Factors Influencing the Energy Consumption in a Building: Comparative Study between Two Different Climates
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Theoretical Approach
- The site analysis study, which involves seeking the most economical option over the entire life cycle of the building;
- The architectural model: This phase of the process addresses the architectural aspects, the identification of the key performance parameters which were considered in the energy simulation and the analysis of the barriers for which the simulation is still limited in the traditional design framework, in order to achieve performance;
- The design of the architectural model: This phase consists of identifying the parameters which influence the performance of the building, such as the envelope, lighting, natural ventilation, heating and cooling equipment;
- The development of the energy model, which concerns the definition of the thermal parameters of the building spaces, the setting of temperature and finally the evaluation of the energy performance of the HVAC equipment.
2.1.1. Site Analysis Phase
Site Analysis Phase
- Air temperature and humidity using the psychometric diagram;
- Solar gains and sky clearance levels for a rough estimate of daylight and solar heat gains;
- Wind (speed and direction angles) for a natural ventilation analysis.
The Tools
2.1.2. Form and Orientation Phase
Study Parameters
The Tools
2.1.3. Natural Lighting Phase
2.1.4. Building Envelope Phase
Study Parameters
2.2. Proposed Evaluation Framework
2.2.1. Building Equipment
Internal Loads
- Facilities, lighting and occupancy follow schedules generated by the Create Parametric Schedules command in the OpenStudio software version 3.6.1. For a given number of operating hours per week, the measurement generates internal load schedules typical for an office and university space;
- Equipment, lighting and occupancy programming is carried out for 24 h time slots; they are presented and discussed in the Section 3.
Plug and Process Loads
2.2.2. The Hypotheses
- For all models, the assumption of an unoccupied building (zero internal load) was used to size the HVAC systems, as engineers usually do. In practice, there is always a certain base load due to lighting and equipment. Therefore, sizing HVAC systems with a zero base load is a conservative approach and generally results in some oversizing.
- Dimensioning factors of 1.25 for cooling and 1.15 for heating in OpenStudio were utilized. A factor greater than 1 provides an additional margin of safety for extreme weather conditions and unusually high loads.
- A standard sizing routine for non-matching installations was used for all models. This means that sizing decisions for the sized HVAC systems are based on the total distributed loads of the area, regardless of when they occur. Coincidental design is the maximum sum of all loads at a given time, typically represented in design assuming a diversity factor of ~70% on the sum of non-coincidental loads. Inadequate sizing is another conservative approach that contributes to the oversizing of HVAC equipment. A system sizing analysis is performed by considering idle time, partial load factors and several other validation checks.
- Validation: Checking the pressure losses of the fans, the HVAC systems of the building being equipped with a controller for the activation and deactivation of the system were verified, which made it possible to carry out control tests on the economizers installed in the operation heating and cooling loads, and to check the energy consumption of the heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems as a function of temperature and their influences. Thus, the HVAC energy consumption was estimated as a function of temperature: to ensure that the HVAC systems worked as expected and reacted correctly to the outside temperature of the two climate zones (Figure 9 and Figure 10), the energy consumption HVAC versus outdoor air-dry bulb temperature was tracked for each climate zone and HVAC system type. The results obtained after the simulation were compared with the energy balances of the building over the last three years.
3. Results and Discussion
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Miscellaneous | Energy | Thermal | Lighting | ||||||||||||||
Aspects to Study | Mask Effect of Peripheral Buildings | Psychometric Chart | Sun Position | Wind Speed | Direct and Indirect Solar Radiation | Heating Savings | Cooling Savings | Savings in Artificial Lighting | Overall Energy Consumption | Thermal Conductivity | Heat Phase Shift | Thermal Loads | Thermal Gains by Daylight | Glare Analysis | Daylight Factor/Lighting Autonomy | Illuminance Estimation | Architectural Settings |
Analysis of site | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | ||||||||||||
Shape | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | Volumetry, Geometry | |||||||||
Orientation | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | Optimal orientation | ||||||||
Envelope | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | Thermal conductivity, Thickness, Thermal storage capacity, Fenestration (WWR, U, FS, TL) | |||||||||
Lighting natural | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | √ | WWR, DF optimum, Glare control |
Features | Tool | |
Meteonorm | Ecotect | |
Psychometric chart | √ | √ |
Degrees—heating and cooling days | √ | √ |
Sun position | √ | √ |
Direct solar radiation | √ | √ |
Diffuse solar radiation | √ | √ |
Cloud cover | √ | √ |
Wind (speed and direction) | √ | √ |
Temperature, humidity | √ | √ |
Limitations | Only accepts the file in Energy Plus Weather format | Limited functionality for studying natural ventilation effects |
Study Settings | Tools | |
OpenStudio SketchUp Plug-in | Ecotect | |
Building compactness | 1 | |
Shape | 1 | |
Orientation of facades | √ | √ |
Window/wall ratio | √ | √ |
Energy consumption | 1 | 1 |
Analysis of solar gains | √ | |
Free software | √ | |
Graphic interface | √ | √ |
Import geometry | 2 | √ |
Thermal Resistance (Opaque Walls, Openings) | Limit heat gains or losses due to conduction by providing an envelope with a low conductivity coefficient. Be very attentive to thermal bridges. |
Thermal Mass | Recommend heavy materials, especially for premises with prolonged occupancy presenting significant internal loads and heavily exposed to sunlight. |
Glazing Quality | Evaluate the trade-off in glazing using low-e material with other (reflective) coatings. |
Waterproofing | Limit infiltration and exfiltration as much as possible to ensure continuity of waterproofing |
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© 2024 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Share and Cite
Ali-Tagba, A.-R.; Baneto, M.; Lucache, D.D. Factors Influencing the Energy Consumption in a Building: Comparative Study between Two Different Climates. Energies 2024, 17, 4041. https://doi.org/10.3390/en17164041
Ali-Tagba A-R, Baneto M, Lucache DD. Factors Influencing the Energy Consumption in a Building: Comparative Study between Two Different Climates. Energies. 2024; 17(16):4041. https://doi.org/10.3390/en17164041
Chicago/Turabian StyleAli-Tagba, Abdoul-Razak, Mazabalo Baneto, and Dumitru Dorin Lucache. 2024. "Factors Influencing the Energy Consumption in a Building: Comparative Study between Two Different Climates" Energies 17, no. 16: 4041. https://doi.org/10.3390/en17164041
APA StyleAli-Tagba, A.-R., Baneto, M., & Lucache, D. D. (2024). Factors Influencing the Energy Consumption in a Building: Comparative Study between Two Different Climates. Energies, 17(16), 4041. https://doi.org/10.3390/en17164041