Development of a Novel Control Scheme to Achieve the Minimum Unbalance Factor and Real Power Fluctuations under Asymmetrical Faults
:1. Introduction
- Motivation and Incitement.
- Literature Review.
- Major Contributions and Manuscript Structure.
1.1. Motivation and Incitement
1.2. Literature Review
1.3. Major Contributions and Manuscript Structure
- Estimation of optimal angle injection (associated with the current distribution among its components) for the negative sequence current to achieve the minimum possible UF.
- Calculation of kn to achieve the minimum real power fluctuations for a particular distribution of negative sequence current phasor.
- Ensuring the current limit of the converter while achieving minimum UF and real power fluctuations.
- Comparison with the recommendations of recent grid codes (VDEAR-N-4110).
2. Layout of Test Setup
3. Control Scheme
3.1. Sequence Extractor
3.2. Current Limiter
3.3. Reference Current Generator
3.3.1. Optimal Angle Estimation
- If the type of fault is the same, then the optimum angle for the minimum UF is also the same, but the corresponding angle between the voltage phasors of sequence components can be different.
- Moreover, keeping the same test conditions, the type of fault changes the optimum angle for the negative sequence current injection.
- When the fault is highly inductive, then the optimum angle is close to the grid code recommendations, but this is a rare case.
- In all the scenarios, the angle between voltage sequence phasors, corresponding to the optimal angle injection for the negative sequence current, is in good agreement with its initial value (columns 3 and 6).
3.3.2. k-Factors Calculations
4. Results and Discussions
4.1. Numerical Example
4.1.1. GCR Scheme
|i*p| ≈ 1.592; |i*n| ≈ 0.827
|i**n| = Minimum (imax, |i*n|) ≈ 0.827
|i**qn| ≈ 0.827; |i**dn| ≈ 0
x ≈ 0.234; |i**qp| ≈ 0.159; |i**dp| ≈ 0.337
|i**p| ≈ 0.373
|i**p| + |i**n| ≈ 1.2
4.1.2. MRPF Scheme
kn ≈ 1.037; |i*n| ≈ 0.479; |i*qn| ≈ 0.479; |i*dn| ≈ 0
|i**n| = Minimum (imax, |i*n|) ≈ 0.479
|i**qn| ≈ 0.479; |i**dn| ≈ 0
x ≈ 1.182; |i**qp| ≈ 0.721; |i**dp| ≈ 0
|i**p| ≈ 0.721
|i**p| + |i**n| ≈ 1.2
4.1.3. OAI Scheme
|i*n| ≈ 0.827; |i*qn| ≈ 0.622; |i*dn| ≈ 0.545
|i**n| = Minimum (imax, |i*n|) ≈ 0.827
|i**qn| ≈ 0.622; |i**dn| ≈ 0.545
x ≈ 0.246; |i**qp| ≈ 0.154; |i**dp| ≈ 0.34
|i**p| ≈ 0.373
|i**p| + |i**n| ≈ 1.2
4.1.4. OAI&MRPF Scheme
kn ≈ 1.019; |i*n| ≈ 0.473; |i*qn| ≈ 0.294; |i*dn| ≈ 0.371
|i**n| = Minimum (imax, |i*n|) ≈ 0.473
|i**qn| ≈ 0.294; |i**dn| ≈ 0.371
x ≈ 0.789; |i**qp| ≈ 0.451; |i**dp| ≈ 0.57
|i**p| ≈ 0.727
|i**p| + |i**n| ≈ 1.2
4.2. Simulation Results
4.2.1. Single Line to Ground Fault
4.2.2. Line-to-Line Fault
4.2.3. Double Line to Ground Fault
5. Conclusions
- The angle between the positive and negative sequence voltage phasors is used for the estimation of the optimal angle for the negative sequence current injection. The angle between the positive and negative sequence voltage phasors is dependent on the sequence extraction scheme and may cause inaccuracy due to the extraction scheme.
- Similarly, if the fault type changes during a fault, it can cause the wrong angle estimation for the negative sequence current injection.
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Symbol | Description |
vdc | DC link voltage |
vg | Grid’s voltage phasor |
Lg | Grid’s inductance |
Rg | Grid’s resistance |
Cf | Filter’s capacitance |
Lf | Filter’s inductance |
kp,n | k-factor for the positive and negative sequence currents |
imax | Maximum converter’s current |
p* | Reference real power |
q* | Reference reactive power |
vpoc | Three-phase voltage at point of connection (POC) |
vαβ | Measured voltage components in stationary reference frame |
vαβ,p | Positive sequence voltage components in stationary reference frame |
ωp | Angular frequency for the positive sequence voltage |
vdq,p | Positive sequence voltage components in rotating reference frame |
vαβ,n | Negative sequence voltage components in stationary reference frame |
|vp| | Positive sequence voltage phasor’s magnitude |
|vn| | Negative sequence voltage phasor’s magnitude |
φp,n | Initial angle of the corresponding voltage phasors |
∡vp,n | Angle between positive and negative sequence voltage phasors |
iabc | Converter’s line currents |
iαβ | Measured current components in stationary reference frame |
|∆iqp| | Change in magnitude of reactive current injection for positive sequence |
|∆iqn| | Change in magnitude of reactive current injection for negative sequence |
i*dq,p | Positive sequence reference current components in rotating reference frame |
|i*p| | Magnitude of the reference positive sequence current phasor |
i*αβ,n | Negative sequence reference current components in stationary reference frame |
i*dq,n | Negative sequence reference current components in rotating reference frame |
|i*n| | Magnitude of the reference negative sequence current phasor |
θp,n | Initial angle of the corresponding current phasors |
x | Positive sequence current multiplier to ensure current limit |
i**dq,p | Reference positive sequence current components in rotating reference frame after applying current limit |
|i**p| | Magnitude of the reference positive sequence current phasor after applying current limit |
i**dq,n | Reference negative sequence current components in rotating reference frame after applying current limit |
|i**n| | Magnitude of the reference negative sequence current phasor after applying current limit |
i**αβ | Reference current components in stationary reference frame after current limiter |
v*αβ | Reference voltage components in stationary reference frame |
v*abc | Converter’s reference phase voltage |
ꞷo | Fundamental angular frequency for second-order generalized integrator |
X/R | Reactance to resistance ratio |
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Grid’s Parameters | |||||||
Voltage (L-L) | Frequency | Short Circuit Power | X/R | ||||
20 kV | 50 Hz | 100 MVA | 10 | ||||
Filter’s Parameters | |||||||
Inductance (Lf) | Capacitance (Cf) | ||||||
4.2 µH | 17.9 mF | ||||||
Transformer’s Parameters | |||||||
Type | Rated Frequency | Voltage | Rated Power | Reactance | Resistance | ||
Dy11 | 50 Hz | 20 k/400 V | 25 MVA | 0.015 p.u | 1.2 × 10−3 p.u | ||
Converter’s Parameters | |||||||
Rated Voltage (L-L) | DC link voltage (vdc) | Rated Power | |||||
400 V | 800 V | 12 MVA |
(X/R)f | Fault Type | (∡vp,n)pre | UFmin | θn | (∡vp,n)min |
(Deg) | (%) | (Deg) | (Deg) | ||
0 (pure resistive) | AB | 78.1 | 60.3 | 135 | 76.8 |
BC | −41.3 | −43.2 | |||
CA | −161.5 | −163.2 | |||
ABG | 70 | 48.6 | 135 | 66.71 | |
BCG | −50.7 | −53.3 | |||
CAG | −176.3 | −173.3 | |||
AG | 143.6 | 33.6 | 110 | 144 | |
BG | 22.53 | 24 | |||
CG | −96.4 | −96 | |||
1 | AB | 98.3 | 49.2 | 115 | 99 |
BC | −19 | −21 | |||
CA | −141.3 | −141 | |||
ABG | 95.5 | 39.8 | 115 | 94.9 | |
BCG | −22.4 | −25.1 | |||
CAG | −145.4 | −145.1 | |||
AG | 159.6 | 26.8 | 100 | 161.5 | |
BG | 39.6 | 41.5 | |||
CG | −79.8 | −78.5 | |||
5 | AB | 113.7 | 46.7 | 95 | 115.1 |
BC | −6.6 | −4.9 | |||
CA | −126.3 | −124.9 | |||
ABG | 113.8 | 37.8 | 95 | 114.6 | |
BCG | −7.4 | −5.4 | |||
CAG | −127 | −125.4 | |||
AG | 173.4 | 25.3 | 95 | 175.7 | |
BG | 53.6 | 55.7 | |||
CG | −66.5 | −64.3 | |||
pure inductive | AB | 119.2 | 46.8 | 90 | 120.8 |
BC | −1.5 | 0.8 | |||
CA | −120.9 | −119.2 | |||
ABG | 120.1 | 37.9 | 90 | 121.4 | |
BCG | −1.1 | 1.4 | |||
CAG | −120.8 | −118.6 | |||
AG | 178 | 25.4 | 90 | 180 | |
BG | 58.4 | 60 | |||
CG | −62 | −60 |
Fault Type | Parameter | GCR ≈ | MRPF ≈ | OAI ≈ | OAI&MRPF ≈ | UF Reduction with OAI (%) | Real Power Fluctuation Reduction with OAI, MRPF and OAI&MRPF (%) |
SLG | Voltage unbalance factor (%) | 34 | 36.58 | 33.61 | 37 | 1.15 | [14.32, 97.3, 97.7] |
Real power fluctuation amplitude | 0.782 | 0.021 | 0.67 | 0.0182 | |||
Peak current in faulty phase(s) (p.u) | 1.15 | 1.15 | 1.19 | 1.17 | |||
Positive sequence current magnitude | 0.661 | 0.879 | 0.662 | 0.876 | |||
Negative sequence current magnitude | 0.539 | 0.321 | 0.538 | 0.324 | |||
Numeric sum of pos. and neg. seq. currents | 1.2 | 1.2 | 1.2 | 1.2 | |||
L-L | Voltage unbalance factor (%) | 62.73 | 66.51 | 60.28 | 65.01 | 3.9 | [12.03, 97.5, 97.9] |
Real power fluctuation amplitude | 0.945 | 0.024 | 0.8313 | 0.02 | |||
Peak current in faulty phase(s) (p.u) | 1.11 | 1.19 | 1.142 | 1.185 | |||
Positive sequence current magnitude | 0.372 | 0.721 | 0.372 | 0.727 | |||
Negative sequence current magnitude | 0.828 | 0.479 | 0.828 | 0.473 | |||
Numeric sum of pos. and neg. seq. currents | 1.2 | 1.2 | 1.2 | 1.2 | |||
DLG | Voltage unbalance factor (%) | 50.26 | 52.14 | 48.56 | 50.91 | 3.4 | [34.2, 96.8, 97] |
Real power fluctuation amplitude | 0.543 | 0.0176 | 0.341 | 0.0164 | |||
Peak current in faulty phase(s) (p.u) | 1.06 | 1.2 | 1.19 | 1.2 | |||
Positive sequence current magnitude | 0.613 | 0.789 | 0.617 | 0.795 | |||
Negative sequence current magnitude | 0.587 | 0.411 | 0.583 | 0.405 | |||
Numeric sum of pos. and neg. seq. currents | 1.2 | 1.2 | 1.2 | 1.2 |
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Abubakar, M.; Renner, H.; Schürhuber, R. Development of a Novel Control Scheme to Achieve the Minimum Unbalance Factor and Real Power Fluctuations under Asymmetrical Faults. Energies 2023, 16, 7511.
Abubakar M, Renner H, Schürhuber R. Development of a Novel Control Scheme to Achieve the Minimum Unbalance Factor and Real Power Fluctuations under Asymmetrical Faults. Energies. 2023; 16(22):7511.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAbubakar, Muhammad, Herwig Renner, and Robert Schürhuber. 2023. "Development of a Novel Control Scheme to Achieve the Minimum Unbalance Factor and Real Power Fluctuations under Asymmetrical Faults" Energies 16, no. 22: 7511.
APA StyleAbubakar, M., Renner, H., & Schürhuber, R. (2023). Development of a Novel Control Scheme to Achieve the Minimum Unbalance Factor and Real Power Fluctuations under Asymmetrical Faults. Energies, 16(22), 7511.