A Minimal System Cost Minimization Model for Variable Renewable Energy Integration: Application to France and Comparison to Mean-Variance Analysis
:1. Introduction
2. Optimal Long-Term Investment Problem
2.1. Problem Definition
2.1.1. Defining the System Total Cost
Conventional Mix
Introducing VRE
2.1.2. System Total Cost Minimization Problem
2.2. Optimal System Marginal Cost and Profits
- either the VRE producer i have a negative potential profit and no capacity is installed, , or
- the VRE producer i makes a non-negative profit and capacity is installed, . In this case,
- –
- either its profit is zero and its capacity is not capped, (the bounds may be reached but the corresponding constraints are inactive), or
- –
- i’s profit is positive (economic rent) and its capacity is maximal, .
2.3. Two Reduced Models Ignoring VRE Variability
2.3.1. Decoupled Problem
2.3.2. Constant Problem: Coupling without Variability
2.4. VRE Value and Adequacy Cost
2.4.1. System Total Value of VRE
2.4.2. System Marginal Value of VRE
2.5. With Quadratic Dispatch Costs
3. The Case of France
3.1. Domain
3.2. Load and CF Time Series
3.3. Rental Costs
3.4. Levelized Costs of Electricity
3.5. Maximum Dispatchable and VRE Capacities
3.6. Solver
4. Results
4.1. Variable-Problem Behavior
4.1.1. Average Penetration
4.1.2. System Costs and Wholesale Price Effect
4.1.3. Curtailment
4.1.4. VRE Regional Capacities and Profits
4.1.5. Economic Rent at High Penetrations
4.2. Optimizing Ignoring the Wholesale Price Effect and Variability
4.3. System Value of VRE and Adequacy Cost
5. Comparison with Mean-Variance Analyses
5.1. Cost Minimization without Curtailment
5.2. Differences in Formulation with Some Mean-Variance Applications to VRE Systems
- No curtailment of the residual load is performed in the mean-variance case.
- VRE rental costs are not included in the objective functions, but the (fractional) total capacity or rental cost is instead constrained. Apart from Beltran [19], who use generation costs in the mean and variance terms, and Bouramdane et al. [24], who use a total rental cost constraint, no economic costs appear in most mean-variance problems.
- As opposed to the mean-variance problems listed here, the mean of the residual load is squared in the cost minimization problem (Equation (25)).
- In the mean-variance problems, a coefficient weighs the objective for the variance with respect to the objective for the mean. In the cost minimization problem, instead weighs the mean of the squared residual (mean squared plus variance) with respect to the VRE rental cost.
5.3. A Formulation of Mean-Variance Analysis Akin to Cost Minimization
6. Summary and Discussion
- considers both the problem of long-term investment in VRE capacities and the optimal schedule of the dispatchable generation to satisfy an increasingly variable net load;
- minimizes the STC in order to include adequacy costs and estimate the system value of VRE; and
- avoids modeling the full system of dispatchable units by treating them as a fully-dispatchable aggregate.
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Sample space | |
Set of hours in a year | |
Noise outcome | |
i | VRE producer index |
q | Energy generated or load |
t | Time index |
Number of hours in a year | |
m | Number of VRE producers |
Total dispatchable generation capacity | |
Vector of VRE capacities | |
Capacity of VRE producer i | |
Maximum capacity that VRE producer i can install | |
Vector of VRE capacity factors at time t | |
Constant aggregate dispatchable generation in the decoupled and constant problems | |
Aggregate dispatchable generation at time t | |
Load at time t | |
Aggregate VRE generation at time t | |
Constant version of SMC | |
Decoupled version of SMC | |
Variable version of SMC at time t | |
Capacity factor of VRE producer i at time t | |
Aggregate dispatch fixed cost | |
Maximum total VRE cost in mean-variance problem | |
Vector of VRE hourly rental costs | |
Hourly rental cost of VRE producer i | |
LCoE of VRE producer i | |
LCoE of VRE mix | |
Average optimal SMC without VRE | |
Aggregate dispatch variable cost | |
Mean penetration of VRE mix | |
Value factor of VRE producer i | |
Value factor of VRE mix | |
Potential profit per unit of energy of VRE producer i | |
System marginal value of VRE mix | |
System total cost | |
System total value of VRE mix | |
Aggregate dispatch total cost | |
Total cost of VRE producer i | |
Aggregate total cost of VRE mix | |
Aggregate dispatch variable cost | |
Marginal rent of VRE mix | |
Weight of residual-load variance in mean-variance problem | |
Dispatch variable-cost coefficient in quadratic dispatch variable costs | |
KKT multipler for the VRE rental-cost constraint in mean-variance problem | |
Exponent of average residual load in mean-variance problem |
Appendix A. Mathematical Framework
Appendix A.1. Stochastic Processes
Appendix A.2. Cyclostationary
Appendix A.3. Convergence of Sample Means of Yearly Averages
Appendix A.4. One-Cycle Distribution Function and Load Duration Curve
Appendix A.5. Validity of the Mathematical Assumptions
Appendix B. Proof of Theorem 1
- For , it is necessary and sufficient that
- For , it is necessary and sufficient that
- Positive profit :
- Negative profit :
- Zero profit :
Appendix C. Robustness to Sampling of French-Case Results
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Units | Onshore Wind | Photovoltaic | |
Overnight Cost | €/kWe | 1.13 × 103 | 423 |
Lifetime | y | 25 | 25 |
Annuity | €/kWe/y | 81.2 | 30.7 |
Fixed O&M Cost | €/kWe/y | 34.5 | 9.20 |
Yearly Rental Cost | €/kWe/y | 116 | 39.9 |
Reference | State | Mean of | Variance of | Total Constraint |
Markowitz [17] | Relative amount invested | Return | Return | 100% invested |
Beltran [19] | Capacity fraction | Generation cost | Generation cost | 100% installed |
Thomaidis et al. [21] | Capacity fraction | Generation | Generation | 100% installed |
Santos-Alamillos et al. [22] | Capacity fraction | Generation | Generation | 100% installed + bounds on capacity |
Tantet et al. [23] | Capacity | Generation/load | Generation/load | Total capacity |
Bouramdane et al. [24] | Capacity | Generation/load | Generation/load | VRE fixed cost |
This study | Capacity | Squared mean net-load | Net load | VRE fixed cost |
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Share and Cite
Tantet, A.; Drobinski, P. A Minimal System Cost Minimization Model for Variable Renewable Energy Integration: Application to France and Comparison to Mean-Variance Analysis. Energies 2021, 14, 5143. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14165143
Tantet A, Drobinski P. A Minimal System Cost Minimization Model for Variable Renewable Energy Integration: Application to France and Comparison to Mean-Variance Analysis. Energies. 2021; 14(16):5143. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14165143
Chicago/Turabian StyleTantet, Alexis, and Philippe Drobinski. 2021. "A Minimal System Cost Minimization Model for Variable Renewable Energy Integration: Application to France and Comparison to Mean-Variance Analysis" Energies 14, no. 16: 5143. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14165143
APA StyleTantet, A., & Drobinski, P. (2021). A Minimal System Cost Minimization Model for Variable Renewable Energy Integration: Application to France and Comparison to Mean-Variance Analysis. Energies, 14(16), 5143. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14165143