High Physical Activity Level May Reduce Menopausal Symptoms
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Participants
2.2. Methods
- Vigorous-intensity activity on at least three days and accumulating at least 1500 MET-minutes/week, or
- Seven or more days of any combination of walking, moderate-intensity or vigorous intensity activities achieving a minimum of at least 3000 MET-minutes/week
- Three or more days of vigorous activity of at least 20 min per day OR
- Five or more days of moderate-intensity activity or walking of at least 30 min per day or
- Five or more days of any combination of walking, moderate-intensity or vigorous intensity activities achieving a minimum of at least 600 MET-min/week.
2.3. Statistical Analysis
3. Results
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Premenopausal Women % | N = 107 | Perimenopausal Women % | N = 79 | Postmenopausal Women % | N = 119 | p | |
Age (mean ± sd) | 42.89 | 1.62 | 45.97 | 2.55 | 55.13 | 4.38 | p < 0.0001 * |
BMI (mean ± sd) | 24.86 | 3.64 | 25.44 | 3.72 | 25.84 | 3.193 | p = 0.112 |
Marital status | |||||||
Married | 85.05% | 91 | 82.28% | 65 | 84.87% | 101 | p = 0.283 |
Single | 5.61% | 6 | 7.59% | 6 | 2.52% | 3 | |
Cohabitating | 0.93% | 1 | 0.00% | 0 | 0.84% | 1 | |
Divorced | 6.54% | 7 | 8.86% | 7 | 5.04% | 6 | |
Widow | 1.87% | 2 | 1.27% | 1 | 6.72% | 8 | |
Place of living | |||||||
Village | 10.28% | 11 | 11.39% | 9 | 12.61% | 15 | p = 0.908 |
City up to 100 thous. inhabitants | 34.58% | 37 | 37.97% | 30 | 31.93% | 38 | |
City over 100 thous. inhabitants | 55.14% | 59 | 50.63% | 40 | 55.46% | 66 | |
Education | |||||||
Primary | 38.32% | 41 | 39.24% | 31 | 30.25% | 36 | p < 0.0001 * |
Secondary | 51.40% | 55 | 32.91% | 26 | 30.25% | 36 | |
Higher | 10.28% | 11 | 27.85% | 22 | 39.50% | 47 | |
Material status | 0.00% | 0.00% | 0.00% | ||||
Average | 4.67% | 5 | 1.27% | 1 | 3.36% | 4 | p = 0.082 |
Good | 54.21% | 58 | 51.90% | 41 | 38.66% | 46 | |
Very good | 41.12% | 44 | 46.84% | 37 | 57.98% | 69 | |
Alcohol consumption | |||||||
No | 24.30% | 26 | 27.85% | 22 | 27.73% | 33 | p = 0.806 |
Yes | 75.70% | 81 | 72.15% | 57 | 72.27% | 86 | |
Tabacco use | |||||||
No | 75.70% | 81 | 81.01% | 64 | 86.55% | 103 | p = 0.112 |
Yes | 24.30% | 26 | 18.99% | 15 | 13.45% | 16 | |
Chi2 test or analysis of variance |
Premenopausal Women | 107 | Perimenopausal Women | 79 | Postmenopausal Women | 119 | p | |
MRS-TOTAL | |||||||
None | 36.79% | 39 | 6.33% | 5 | 6.72% | 8 | p < 0.0001 * |
Mild | 25.47% | 27 | 16.46% | 13 | 36.13% | 43 | |
Moderate | 23.58% | 25 | 34.18% | 27 | 39.50% | 47 | |
Severe | 14.15% | 15 | 43.04% | 34 | 17.65% | 21 | |
None | 39.25% | 42 | 8.86% | 7 | 15.13% | 18 | p < 0.0001 * |
Mild | 22.43% | 24 | 11.39% | 9 | 26.05% | 31 | |
Moderate | 20.56% | 22 | 41.77% | 33 | 32.77% | 39 | |
Severe | 17.76% | 19 | 37.97% | 30 | 26.05% | 31 | |
None | 55.14% | 59 | 7.59% | 6 | 23.53% | 28 | p < 0.0001 * |
Mild | 20.56% | 22 | 29.11% | 23 | 35.29% | 42 | |
Moderate | 18.69% | 20 | 30.38% | 24 | 27.73% | 33 | |
Severe | 5.61% | 6 | 32.91% | 26 | 13.45% | 16 | |
None | 24.30% | 26 | 18.99% | 15 | 22.69% | 27 | p = 0.345 |
Mild | 30.84% | 33 | 32.91% | 26 | 26.05% | 31 | |
Moderate | 28.97% | 31 | 20.25% | 16 | 24.37% | 29 | |
Severe | 15.89% | 17 | 27.85% | 22 | 26.89% | 32 | |
Chi2 test | |||||||
MRS-Menopause Rating Scale |
Premenopausal Women | 107 | Perimenopausal Women | 79 | Postmenopausal Women | 119 | p | |
IPAQ-Leisure | p < 0.0001 * | ||||||
Low-level PA | 72.89% | 78 | 12.66% | 10 | 21.85% | 26 | |
Moderate-level PA | 6.54% | 7 | 40.51% | 32 | 18.49% | 22 | |
High-level PA | 20.5 % | 22 | 46.84% | 37 | 59.66% | 71 | |
IPAQ-Houshold and gardening | p = 0.295 | ||||||
Low-level PA | 40.19% | 43 | 34.18% | 27 | 42.86% | 51 | |
Moderate-level PA | 38.32% | 41 | 32.91% | 26 | 36.97% | 44 | |
High-level PA | 21.50% | 23 | 32.91% | 26 | 20.17% | 24 | |
IPAQ-Transportation | p = 0.545 | ||||||
Low-level PA | 69.16% | 74 | 67.09% | 53 | 73.95% | 88 | |
Moderate-level PA | 30.84% | 33 | 32.91% | 26 | 26.05% | 31 | |
IPAQ-Work | p = 0.584 | ||||||
Low-level PA | 60.75% | 65 | 67.09% | 53 | 66.39% | 79 | |
Moderate-level PA | 39.25% | 42 | 32.91% | 42 | 33.61% | 40 | |
Chi2 test | |||||||
IPAQ-International Physical Activity Questionnaire |
IPAQ | ||||||||||
Work | Transport | Household | Leisure | |||||||
Low-level PA | Moderate-level PA | Low-level PA | Moderate-level PA | Low-level PA | Moderate-level PA | High-level PA | Low-level PA | Moderate-level PA | High-level PA | |
MRS - TOTAL | ||||||||||
None | 9.87% | 7.24% | 11.84% | 5.26% | 6.25% | 6.25% | 4.61% | 10.53% | 4.28% | 2.30% |
Mild | 15.79% | 11.51% | 21.71% | 5.59% | 11.51% | 9.87% | 5.92% | 12.50% | 11.51% | 3.29% |
Moderate | 23.36% | 9.21% | 20.72% | 11.84% | 14.47% | 11.51% | 6.58% | 5.59% | 9.87% | 17.11% |
Severe | 15.46% | 7.57% | 16.45% | 6.58% | 7.57% | 8.88% | 6.58% | 10.20% | 9.87% | 2.96% |
p | p = 0.163 | p = 0.134 | p = 0.765 | p = 0.019 * | ||||||
MRS-UROGENITAL | ||||||||||
None | 12.13% | 9.84% | 14.75% | 7.21% | 7.87% | 8.85% | 5.25% | 12.13% | 5.90% | 3.93% |
Mild | 12.79% | 8.20% | 16.07% | 4.92% | 6.89% | 7.54% | 6.56% | 9.51% | 8.85% | 2.62% |
Moderate | 22.30% | 8.52% | 21.31% | 9.51% | 13.77% | 10.49% | 6.56% | 10.82% | 16.72% | 3.28% |
Severe | 17.38% | 8.85% | 18.36% | 7.87% | 11.15% | 9.51% | 5.57% | 10.82% | 11.15% | 4.26% |
p | p = 0.138 | p = 0.664 | p = 0.657 | p = 0.046 * | ||||||
None | 15.74% | 14.75% | 23.93% | 6.56% | 11.48% | 10.82% | 8.20% | 16.07% | 10.16% | 4.26% |
Mild | 21.31% | 7.21% | 19.34% | 9.18% | 11.15% | 11.80% | 5.57% | 10.49% | 14.10% | 3.93% |
Moderate | 18.69% | 6.56% | 17.05% | 8.20% | 10.49% | 7.87% | 6.89% | 10.49% | 11.48% | 3.28% |
Severe | 8.85% | 6.89% | 10.16% | 5.57% | 6.56% | 5.90% | 3.28% | 6.23% | 6.89% | 2.62% |
p | p = 0.002 * | p =0.232 | p = 0.806 | p = 0.397 | ||||||
None | 14.43% | 7.87% | 15.08% | 7.21% | 9.51% | 7.21% | 5.57% | 9.51% | 9.51% | 3.28% |
Mild | 19.02% | 10.49% | 21.64% | 7.87% | 14.75% | 8.20% | 6.56% | 14.43% | 10.49% | 4.59% |
Moderate | 15.41% | 9.51% | 17.38% | 7.54% | 8.85% | 10.49% | 5.57% | 10.16% | 11.48% | 3.28% |
Severe | 15.74% | 7.54% | 16.39% | 6.89% | 6.56% | 10.49% | 6.23% | 9.18% | 11.15% | 2.95% |
p | p = 0.911 | p = 0.888 | p = 0.124 | p = 0.804 | ||||||
MRS-Menopause Rating Scale | ||||||||||
IPAQ-International Physical Activity Questionnaire | ||||||||||
Chi2 test |
© 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
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Dąbrowska-Galas, M.; Dąbrowska, J.; Ptaszkowski, K.; Plinta, R. High Physical Activity Level May Reduce Menopausal Symptoms. Medicina 2019, 55, 466. https://doi.org/10.3390/medicina55080466
Dąbrowska-Galas M, Dąbrowska J, Ptaszkowski K, Plinta R. High Physical Activity Level May Reduce Menopausal Symptoms. Medicina. 2019; 55(8):466. https://doi.org/10.3390/medicina55080466
Chicago/Turabian StyleDąbrowska-Galas, Magdalena, Jolanta Dąbrowska, Kuba Ptaszkowski, and Ryszard Plinta. 2019. "High Physical Activity Level May Reduce Menopausal Symptoms" Medicina 55, no. 8: 466. https://doi.org/10.3390/medicina55080466
APA StyleDąbrowska-Galas, M., Dąbrowska, J., Ptaszkowski, K., & Plinta, R. (2019). High Physical Activity Level May Reduce Menopausal Symptoms. Medicina, 55(8), 466. https://doi.org/10.3390/medicina55080466