Chiral-Selective Tamm Plasmon Polaritons
:1. Introduction
2. Description of the Model
3. Results
4. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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26 C | 27 C | 29 C | |
(nm) | 809 | 767 | 709 |
(nm) | 890 | 805 | 665 |
p (nm) | 495.4 | 468.5 | 428.1 |
Q factor | 28.5 | 27.2 | 26.7 |
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Lin, M.-Y.; Xu, W.-H.; Bikbaev, R.G.; Yang, J.-H.; Li, C.-R.; Timofeev, I.V.; Lee, W.; Chen, K.-P. Chiral-Selective Tamm Plasmon Polaritons. Materials 2021, 14, 2788.
Lin M-Y, Xu W-H, Bikbaev RG, Yang J-H, Li C-R, Timofeev IV, Lee W, Chen K-P. Chiral-Selective Tamm Plasmon Polaritons. Materials. 2021; 14(11):2788.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLin, Meng-Ying, Wen-Hui Xu, Rashid G. Bikbaev, Jhen-Hong Yang, Chang-Ruei Li, Ivan V. Timofeev, Wei Lee, and Kuo-Ping Chen. 2021. "Chiral-Selective Tamm Plasmon Polaritons" Materials 14, no. 11: 2788.
APA StyleLin, M.-Y., Xu, W.-H., Bikbaev, R. G., Yang, J.-H., Li, C.-R., Timofeev, I. V., Lee, W., & Chen, K.-P. (2021). Chiral-Selective Tamm Plasmon Polaritons. Materials, 14(11), 2788.