in R [48,49], based solely on the presence/absence data of the species at the different sites. This probabilistic model was used to determine whether there was a positive, negative or random association between the studied species within the considered sites [48]. We performed pairwise co-occurrence analyses between the three species and then between P. castaneus and genus Trachemys.
We relied on GLM analyses [50,51,52] to assess the factors affecting the presence and abundance (including zeros) of the three turtle species [51,52]. We used a binomial logistic GLM model to analyze presence/absence data and a negative binomial zero-inflated GLM model for abundance data [53], using the pscl package in R due to the excess of zeros in the distribution [54,55]. In each case, we built a full model with additive variables without interaction for presence/absence and relative abundance data. We checked for multicollinearity of variables using variance inflation factors (VIFs) [56] before running the full model. Interactions were not taken into account because of multicollinearity between selected variables. VIF values close to 1 indicate a lack of collinearity between variables. The full model included five variables, which are described in Table 1.
Type of GLM (Y ~ (Region + Area + Anthropisation + Ardeidae + Sunshine))
Using the MuMIn package in R [57], we generated several candidate models and ranked them according to Akaike’s Information Criteria, corrected for small sample sizes (AICc). We assessed the level of reliability and goodness-of-fit of each model using Pearson’s residual test [58,59]. Following recommendations from [60,61], we considered all models with ΔAICc < 4 compared to the best model (i.e., the model with the lowest AICc) as informative. We then proceeded to model averaging and assessed the significance of each variable from the averaged model (AICcmodavg). A variable was considered to be significant if its 95% confidence interval (CI) did not include zero [62,63].

3. Results

Following preliminary visits, we retained 62 undrained sites distributed over Grande-Terre (n = 51) and Basse-Terre (n = 11) for our survey of invasive turtles. Irrespective of species, we detected the presence of invasive turtles at 46 of these sites (74.19%), out of which only 2 were located on the island of Basse-Terre. Occupancy rate (presence/absence) by invasive turtles differed significantly between the two islands (Figure 1; Fisher’s exact test, p < 0.0001).

3.1. Spatial Variation in Occupancy Rate between Species

Based on the identification at species level, occupancy rate differed significantly between the three species (Table 2; Chi-square test, χ2 = 21.35, d.f. = 2, p < 0.0001). T. scripta had a significantly higher occupancy rate than both T. stejnegeri2 = 6.33, d.f. = 1, p < 0.05) and P. castaneus2 = 21.09, d.f. = 1, p < 0.0001), and T. stejnegeri had a significantly higher occupancy rate than P. castaneus2 = 4.82, d.f. = 1, p < 0.05).
The Veech probabilistic model (Table 3) further indicated that the presence of the two Trachemys species was significantly associated among sites, and was independent of that of P. castaneus.
The five variables used to model the occupancy rate of Trachemys turtles were found to be weakly collinear (VIF [1.48; 1.69]). Pearson’s residual deviance test indicated that the binomial model fitted the data correctly (dispersion = 0.928, d.f. = 53, p > 0.05). A total of five sub-models were considered (ΔAICc < 4; Table 4) and used to build the averaging model. In the averaging model, both region (CI [0.818; 4.496]) and the percentage of anthropization (CI [0.193; 7.104]) had a significant influence on Trachemys occupancy rate, with a higher probability of presence with increasing level of anthropization around the survey sites.
Similarly, the five variables used to model the occupancy rate of P. castaneus were weakly collinear (VIF [1.00; 1.54]) and the binomial model fitted correctly to the data (dispersion = 0.797, d.f. = 55, p > 0.05). A total of seven sub-models were considered (ΔAICc < 4; Table 4) and used to build the averaging model. Only the level of sunshine (CI [−4.133; −0.618]) had a significant and negative influence on P. castaneus occupancy.

3.2. Spatial Variation in Abundance between Species

There was a positive correlation between the counts made by the two observers (JMP and CC) for each taxon (Spearman rank-correlation coefficient; T. scripta: rs = 0.901, n = 37, p < 0.0001; T. stejnegeri: rs = 0.742, n = 23, p < 0.0001; genus Trachemys: rs = 0.928, n = 42, p < 0.0001; and P. castaneus: rs = 0.634, n = 12, p < 0.05). In addition, for each taxon, there was no significant difference between the two observers in the number of turtles counted at each site (Wilcoxon signed-rank test for paired samples; T. scripta: V = 194.5, n = 37, p > 0.05; T. stejnegeri: V = 57.5, n = 23, p > 0.05; genus Trachemys: V = 277.5, n = 42, p > 0.05; and P. castaneus: V = 12, n = 12, p > 0.05). Therefore, we retained the maximum number of individuals of genus Trachemys and Pelusios observed by either one of the two observers at each site for subsequent analyses.
The abundance of Trachemys spp. showed an excess of zero (32.26% of the 62 sites). A zero-inflated negative binomial GLM (ZINB) provided a better fit to the data (dispersion = 1.276, d.f. = 43, p > 0.05) than a zero-inflated Poisson GLM (ZIP) did (dispersion = 11.491, d.f. = 44, p < 0.0001), and was thus retained for subsequent analyses. The variables used to build the different models showed weak collinearity (VIF [1.30; 1.98]). Model selection retained only one model (ΔAICc < 4; Table 5), which included region (CI [−3.826; −0.624]), the specific richness of ardeids (CI [0.356; 0.983]) and the percentage of anthropization (CI [0.889; 4.070]). Trachemys species were more abundant at sites with higher species richness of ardeids, in anthropized areas and in Grande-Terre compared to Basse-Terre.
In the case of P. castaneus, the ZINB model (dispersion = 0.801, d.f. = 47, p > 0.05) and the ZIP model (dispersion = 0.983, d.f. = 48, p > 0.05) fitted the data equally well. We however retained the ZINB model for further analysis. The variables included in the ZINB models showed weak collinearity (VIF [1.00; 1.58]). Model selection retained eight models (ΔAICc < 4; Table 5), from which the averaging model was built. Only anthropization significantly and negatively affected the abundance of P. castaneus (CI [−9.803; −0.081]).

4. Discussion

Our survey confirmed the presence of the three exotic species of freshwater turtles in mainland Guadeloupe and provided, for the first time, quantitative data on their relative abundance and spatial distribution. Overall, the two Trachemys species had a larger spatial occupancy and were more abundant than P. castaneus (see Figure 1), even though Trachemys species were introduced more recently than P. castaneus in Guadeloupe [5,12,17,18,19,21]. In addition, the two Trachemys co-occurred at surveyed sites more often than expected by chance, whereas their spatial distribution was independent of that of P. castaneus. Importantly, our results indicate that the degree of anthropization around survey sites has significant but contrasting effects on both the presence and abundance of Trachemys species and P. castaneus.
The dominance of the two Trachemys species, and particularly that of T. scripta elegans, might be the consequence of the large commercialization of the latter as pets in Guadeloupe in the past [5,19] and its known ability to become highly invasive after being released into the wild in the Caribbean region [64]. In comparison with previous data, our results suggest that the two Trachemys species have extended their spatial distribution in Guadeloupe. Indeed, Breuil [16] reported the presence of Trachemys species in 29% of the 21 surveyed sites inhabited by exotic freshwater turtles in mainland Guadeloupe in the 1990s, compared to about 91% of 46 surveyed sites inhabited by freshwater turtles in the present study. Many factors may have contributed to this expansion. First, although the sale and transport of Trachemys is currently banned in Guadeloupe [24], individuals of the two species might be collected occasionally by local people to be used as pets, before being eventually released at some distance from their original point of collection. As the general population/people of Guadeloupe seems to be unable to distinguish between the two Trachemys species (JMP and CC, personal observations), it is quite possible that such human-assisted movements, possibly over long distances, involve both species of Trachemys. The observed positive influence of the degree of anthropization on the presence and abundance of Trachemys species in Guadeloupe lends support to the hypothesis of an important role of human factors in their spatial expansion [65]. Similarly, the presence of both T. scripta and T. stejnegeri in anthropized habitats and close to major residential areas has been reported in other Caribbean islands [12,64,66].
Second, periods of flooding in the anthropized areas of Guadeloupe may also contribute to the spread of Trachemys species. The influence of floods on the displacement of freshwater turtles, such as Glyptemys insculpta [67], Graptemys flavimaculata [68], and Trachemys scripta [69] has previously been reported in the literature. Guadeloupe is regularly experiencing large floods as the drainage basins of the island streams remain poorly effective against heavy rainfall associated with tropical cyclones [70,71], whose intensities and frequency are expected to increase due to climate change [72]. In that respect, the role of natural flooding in the spatial dynamics of invasive turtles in Guadeloupe and elsewhere in the Caribbean islands experiencing similar local conditions may deserve further attention. To that end, GPS tags [73] could be used to track the movement and dispersal of freshwater turtles in anthropized areas susceptible to flooding.
Third, both Trachemys species, and possibly P. castaneus, might be well adapted today to the local environment in Guadeloupe and be self-sustainable without additional introductions. The wide alien distribution of freshwater turtles may not necessarily imply the establishment of reproducing populations but may in some areas be explained by the recruitment of new individuals through regular additional releases [74]. Indeed, Breuil [16] suggested that Trachemys species do not reproduce on mainland Guadeloupe. However, local climatic conditions in Guadeloupe fit particularly well with those associated with reproduction records of invasive populations of T. scripta [74]. In addition, observations of Trachemys in full courtship in the urban area of Les Abymes (Grande-Terre; see Video S1, Supplementary Materials) and regular observations of various ontogenic stages, including juveniles, are strongly suggestive that the Guadeloupe populations are reproducing. Definitive evidence, however, should be based on the presence of clutches of fertilized eggs and of neonates in the wild [75].
We observed significant and positive spatial co-occurrence between the two Trachemys species, suggesting that they tend to select similar habitats and to be active at the same time. Indeed, the two species have been shown to coexist in the wild without much interference in Puerto Rico [76] and may have similar ecological requirements. Further analyses, using molecular evidence, would be useful to determine if the two species still function as separate gene pools in Guadeloupe or if hybridization has been taking place as observed in Puerto Rico [13]. The joint distribution of Trachemys species was also significantly associated with the species richness of Ardeids. This finding is open to alternative, non-mutually exclusive, explanations. On the one hand, the presence of a large diversity of herons and egrets might be associated with some features of the environment, such as water depth and aquatic vegetation [77], that may also favor the presence of invasive turtles [43]. On the other hand, herons may gather at sites with a high turtle abundance to prey upon juveniles [44].
Conversely, the spatial distribution of the two Trachemys species appeared to be independent of that of P. castaneus, although this result may actually reflect weak statistical power due to the relatively low abundance of the latter species. More to the point, the two genera have different activity cycles [12,15], as P. castaneus is considered to be mainly crepuscular and nocturnal [15], with few sightings during the day, whereas the two species of Trachemys are known to be diurnal [12]. Our results on the presence of P. castaneus tend to confirm its crepuscular activity, with a lower number of observations under sunny conditions. However, the species might be declining in Guadeloupe. Indeed, its presence was detected in only 26% of the surveyed sites inhabited by exotic turtles in the present study, whereas Breuil [16] reported its presence in 100% of the 21 surveyed sites inhabited by exotic freshwater turtles in mainland Guadeloupe about 30 years ago. The observed negative influence of the degree of anthropization on both the presence and abundance of P. castaneus may contribute to explaining this apparent decline in relation to increasing levels of urbanization in Guadeloupe over the last 50 years [78].
The present study is a first step towards a more comprehensive understanding of the invasion dynamics of freshwater turtles in the French Antilles. Additional studies are necessary to provide a better spatial coverage, improve the estimation of local abundances, and assess their actual impact on the local biodiversity. In particular, a more detailed analysis of the diurnal and nocturnal distribution, abundance, and activity of the three invasive species is necessary to better assess their level of occurrence or spatial segregation in Guadeloupe and other Caribbean islands. This could be achieved by setting infra-red camera traps on artificial basking platforms in suitable sites [45,79]. This technique might also improve the assessment of turtle abundance if coupled with a capture–mark–recapture program [80]. As sampling techniques and observational surveys might involve a significant time and economic investment for researchers and land managers, mobilizing undergraduate students and citizen science to document the presence of turtles could be a simple cost-effective and rewarding option for the future, particularly using lightweight telephoto lens attachments for smartphones [81]. If funding allows, the presence/absence and relative abundance of invasive freshwater turtles could be mapped more precisely using recently developed techniques based on environmental DNA [82]. Such a method would allow a large coverage of various wetland types and sizes. A major advantage of the method is that it does not require any direct organism observation, capture or physical confirmation [83,84], thus drastically reducing the risk of false absence. Finally, comparative investigations on the diet of invasive freshwater turtles in Guadeloupe [85] and of their associated pathogens are necessary to precisely assess their environmental and sanitary impact and inform public authorities in the perspective of managing biological invasions in the French Antilles.

Supplementary Materials

The following supporting information can be downloaded at:, Video S1: Courtship of Trachemys in mainland Guadeloupe.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, J.M.P., C.C. and F.C.; methodology, J.M.P. and C.C.; software, J.M.P. and F.C.; validation, F.C. and E.B.; formal analysis, J.M.P. and F.C.; investigation, J.M.P. and C.C.; resources, C.C., E.B. and F.C.; data curation, J.M.P.; writing—original draft preparation, J.M.P.; writing—review and editing, J.M.P. and F.C.; visualization, J.M.P., C.C. and F.C.; supervision, F.C. and E.B.; project administration, C.C., F.C. and E.B.; funding acquisition, F.C. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research was funded by the Caribbean Interreg program through the MERCI project (Managing Exotic Reptiles in the Caribbean Islands). JMP was funded by a doctoral grant from the Agence Française de la Francophonie (AUF) and Caribaea Initiative.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Ethical review and approval were waived for this study as the data was collected without any manipulation of animals.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

The data used in this article are available upon reasonable request from the corresponding author.


We would like to thank Elise Queslin, Harry Lollia-Lefi and Gilles Bajazet for their management and supervision of the MERCI project.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest. The funders had no role in the design of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript; or in the decision to publish the results.


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Figure 1. Presence and abundance of invasive freshwater turtles in mainland Guadeloupe: (A) genus Trachemys; (B) Pelusios castaneus; (C) Trachemys scripta; and (D) Trachemys stejnegeri.
Figure 1. Presence and abundance of invasive freshwater turtles in mainland Guadeloupe: (A) genus Trachemys; (B) Pelusios castaneus; (C) Trachemys scripta; and (D) Trachemys stejnegeri.
Sustainability 15 13450 g001
Table 1. Presentation of variables included in the full model.
Table 1. Presentation of variables included in the full model.
RegionThe mainland of Guadeloupe is divided into two large islands that are connected by a bridge (Grande-Terre and Basse-Terre)Factorial variable
AreaSize area of the sites was calculated and then categorized as an ordinal variable according to quantiles of the distribution, with 4 levels for Trachemys (1 < 2 < 3 < 4) and 2 levels (1 < 2) for Pelusios.Ordinal variable
AnthropizationThe percentage of anthropized areas was transformed into frequency (ranging from 0 to 1) and then normalized using square root (√×) transformation.
(Shapiro–Wilk test; W = 0.981, p > 0.05)
Continuous variable
ArdeidaeSpecies richness of the Ardeidae family included from zero to five different species of herons and egrets:
Ardea alba, Egretta thula, Butorides virescens, Nyctanassa violacea and Bubulcus ibis.
Continuous variable
SunshineDegree of sunlight was categorized and treated as an ordinal variable, with 1 = rainy or cloudy, 2 = cloudy with sunny spells and 3 = sunny.Ordinal variable
Table 2. Occupancy rate (presence/absence) of the three invasive freshwater turtles at the 62 surveyed sites.
Table 2. Occupancy rate (presence/absence) of the three invasive freshwater turtles at the 62 surveyed sites.
T. scripta37 (59.68%)25 (40.32%)
T. stejnegeri23 (37.10%)39 (62.90%)
P. castaneus12 (19.35%)50 (80.65%)
Table 3. Spatial co-occurrence probabilities of Trachemys scripta, T. stejnegeri and Pelusios castaneus. Associations of species were classified as positive (Pgreater) or negative (Pless).
Table 3. Spatial co-occurrence probabilities of Trachemys scripta, T. stejnegeri and Pelusios castaneus. Associations of species were classified as positive (Pgreater) or negative (Pless).
Pair of SpeciesObservedProbabilityExpectedP. lessP. greater
T. scriptaT. stejnegeri190.22113.70.9990.004
T. scriptaP. castaneus70.1167.20.5820.671
T. stejnegeriP. castaneus60.0724.50.9120.240
Table 4. List of sub-models (ΔAICc < 4) for the binomial analysis of occupancy (presence/absence) for the genus Trachemys and Pelusios castaneus (62 sites).
Table 4. List of sub-models (ΔAICc < 4) for the binomial analysis of occupancy (presence/absence) for the genus Trachemys and Pelusios castaneus (62 sites).
Trachemys spp.
1Anthropization + Region64.90.000.464−29.2633
2Anthropization + Ardeidae + Region66.61.690.199−28.9674
3Anthropization + Sunshine + Region67.32.360.143−28.1135
5Anthropization + Sunshine + Region + Ardeidae68.33.410.085−27.4096
Pelusios castaneus
1Sunshine + Region53.20.000.281−22.2384
2Ardeidae + Sunshine + Region53.30.080.270−21.0945
3Sunshine + Region + Anthropization + Ardeidae54.71.490.133−20.5706
4Sunshine + Ardeidae + Region + Area55.22.050.101−20.8496
5Sunshine + Region + Area55.52.340.087−22.2225
6Anthropization + Sunshine + Region55.52.350.087−22.2275
7Anthropization + Ardeidae + Area + Region + Sunshine57.03.850.041−20.4787
Table 5. List of models (ΔAICc < 4) for the negative binomial zero inflated (ZINB) analysis for the genus Trachemys and Pelusios castaneus (n = 62 sites).
Table 5. List of models (ΔAICc < 4) for the negative binomial zero inflated (ZINB) analysis for the genus Trachemys and Pelusios castaneus (n = 62 sites).
Trachemys spp.
1Anthropization + Ardeidae + Region342.40.001−160.4759
Pelusios castaneus
1Sunshine + Region99.80.000.237−39.1959
2Ardeidae + Sunshine100.50.620.174−39.5049
4Sunshine + Area + Anthropization101.11.220.128−36.89811
5Null model101.31.480.113−47.4593
6Ardeidae + Anthropization101.41.510.111−42.6447
7Ardeidae + Sunshine + Area102.93.050.051−37.81111
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MDPI and ACS Style

Paul, J.M.; Cézilly, F.; Bezault, E.; Cambrone, C. Modelling the Distribution of Three Invasive Freshwater Turtles in Mainland Guadeloupe: Analysis of Their Presence, Abundance and Co-Occurrence. Sustainability 2023, 15, 13450.

AMA Style

Paul JM, Cézilly F, Bezault E, Cambrone C. Modelling the Distribution of Three Invasive Freshwater Turtles in Mainland Guadeloupe: Analysis of Their Presence, Abundance and Co-Occurrence. Sustainability. 2023; 15(18):13450.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Paul, Jeffey Mackenzy, Frank Cézilly, Etienne Bezault, and Christopher Cambrone. 2023. "Modelling the Distribution of Three Invasive Freshwater Turtles in Mainland Guadeloupe: Analysis of Their Presence, Abundance and Co-Occurrence" Sustainability 15, no. 18: 13450.

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