Technology and Instrument Constituencies as Agents of Innovation: Sustainability Transitions and the Governance of Urban Transport
:1. Introduction
2. The Socio-Technical System in Urban Transport
- Public transport innovations: these include initiatives such as Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) systems, which provide affordable and reliable urban transport service with relatively short implementation time and low capital cost [54], and the introduction of green propulsion technologies in buses.
- Intermodal travel: innovations in intermodal travel include schemes and policies aimed at integrating different systems of transport for the same trip [55], such as park and ride facilities, bike sharing schemes, intermodal ticketing, and smart cards.
- Cultural and socio-spatial innovation: this includes initiatives that challenge the automobility paradigm more fundamentally, such as compact cities, transit-oriented development, bike and car sharing
- Information and communication technologies: this category includes Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) that integrate smart devices in the transportation network to enable real time management of traffic as well as practices such as tele-working, tele-shopping, tele-conferencing.
- Demand management: initiatives in this category aim to reduce car use through changes in mobility demand and practices, such as public transport information and marketing and urban cycling initiatives.
3. Constituencies in Transitions
3.1. Instrument Constituencies
3.2. Technology Constituencies
4. The Relationship between Instrument and Technology Constituencies
5. Analyzing Constituencies to Govern Urban Transport
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Goyal, N.; Howlett, M. Technology and Instrument Constituencies as Agents of Innovation: Sustainability Transitions and the Governance of Urban Transport. Energies 2018, 11, 1198.
Goyal N, Howlett M. Technology and Instrument Constituencies as Agents of Innovation: Sustainability Transitions and the Governance of Urban Transport. Energies. 2018; 11(5):1198.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGoyal, Nihit, and Michael Howlett. 2018. "Technology and Instrument Constituencies as Agents of Innovation: Sustainability Transitions and the Governance of Urban Transport" Energies 11, no. 5: 1198.
APA StyleGoyal, N., & Howlett, M. (2018). Technology and Instrument Constituencies as Agents of Innovation: Sustainability Transitions and the Governance of Urban Transport. Energies, 11(5), 1198.