Monoclinic 122-Type BaIr2Ge2 with a Channel Framework: A Structural Connection between Clathrate and Layered Compounds
:1. Introduction
2. Experimental
2.1. Synthesis of Monoclinic BaIr2Ge2
2.2. Phase Identification
2.3. Single Crystal Structure Determination
2.4. Magnetic Property Measurements
2.5. Electronic Structure Calculations
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Phase Identification and Structure Determination of BaIr2Ge2
3.2. Structural Comparison of the Different 122 Phases
3.3. Structural Connections between Clathrate and Layered Compounds
3.4. Magnetic Properties of Monoclinic BaIr2Ge2
3.5. Electronic Structure Calculations
4. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Refined Formula | BaIr2Ge2 |
Formula weight (F.W.) (g/mol) | 666.92 |
Space group; Z | P21/c (No. 14); 4 |
a (Å) | 8.204 (5) |
b (Å) | 6.625 (4) |
c (Å) | 7.959 (5) |
β (°) | 94.27 (1) |
V (Å3) | 431.4 (4) |
Extinction Coefficient | 0.00061 (9) |
θ range (deg) | 2.489–32.085 |
hkl ranges | −12 ≤ h ≤ 12 |
−9 ≤ k ≤ 9 | |
−11 ≤ l ≤ 10 | |
No. reflections; Rint | 9731; 0.0925 |
No. independent reflections | 1483 |
No. parameters | 47 |
R1: ωR2 (all I) | 0.0503; 0.0872 |
Goodness of fit | 0.954 |
Diffraction peak and hole (e−/Å3) | 3.812; −3.705 |
Atom | Wyckoff. | Occ. | x | y | z | Ueq |
Ba1 | 4e | 1 | 0.2318 (1) | 0.8818 (2) | 0.4993 (2) | 0.0116 (3) |
Ir2 | 4e | 1 | 0.6260 (1) | 0.8959 (1) | 0.1069 (1) | 0.0074 (2) |
Ir3 | 4e | 1 | 0.8532 (1) | 0.6648 (1) | 0.3334 (1) | 0.0077 (2) |
Ge4 | 4e | 1 | 0.5560 (2) | 0.8515 (3) | 0.8069 (3) | 0.0088 (4) |
Ge5 | 4e | 1 | 0.9282 (2) | 0.9171 (3) | 0.1356 (3) | 0.0091 (4) |
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Gui, X.; Chang, T.-R.; Kong, T.; Pan, M.T.; Cava, R.J.; Xie, W. Monoclinic 122-Type BaIr2Ge2 with a Channel Framework: A Structural Connection between Clathrate and Layered Compounds. Materials 2017, 10, 818.
Gui X, Chang T-R, Kong T, Pan MT, Cava RJ, Xie W. Monoclinic 122-Type BaIr2Ge2 with a Channel Framework: A Structural Connection between Clathrate and Layered Compounds. Materials. 2017; 10(7):818.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGui, Xin, Tay-Rong Chang, Tai Kong, Max T. Pan, Robert J. Cava, and Weiwei Xie. 2017. "Monoclinic 122-Type BaIr2Ge2 with a Channel Framework: A Structural Connection between Clathrate and Layered Compounds" Materials 10, no. 7: 818.
APA StyleGui, X., Chang, T.-R., Kong, T., Pan, M. T., Cava, R. J., & Xie, W. (2017). Monoclinic 122-Type BaIr2Ge2 with a Channel Framework: A Structural Connection between Clathrate and Layered Compounds. Materials, 10(7), 818.