A Review on Management of End of Life Tires (ELTs) and Alternative Uses of Textile Fibers
:1. Introduction
2. Composition of ELTs
2.1. Rubber, Steel Wire and Textile Fibers
Chemical Characterization of Textile Fibers
3. Management of ELTs
3.1. Energy Generation
3.1.1. Combustion
3.1.2. Pyrolysis
3.1.3. Gasification
3.2. Material Recycling
Civil Engineering Uses
4. Alternative Uses and Opportunities for the Use of Textile Fibers
4.1. Sound Absorbing Materials
4.2. Bituminous Conglomerates
4.3. Concrete Production
4.4. Plastic Materials
4.5. Soil Reinforcement
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Year | Title—Reference | Content |
1975 | Council Directive 75/442/EEC (modified by Directive 2008/98/EC) [11] | ELTs characterized as non-hazardous wastes |
1993 | Council Regulation (EEC) No 259/93 [12] | Shipments of wastes—Supervision & Control (code: 4012 20 Used pneumatic tires) |
1999 | Council Directive 1999/31/EC [13] | Prohibition of tires disposed in landfills (whole tires 2003-shredded tires 2006) |
2000 | Commission Decision 2000/532/EC [14] | End-of-life vehicles are coded as “16 01 03” |
2000 | Directive 2000/76/EC [15] | Specific emission standards for the cement industry with effect from 2002. |
2000 | Directive 2000/53/EC [7] | Recovery of 85% of vehicles to be disposed off, with effect from 2006, with compulsory removal of tires from the vehicle |
2001 | Commission Decision 2001/118/EC [16] | ELTS classification code 16.01.03, (from 1 January 2002) |
2005 | COM (2005) 666 [17] | Features the need for additional actions in order to determine the optimal environmental options and targets for wastes. Includes the principle of producer responsibility |
2008 | Directive 2008/98/EC [9] | Basic principles of waste management (“the polluter pays” & “waste management hierarchy”). Introduces the waste end principle. |
2009 | Directive 2009/28/EC [10] | Mandating the levels of renewable energy use within the European Union from 2009 to 2021 |
2010 | CEN TS 14,243 “Materials produced from end of life tires—Specification of categories based on their dimension(s) and impurities, and methods for determining their dimension(s) and impurities” [18] | Characterization of the materials resulting from ELTs in terms of dimensions and impurities including sampling and testing methods. |
2018 | Directive EU 2018/851 [19] | Amendments to Directive 2008/98/EC on waste (incl. legislation for treatment of waste) |
Composition | Passenger Cars | Trucks |
Rubber | 47% | 45% |
Carbon Black | 21.5% | 22% |
Steel | 16.5% | 25% |
Fiber | 5.5% | 0% |
Zinc Oxide | 1% | 2% |
Additives | 7.5% | 5% |
Distribution | Total Quantity | Rubber | Textile Fiber |
1000 μm | 76.4–91% | 0.5–11.8% | 64.6–92.6% |
1000–800 μm | 0.3–6.3% | 0.3–6.3% | >0.1% |
800–500 μm | 0.7–7.9% | 0.7–7.9% | - |
500–250 μm | 0.6–5.8% | 0.6–5.7% | >0.3% |
<250 μm | 1.9–5.6% | 1.5–5.2% | >0.4% |
Total | 7–35.2% | 64.7–93% |
Moisture (wt.%, a.r) (CEN/TS 15414-1) | Proximate Analysis (w.t%, db) (EN 15414-3, 15402 & 15403) | Ultimate Analysis (wt.% db) (EN 15407, 15408 & ASTM D 516) | NCV, d.b. (MJ/kg) (EN 15400) | GCV, d.b. (MJ/kg) (EN 15400) | ||||||
Volatiles | Ash | C | H | N | S | Cl | O * | |||
1.3 | 72.3 | 7.1 | 79.34 | 7.75 | 0.64 | 1.12 | 0.11 | 11.04 | 31.75 | 33.39 |
Concentrations (ppm, d.b. ash) (EN 15410 & 15411) | ||||||||||||
Cd | Cr | Cu | Mn | Ni | Pb | Zn | Co | |||||
3.62 | 37.44 | 4251.06 | 315.2 | 7.08 | 267.34 | 192,732.72 | 1851.24 | |||||
Al | Ca | Fe | K | Mg | Na | Si | ||||||
6821.1 | 51,245.91 | 45,707.05 | 8747.28 | 9450.78 | 6365.88 | 79,624.45 |
Ash Melting Behavior (CEN/TR 15404) | ||||
Initial Temperature | Shrinkage (ST) | Deformation (DT) | Hemisphere (HT) | Flow (FT) |
400 °C | 732 °C | 1060 °C | 1151 °C | 1164 °C |
| | | | |
Application | Source | ||||
Whole Car Tire | Whole Truck Tire | Mixed Whole Tires | Truck Tire Tread | All Types | |
Artificial Reefs | x | ||||
Bridge Abutments | x | x | |||
Concrete Construction Additives | x | ||||
Construction Bales | x | x | |||
Culvert Drainage Beds | x | x | |||
Embankments | x | x | x | ||
Insulation | x | x | |||
Landfill Drainage Layer | x | x | |||
Slope Stabilization | x | x | |||
Temporary Roads | x | x | |||
Thermal Insulation | x | x | x | ||
Collision Barriers | x | ||||
Lightweight Fill | x | x | x | ||
Noise Barriers | x | x | x | ||
Equestrian Tracks | x | x | x | ||
Soccer/Hockey Pitches | x | x | |||
Indoor Safety Flooring | x | x | |||
Playground Surfaces | x | x | |||
Asphalt Additives | x | ||||
Asphalt Rubber | x | x | |||
Coatings | x | x | |||
Expansion Joints | x | x | |||
Road Furniture | x | ||||
Sealants | x | ||||
Surfacing | x | x | x | ||
Train & Tram Rail Beds | x | x | |||
Wearing Course | x | x |
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Share and Cite
Grammelis, P.; Margaritis, N.; Dallas, P.; Rakopoulos, D.; Mavrias, G. A Review on Management of End of Life Tires (ELTs) and Alternative Uses of Textile Fibers. Energies 2021, 14, 571. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14030571
Grammelis P, Margaritis N, Dallas P, Rakopoulos D, Mavrias G. A Review on Management of End of Life Tires (ELTs) and Alternative Uses of Textile Fibers. Energies. 2021; 14(3):571. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14030571
Chicago/Turabian StyleGrammelis, Panagiotis, Nikolaos Margaritis, Petros Dallas, Dimitrios Rakopoulos, and Georgios Mavrias. 2021. "A Review on Management of End of Life Tires (ELTs) and Alternative Uses of Textile Fibers" Energies 14, no. 3: 571. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14030571
APA StyleGrammelis, P., Margaritis, N., Dallas, P., Rakopoulos, D., & Mavrias, G. (2021). A Review on Management of End of Life Tires (ELTs) and Alternative Uses of Textile Fibers. Energies, 14(3), 571. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14030571