1. Introduction
Many countries worldwide adopted social distancing measures and nationwide lockdowns during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) global pandemic to curb transmission of the virus. The first case of COVID-19 in Singapore was confirmed on 23 January 2020, and local clusters of infection were seen in February 2020. A nationwide lockdown was implemented from April to June 2020 to curb the rise in infections. In December 2020, Singapore commenced the COVID-19 vaccination campaign. However, the emergence of new variants such as delta and omicron in 2021 resulted in intermittent tightening of social distancing measures as the country transitioned to an endemic state [
Singapore General Hospital (SGH) is the largest public hospital in Singapore, with 30 clinical disciplines, 43 operating theaters, and 1700 inpatient beds. To reduce the demand on limited healthcare resources, hospitals were advised to reschedule non-urgent elective surgeries and reduce clinic visits. Nonessential elective surgeries were reduced from 7 February 2020, and further reduction was mandated from 7 April 2020 in response to the nationwide lockdown. Emergency and oncologic surgeries were prioritized to ensure timely treatment of patients who were acutely ill or diagnosed with malignancy. While colonoscopies for symptomatic patients continued, colonoscopies for surveillance and colorectal cancer (CRC) screening were postponed. Non-urgent elective surgeries and colonoscopies gradually resumed after the end of the lockdown on 1 June 2020 [
The measures implemented may have an impact on cancer care due to the diversion of healthcare resources to treat COVID-19 patients. The pandemic also had an impact on the health-seeking behavior of patients with symptoms of cancer [
3]. The delay in CRC screening may result in an increase in the incidence of locally advanced and late-stage disease and emergencies at presentation. In the United Kingdom (UK), national lockdown was introduced in March 2020 with deferment of cancer screening and routine diagnostic work. There was a 50% reduction in elective CRC procedures with a significant increase in mortality from 5.6% to 8.9% after emergency procedures [
3]. A population-based modeling study based on the National Health Service (NHS) estimated an additional 1445 to 1563 deaths (15.2–16.6%) up to five years after diagnosis [
4]. Most studies examine the impact on the surgical services at the early stages of the pandemic with short-term comparisons before and after national lockdowns [
5]. A nationwide study in Japan from Jan 2018 to Dec 2020 observed a temporary decrease in early-stage CRCs after a state of emergency was declared [
6]. A multicenter study in Australia reported a higher proportion of emergency surgery performed and metastatic CRCs diagnosed during the COVID-19 period [
7]. A study conducted in another hospital in Singapore showed no difference in the stage at presentation and surgical outcomes 6 months after the nationwide lockdown [
8]. In Korea, a decreased risk of stage 3 and 4 CRCs was observed during the pandemic period [
9]. Given the few studies that assess the longitudinal impact of the pandemic beyond the first year of its onset and the conflicting results, this study aims to review the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the diagnosis, treatment, oncologic, and perioperative outcomes of CRC from a tertiary center in Singapore.
4. Discussion
This is the first study in Singapore that investigated the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic two years after its onset on the diagnosis and surgical outcomes of CRC patients at a high-volume tertiary referral center in Singapore. Despite prioritizing cancer diagnosis and treatment at the onset of the pandemic, during the heightened alert period, there was a higher proportion of stage 4 CRC patients that required palliative surgery.
Most studies showed that the diagnosis of CRC has significantly reduced during the pandemic due to the reduction in CRC screening programs and redistribution of healthcare resources [
5]. In our study, there was no difference in time to colonoscopy in early COVID-19 and recovery periods. However, the time to colonoscopy was slower in the heightened alert period. Interestingly, patients who had colonoscopies performed during the early COVID-19 and recovery periods were more likely to be diagnosed with CRC. This observation reflects the healthcare policy that allowed surgeons to be judicious in postponing colonoscopies that were not urgent and prioritizing patients who were clinically assessed as requiring early colonoscopy. Among patients diagnosed with CRC from colonoscopy, surgery was performed faster in the heightened alert period. Robotic surgery continued during the early COVID-19 period when compared to the pre-COVID-19 period (15.3% vs. 11.4%). As nonurgent elective surgeries were rescheduled, this allowed for the available operating theaters to be utilized for cancer surgeries and contributed to earlier operations for CRC patients diagnosed during the heightened alert period. This also allowed for sufficient hospital capacity to accommodate minimally invasive and robotic rectal cancer surgery. Previously, there were concerns that laparoscopy and robotic surgery may aerosolize and transmit COVID-19 viral particles. However, robotic surgery may be potentially advantageous in minimizing viral transmission with increased surgeon-patient interface via console operating and shorter length of hospitalization stay [
11]. Recent studies conclude that it is safe and feasible for robotic surgery to continue during the pandemic if there are available resources [
The monthly median numbers of colonoscopies and surgeries performed were higher in the recovery and heightened alert periods at our institution. In Singapore, regional hospitals at full capacity with the influx of COVID-19 patients would divert patients to tertiary hospitals with additional capacity for the treatment of non-COVID-19 patients. Patients unable to obtain early specialist consultations at peripheral hospitals were likely to seek treatment at tertiary hospitals. SGH, the largest public tertiary hospital in the central region of Singapore, receives most referrals from regional hospitals for subspecialty and multidisciplinary care. Given its larger capacity and infrastructure, the hospital can accommodate additional non-COVID-19 patients during the pandemic diverted from regional hospitals. While this may have contributed to higher operative, endoscopic, and emergency workloads seen in the recovery and heightened alert periods, hospital diversions may also contribute to delays in the presentation and diagnosis of CRC.
Despite the higher number of colonoscopies and surgeries performed in the heightened alert period, the number of CRCs diagnosed by colonoscopy was lower in comparison to the number of operative procedures performed for CRC. In our institution, colonoscopies can be performed by a gastroenterologist, colorectal, or general surgeon. This study only presented the number of colonoscopies performed by colorectal surgeons in the hospital. It is possible that there were CRCs diagnosed by gastroenterologists and general surgeons on colonoscopy that eventually needed an operative procedure. CRC patients with local complications associated with the primary tumor, like sealed perforation or obstruction, may not undergo preoperative colonoscopy prior to surgery, and these complications may also contribute to the difference in the number of CRCs diagnosed via colonoscopy and operative procedures performed.
Most studies demonstrated an increase in urgent referrals of obstruction, perforation, or advanced stages of cancer after the onset of the pandemic [
14]. However, a study from another hospital in Singapore showed that CRC TNM stage, severity at presentation, and operative outcomes were similar 6 months before and after nationwide lockdown [
8]. This was also observed in a multicenter cohort study in France, which showed that tumor stage at presentation and emergency surgeries for CRC did not differ between 2020 and 2018 to 2019 [
15]. Studies from the Netherlands Cancer Registry and Korea also demonstrated limited impact on CRC care [
17]. The limited impact of the pandemic on CRC diagnosis and treatment in Korea was likely due to the absence of a national or regional lockdown policy [
9]. In the Netherlands, the reduced median time between CRC diagnosis and initial treatment was due to the continued prioritization of CRC surgical procedures throughout the pandemic [
In this study, there was a higher proportion of stage four CRC patients in the heightened alert period who underwent an operative procedure. Patients were more critically ill with ASA 4 at presentation requiring emergency surgery. This may account for the higher proportion of patients who needed Hartmann’s procedure or a diverting stoma in the heightened alert period. The higher proportion of patients who needed palliative chemotherapy was due to the increased proportion of stage four CRCs. Despite a higher proportion of emergency surgeries, ASA 4 and stage four patients, the postoperative complications and length of stay were comparable across all the time periods. The lower postoperative mortality seen in the heightened alert period compared to the pre-COVID-19 period can be attributed to a lower proportion of rectal cancer surgical resections performed. Rectal resections for cancer have a mortality rate of 2.6 to 5.3% [
19]. Less curative rectal resections performed in the heightened alert period may contribute to the lower mortality rate.
Most studies attributed stage migration of CRC to delays in CRC screening and colonoscopies. Our observations concur with other multicenter studies in Italy, Japan, and Australia that demonstrated a significant association between the COVID-19 pandemic and more advanced stage and metastatic CRC at diagnosis [
21]. Studies in the UK report diagnostic delays of 5.4% to 26% [
22]. 79.3% of surgeons in the UK delayed their surgeries, and 10.3% stopped their surgeries [
23]. There was reduced short-term survival for colorectal cancer observed in population-based cohort studies in Belgium and the UK after the pandemic’s onset [
Individuals may weigh the risk of COVID-19 transmission more heavily than potential benefits of early cancer detection or prevention and will postpone cancer screening until the risk of cancer outweighs the risk of COVID-19 infection [
27]. Population-based and community studies suggest that people were less likely to seek medical help for their symptoms, were fearful of catching COVID-19, and were less likely to be referred for CRC [
As only CRC patients who underwent surgery were included in this study, CRC patients who did not require surgery were usually metastatic at presentation. Systemic chemotherapy is the main treatment for metastatic CRC patients with minimal symptoms from the primary tumor and acceptable performance status. However, 9% to 29% of metastatic CRC patients on chemotherapy will require palliative surgical intervention [
32]. The proportion of stage four CRCs that needed an operative procedure in our institution in the heightened alert period was 22%, and this approximated the Singapore Cancer Registry data of 25% to 27% of stage four CRCs nationally [
35]. While there may not be a significant change in TNM stage distribution nationally, stage four CRC patients were more likely to require surgical intervention like palliative stoma or resection prior to palliative chemotherapy in 2021 than in 2020 and 2019. It is possible that due to the pandemic, patients with undiagnosed stage four CRC may have avoided healthcare institutions and only presented later to hospitals with more symptoms, heavier disease burden, and increased luminal stenosis on colonoscopy, therefore requiring a palliative operative procedure.
4.1. Strengths & Limitations
While this is a single-center retrospective study limiting the generalization of the findings, the study was based on the high-volume and largest tertiary public hospital in Singapore, which may represent the country’s national CRC trends.
Only the clinical data of CRC patients that underwent surgery were collected. Malignant colorectal polyps removed endoscopically and on surveillance, as well as metastatic CRC patients on palliative chemotherapy, were not reflected in this study. According to the Singapore Cancer Registry 2020 report, from 2018 to 2020, the proportions of stage four CRCs among males and females were 25.4% and 27.1%, respectively [
34]. In the subsequent Singapore Cancer Registry 2021 report from 2018 to 2021, the proportions of stage four CRCs among males and females were 25.8% and 26.9%, respectively [
35]. These findings suggest that there were no significant shifts towards a higher proportion of stage four CRCs in 2021 nationally [
35]. However, our study suggests that during the heightened alert period, more stage four CRC patients required palliative surgical interventions prior to chemotherapy.
The strength of our study compared to earlier studies was that we examined the surgical outcomes of CRC patients diagnosed one to two years after the onset of the pandemic [
8]. This allows for evaluation of the longitudinal impact of the changing national lockdown policies during the first two years of the pandemic on CRC care at our institution [
4.2. Implications for Healthcare Policies During Future Pandemics
It is imperative that hospital policies should continue to facilitate CRC screening and expedite investigation of patients with symptoms associated with CRC during future pandemics. Organized cancer screening programs should continue to promote the use of home-based screening tests such as the fecal immunohistochemical test (FIT) to prioritize patients for colonoscopy without requiring any clinic visits [
36]. Public health campaigns can continue to encourage individuals to seek early treatment if they develop symptoms of CRC even during a pandemic. Efforts should be made by hospitals to ensure continued and early access to colonoscopies for symptomatic and FIT-positive patients. The adoption of telemedicine and digital technology during future pandemics may facilitate CRC screening and ensure access to early colonoscopy through virtual consultations with their healthcare providers. Patients with risk factors or symptoms suggestive of CRC can be prioritized through telehealth consultations for earlier colonoscopies [
38]. Finally, colonoscopies can be performed during a pandemic if endoscopists wear personal protective equipment (PPE), which does not affect the quality indicators for endoscopy. Mandatory use of PPE and stringent sanitation procedures will ensure timely diagnosis of CRC with colonoscopy while minimizing viral transmissions [