Natural Environment Protection Strategies and Green Management Style: Literature Review
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
3. Literature Review Results
3.1. SLR Results
3.2. CLR Results
3.2.1. Green Management Style
3.2.2. Natural Environment Protection Strategies
3.2.3. Green Integrity Model
4. Discussion
5. Implications and Future Research
6. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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No. | Query Syntax | No. of Results (10 August 2022) |
1 | (ALL (natural AND environment AND protection AND strategies)) AND (“management style”) | 164 |
2 | (TITLE-ABS-KEY (natural AND environment AND protection AND strategies)) AND (“management style”) | 2 |
3 | (TITLE-ABS-KEY (“environmental strategies”)) AND (“management style”) | 1 |
4 | TITLE-ABS-KEY (((environmental AND strategies)) AND (((management AND style)) AND (natural AND environment AND protection)) AND (conservation)) | 7 |
5 | (TITLE-ABS-KEY (environmental AND strategies)) AND (((management AND style)) AND (natural AND environment AND protection)) AND (conservation) | 345 |
6 | (TITLE-ABS-KEY (environmental AND strategies)) AND (management AND style) AND (natural AND environment AND protection) AND (conservation) AND (“management style”) | 20 |
7 | (TITLE-ABS-KEY (environmental strategies)) AND (((((management style)) AND (natural environment protection)) AND (conservation)) AND (“management style”)) AND (“protection strategies”) | 0 |
Cluster | Color | Keywords |
1 | Red | climate change; decision making; environmental impact; environmental management; environmental protection; forestry; stakeholder; sustainable development |
2 | Green | agricultural land; agricultural management; agriculture; farmers attitude; farming system; innovation; management practice; perception |
3 | Blue | adaptive management; biodiversity; conservation management; ecosystem service, incentive; resource management |
4 | Yellow | animals; human; nonhuman; review |
Cluster | Color | Keywords |
1 | Red | adaptive management; climate change; decision making; ecology; ecosystem; ecosystem service; environmental monitoring; environmental planning; rivers; water management; water quality; |
2 | Green | adaptation; environmental impact; environmental issue; environmental management; life cycle; natural resource; stakeholder; sustainability; sustainable development; |
3 | Blue | conservation of natural resources; economics; environmental economics; environmental policy; environmental protection; government; strategic approach; |
4 | Yellow | agricultural land; agriculture; biodiversity; conservation; conservation management; land management; |
Common Keywords |
climate change; decision making; environmental impact; environmental management; environmental protection; stakeholder; sustainable development; agricultural land; adaptive management; biodiversity; conservation management; ecosystem service; |
Cluster | Color | Keywords |
1 | Red | adaptive environmental management; climate change; conservation of natural resources; decision making; ecology; management practice; management style; strategic planning; |
2 | Green | ecosystem services; environmental policy; environmental quality; incentive; land management; natural resource; strategic approach; |
3 | Blue | community resource management; conservation management; environmental management; stakeholder; sustainability; sustainable development; |
4 | Yellow | environmental protection; management; public policy |
Cluster | Color | Keywords |
1 | Red | decision making; environment management; land management |
2 | Green | conservation of natural resources; environmental protection; |
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Sołoducho-Pelc, L.; Sulich, A. Natural Environment Protection Strategies and Green Management Style: Literature Review. Sustainability 2022, 14, 10595.
Sołoducho-Pelc L, Sulich A. Natural Environment Protection Strategies and Green Management Style: Literature Review. Sustainability. 2022; 14(17):10595.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSołoducho-Pelc, Letycja, and Adam Sulich. 2022. "Natural Environment Protection Strategies and Green Management Style: Literature Review" Sustainability 14, no. 17: 10595.