The Approach of Including TVOCs Concentration in the Indoor Environmental Quality Model (IEQ)—Case Studies of BREEAM Certified Office Buildings
:1. Introduction
- anticipated satisfaction with TCindex thermal comfort,
- satisfaction with IAQindex air quality,
- satisfaction with acoustic comfort ACcindex,
- satisfaction with the quality of lighting Lindex.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. General Information on Methods Used
2.2. The Equipment and Experimental Tests Methodology
2.3. IEQ Model and Sub-Components Models
2.4. Objects-Case Study Buildings
2.5. BREEAM Requirements for IAQ
3. Results
3.1. Results on the VOC and Formaldehyde Emission
3.2. Results on IEQindex for Open Spaces in Case Study Buildings Influenced by VOC Results
4. Discussion of Results
4.2. IAQindex and IEQindex Results
5. Summary
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
ACcindex | index of acoustic comfort |
ACinput | increasing level of input noise |
CCO2 | carbon dioxide concentration (ppm) |
Emin | minimum daylight illuminance (lux) |
IAQindex | index of indoor air quality—percentage of persons satisfied with indoor air quality |
IAQ(CO2)index | index of indoor air quality—percentage of persons satisfied with CO2 level |
IAQ(OI)index | indoor air quality index for odorous air- percentage of persons satisfied with odorous air |
Icl,dyn | clothing insulation (m2 K/W) |
IEQindex | Indoor Environmental quality index—overall percentage of persons satisfied with Indoor Quality |
IEQcrude | IEQ with crude weighting scheme (the mean value of IEQ)—“0.25” for each of 4 components |
LCI | lowest concentration interest |
M | metabolic rate (W/m2) |
OI | odour intensity level (six-level scale) |
pa | is the water vapour partial pressure (Pa) |
PD | percentage of persons dissatisfied (percentage dissatisfied) |
PD(ACc) | percentage of persons dissatisfied with acoustic comfort level |
PD(IAQ(CO2)) | percentage of persons dissatisfied with IAQ by CO2 |
PD(IAQ(TVOC)) | percentage of persons dissatisfied with IAQ by TVOC concentration |
PD(IEQ) | percentage of persons dissatisfied with IEQ (indoor environmental discomfort index) |
PD(L) | percentage of persons dissatisfied with lighting quality |
PD(TC) | percentage of persons dissatisfied with thermal comfort level |
PMP | ASHRAE Performance Measurement Protocols weighting scheme |
PMV | Predicted Mean Vote (ISO 7730) |
PMV | PMV model by ISO 7730 according to (Fanger, 1998) |
PMV | value according to (Fanger, 1998) thermal comfort equations by CBE e-table |
PPD | predicted percentage of persons dissatisfied |
SD | standard deviation |
ta | air temperature (°C) |
TCindex | thermal comfort index |
tg | black globe temperature (°C) |
tr | mean radiant temperature (°C) |
Uoverall | combined overall uncertainty of SIi |
va | relative air velocity (m/s) |
W1 | weight for thermal comfort |
W2 | weight for indoor air quality |
W3 | weight for acoustic comfort |
W4 | weight for lighting quality |
Wi | weight for each IEQ sub-component model |
VOC | volatile organic compounds |
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No | Types of IEQ Assessment | Design Stage of Building | Existing Building Pre-Occupancy | Existing Building Post-Occupancy |
1 | Predicted IEQ: The design values of building technical parameters + theoretical models of indoor comfort | Yes (prediction) | Yes (not recommended) | Yes (not recommended) |
2 | Actual IEQ: The measurement of physical parameters and real satisfaction answers (survey) from occupants | N/A | N/A | Yes (recommended) (very complex, high level of statistic accuracy is required) |
3a | Semi-actual IEQ: The measurement of physical parameters and theoretical models of comfort | N/A | Yes (prediction) (recommended) | Yes (recommended) |
3b | Semi-actual IEQ: The measurement of physical parameters mixed with the design values of building technical parameters and theoretical models of comfort | N/A | Yes (common approach) | Yes (common approach) |
Types of IEQ Category Weighting Scheme | Number of Occupants | Thermal Comfort W1 | Indoor Air Quality W2 | Acoustics W3 | Lighting W4 |
Wong LT [40] | 293 | 0.31 | 0.25 | 0.24 | 0.19 |
ASHRAE. PMP [29] (weighting scheme is adapted to PN-EN 15251) | 52,980 | 0.12 | 0.2 | 0.39 | 0.29 |
Crude weighting scheme [5] | - | 0.25 | 0.25 | 0.25 | 0.25 |
Office Building Number | Façade View | Indoor View | Time after Finishing Works | No of Floors | Net Area [m2] | IAQ Assessed | |
Area [m2] | No of Floors | ||||||
No 1 | | | 2 months | 8 | 20,000 | 13,000 | 5 |
No 2 | | | 3 days and 3 weeks | 49 | 59,000 | 3000 | 2 |
No 3 | | | 2 months | 9 | 27,000 | 19,000 | 5 |
No 4 | | | 2 months | 10 | 34,000 | 9000 | 2 |
Product Group | Requirements [53] | Approved Alternative Systems [34] |
Paints and varnishes | VOC according to ISO 11890-2 * Compliance with EN 13300: 2001 and EU Directive 2004/42 CE2 1 * | Indoor AdvantageTM Gold Building Materials (only for products certified for the European market) * EU Ecolabel for paints and varnishes * NF Environment 130 * Indoor Air Comfort©/Indoor Air Comfort Gold© * |
Wood-based panels | The emission class of formaldehyde E1 or Formaldehyde emission 0.1 mg/m3 **, Compliance with the product standard EN 13986 | GREENGUARD Gold ** Indoor AdvantageTM Gold—Building Materials ** French VOC Regulation—Class A+/Class A/Class B * AgBB ** M1 Emission Classification of Building Materials ** Indoor Air Comfort©/Indoor Air Comfort Gold© ** |
Glued laminated timber | The emission class of formaldehyde E1 or Formaldehyde emission 0.1 mg/m3, Compliance with product standard EN 14080 | GREENGUARD Certified/GREENGUARD Gold - Indoor AdvantageTM Gold—Building Materials - French VOC Regulation—Class A+/Class A/Class B - AgBB - M1 Emission Classification of Building Materials - Indoor Air Comfort© / Indoor Air Comfort Gold© |
Wooden floors | The emission class of formaldehyde E1 or Formaldehyde emission 0.1 mg/m3, Compliance with product standard EN 14342 | - GREENGUARD Certified/GREENGUARD Gold - FloorScore® - French VOC Regulation—Class A+/Class A/Class B - AgBB - M1 Emission Classification of Building Materials - Indoor Air Comfort©/Indoor Air Comfort Gold© EU Ecolabel for wooden floor coverings |
Flexible, textile and laminated floor coverings | The emission class of formaldehyde E1 or Formaldehyde emission 0.1 mg/m3, Compliance with article norm EN 14041 | - GREENGUARD Certified/GREENGUARD Gold - FloorScore® - French VOC Regulation—Class A+/Class A/Class B- AgBB - M1 Emission Classification of Building Materials - Green Label PlusTM - GUT - Indoor Air Comfort©/Indoor Air Comfort Gold© |
Celiling panels | The emission class of formaldehyde E1 or Formaldehyde emission 0.1 mg/m3, Compliance with product standard EN 13964 | - GREENGUARD Certified/GREENGUARD Gold - Indoor AdvantageTM Gold—Building Materials - French VOC Regulation—Class A+/Class A/Class B - AgBB - M1 Emission Classification of Building Materials - Indoor Air Comfort©/Indoor Air Comfort Gold© |
Adhesives for floor materials | No carcinogens or sensitizing compounds according to the Harmonized System (GHS) classification and labeling of chemical substances. Classification C1, C2 and C3 specified in Annex A of EN 13999-1: 2007. Test methods according to EN 13999, sheets, 2, 3, 4 | - AgBB - M1 Emission Classification of Building Materials - EMICODE EC 1PLUS/EMICODE EC 1/EMICODE EC 2 - Indoor Air Comfort©/Indoor Air Comfort Gold© |
Wallpapers | The content of vinyl chloride Formaldehyde emission Migration of heavy metals Marking in accordance with EN 12149. Compliance with product standards EN 233, EN 234, EN 259-1 | N/A |
Parameter | Concentration Allowed [µg/m3] |
Formaldehyde | 100 |
TVOC | 300 |
Sub-Index | Sub-Index PD(SIi) Models | Input Values | Sub-Index (Satisfied) |
TCindex | PMV (Fanger-CBE-ISO 7730) PMV = f(ta, tr, va, pa, M, Icl,dyn) PDTC = f(PMV) | Icl 0.55 clo | 90% ± 3.2% |
ta 24 °C | |||
tr 24.5 °C | |||
va 0.15 m/s | |||
RH 45% | |||
M 1.1 met | |||
IAQindex | PDIAQ(CO2) = 395·exp(−15.15·CCO2−0.25) | 450 ppm | 85.2% ± 0.6% |
PDTVOC = 405·exp(−11.3·CTVOC−0.25) | 787 μg/m3 | 52.0% ± 18.0% | |
ACc index | PDACc = 2·(ActualSound_Pressure_Level [dB(A)] – DesignSound_Pressure_Level [dB(A)]) Actual (background) noise Design sound level | 55 dB(A) 45 dB(A) | 80% ± 6.7% |
Lindex | PDL = −0.0175 + 1.0361/{1 + exp(+4.0835 * (log10(Emin) − 1.8223))} | 450 lux | 98.4% ± 9.0% |
IEQ (CO2) First potential variant with CCO2 as a IAQindex parameter IEQCO2 = 92.2 ± 5.8% | |||
IEQ (TVOC) | Second variant with CTVOC as a IAQindex parameter | IEQTVOC = 80.1 ± 10,7% |
Sub-Index | Sub-Index PD(SIi) Models | Input Values | Sub-Index |
TCindex | PMV (Fanger-CBE) PMV = f(ta, tr, va, pa, M, Icl,dyn) PDTC = f(PMV) | Icl 0.55 clo | 90% ± 3.2% |
ta 24 °C | |||
tr 24.5 °C | |||
va 0.15 m/s | |||
RH 45% | |||
M 1.1 met | |||
IAQindex | PDIAQ(CO2) = 395·exp(−15.15·CCO2–0.25) | 450 ppm | 85.2% ± 0.6% |
PDTVOC = 405·exp(−11.3·CTVOC−0.25) | 234 μg/m3 | 77.4% ± 18.0% | |
ACc ndex | PDACc = 2(ActualSound_Pressure_Level [dB(A)] – DesignSound_Pressure_Level [dB(A)]) Actual (background) noise Design sound level | 55 dB(A) 45 dB(A) | 80% ± 6.7% |
Lindex | PDL = −0.0175 + 1.0361/{1 + exp(+4.0835·(log10(Emin) − 1.8223))} | 450 lux | 98.4% ± 9% |
IEQ (CO2) First variant with CCO2 as a IAQindex parameter IEQCO2 = 92.2 ± 5.8% | |||
IEQ (TVOC) Second variant with CTVOC as a IAQindex parameter IEQTVOC = 86.5 ± 10.7% |
IAQindex (%) | IEQindex (%) | ||||
Building | Space Assessed | Open Space 1 | Open Space 2 | Open Space 1 | Open Space 2 |
No 1 | 1st floor (2 months) | 89.99 | 89.56 | 89.60 | 89.49 |
4th floor (2 months) | 81.64 | 85.83 | 87.51 | 88.56 | |
6th floor (2 months) | 88.64 | 91.74 | 89.26 | 90.04 | |
7th floor (2 months) | 94.34 | 88.94 | 90.69 | 89.34 | |
8th floor (2 months) | 85.29 | 85.74 | 88.42 | 88.54 | |
No 2 | 45th floor (3 weeks) | 86.20 | 76.18 | 88.65 | 86.14 |
46th floor (3 days) | 52.04 | 55.99 | 80.11 | 81.10 | |
46th floor (3 weeks) | 77.47 | 75.85 | 86.47 | 86.06 | |
No 3 | 1st floor | 91.63 | 90.85 | 90.01 | 89.81 |
2nd floor | 83.70 | 81.09 | 88.03 | 87.37 | |
3rd floor | 93.61 | 95.47 | 90.50 | 90.97 | |
6th floor | 93.49 | 92.43 | 90.47 | 90.21 | |
8th floor | 88.84 | 92.43 | 89.31 | 90.21 | |
No 4 | groundfloor | 90.96 | 90.63 | 89.84 | 89.76 |
1st floor | 81.40 | 90.42 | 87.45 | 89.70 |
Classes | TVOC 3 Days TVOCD3 | TVOC after 3 Weeks TVOCW3 | SVOCD3 | Not Yet Assessed Substances CnonLCI |
Class A++ | ≤10 mg/m3 | ≤200 µg/m3 | ≤0.1 mg/m3 | ≤0.1 mg/m3 |
Class A+ | ≤300 µg/m3 | |||
Class A | ≤600 µg/m3 | |||
Class B | >10 mg/m3 | <1000 µg/m3 | >0.1 mg/m3 | >0.1 mg/m3 |
Class C | <1500 µg/m3 | |||
Class D | >2000 µg/m3 |
© 2018 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (
Share and Cite
Piasecki, M.; Kozicki, M.; Firląg, S.; Goljan, A.; Kostyrko, K. The Approach of Including TVOCs Concentration in the Indoor Environmental Quality Model (IEQ)—Case Studies of BREEAM Certified Office Buildings. Sustainability 2018, 10, 3902.
Piasecki M, Kozicki M, Firląg S, Goljan A, Kostyrko K. The Approach of Including TVOCs Concentration in the Indoor Environmental Quality Model (IEQ)—Case Studies of BREEAM Certified Office Buildings. Sustainability. 2018; 10(11):3902.
Chicago/Turabian StylePiasecki, Michał, Mateusz Kozicki, Szymon Firląg, Anna Goljan, and Krystyna Kostyrko. 2018. "The Approach of Including TVOCs Concentration in the Indoor Environmental Quality Model (IEQ)—Case Studies of BREEAM Certified Office Buildings" Sustainability 10, no. 11: 3902.
APA StylePiasecki, M., Kozicki, M., Firląg, S., Goljan, A., & Kostyrko, K. (2018). The Approach of Including TVOCs Concentration in the Indoor Environmental Quality Model (IEQ)—Case Studies of BREEAM Certified Office Buildings. Sustainability, 10(11), 3902.