Novel Fuzzy Logic Controls to Enhance Dynamic Frequency Control and Pitch Angle Regulation in Variable-Speed Wind Turbines
:1. Introduction
- By integrating pitch angle control with droop and inertia control loops, VSWTs can implement the required frequency control capability.
- The incorporation of FLC into the pitch angle frequency control loop enhances the performance of frequency regulation by VSWTs, ensuring a consistently smooth and stable operation and reducing stress on the blade during pitch angle operation.
- The proposed simplified FLC within the pitch angle frequency control loop effectively overcomes the complexity of traditional FLC calculations, thereby raising the calculation efficiency.
- Through a comprehensive system simulation that encompassed various wind speed scenarios, this study verified the efficacy of the proposed control strategy.
- This paper demonstrates a comparative analysis with contemporary control methods.
2. DFIG-VSWT Modeling
3. Frequency Regulation by VSWTs
3.1. De-Loading Techniques
3.2. Conventional Inertia and Droop Control Loops
3.3. Adaptive Droop Control
- If Δf is significant and the SKE in the VSWTs is minimal, a moderate droop rate is recommended.
- If Δf is substantial and the SKE is significant, the droop rate is large.
- If Δf is small and the SKE is either substantial or minimal, the droop is set to a small value.
4. The Proposed Method to Improve Frequency Regulation by VSWTs
4.1. Adaptive Fuzzy Inertia and Droop Control Loops
- Membership function of frequency deviation |Δf|: The fuzzy sets are categorized into very small (VS), small (S), medium (M), large (L), and very large (VL). The frequency deviation |Δf| ranges within [0, 1]. For instance, a unique VL is determined if |Δf| exceeds 0.85 Hz.
- Membership function of the ROCOF: The fuzzy sets are categorized as negative large (NL), negative middle (NM), negative small (NS), negative medium (NM), zero (Z), positive small (PS), positive middle (PM), and positive large (PL). The range of the ROCOF is within [−1, 1] Hz/s. The range of the ROCOF between −1 Hz/s and +1 Hz/s prevents an extreme frequency change that could disrupt the system operations.
4.2. Simplified Fuzzy PID Pitch Angle Frequency Control
5. Simulation Results and Discussions
5.1. Constant Wind Speed (Below the Rated Value): Vw = 8.4 m/s
5.2. Constant Wind Speed (Rated Value): Vw = 12 m/s
5.3. Constant Wind Speed (Exceed the Rated Value): Vw = 14 m/s
5.4. Variable Wind Speeds
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Δf | Stage of Frequency Responses | |||||
df/dt | VL | L | M | S | VS | |
NL | VF | VF | VF | F | F | |
NM | VF | VF | VF | F | F | Frequency drop |
NS | VF | VF | MF | F | M | |
Z | VF | MF | F | M | M | Reaching frequency nadir |
PS | MF | MF | F | M | SL | |
PM | MF | F | F | SL | MSL | Frequency recovery |
PL | F | F | M | MSL | VSL |
Δf | Stage of Frequency Responses | |||||
df/dt | VL | L | M | S | VS | |
NL | L | L | L | L | ML | |
NM | L | L | L | ML | M | Frequency drop |
NS | L | L | ML | M | M | |
Z | L | ML | M | M | MS | Reaching frequency nadir |
PS | ML | M | M | MS | MS | |
PM | M | M | M | MS | MS | Frequency recovery |
PL | M | M | MS | MS | S |
d(Δωg)/dt | |||
Δωg | P | ZE | N |
P | NB | NM | NS |
ZE | ZE | ZE | ZE |
N | PS | PM | PB |
Parameter | Meaning | Value and Unit |
Pe,0 | Rated electrical active power | 10 (MW) |
Hwtg | Inertia time constant of VSWT | 5 (s) |
ωr,min/ωr,max | Minimum/maximum rotor speed | 0.698/1.21 (pu) |
KWTG | Penetration percentage level of DFIG-VSWTs | 40% |
βmax/βmin | Maximum and minimum pitch angle | 45/0 (deg) |
KPb/KIb/KDb | PID controller coefficient of pitch angle controller | 500/0/0 |
Ts | Servo motor time constant of pitch compensator | 0.3 × 10−3 (s) |
KInertia-min/KInertia-max | Minimum/maximum inertia gain of DFIG-VSWT | 5/10 (s) |
KDroop-min/KDroop-max | Minimum/maximum droop gain of DFIG-VSWT | 0/60 |
Tl | Low-pass filter time constant | 0.1 (s) |
Th | High-pass filter time constant | 0.1 (s) |
Parameter | Meaning | Value and Unit |
Prated | Rated electrical active power | 15 (MW) |
Heq | Equivalent inertia constant of the system | 5 (s) |
D | Damping factor | 1 |
Km | Mechanical power gain factor | 5 |
FH | Fraction of total power generated by high-pressure turbine | 0.4 |
TR | Reheat time constant | 0.8 (s) |
TCH | Steam chest delay time constant | 0.4 (s) |
Rgov, eq | Equivalent droop gain of the governor | 0.05 |
KPlant | Power share level of traditional synchronous generators | 60% |
Simulation Scenarios | |
1 | Constant below-rated wind speed: Vw = 8.4 m/s |
2 | Constant rated wind speed: Vw = 12 m/s |
3 | Constant high wind speed: Vw = 14 m/s |
4 | Variable random wind speed |
Frequency Nadir (Hz) | Maximum Supplementary Power of VSWTs for Frequency Regulation (pu) | Minimum Rotor Speed Drop (pu) | |
Without control | 59.177 | ||
Conventional inertia and droop control loops | 59.217 | 0.074 | 0.810 |
Adaptive droop control | 59.252 | 0.092 | 0.807 |
Fuzzy adaptive droop control | 59.266 | 0.096 | 0.805 |
Pitch angle frequency control | 59.251 | 0.093 | 0.806 |
Proposed method | 59.295 | 0.112 | 0.799 |
Frequency Nadir (Hz) | Maximum Supplementary Power of VSWTs for Frequency Regulation (pu) | Minimum Rotor Speed Drop (pu) | |
Without control | 59.177 | ||
Conventional inertia and droop control loops | 59.221 | 0.086 | 1.162 |
Adaptive droop control | 59.241 | 0.103 | 1.161 |
Fuzzy adaptive droop control | 59.271 | 0.121 | 1.157 |
Pitch angle frequency control | 59.243 | 0.107 | 1.160 |
Proposed method | 59.313 | 0.148 | 1.154 |
Frequency Nadir (Hz) | Maximum Supplementary Power of VSWTs for Frequency Regulation (pu) | Minimum Rotor Speed Drop (pu) | |
Without control | 59.177 | ||
Conventional inertia and droop control loops | 59.212 | 0.073 | 1.2107 |
Adaptive droop control | 59.226 | 0.093 | 1.2106 |
Fuzzy adaptive droop control | 59.268 | 0.098 | 1.2105 |
Pitch angle frequency control | 59.230 | 0.097 | 1.2106 |
Proposed method | 59.290 | 0.101 | 1.2104 |
Frequency Nadir (Hz) | |
Without control | 59.125 |
Conventional inertia and droop control loops | 59.224 |
Adaptive droop control | 59.234 |
Fuzzy adaptive droop control | 59.273 |
Pitch angle frequency control | 59.262 |
Proposed method | 59.3 |
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Phung, B.N.; Wu, Y.-K.; Pham, M.-H. Novel Fuzzy Logic Controls to Enhance Dynamic Frequency Control and Pitch Angle Regulation in Variable-Speed Wind Turbines. Energies 2024, 17, 2617.
Phung BN, Wu Y-K, Pham M-H. Novel Fuzzy Logic Controls to Enhance Dynamic Frequency Control and Pitch Angle Regulation in Variable-Speed Wind Turbines. Energies. 2024; 17(11):2617.
Chicago/Turabian StylePhung, Baolong Nguyen, Yuan-Kang Wu, and Manh-Hai Pham. 2024. "Novel Fuzzy Logic Controls to Enhance Dynamic Frequency Control and Pitch Angle Regulation in Variable-Speed Wind Turbines" Energies 17, no. 11: 2617.
APA StylePhung, B. N., Wu, Y.-K., & Pham, M.-H. (2024). Novel Fuzzy Logic Controls to Enhance Dynamic Frequency Control and Pitch Angle Regulation in Variable-Speed Wind Turbines. Energies, 17(11), 2617.