Dimensioning Methodology of an Energy Storage System Based on Supercapacitors for Grid Code Compliance of a Wave Power Plant
:1. Introduction
2. Wave Power Generation Plant
3. Description of an Energy Storage System Based on SCs
- V: Voltage measured in the terminals of the SC (V);
- C (V): Capacitance as a function of the voltage (F).
- UMAX: Maximum operating voltage measured on the SC (V);
- UMIN: Minimum operating voltage measured on the SC (V);
- C: Average value of SC capacitance (F).
3.1. Description of the Real SCESS Module on Which this Study Is Based
3.2. Operation Limits and Calculation of Power Losses and Performance of the SCESS
- USUPERCAP_max: 2.65 V;
- USUPERCAP_max: 0.6·UMAX;
- ISUPERCAP_max: 200 A.
3.2.1. Power Losses in the Equivalent Series Resistance (ESR)
- PESR(t): Instantaneous power losses;
- USC(t): SC voltage;
- iSC(t): Instantaneous current through the SCs.
- ISC(i): Harmonic component of the current;
- w: Angular frequency.
- UESR (i): Voltage across ESR
- ESR (iw): ESR value for each frequency
- IRMS: r.m.s value of the current;
- ESR (eq): Total ESR.
- USC: SC voltage;
- Irms: r.m.s value of the current through the SC.
3.2.2. Voltage Balancing System Power Losses
- : Voltage balancing system power losses;
- : Power dissipation resistance;
- : Current dissipation as a function of the measured voltage.
3.2.3. Cooling System and Electrical Connection Plates Power Losses
- : Resistance of connection bars;
- : Aluminum resistivity;
- : Connection plate length;
- : Connection plate section.
- : Current through the SCs;
- : Number of SCs connected in series.
3.2.4. Power Converter and Total Losses
- : Voltage of the SCs system;
- : Current through the SCs;
- : Power converter losses.
4. Description and Results Obtained from the Simulation Model Developed
4.1. Scheme of the Model Elaborated in SIMULINK‒MATLAB and Its Input Parameters
4.2. Results Obtained in the Simulation Model
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Parameter | Meaning | Value |
% ramp-up | Maximum ramp-up (%/min) | 10 |
UMAX | Maximum voltage per cell in the SC cabinets | 2.65 V |
UMIN | Minimum voltage per cell in the SC cabinets | 1.59 V |
SoC_INITIAL | Initial State of charge of the SC cabinets | 60% |
Energy_USABLE | Usable energy respect to the total energy of each SC cabinet | 0.5 kWh |
PESS_MAX | Maximum Power provided by one SCESS module | 125 kW |
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Share and Cite
Navarro, G.; Blanco, M.; Torres, J.; Nájera, J.; Santiago, Á.; Santos-Herran, M.; Ramírez, D.; Lafoz, M. Dimensioning Methodology of an Energy Storage System Based on Supercapacitors for Grid Code Compliance of a Wave Power Plant. Energies 2021, 14, 985. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14040985
Navarro G, Blanco M, Torres J, Nájera J, Santiago Á, Santos-Herran M, Ramírez D, Lafoz M. Dimensioning Methodology of an Energy Storage System Based on Supercapacitors for Grid Code Compliance of a Wave Power Plant. Energies. 2021; 14(4):985. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14040985
Chicago/Turabian StyleNavarro, Gustavo, Marcos Blanco, Jorge Torres, Jorge Nájera, Álvaro Santiago, Miguel Santos-Herran, Dionisio Ramírez, and Marcos Lafoz. 2021. "Dimensioning Methodology of an Energy Storage System Based on Supercapacitors for Grid Code Compliance of a Wave Power Plant" Energies 14, no. 4: 985. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14040985
APA StyleNavarro, G., Blanco, M., Torres, J., Nájera, J., Santiago, Á., Santos-Herran, M., Ramírez, D., & Lafoz, M. (2021). Dimensioning Methodology of an Energy Storage System Based on Supercapacitors for Grid Code Compliance of a Wave Power Plant. Energies, 14(4), 985. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14040985